Zhan Long Chapter 675: Battle bag

After losing his right arm, Tian Ling did not lose the courage and courage of a practitioner. Seeing that You Yi rushed over again, but did not allow his subordinates to block his life-threatening blow, but raised his skin. Boots are a mammoth!


The power of You Yi is too strong, and it directly blasted the entire Tian Ling out of the ship’s side. Under the light, Tian Ling had no time to turn around and saw me with the Hangzhou group. The eyes were full of unwillingness and shouted loud : “Li Xiao Yao, save me!”

I held the pistol in my right hand, pulled out the Xiao Hei with my left hand raised, jumped up onto the deck, and said loudly: “Explosion-proof shield defense, aiming and shooting, killing all people except the leader, no need to stay alive. ! “

Speaking, raising one’s hand is one shot to head a colonial man, but the other rushed to my bottom plate at a fast speed.

The right leg is exerting strength, and the cyclone is circling around the leather boots. I lift my foot just like a mammoth!


Blood splattered, the C-class colonizer was kicked off by one foot, and the sound of a fracture seemed to come from the neck. With a tragedy, even if the neck was kicked, it did not die, and fell to the ground. , Wolverine crawled towards us strangely, a pair of eyes full of blood, full of killing intent.

“Bang …”

Xing Lie solved it with a precise shot, and gritted his teeth: “What a monster this is, it won’t die …”

However, more colonists rushed over, and I hurriedly waved: “Remove the people from the Nanjing team and protect yourself from explosion-proof shields!”

The voice did not fall. Several colonists had rushed over. The sharp claws splashed a Spark on the explosion-proof shield. Sure enough, only a trace was left, but it could not penetrate. The firepower of our team members. The suppression was very violent. The Assault Rifle was hit with a lot of holes, and when the colonizer was unable to fight back, it could be solved by aiming at the head.

“Look for death!”

You Yi‘s voice came out, and my arm suddenly protruded about 10 meters away from me. A snoring sound penetrated the explosion-proof shield, and also penetrated the chest of a team member, straight through the chest, and we lost again. A member.

You Yi slowly retracted his arms, opened his mouth, sharp teeth felt strange, and also extended a tongue that was at least 20 cm long and licked the blood on his arm. Hehe laughed: ” It tastes so good … Brothers, kill me, kill this group of people … “

Speaking, You Yi raised their arms horizontally, and “嘭 嘭 嘭” smashed a row of explosion-proof shields one by one.

One person Blood Scythe rushed over, almost biting like a beast, facing the bullet, opening his mouth and gnawing at the arms, neck, shoulders and other parts of the guardian team members, and , The bite is not as bad as the swamp giant, our casualties are still increasing.


Xiao Hei chopped the head of a colonizer again. I turned and rushed to You Yi. I can no longer let him continue to rag. Jianman chilled and said, “You Yi!”

You Yi also looked at me. I thought it was a little funny, and chuckled, “Li Xiao YaoXiao Yao Zi Zai … You poor pitiful policeman, you made me lose this batch of goods, and I will not let it go when I die. You! “

Speaking, he actually rushed over, grabbed a riot shield from a guardian team member, and slammed at me with a dance, Haha laughed: “dead, die ! “

My heart is horizontal and I don’t evade. I focus my strength on Xiao Hei with both arms, standing with my legs, and suddenly sweeping Xiao Hei from behind Going out. Since You Yi wants to use the shield to kill me, even the shield takes him with him. Cut it out!


Flame splattered, the benefits of Xiao Hei directly shredded the shield, and passed the right arm wrist of You Yi, “click”, the blue scale armor was cut out of a wound, and it also shattered a few Root pyramid, You Yi backed out in pain with a sorrowful pain, and the neck “嘭 嘭” was hit twice by Xing Lie, but he didn’t care. He robbed his hand and grabbed a shield again. At the same time, his left hand was raised, and the muzzle of the black hole was pointed at me, and the corner of his mouth was raised: “How does it taste the bullet?”

I shuddered slightly, raised my arm in a hurry, and “Beep”, the explosion-proof shield suddenly broke under the huge power of both sides. Although the strength of You Yi was different from ordinary people, it was not stronger than me, and I was breaking the explosion-proof shield. The moment I dropped it, I grabbed it in my hand and blocked it directly in front of the muzzle of You Yi. With a squeak, my arm felt a numbness.

You Yi It ’s too heavy to kill me. I fired continuously and ran out of bullets in the magazine. I just grabbed a half of the shield and swept at his skull.


The face was deformed, blood splattered, and I swept again and again until I completely smashed the shield made of this special material. The members of the guardian team on the side were shocked and seemed unable to understand. This battle, in their eyes, there is no indestructible explosion-proof shield, but I and You Yi use it as a toy.

Putting Xiao Hei in your hands with both hands, You Yi blood remained on the blade, except that the sword is very good in casting technology, the blood does not stick to the front, but just flows slowly on it.

When I showed Xiao Hei, You Yi was obviously afraid of this sword. When I gritted my teeth, there were fewer and fewer people watching around Blood Scythe. I had already made up my mind and sneered: “Lao Tzu killed you sooner or later, etc. Look! “

Speaking, as soon as You Yi turned over, the whole person shot down the boat with a sharp arrow, and slammed into the water.

I immediately drank in the communicator: “Helicopter, scan this person’s location and light me up!”

Speaking, he suddenly bit his mouth with the blade of Xiao Hei, took off his jacket with both hands, took off the headphones, flew off the boat, and the river was so cold that he couldn’t stand it all at once. He sank into the river and I barely opened it. Opening the eyes, the surrounding waters were illuminated by the lights of the three helicopters, and suddenly turned around. Behind them, the scales of You Yi, like a monster living under the water, rushed over.

With both arms, I swept out the sword!


The blade shook his sharp claws, and the blood began to rise in the water. You Yi was injured. Xiao Hei was driven by my peak Royal Air strength. The sharpness is by no means comparable to ordinary blades. You Yi ca n’t be stronger than that Injured, but the force of the shock from the blade also made my chest swell with blood. The strength of the B-class colonizer is really terrible!

You Yi‘s speed in the water is very flexible. I can’t hit the horse’s upper reaches and move straight down to the area I can’t see. I can only hang in the river water, hold my breath, and continue to wait for You Yi to appear again.

On the river, in addition to the helicopter’s lights, I can also see a bunch of lights, that is, Xing Lie and the others uses the lights on the gun to illuminate me. Obviously the battle on the river has ended. This You Yi has Become the only missing fish.

Suddenly, there was a surge of water pressure from below. I hurried to my side, and sure enough, You Yi came again. This time, I gathered my claws into fists and hit me suddenly.


A punch in my arm, You Yi opened the blood basin and opened his mouth to bite my neck. Under the light, the sharp teeth and bifurcated tongue were as weird as weird.

My heart laughed secretly, Xiao Hei was cut horizontally on his chest, at the same time his elbow was raised, and a bang “banged” on his face with a bubble. The 20 cm long tongue was dancing in the water, and it was a little funny, Although You Yi has strengthened his body through medicaments, the fighting skills are almost zero, which is about bringing a group of small smashers everywhere, and he is far from real fighting.

I shook my head vigorously in the water, and I was beaten a little by You Yi. I seemed to realize that I wasn’t an opponent at all. I immediately twisted my body, and the speed rushed into the distant waters like electricity, and I simply He was too lazy to chase after him, he couldn’t catch up, he was more like a swimming fish living in the deep sea, and my swimming speed could not be compared.

Rushing out of the water, a rope dangled from it, grabbed the boat, shook the river water, then took the communicator, watched the water on the river wave, and whispered: “Helicopter, lock him Position, using a large-caliber armor-piercing projectile to intensively fire, he must be kicked out of me, it must be kicked out!

Across the river, the three straight -18s have almost started firing intensively towards the river. Cyclone heat waves have been hit in the water, but the You Yi is still not visible.

After a few minutes, the water surface began to calm down, and a message came from the helicopter: “Confirmed that the target disappeared, he dived too deep, the bullet lost strength and accuracy, and could not cause a substantial killing effect.”

I gritted my teeth: “Fuck, let this **** run away!?”

Wang Xin’s voice came: “Li Xiao Yao, don’t blame yourself and impulsive. The operation is over. We have intercepted their transaction content and the mission is successful.”

I nodded and said nothing, and Tian Ling still insisted on standing on the scene to command when he lost an arm, but his complexion was very bad, his face was pale, looking at me, he said lightly: “Thank you . “

I just smiled and said nothing.

Turn around. On the deck, more than a dozen Malaysian gangs have been captured. Their yachts are full of various drugs. The people in the anti-drug group are examining them, and I look at the Blood Scythe people. Come to the box and say: “Xiao Lie, go and see what they brought as a trading exchange?”

Xing Lie stepped forward, opened the box, and clicked. There was light in the box. It was a total of 10 bottles of blue medicine. The two boxes were a total of 20 bottles. Xing Lie picked up one of them. Surprised Looking at me: “Boss, is this?”

My heart is sinking again, I have almost guessed that these medicines should be the kind of medicine that can turn ordinary people into beasts. You Yi can be so “powerful” thanks to this medicine. They have started trading now. Do you really want to mess up with this medicine?

At this time, Wang Xin also took someone on board, looked at me, and asked, “How about the casualties?”

I bowed my head and said, “Sacrifice 2 people and hurt 7 people, all of them are seriously injured.”

Wang Xin frowned: “Well, are you okay?”

I shook my head and stretched my brows: “It’s okay, but … Will the king grant me a warrant for hunting?”

“What are you doing?”

“Lan Shui Street, You Yi hunt now!”

“What?” Wang Xin suddenly said, “Your kid is crazy?”

I smiled: “It’s crazy, You Yi has been injured. Even if he is masked, he can be accused by video. As long as his wound is true, we can no longer let Blood Scythe go. You give me power.”

Wang Xin groaned for a while, and said, “Go, but do n’t make too much noise. Lanshui Street is a downtown area. It is not comparable to the deserted No. 16 bridge area. We have made much noise here. It’s okay, but if there is such a big movement in Lanshui Street, those media will toss me to death. The blame will be blame on it. I will define your child to be a scapegoat without any consideration …

Smoke the corner of my mouth: “Motherfucker!”

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