Ze Tian Ji Chapter 75: to break the formation, Ant also

Yaping is gradually quiet, people look to Bie Yanghong and wonder if he will accept the conditions of Chen Changshen.

In principle, Bie Yanghong has no reason not to accept it, because it does no harm to him.

Bie Yanghong looks at Chen Changshen said calmly, “You’re so sure, I won’t kill you on the spot?”

Chen Changshen said calmly, “If you do n’t want the real killer to leave this place, naturally you won’t kill me.”

Wuqiong Bi said sternly: “Hugh is too foolish! I won’t believe you as a traitor! As long as you dare to come out from behind Sword Formation, I will definitely shoot you!”

Chen Changshen ignored her, just Quietly to looks at Bie Yanghong, waiting for his reply.

Bie Yanghong was silent for a long time, and seemed to move.

Yaping is very quiet. No one expected that Chen Changshen would use this method to break this seemingly unsolved already deadlock.

The method he used seems simple, but in fact it has unimaginable frankness and fearlessness, and it ca n’t be used by anyone who is n’t wise and brave.

But some people will not allow this to happen.

For example the initiator of this conspiracy, such as the participants of this conspiracy.

Prince of Xiang stood on the edge of the distant cliff and lost the movement in front of the looks at platform. A Caution came out in his eyes, and he took a step forward gently.

For many people, this is just a small step. Maybe it’s just Wang eager to know the answer of Bie Yanghong.

But for some, this small step is a clear signal, meaning that the current situation must take another big step forward.

In the whistling sound, a mountain breeze came from under the cliff, breaking the formation, blowing the green trees for a while, and the dust rising slightly.

Divine General Bai Hu raised his right foot and walked forward. The boots fell to the ground and stepped on the surface of bluestone, creating a spider web-like crack.

He broke the smoke and came to the field outside hundred zhang(333m).

This step is really big.

His eyes are as dark as a deep, cold and violent air covering the whole body. He raises Iron Spear and stabs at South Stream Temple’s Sword Formation.

As the second Divine General today, although he is not as good as Xue Xingchuan, already is enough for terrifying.

There is a straight passage in the air towards Iron Spear. Numerous white turbulences rotate at high speed during it, and hit the South Stream Temple disciples far in front of the stage.

Facing the true strongman at the peak of Star Condensation, facing this fierce gunshot, South Stream Temple disciples are slightly confused when adjusting their position.

Not because Divine General Bai Hu is stronger than Wuqiong Bi, but because his shot was more sudden, and everyone knows that his shot represents the will of the court. This shot was Sword Formation, so why not fall on South Stream Temple disciples? Between hearts?

Bie Yanghong still ignored, but the eyes of Quietly to looks at Chen Changshen, as if to see through his Sea of Consciousness.

Prince of Xiang, holding a bloated waist with both hands, suddenly loosing in his eyes, shouting: “Teacher/Master, please think twice!”

No one knows what he thinks of Bie Yanghong. Don’t kill Chen Changshen, or accept Chen Changshen‘s proposal?

But everyone on the Yaping heard his voice, because his voice was so loud, like a bell.

Especially those near the high platform, some of the Li Mountain Sword Sect disciples with light Cultivation and Scholartree Institute Scholar are pale and upset, and the South Stream Temple disciples in Sword Formation feel as if there are five thunder blasting in their ears, and Dao Heart is slightly chaotic The hands holding the sword trembled.

Burning Sun Technique! Loud!

The Divine General Bai Hu was violently fired, Prince of Xiang was forced by the royal secret Cultivation Technique, and South Stream Temple’s Sword Formation felt extremely terrible pressure.

But if this is the case, the disciples of South Stream Temple can still support and still keep Chen Changshen tightly behind, because Divine General Bai Hu and Prince of Xiang did not really shoot, just relying on the gunshot and Burning Sun Technique remote attack, it is not enough to break This famous Sword Formation.

But South Stream Temple‘s disciples did not expect that Chen Changshen did not expect either. At the moment when Sword Formation was stabilized, two things happened.

Prince of Xiang‘s burning sun sound suddenly disappeared, and even the due voice was not known where he went. I saw that he smiled silently, as if he had not spoken before.

The shooting of Divine General Bai Hu also suddenly disappeared, Iron Spear fell to the ground, as if he had never shot before.

South Stream Temple’s Sword Formation is now running to the star power, sword potential rises, is about to attack, and suddenly found that the opponent disappeared, and there was a slight stagnation between operations.

At this moment, a light smoke-like figure swept in from behind Sword Formation!

That person is actually Huai Bi!

The strongest and most defensive male cities in the world are often broken from the inside.

No one expected that the Junior Ancestor with the highest level of South Stream Temple would actually join forces with outsiders in an attempt to destroy his own Sword Formation.

Even the two aunts, Huai Ren and Huai Shu, look a little stunned, thinking that Junior Sister would not want to see their disciples fight for Li Palace, so what is the next best thing?

If the enemy forcibly enters and can successfully break Sword Formation, then South Stream Temple’s Sword Formation will not enjoy such a reputation in the world.

If someone tries to enter the to break the formation of Sword Formation, they will encounter the biggest killing of Sword Formation. Just like this time, Huai Bi sneaked into Sword Formation with the help of Prince of Xiang and Divine General Bai Hu. As long as Sword Formation is running, the Sword Qi that covers the cliffs will be It only takes a few face-to-face meetings to hang her.

However, some of these disciples in Sword Formation are Huai Bi‘s nephew, some are her true disciples, and more are her disciples and grandchildren. How can she kill her? A crowd of disciples showed shock and did not know how to deal with it. If they tried their best (to) unsheathe the sword, wouldn’t they kill Junior Ancestor or Grand Master?

South Stream Temple disciples do n’t know what to do, but Huai Bi has no hesitation. He shot like electricity and pointed at it like a mountain. Just between the breaks, several disciples were hurt, and the sword in the hands of more than ten disciples was taken away Down, turned into stream of light, and left the cliff.

No sword in hand, how can it be Sword Formation?

The sound of South Stream Temple’s Sword Formation in the world of sound shock turned out to be a mess, and there was a huge gap in the middle.

Wuqiong Bi standing in the middle of the Yaping, once again saw the Chen Changshen behind Sword Formation, hate to regenerate, burn in anger, how can I let such a good opportunity, let alone ignore what Chen Changshen said earlier, and fly away , Fuchen set off a cold wave of terrifying, shot towards the Chen Changshen will pass.

“Dog thief, accept your coming fate!”

How to resist the full blow of a strong Saint Domain?

There is no answer to this question.

Whether it was Wang Po at Xunyang City or Snowy Ridge night, when he faced the Saint Domain strong man with a vulgar body, it seemed to be able to support one or two, but that was because of some other reasons, such as Zhu Luo did not exist at the time Fully shot to Wang Po. For example, Demon Lord is already seriously injured and is no longer one-tenth the power of heyday.

Not today. Wuqiong Bi is not injured. In order to revenge on her son, Fighting Intent is at its strongest. It can even be said that this is the strongest blow of her life.

Chen Changshen also hides countless means, countless treasures, and countless helpers.

But at this moment, nothing is useful.

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