Ze Tian Ji Chapter 52: The sun in the courtyard shines through the window of the decocting pot

Zhou Tong stopped, eyes narrowed.

The light is dim, and he can still see the color of blood, because the blood is a little dazzling.

He felt the heart beating faster and faster under the palm of his hand, causing his hands and arms to tremble with it, and his shoulders began to tremble until his whole body.

His face became extremely pale, and it looked like he had suffered a serious illness in such a short time.

He is poisoned, and it is a rare poison.

It can be determined so quickly that this poison is rare, because his Department for Purging Officials is the best place in the world to use poison.

The poison he has seen and used with his own hands is more than the average person has eaten in his life.

When was the poison? He didn’t know, the faint light in his squinting eyes kept passing at a high speed, and looking back at the past time, although there was no clue, he quickly determined who was poisoned and when it was poisoned. Because these do not need evidence, they only need time to push back and grasp some details.

The other party should be still there, but he didn’t turn around, because the first thing to consider at this time is to leave.

He took out a towel from his sleeve and wiped off the blood on the corners of his lips. He continued to walk forward, and soon disappeared into the darkness.

After a while, there is a slight sound in the darkness, the lights on stone wall are faintly revived, reflecting the pale face of Zheqiu, with traces of dried up mud on the face,

He squatted down, reached out and dipped in some blood, and sniffed before his nose.

The black stains exude a faint fishy smell on sharp, chilly fingers like knives.

He was very satisfied, followed Aura and continued to chase, and soon disappeared into the darkness.

The tunnels below Department for Purging Officials Government Office are as cobwebs as they are complicated and long beyond imagination. They can directly lead to far distances. If you can, Zhou Tong will stay in the ground for a longer time if it is normal , Go more ways, set more mechanism to ensure absolute security.

Not today, he is extremely poisonous in already.

This kind of poison is completely different from those commonly used by Department for Purging Officials. It does not specifically target meridians, ф stars or Sea of Consciousness, but permeates the viscera like a sandy soil, with a kind of rough encouragement and even rudeness. His feelings even reminded him of the vast field in the north.

This is something that is so close to nature that Holy Light Technique is not necessarily cured. But he is the few people who are most adept at poisoning in the world. His ability in this respect can be called a great master. Even if he has not seen the poison before, he knows what to do–to deal with the poison, only medication , And must be herbal. Even in Zhou Prison, those herbs are hard to find. Fortunately, he knows that there is a place that is quite well-prepared. Fortunately, that is where he was going.

Walking through the cold and extremely long alleyway, I do n’t know how many turns I have turned, the terrain is no longer flat, but arched obliquely upwards. He continues to walk first, to the end, his hands stretched out accurately Enter a gap in the wall, release formation, then open mechanism, push your hands slightly forward, open a door, and leave the darkness.

A bright sun awaits him outside the door, and a gentle and touching face like the sun.

The sun comes from the sky above the courtyard. I do n’t know when the gloomy snow cloud was blown away by the wind, exposing a piece of porcelain blue sky, and the warm sun in winter appeared in his sight. The gentle and touching face belonged to a beautiful young woman.

Seeing this piece of sunshine and the face of a young woman, Zhou Tong felt that her body became warmer and calmer a lot. The worry and anxiety that the young woman could not hide between her eyebrows even made his chest hot. Rising, this mood is completely different from fear and disgust, which is the most lacking and most needed in his life.

The young woman helped him out of the tunnel, then closed the tunnel with some difficulty and restarted mechanism.

This house is not large and can not be said to be exquisite, but whether it is a black eaves wall or a green bamboo fence, the word tranquility is revealed in all the details.

Zhou Tong originally designed this house when he personally pursued this kind of thing. He always believed that tranquility has the taste of home.

This home is his home. The real home is the place where his tired body and heart that has been soaked with venom for countless years can finally rest peacefully.

Only when he returns to this house, can his mood be truly calm and truly relaxed.

For security, keep this secret, and for rare tranquility and not to be disturbed, Zhou Tong operates this house very carefully.

No one knows this, whether it is the most loyal subordinate in Department for Purging Officials, or eight tigers such as Cheng Jun, Divine Empress does not know.

The only person who knows the relationship between this house and him is now already dead.

Every time I return to this house, across the cluster of green bamboo, listening to the sound coming from the courtyard next door, Zhou Tong will always remember something.

In these years, Xue Xingchuan hopes that he can take Xue Fu as his real home, but how is this possible? Don’t say that the scared eyes of the servants and younger looks at of Xue Fu Shang Xiao himself, it is impossible to rely on his surname Zhou only. His elder brother doesn’t want his surname, he always wants it.

Apart from Demon Commander-in-Chief, Zhou Tong probably kills the most people in this world. I don’t know if it is because of this, he is also most afraid of death. In addition to this house, he has several secret strongholds in Capital, but those places are not as safe, important, or comfortable as here.

Because this house has a gentle and touching woman who truly loves him, and more importantly, he has hidden many precious things here, such as some extremely rare medicinal materials. A large part of these medicinal materials was secretly sent by him in Hundred Herb Garden, and another part was sent to him by Hidden Pavilion.

He took a hot towel and covered his face, wondering if the lungs were stimulated by the heat, and he coughed dullly.

When the towel is removed, there are a few black blood spots on the already. looks at is like a flower drawn by ink, which is not true. Some terrifying.

The woman is very disturbed, but Zhou Tong seems particularly calm and calm, let her go to rub the ink first, he is meditation on the chair Eyes Closed, as if taste something.

He savors the poison of the wilderness in his body.

I don’t know how long it took, he opened his eyes, walked to the desk in front of the window with the help of the woman, lifted the writing brush, and waved it like writing calligraphy, very chic.

The ink on the paper is sharp, but the handwriting is very clear, not cursive, but prescription.

Which medicinal materials are used, how many bowls of water are used, how to fry, what kind of fire, what kind of stove, what charcoal, what kind of water, how to filter the medicinal juice, and when to add Crystal, it is very clear.

The woman saw his expression, knowing that it should be all right, so she was relieved, took the prescription, and went to cook the decoction.

This has happened several times before, and she has experience.

There are no errors in the type or amount of medicinal materials.

I don’t know when a Beautiful woman in a court dress appeared next to the medicine stove, and the fire blazed her face, clearing her extremely beautiful eyebrows.

This Beautiful woman in a court dress is beautiful.

In fact, in the past few years, she has been considered the most beautiful woman in Great Zhou.

The woman froze the medicine calmly, and the action of dispensing and filtering residue was very stable, as if she didn’t see the Beautiful woman in a court dress.

Beautiful woman in a court dress put something in the medicine jar.

The woman still didn’t seem to see it.

The room was silent, only the soup in the medicine jar murmured.

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