Ze Tian Ji Chapter 267: Fate of the past and present (on)

Zhuang Huan saw the Cloud Piercing Arrow and recognized the Cloud Piercing Arrow, so he hurried over to the lake, and then saw this Demon race long-planned assassination.

However, from the beginning to the end, he didn’t show up and didn’t shoot.

In the beginning, he really didn’t have a shot. And when Liang Xiaoxiao‘s sword hurt Zheqiu first and Qi Jian seriously … he didn’t dare to shoot.

But at that time, he still had some courage, because the most powerful Demon Commander couple left.

The reason why Chen Changshen can persist for so long is to give him courage. Liang Xiaoxiao has never joined the fight with all his strength, and he is also alert to him.

In a way, he worked.

The problem is that he never accumulated enough courage to rush to the lake, and when Chen Changshen could no longer persist, all his courage disappeared at that moment.

He turned away and started to escape.

This is really rude.

“I saw the third monument in Mausoleum of Books, and my already broke the realm”

Zhuang Huanyu holds the saber of Heavenly Academy in his right hand and a Magical Tool in his left hand, Liang Xiaoxiao in front of looks at, his face pale, “I am also Ethereal Opening Realm, I am not afraid of you”

He was also a youngster genius on Proclamation of the Azure Clouds. Although he was not ranked as Liang Xiaoxiao, he was on par with Divine State’s Seven Laws in the eyes of the world.

But at this time, he has a gray face and a confused face, but he still has a bit of youngster genius.

Liang Xiaoxiao said: “You can (to) unsheathe the sword.”

Even if there are really prodigal sons who turn around and do not exchange money, no one can turn back so quickly.

Even if there is such a thing as shame and bravery, few people can clearly see the younger under their clothes in such a short time, and then brave again.

Zhuang Huanyu‘s sword trembled slightly, just like his voice, he could hardly hold it, how could he pierce it?

“You know who my father is.” Zhuang Huanyu shouted abnormally: “If you dare to kill me, it is also a dead letter”

After saying this, he wanted to understand that the person in front of him even dared to rebel against Demon race, and even the Closed Door disciples of Li Mountain Sect Leader dared to kill, how could he scare each other?

Thinking of this, he was inexplicably angry.

Liang Xiaoxiao is expressionless, thinking silently in his heart, then, does anyone know who my father is?

Zhuang Huanyu saw him not responding, and was even more disturbed. He said with a tremor, “If you really want to force me, it won’t matter if we all die.”

After saying this, he did not lift the sword, but lifted the Magical Tool in his left hand.

Liang Xiaoxiao‘s eyes fell on the Magical Tool, his expression changed slightly, and he recognized that it was one of the seven Magical Tool in the town courtyard of Heavenly Academy.

This discovery surprised him.

Since this person has brought such a powerful Magical Tool with him, if he worked with Chen Changshen previously, maybe it would bring some unexpected changes.

“I didn’t expect Zhuang Vice Principal to love your son so much. I disregarded the rules of the hospital and secretly gave you such precious Magical Tool.”

He looks at Zhuang Huanyu said indifferently: “If this thing spreads out, what would you say would be the result?”

Zhuang Huanyu calmed down a little bit and said, “What then? What can be worse than death?”

Liang Xiaoxiao said: “The clue of Pool of Swords seems to have been found by Zhuang Vice Principal. He did not tell Mao Qiuyu, did not report it to Li Palace, and only told you secretly. What is the sin? Most importantly, before you Didn’t go out to help Chen Changshen, what’s the sin? I think, even if you come out of Zhou Garden, I’m afraid the ending is really worse than death. “

Zhuang Huanyu has a paler face and has no idea what to say. Liang Xiaoxiao looked back to the completely calm lake of already. After a moment of silence, he suddenly said: “Chen Changshen already is dead, Zheqiu and Qi Jian must be dead, and only you who knows this matter.”

Zhuang Huanyu vaguely understood what he meant, but he didn’t believe it, and … the request of the other party really exceeded his acceptance completely.

“You want me to be like you?” He had two flushes on his pale face, but didn’t know if it was because of anger, or some other reason, such as shame.

Liang Xiaoxiao looks at he Quietly said: “Besides that, what other reason can I let you go?”

Zhuang Huanyu‘s breathing became thicker, still unknown, anger or shame or nervousness? After a long time, he asked with a loss of mind: “What the **** is this?”

This question was asked by himself, as well as Liang Xiaoxiao. Qi Jian asked this question, Chen Changshen asked this question, Liang Xiaoxiao has not answered, at this time is no exception, he looked at the last sunset embers on the calm lake surface, thinking that there are so many reasons in the world why?

Zhou Garden‘s edge is rolling hills, and then there are hills.Three extremely majestic mountains lead to the vast and infinite grassland in the central area. Twilight is the longest and tallest one. The cliffs are steep and smooth. Like a knife, there is only one road on the ridge of a thousand feet high, which is extremely dangerous.

The young girl wearing white Vestments walks on this high and rugged mountain road. Both sides of her are sky. She seems to be walking in the sky, and her white clothes are like a slowly moving cloud.

If she continues to walk forward, there will always be a moment to reach the forefront of Muye, and the mountain named Correct Muye, where she can see the sunset in the grassland. You can see pictures in most places of Zhou Garden, but today, she will first meet the old man who plays the piano and the little girl who is indifferent.

She didn’t know that the young and old were waiting for herself, she continued to walk towards the setting sun.

Black Dragon flies higher, so you can see the one walking on the mountain road, and you can also see the one waiting at the end of the mountain road.Its approach is slightly different from the original plan of Chen Changshen, but at this time already cannot After making further corrections, it decided to find a way to warn the white girl. However, at this moment, among the evening twilight mountains covered by the sunset, a sudden zither music sounded. This zither music was extremely crisp, but extremely distant, and it only spread a distance of dozens of miles in an instant.

The girl in white stopped her head, tilted her head slightly, as if listening, a smile on her cheeks that were beautiful but not particularly beautiful, without alertness, but more like appreciation.

zither music no longer stops. It is like flowing water and continuous music, it is a cheerful song, like a guest from afar, and a hunter celebrating the harvest tonight.

If the hunt is extremely abundant, people will ignite a large bonfire in the wild, hang those foods on the fire and bake them, and let the beasts in night drool.

Black Dragon looked subconsciously at the vast grassland.It is clear how many beasts are hidden in the weeds that are almost as high as humans. Then, it sees that the edge of the grassland is burning, which is the last of the sunset. radiance and heat are like a bonfire.

Although the passage of time is slow, when the critical point is crossed, it is often so sudden, without any psychological preparation, the sun completely sinks to the horizon, and night officially comes.

The absence of the sun does not mean that there is no light, but the sky and the earth are much dimmed. The vast grassland, even the grassland where it cannot see the end, has become a dark ocean. In the prairie ocean of looks at, Black Dragon issued a quiet sigh. The sigh has the content of satisfaction and the thought of nostalgia, because it reminds it of its hometown. Gloomy does not always mean cold.Although it is Profound Frost Dragon, it also likes warmth. The dark blue and near-ink water in the hometown is warm. The blazing sun makes the temperature of the seawater as suitable as bath water.The beaches on those islands are like silver dust. Generally …

Divine Empress stripped her Divine Soul and poured it into Jade Ruyi (scepter), and let her follow Chen Changshen on this trip to Zhou Garden in order to report his situation at any time.In a sense, she is still a prisoner and imprisoned her From the cave under the palace to a small Ruyi (scepter), the power that restrained her is no longer the chain of iron but the shadow of death. She must also face the depression in the mood and the psychological pressure brought by betrayal. This trip was nothing bad. However, after she left Capital with Chen Changshen, she discovered that this was a wonderful thing. For the first time in hundreds of years, she left the cold and lonely world below the ground and saw countless already landscapes that became somewhat strange. With so many humans and Demihuman Race foods, she felt extremely happy and even forgotten a lot of things. Until then, she finally remembered her hometown.

Anyone who ca n’t reach is called a distant place? For Dragon Clan, there is no place in the world that cannot be reached. Ca n’t go back home? Yeah, can I go back to my hometown? o

Her looks at is as dark as the grassland of the ocean, thinking of the deep grassland-like deep sea in the far south, thinking of her hometown, thinking of her father, thinking of a lot of things, and then starting to be sad.

Unlike the legend, Dragon Clan is not living in a strange cave covered by clouds and mountains on high mountains and mountains. As the most powerful and intelligent life, how can you like the dark and cold environment? Dragon Clan likes coconut wind, silver beach, blue sea, sun and wind, and palace.

From this point of view, there is no big difference in the evolution of any life to the highest level. Demon race never forgets to invade south and destroy all human beings. I do n’t know if it has anything to do with this.

Dragon Clan lives deep in South Sea, where the sea water is warm.

There is also the hometown of Black Dragon.

The same is the most noble and most powerful existence in Dragon Clan.Unlike the Great Golden Dragon who is in charge of the entire Dragon Clan, Profound Frost Dragon is more proud, has an indifferent temperament, likes to live in isolation, and has never been willing to deal with other partners. In words, that is extremely cold.

Countless years ago, the leader of the Dragon Clan, the Great Golden Dragon family, disappeared from Continent for no reason, and Profound Frost Dragon naturally became the natural candidate of the Dragon Clan clan leader.

Under the circumstances, as long as her father nodded, she would become the patriarch of Dragon Clan. But her father was unwilling and tireless, and left South Sea alone to return to Continent.

zither music continues, such as calling, such as memories, such as the wind on the snowfield in those years.

Black Dragon looked at the gloomy grassland, looking at the twilight, and suddenly somehow sadness came from it. dragon pupil(s) was full of tears, so a light rain fell in the air of Zhou Garden.

At this time, she was just a ray of soul, far from being strong in spirit. She was touched by the zither music for many years, and … she didn’t want to resist.

Because this zither music reminds her of the past, she sees her father after leaving home.

Her father is the most powerful Profound Frost Dragon for thousands of years. She has a deeper black than night, and her breath is a thousand miles of frost and snow sword, powerful to unimaginable levels.

Her father met a human.

The man is holding a large knife that seems to cut through the sky.

No matter how strong her father is, there is no way to resist this knife.

That knife seems to be able to cut everything before blade edge, Halving.

Not to mention that the battle happened in Zhou Garden.

That person is the master of Zhou Garden.

The knife really cut off the sky here, and a clear knife mark appeared on the clear blue sky.

As time passed, the knife marks gradually disappeared, but the grassland beneath the knife marks had many visions.

The sky is broken, and the deeper black than night is also cut across Halving.

Her father fell from the sky and the huge Dragon’s Body turned into a mountain.

The mountain range is set to burn under the setting sun. At the forefront of the mountain range is the proud peak, which is dragon head. The grassland will also burn, and the red glow on those grasses is like Dragon Blood.

Black Dragon finally understood what happened that year and why his father never returned.

Her dragon pupil(s) was full of tears, then suddenly cold and turned into snow debris.

Humans are indeed humans.

Shameless human, cold-blooded human.

She looked at the white **** the lonely road on the top of the mountain, thinking indifferently, to die.

Both sides of the mountain road are cliffs, extremely steep, and the bare stone wall looks smooth and even more scary. I don’t know who cut these stone steps that can only be walked by one person.

The wind here is much heavier than the ground and much colder. Looking down, because the mountains are too high, the clouds are only between the cliff walls, but they ca n’t be reunited and formed, and they are blown into threads.

Listening to zither music, which is subtle and profound, what the girl in white remembered and saw was something very mundane, such as marshmallows in a small town, and the willow tree under the small bridge not far from home in spring. The hanging batting, and when I was a child when I first entered 13 Divisions of Radiant Green, I didn’t adjust to some heavy quilts, and I kicked my feet casually. As a result, the quilt was broken, and batts were floating in the dormitory.

Thinking about the past, she laughed, her lips slightly raised, so the face that was just plain and bright suddenly became bright, so that even the quiet mountain road was warmed up digitally.

With zither melody, she continued to walk forward.

There is a tree on the cliff top.

She walked under the tree and took a rest.

Because of the environment, there is no Green Leaf left in this tree, only the bare branches, which are in harmony with the cliffs on both sides. It seems to melt into the mountains, no wonder it was not seen before.

She took out the handkerchief from her sleeve and wiped her forehead very carefully.

Even if you keep walking on such a cold mountain top, you should n’t sweat, let alone with her Cultivation talent. However, when the handkerchief was retrieved, it was really wet.

looks at Wet marks on the handkerchief, she shook her head, then laughed again.

I was also nervous.

Gather a handkerchief, she Quietly leaned against that tree and stopped walking.

(The next chapter may be a little later. In the last few hours of this month, the alternative day is ranked first on the monthly ticket list. Thank you for your love, but the form is a bit dangerous. Come up, please take a look if there are any monthly tickets, please vote for them, thank you.)

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