Ze Tian Ji Chapter 105: Why worry?

The blood is gradually dissipating. When he was executed, it was hard to hear him slamming and reciting Laws of Zhou in the cell, but the tone of Yang Xiushen was still there. Although he was dying with already, he had more air and less air. If the hairspring, his bones are still hard, although his ribs have been interrupted by dozens of already long ago.

Yang Xiushen has not participated in Grand Examination. He entered the DPRK as an official through ordinary imperial examinations. After many years of diligence in politics, he got Divine Empress appreciation and made him the civil affairs officer in the palace. In everyone ’s view, he should thank Divine Empress Enxin, however, he is still doing the same thing as before, peaceful records everything that happened in the palace.

Until the fall of the fourth year after the Orthodox Academy murder, he suddenly entered a memorial.

This memorial impeached Zhou Tong, and finally criticized Divine Empress.

Divine Empress is not happy. He was sent to Zhou Prison. He suffered a lot of torture in prison, but after all he survived, survived, was finally pardoned, released, and transferred to the Ministry of Rites.

That already happened a decade ago.

After ten years, he was detained in Zhou Prison again. This time no Imperial Court colleagues shouted for him again. Divine Empress also seems to have forgotten his existence.

Zhou Tong Behind the fence, looks at‘s fleshy body lying on the messy grass, squinting and looking for a long time, only to be identified as his biggest enemy that year.

“Surely, Lord Yang is a loyal person. After so many tortures, he still refuses to say a word.”

Zhou Tong said, “But you did n’t know it alone.”

Hearing his voice, Yang Xiushen moved **** the hay.

“Medical Sun is speaking.” Zhou Tong stood up and walked out of prison with his hands on his back: “I’m here today, just to say goodbye to you.”

Hearing this sentence, Yang Xiushen‘s body collapsed and suddenly relaxed.

He persists until now, and finally has a reason to not insist. Of course, this does not mean that he will say something, it only means that he can rest.

In the gloomy and dark prison cell, the sound of carrying heavy objects sounded. More than ten sacks filled with sand were moved in by Department for Purging Officials officials, and then pressed on the body of Yang Xiushen.

In the beginning, Yang Xiushen‘s body would move twice, making his voice murky, and finally, his voice became lower and lower until he stopped.

Stainy, almost coagulated blood spilled from his eyes and nostrils, and could no longer breathe, but still opened his eyes.

Even if he is dead, he has to keep his eyes open, and keep his eyes open, as if to see if there is any Heavenly Dao in this world, whether there is an axiom.

Autumn sunset in the garden, no flowers on the begonia tree, still beautiful.

Zhou Tong stood under the begonia tree, his face paled slightly, it should be because the sun had not been seen for many years.

A Department for Purging Officials official stood behind him, feeling only physically and mentally completely cold, even the sun could not keep him warm.

A court official died in Zhou Prison.

Theoretically, this is normal. Similar things have happened many times, but this Department for Purging Officials official is the most trusted subordinate of Zhou Tong. He followed already for decades, knowing that this time is the same as before. Not the same. In the past, those court officials who died in Zhou Prison had not been tried normally, and they reasonably violated Laws of Zhou, but did not violate the will of Divine Empress.

Divine Empress doesn’t want to see those officials anymore, so those officials will die silently.

But this time is different. He is very clear that Lord Zhou Tong is investigating privately. Divine Empress did not know about it and did not know the death of Yang Xiushen.

He looked at Zhou Tong, his eyes fell on the big red robe, instead of seeing endless Sea of Blood, Heavenly Termination as usual, but he felt a sense of uneasiness and even fear.

Why does Lord Zhou Tong do this? He risked his mother’s anger, secretly tortured so many people, what was he trying to know? What is he afraid of?

If Black Robe is the most secretive person in the world, then Zhou Tong can be said to be the most secretive person in the world.

To him, secrets are like treasures of gold and silver, as well as power and status. The more the better, the more he can feel safer.

Since a year ago, he began to try to discover the secrets of Chen Changshen, but unfortunately, he has not made much progress. The only progress is because he was most likely to find the secret of Divine Empress because he was involved in the palace. Forced to stop, but no one knew, he has continued to investigate in secret.

He was the one who first suspected that Chen Changshen was Crown Prince Zhao Ming. The rumor that suddenly became popular in Capital last year was originally deliberately released by him.

The secret he most wanted to know was this.

At first, he only had this conjecture, but he couldn’t be sure, because there were many things that were difficult to understand.

If Chen Changshen is really Crown Prince Zhao Ming, why did Shang Xingzhou send him to Capital, and to his mother’s eyes?

The most dangerous place is the safest place?

And the age of Chen Changshen and Crown Prince Zhao Ming is not the same. On the contrary, the little guy named Yu Ren can match.

Whether it is true or false?

Everyone who has seen Chen Changshen said that he was precocious, calm and calm, not like youngster.

Mei Lisha Before he died, he was still watching Volume of Time.

A lot of clues are gathered in this courtyard where Begonia flowers bloom, and countless details are gradually interwoven in his mind.

Finally, these all point to some unbelievable inference-Chen Changshen is Crown Prince Zhao Ming, and he was forced to change his age by Volume of Time.

This conjecture is too wild and unbelievable, he still can’t believe it, so he continues to investigate secretly.

But he searched the secret files in the palace and found nothing. He secretly detained many people who were involved in the incident, including the midwife who delivered the baby, and the old people who had already returned to their hometown from the Taiyuan Medical Department until Today he finally confirmed that when Crown Prince Zhao Ming was born, the sun wheel in his body collapsed already.

If it was just this discovery, it would not move him, because he knew, Divine Empress Originally Go against the Heavens and change your fate When she sacrificed the starry sky, she had made an extremely vicious oath. She was destined to die alone, so it was impossible for her to leave any interest, but it was faint and irreversible. Heavenly Dao prior to, Crown Prince Zhao Ming Of course it will die.

But the other day, he saw a secret biography between Hidden Pavilion and the palace, and knew another secret.

Chen Changshen is a member of the royal family, and he is ill. His illness originated from the collapse of the already in the body of the child while he was still pregnant-

Same as Crown Prince Zhao Ming.

Zhou Tong started to feel uneasy and even frightened.

If Chen Changshen is really Crown Prince Zhao Ming and he is still alive, what does that mean?

Indicating that Divine Empress‘s Go against the Heavens and change your fate was not completely successful!

As long as Chen Changshen is alive, Divine Empress may be affected by Backlash of Heavenly Dao!

If this thing is used by those who hide in the dark, can Divine Empress continue to occupy the throne?

Zhou Tong knows very well what kind of miserable end she will face if she loses power.

Also loyal to his mother, but he is different from Divine General such as Xue Xingchuan. Those Divine Generals have their own soldiers. If Emperor’s Clan of Chen regains the throne, in order to stabilize the situation, as long as those Divine Generals are willing to change the gate, they will never be attacked, at least It will be no problem for several years.

But no one will allow him to live.

Everyone knows that he is the most loyal and crazy dog ​​of Divine Empress.

He killed too many people for his mother, carrying too much blood debt.

He doesn’t want to die.

Even a dog has a longing for life.

How do I fix this? It seems simple enough, as many people think, Divine Empress only needs to kill Chen Changshen.

In the eyes of everyone in the world, Divine Empress is extremely cold, and doesn’t care about these things at all.

But Zhou Tong has been following her mother for many years, knowing that the folk legends are not completely true.

The mother does not have a blood lineage. Princess Ping Guo was adopted, but where did she ever cover her own son?

After all, the woman is a woman. What if she really finds that Chen Changshen is her own son and she is soft-hearted?

You cannot be softhearted, you cannot ignore Heavenly Dao, you cannot take risks!

Zhou Tong‘s face became paler and paler, and the red robe trembled slightly, setting off **** waves in the early autumn sun.

“Let me take care of my mother.”

He thought silently in his heart.

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