Ze Tian Ji Chapter 1: I changed my mind

“What kind of person is youngster?”

“It’s very calm. After sitting for half an hour, I haven’t changed my posture .. I only took a sip of tea at the beginning, it should be polite, and I haven’t drank it anymore since … That first sip of tea only touched his lips, instead of being cautious, more cautious, deep-minded, very alert, and even hostile. “

“It seems to be a smart guy, at least a little smart … how old?”

“Fourteen years old.”

“I remember it should be so big.”

“It’s just a calm look, looks at always feels bigger.”

“Is just an ordinary person?”

“Yes … Aura is very common, obviously it has not even experienced Purification. Although it has no potential, but already is fourteen years old, even if Way of Cultivation is restarted, there is no promising future.”

“Even if it is promising, can it be compared with Longevity Sect Sect Leader disciples?”

“Ma’am, is that the engagement true?”

“The token is real, so is the marriage contract.”

“How did Esteemed Father … make such a personal relationship for Young Lady?”

“If the Esteemed Father is not dead, or you can ask the answer … open the door, I’ll meet him.”

With a squeak, the door slowly opened. The clear sunlight spilled into the room from outside the courtyard, illuminating all corners, illuminating the lady’s bright face and the half piece of jade clenched tightly in her hand. The old woman who had previously spoken to her was standing in the corner, covered with shadows, and it would be difficult to find it without looking carefully.

Mrs. walked outdoors with the help of the old lady, and walked slowly like the wind blowing weak willows. The noble Jin Jin with her hair in her hair and the ring pendant on her body did not make any sound, which seemed a little weird.

The trees are mottled in the courtyard. There are more than ten large trees in the lawn that can be surrounded by several people. There are no servant girls on both sides of the stone path. Many people can kneel in the distance, in a quiet atmosphere. It’s full of killing feelings, like the trees that stand up to the sky, and the cold weapons displayed in the flower hall.

The owner of this mansion is the victorious East Divine General Xu Shiji of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Divine General Adults govern the government like governing the army. The government has always been serious and quiet. Because of the incident that happened today, all the military service was rushed to the side of the garden. The atmosphere here was naturally more depressing. The spring breeze blowing from the courtyard walls seemed like a capital. To be frozen in general.

Ms. Xu crossed the courtyard, came to the side hall, stopped, looked at the youngster in the hall, and raised her eyebrows slightly.

The youngster wears old clothes that have been washed to white, with a young face, straight eyebrows, bright eyes, and an indescribable taste, as if you can see the hidden truth in many things, just like a mirror.

youngster has luggage at the feet. The luggage looks at is very ordinary, but it is organized very well, and the dust on the journey is completely invisible. The hat attached to the luggage is wiped clean. .

It is not these that raised Mrs. Xu’s eyebrows, but the tea already on the table did not have a trace of heat, but the youngster still looked calm and could not see the slightest feeling of boredom. He had the peace and patience that is hard to have at this age.

This is a difficult person to deal with.

Fortunately, such people are often very proud.

After entering the Divine General house, I said a few words to the uncle, and no one ever cared about myself. After sitting in the side hall for half an hour, I naturally inevitably felt a little bored, but Chen Changshen has been used to it since childhood. Indifferent, do not find it difficult.

While silently carrying the time of the contents of the sixth volume of the Hua Ting Jing, he was waiting for the other person to come to the person, so he could return the marriage book to the other person. After solving this matter, he still had a lot of himself. Things to do.

The tea in the case did take only one sip and he touched his dry lips, but it was not as cautious or vigilant as the uncle conjectured, but he felt that he was a guest at other people’s houses. It ’s rude to drink too much tea and want to go to the toilet, and although the tea bowls used in the Divine General house are all very precious Ru kiln porcelain, he is still not used to drinking water from other people ’s objects.

In this regard, he has some clean habit.

He stood up and offered a junior salute to the gorgeously dressed lady, guessing that the other party was probably Mrs. Xu of Divine General House. He thought that this matter could finally be resolved, and he put his hand in his arms and prepared to put Take out the wedding book.

Ms. Xu stretched out her hand in a hurry. She sat down on the theme and took over the tea from the stewardess. looks at said calmly: “Did Mausoleum of Books haven’t visited it yet? Naihe Bridge? Or Li Palace Look at the ivy, the scenery is also great. “

Chen Changshen thought that this was the chirp. He didn’t think there was a need for chirp, but since he was an elder, he naturally could not lack the politeness. He said briefly and respectfully: “Not yet. Go and see. “

Ms. Xu stopped in midair with her hand on the bowl cover, and asked, “So, as soon as you get to Capital, you will come first to Army?”

Chen Changshen should honestly say: “Don’t dare to delay.”

“That’s it.”

Mrs. looked up, glanced at him coldly, thinking that the broken youngster from the backcountry was not attracted by the Capital grand scene, went directly to the house to discuss the marriage, so eager and ridiculous.

Chen Changshen didn’t understand what the original four words were. He stood up, reached into his arms again, and was ready to take out the wedding book and return it to the other party. Since already made up his mind, he was not prepared to consider more time.

However, his actions caused another misunderstanding. His wife, looks at, became more indifferent, saying, “I won’t agree with this marriage, even if you take out the wedding book, it doesn’t make sense.”

Chen Changshen didn’t expect to hear this sentence, hesitated for a while.

Esteemed Father was rescued by your Master many years ago, and then settled this marriage … this seems to be a good story?”

Mrs. Xu looks at, he said indifferently: “… but in fact that is a good story that can only be found in the script, and it cannot happen in the real world. Except for those demented writers, who would believe it?”

Chen Changshen wanted to explain that he wanted to get divorced, but listening to this condescending remark, looks at Madam Xu’s unconcealed contempt and indifference, he found it difficult to speak-at this time his hand was still In her arms, already touched the edge of the slightly stiff paper, a piece of paper was written by Dazai’s own handwriting, and a piece of paper was written with the birthdate character of a little girl.

Esteemed Father died four years ago, and this family relationship is no longer existence.”

Ms. Xu’s youngster in front of looks at, continued: “I know you are a smart person, then we should talk like smart people. The thing you have to consider now is not to continue this relationship, but to think carefully. What kind of compensation can I get, what do you think of my proposal? “

Chen Changshen took his hand out of his arms, didn’t hold the wedding book, and drew it to his waist: he asked, “Can I ask why?”

“Why? This is not a question that smart people should ask.”

Mrs. Xu looks at said with no expression: “Because your teacher has good medical skills, it is still just an ordinary Taoist, and I am here in Divine General, because you are just a poor youngster who can only wear old road clothes, and my daughter It ’s Young Lady of Divine General House, because you are an ordinary person, and Divine General House should not be a place where ordinary people can come in. Is my explanation clear enough? “

The hand of Chen Changshen is slightly clenched, but there is no trembling in the voice: “Very clear.”

Mrs. Xu looks at, a childish face, decided to put some more pressure on her. She knew what the clever and proud youngster was most unbearable. Later, he would definitely propose a divorce.

She put the tea bowl on the case, stood up, and said, “The cup of tea in your case is the butterfly tea from the Ming Dynasty. You can buy one or two from five or two silvers. This tea bowl comes from Ru Kiln, and it is even better than gold. Expensive, the tea is cold. If you do n’t drink, you do n’t drink this cup of tea. You are just the grass roots in the mud. You are not porcelain, just rubble. Want to change your life by attaching my Divine General house? Sorry, This may make you happy, but it makes me very happy. “

Mrs.’s voice is very calm. She didn’t deliberately domineering, but pushed the person to the ground. She didn’t deliberately stand high, but seemed like a maggot from the sky looks at ground.

All these emotions are accurately conveyed to Chen Changshen.

This is a naked shame, especially the sentence that changed to your own life by attaching Divine General to the government. It is an unacceptable accusation for any proud youngster. In order to be able to raise their heads and leave proudly, many people probably They would choose to argue in anger, then take out the wedding book and tear it in half, throw it in front of the wife, and even spit in two spit.

And this is also the picture that Mrs. Correct Xu wants to see-if it is not that wedding book is too special, she doesn’t have a good way, why is like this day, and you still need to spend these minds?

The hall is quiet and silent.

She coldly looks at Chen Changshen, waiting for the wrath of youngster.

However, things went completely beyond his expectation.

Chen Changshen looks at Mrs Xu calmly said: “Actually you have misunderstood. This time I came to Divine General House, I just wanted to return my marriage book to the house. I was here to retire.”

Full house all quiet.

The wind came from the garden, and the old bamboo branches under the blowing corridor crackled.

Mrs. was surprised, and asked, “You say it again?”

She didn’t notice that her voice was a little tense, and a little relaxed, because it was unexpected and hard to imagine. Whether this youngster is unwilling to lose face, so intentionally, or she really came to retire, she wants to see of.

Chen Changshen looks at she said seriously: “Actually … I’m here to get rid of the marriage.”

In the corner of the side hall, the face of the cricket who seems to disappear for a long time has changed.

Ms. Xu’s expression remained unchanged, but her palm fell gently on her chest.

The entire Divine General house seems to have become a lot lighter at this moment.

Chen Changshen‘s expression suddenly became serious.

He said, “But now … I change my mind.”

The spring breeze in the house became cold again, and the atmosphere became extremely depressing again. In the dark corner of the hall, the wrinkles on the face of the cricket were deep like countless gullies, and were suddenly overwhelmed by the flood.

Ms. Xu suddenly felt that she had done something wrong.

She forcibly suppressed the anxiety from where she came from, making her voice as gentle as possible, and said, “Since already figured it out, why bother to say that? Why not …”

However, she suddenly realized that youngster did not continue to listen to herself.

Chen Changshen picked up the luggage from the ground, carried it on his back, and walked directly outside the hall.

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