Yellow Springs Inn (Bai Fan) Chapter 98: Soul

After all, from the point of view of their Zhuyou Thirteen Branches, there is a huge difference from Taoist spells.

Now Qinghong just wants to combine Taoism’s spells with Zhu You’s thirteen subjects of witchcraft, so he wants to hear Qingxuan’s views on ghosts.

Qingxuan is a very smart person, seeing Qinghong’s expression, he understood what he meant on the spot.

He grinned a little shyly at the moment, and then analyzed loudly: “Judging from Mr. Yang’s narration just now, the black-robed monster in the night snack shop should be the legendary starving ghost.”

“However, judging from the above performances, this starving ghost just wanted to play tricks on their husband and wife, and did not hurt their lives!”

“Is this just a joke?”

“Did I hear you right?”

Yang Qingyuan frowned, and yelled with dissatisfaction: “My brother-in-law is already seriously ill, and the doctors are helpless now, and you still say it’s just a joke?”

“Is it true that one’s life must be destroyed?”

“Boss Yang, don’t get excited!”

Seeing him, Li Yaozhong seemed a little displeased, so he quickly persuaded him: “I don’t think this matter is that simple, so don’t get excited, just listen to the little celestial masters.”

“Now that the little celestial masters already know that this is the work of the starving ghost, they will definitely find a way to deal with the starving ghost. What we have to do now is to wait and see what happens.”

“After all, you and I are ordinary people, and this kind of thing has to be left to the little celestial masters!”


Probably realized that what I just said was a bit extreme.

Grinned a little awkwardly on the spot, and said apologetically, “I was too embarrassed just now, I was a little too excited, and I hope Miss Qingxuan will not care about it.”

“It’s fine.”

Qingxuan waved her hands generously, and said with a slight smile, “I can understand Mr. Yang’s actions. After all, he is my closest relative, so it is right to be anxious.”

“But the so-called interlacing is like a mountain. Maybe Mr. Yang is very good at making shoes, but he may not be as good as me and Qinghong in terms of yin and yang spells.”

“So you don’t have to worry, your brother-in-law was just invaded by a ghost, and his problem is not on his mind.”

“Maybe the doctors in the hospital can treat all kinds of superficial symptoms, but I’m afraid they have never heard of such things as ghosts.”

“But for me and Qinghong, it only takes one talisman to wake him up.”


Yang Qingyuan was overjoyed when he heard the words, and Bao Zheng patted his chest on the spot: “Miss Qingxuan, as long as you can cure my brother-in-law, then the reward is not a problem.”

“Also, that starving ghost…”

“Please also help to drive him away, it is best to kill him, so as not to harm others again.”

“Don’t worry.”

Qingxuan shrugged disapprovingly, nodded and said: “Since this matter has been encountered, then we will definitely take care of it to the end.”

“As for the reward, you just need to pay a little sesame oil.”

“In addition, the starving ghost cannot be destroyed, it can only be sent away.”

“Send away?”

Yang Qingyuan looked at Qingxuan puzzled, but soon nodded as if he suddenly realized, and smiled at the three of them.

After the meal was over, Li Yaozhong had to go to the hospital to talk to Yaohua because he still had something to do. It happened that Yaohua was hospitalized in the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, and Yang Qingyuan’s brother-in-law was in the city’s first hospital. Parted ways.

Before parting, Li Yaozhong hastily confessed a few words to Qinghong, asking him to go back to Li’s villa to see the old lady in the next two days.

Qinghong naturally agreed. After all, he had been away from the Li family’s old house for a few days, and the old lady was indeed a little uneasy living there alone. In addition, the Li family had changed a lot in the past few days. Time to go back and see her.

Afterwards, under the leadership of Yang Qingyuan, Qingxuan, Qinghong and the others drove to the No. 1 Hospital in the city.

City No. 1 Hospital, as the largest hospital in Wuyi area, is also the only tertiary hospital in Wuyi area.

This hospital covers a very large area, and its medical technology is relatively advanced. It can be regarded as a relatively large general hospital.

When the three of them approached the ward on the fifth floor, there happened to be only Yang Qingyuan’s brother-in-law in the room.

Yang Qingyuan gently pushed open the door, glanced at the man lying quietly on the bed, then turned around and greeted Qinghong and Qingxuan to enter.

The moment the two stepped into the door, the man who had been lying quietly on the bed suddenly said softly, “You are here.”

Death, silence, dignified.

In an instant, the atmosphere on the field was frozen by his thoughtless words.

It stands to reason that Yang Qingyuan’s brother-in-law should not be sober now, not to mention that his back is still facing the three of them.

But he didn’t even turn his head, how did he know that someone had entered the door?

The three of them were very cautious just now, for fear of disturbing other patients in the hospital.


Yang Qingyuan called softly to the man lying on the bed with his back to the three of them.

However, what was unexpected was that the other party did not respond to him at all, as if the sentence “you are here” just now was talking to the air.

“Let me take a look.”

Whilst speaking, Qingxuan walked slowly to the man on the hospital bed, and then took a closer look, and found that this man was quite handsome.

The guy with the big nose and big eyes, and his carefully trimmed hair, is very handsome.

It’s a pity that there is not much spirit in his eyes at this time, the whole person looks lifeless, under normal circumstances, the eyes of normal people are bright and energetic, but his eyes are lax .

This shows that he must have been greatly frightened before this.

Seeing a beautiful woman suddenly appearing in front of him, Yang Qingyuan’s brother-in-law was taken aback for a moment, then raised his eyes to look at Qingxuan.

After the two looked at each other for a moment, the man looked away from her without thinking.

“What’s his name?”

Qingxuan turned sideways to stare at Yang Qingyuan, asking curiously.

“Zhang Renjie.” Yang Qingyuan responded without thinking.


Qingxuan nodded slightly Fu stretched out her hand and pushed Qinghong’s arm: “What do you think about this?”

“I hit the evil.”

Qinghong shrugged disapprovingly, and then analyzed again: “Judging from the slack in his eyes, it is estimated that he lost three souls and seven souls.”

“Let me try it out next time to see whether he has lost his soul or soul.”

“Then find a way to prescribe the right medicine.”

“I agree.”

Qingxuan nodded rationally and agreed: “I also suspect that he has lost his soul and soul. As long as he can call back his soul, he will wake up within a day.”

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