Yellow Springs Inn (Bai Fan) Chapter 57: Tianshi hall to send ghosts

At this time, in order to paralyze Li Yaozhong, she did not dare to ask Qinghong’s situation openly, so she could only ask questions in a subtle way.

Li Yaozhong pondered for a while in his mind, thinking about Qinghong’s collision with evil, he must not tell the old man, otherwise it will stimulate the old man’s mind even more.

Immediately evaded and said: “Qinghong feels a little unwell, and went out to the hospital early in the morning to see a doctor, and he won’t be back until tomorrow.”

“You don’t have to worry too much about him, he is already eighteen or nineteen years old and will take care of himself.”

“Auntie, go back to the house first, I’ll ask someone to cook for you in a while.”

“I don’t eat, don’t cook for me, get out of the garden!”

As she was talking, the old lady suddenly went into a frenzy, her voice was so fierce, she looked like a mental patient.

Thinking that the old man was suffering from mental illness again, Li Yaozhong hurriedly retreated from the garden in fright, but his heart was already extremely anxious.

In desperation, he had no choice but to leave the old villa first and go back to the company to do business alone, but he didn’t mention the matter of Qinghong’s collision with evil to Li Yaohua, which is quite a conscience.

That night, under the leadership of Qingxuan, the two came to the small square in front of the Temple of Heavenly Masters.

This is a newly built square. It doesn’t look very big, only more than 100 square meters, but this small square is quite luxuriously built. , as well as Han and Tang style buildings, it has some classical flavor.

On the left side of the small square, there is a small pool. The pool is not big, but there are several beautiful lotus plants and several swimming fish swimming in it, which looks very peaceful.

On the left side of the small square, there is a wooden door. The outside of that wooden door is connected to the cliff. On the top of the small wooden door are engraved some spells that Qinghong doesn’t quite understand, which looks antique.

But at this time the small wooden door was tightly closed.

Standing on the high platform in front of the Temple of Heavenly Masters, Qinghong took a look at the small square in front of him under the moonlight, then nodded and said, “Qingxuan, this square should be the Fengshui bureau set up by your master, right?”


Qingxuan responded intelligently: “Master used to transform those wandering souls here. He said that there is water and wind, yin and yang here, and it is a good place where yin and yang meet.”


Qinghong jumped down from the high platform, looked at the small square in front of him, and praised: “The so-called Qi rides the wind and disperses, while the boundary water stops. The ancients gathered it to keep it together, so it is called Feng Shui.”

“The pool in this small square is very delicately set up, which plays a role of reciprocation.”

“If I’m not mistaken, that small wooden door should be a bridge leading to the road to death!”


Qingxuan stretched out her thumb and praised again and again: “Qinghong, it seems that you really have two skills, you can see through this feng shui pattern at a glance.”

“So can we start now?”

“Let’s start!” Qinghong waved his hand calmly to signal.

Seeing this, Qingxuan unhurriedly took out a piece of yellow talisman paper from her pocket, and threw it towards the square in front of her.

Under the flash of golden light, there was a little gust of wind in the originally calm square, and there seemed to be some wailing mixed in that wind.

Then I felt the chill all around began to rise continuously, and the stars and the moon in the sky seemed to be faintly covered by dark clouds.

This situation lasted for about a minute, but as soon as the wind around him stopped, countless souls transformed into the square in front of him at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At a glance, some have broken legs, some have big tongues, some are covered in blood, and there are also some female ghosts with babies in their arms…

In short, the entire small square is already filled with all kinds of beings, and all kinds of ghosts are mixed in it.

However, these ghosts don’t seem to have any hostility, and most of them are old ghosts who have been dead for a long time, and there are only a dozen or so new ghosts.

“Is that all?” Qinghong asked calmly while standing on the steps.

“That’s all, there are about a hundred or so.”

“I have interrogated and verified all the ghosts here one by one, and they are all recorded in the notebook.”

While speaking, Qingxuan took out a blue booklet from her pocket, and handed it to Qinghong’s palm respectfully.

Gently flipping through the blue booklet, the graceful handwriting immediately came into view. The strokes and strokes of the strokes are extremely neat, and the handwriting is smooth and flowing, which is different from the writing style of the yin and yang celestial masters who drew ghostly symbols. It was a world of difference.

“You wrote this?” Qinghong stared at the small book in his hand and asked curiously.

“Yes, is there a problem?” Qingxuan was probably embarrassed, and two blushes flashed across her pretty face in an instant.

“Good writing, but…”

“You shouldn’t be good at drawing talismans, right?” Qinghong glanced sideways at her, but his expression was rather calm, which ran counter to Qingxuan’s flustered expression.


Qingxuan smiled wryly, and said helplessly, “Why did you see my shortcomings at a glance?”

“Nothing, let’s start.”

Qinghong spread out those pamphlets and read the names of those ghosts one by one.

Those who read their names all walked to the small wooden door, lined up one by one, and waited for Qinghong to perform the water and land method to overtake him.

Some ghosts refused to leave because of obsession in their hearts. Even after Qinghong read their names three times, they still stood in the original method without moving a muscle.

In the end, Qinghong got a little angry, took out the talisman paper from his pocket angrily, and threatened: “You stubborn ghosts, what do you want?”

“It seems that your souls are already unstable. If you stay in the world, you will be scattered in a few days!”

“Now I have the opportunity to go to the underworld to reincarnate, why not cherish the opportunity?”

One of the male ghosts, who looked like a scholar, looked at Qinghong timidly, and explained in a low voice: “Little Celestial Master, it’s not that I don’t want to reincarnate, but that the obsession in my heart is gone, even if I’m forced to Send it to the road of reincarnation, and I will be beaten back.”

“That’s true.”

Qinghong unconsciously looked at the small wooden door leading to the edge of the cliff, knowing that the male ghost dressed as a scholar had some truths to say.

If they are forcibly sent to the wooden door, those wild ghosts whose obsession has faded will definitely be beaten back.

The best way is to resolve their obsession first.

“Then tell me, what is the last wish, if I can satisfy you, I will try my best to satisfy you!”

“I want to experience the fun of being a teacher again!”

“As long as I can be a teacher again, then I will be willing to reincarnate right away!”


Qinghong sighed somewhat sadly in his heart, he never thought that there would be such a persistent teacher in the world, which made him a little awed.

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