Yellow Springs Inn (Bai Fan) Chapter 47: Sexy Yanfeng

Now that Qinghong has received the deposit from the old lady, as long as he is willing to spend money, it will be a breeze to invite that Guo Banxian down from Guifeng Mountain.

“Qinghong, what are you thinking?” The old man’s voice sounded quietly from behind.

“Oh, it’s okay.” Qinghong shook his head slowly.

“Then you should prepare some incense candles and other things earlier, and you must help that poor girl get over at night.”


Qinghong bowed his hands to the old man, then went out.

At around 7:30 in the evening, Qinghong mentioned the prepared scented paper candles to the scene of the crime a few nights ago.

Of course, Qinghong must have prepared a big bag of melon seeds.

These melon seeds are used for the female ghost to fulfill her wish.

Thinking back, the reason why she was killed on the road was because she went out to buy melon seeds at night, but she ran into danger on the road and lost her life.

She also said before that she lost her life for no reason.

A person like her who died at a young age cannot be reincarnated immediately, unless her last wish in the mortal world is fulfilled, then she will leave with peace of mind.

Otherwise, she will stay in the world until her wish is fulfilled.

Of course, this kind of soul body actually has no offensive power, because before they enter reincarnation, they are not even ghosts at all. This kind of soul body will not even be taken in by the underworld.

They can only drift around in the world by themselves, living in dark places forever, until their obsession becomes weaker and weaker, and when their obsessions become weaker and weaker, their souls will gradually melt. Everyone in the world has forgotten her, and she disappeared between the sky and the earth along with the evening wind. This is also a kind of soul flying away.

Therefore, ghosts like this will usually find someone to help her fulfill her last wish as soon as possible, and then go to reincarnation, otherwise it will be very sad to end up with a ghost.

Since the murder case happened not long ago on this road, the people around felt unlucky. After night, almost no one passed by this road.

This is good news for Qinghong. He didn’t want to be seen by ordinary people when he was doing things.

Nowadays, no one dares to take this path, but it gave Qinghong a quiet environment.

After arranging the three animals of wine and the big bag of melon seeds, Qinghong began to imitate the scene of Wulong King’s crossing, and did it in a decent manner.

After chanting all the rebirth mantras and god-inviting mantras, Qinghong carefully poured the big bag of melon seeds in the middle of the incense paper, and lit it with a match.

As the flickering flames continued to roast the melon seeds, the sound of chi chi chi could be heard endlessly.


A strange night wind blew the burnt paper ashes flying in all directions. After spinning a few times in the air, they landed on the ground smoothly.

In this situation, Qinghong knew that it must be the female ghost in white.

So he straightened his expression on the spot, and said calmly: “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, since the wish has been paid, then hurry up and reincarnate on the road to death!”

After saying that, Qinghong took out a piece of Liujia gift talisman from his bosom, lightly waved it in the air, but he didn’t see him ignite it, the talisman actually started to burn by itself, the dark blue flame flickered indefinitely, in this The scene of the previous crime was even more eerie.

“Zhu Qinghong, thank you…”

The voice of the female ghost in white came to Qinghong’s ears intermittently, and then on the side of the road ahead, a female ghost in a white T-shirt gradually appeared.

And at this moment, in her hand, she was holding a handful of melon seeds that Qinghong had prepared for her, her appearance was very desolate.

“You’re here.” Qinghong muttered as expected.

“Well, let me say my last goodbye to you.”

“At the same time, thank you for transforming me!” The female ghost replied respectfully, but her tone was quite peaceful.

“You’re welcome, it’s just a matter of raising your hands.”


Speaking of this, Qinghong suddenly looked straight, and asked: “You told me last night that the murderer of the serial murder case is not something I can provoke.”

“But if I can find a few helpers, am I capable of fighting him?”

“Looking for help?”

The female ghost in white was taken aback for a moment, and after pondering in her mind for a moment, she shook her head and said, “Zhu Qinghong, do you know that the murderer behind that scene is not a human?”

“I know.”

Qinghong nodded without thinking: “Actually, the moment I arrived at the crime scene that night, I already had a vague premonition.”

“It’s just that I’m not sure yet, what is the origin of the murderer behind this scene!”

“He’s a ghost.”

“A ghost made of wine, sex, wealth and resentment!”

The female ghost in white took two steps back as she spoke, fear was written all over her pale face.

“A ghost transformed from wine, sex, wealth and resentment?”

Qinghong murmured something in a low voice, and then recalled in his mind the situation at the scene of the crime the woman was murdered and her clothes were disheveled.

Now he finally understands that it was not human beings who harmed her, but a ghost who had all his lust, **** and fortune harmed her. It is no wonder that there was a trace of ghost at the scene.

It’s just a small ghost, Qinghong shouldn’t take it to heart.

With his current cultivation base, plus the three talismans of the Dementor Bell and the Wulong King, it should be easy to deal with a little ghost.

But looking at the appearance of the white-clothed female ghost, she seemed to be facing a big enemy, as if this drunken, lustful and wealthy ghost was very frightening.

For this reason, he asked curiously: “Tell me, what is the name of this so-called wine, **** and money ghost?”

“Also, where does he usually hide?”

“If you want to destroy him, you must know his specific situation!”

“No, don’t go to him!”

The female ghost in white looked at Qinghong with pleading eyes, and persuaded: “This ghost is named Yan Feng. The Celestial Master can deal with it.”

“Although you have a whole body of cultivation, you are still too young, and you will never be able to match Yan Feng in terms of Taoism.”

“Yan Feng?”

Qinghong said the name silently in his mouth, and then responded dismissively: “You don’t have to worry about my safety.”

“When necessary, I still have the family’s talisman to protect my life. No matter how powerful Yan Feng is, it is impossible to hurt me.”

“But if I don’t want to get rid of him, then there will be more young girls like you who will be killed by him in the future, so you don’t have to persuade me. I will definitely get rid of this evil ghost. “

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