Yellow Springs Inn (Bai Fan) Chapter 172: Polygonatum Invigorating Qi

“What Chinese medicine?”

“Can’t it be ginseng?” Li Yaozhong looked at Qinghong happily.


Qinghong waved his hands slowly and said: “Ginseng is certainly a good medicine to strengthen energy and tonify deficiency blindly, but it can’t be used as a test.”

“What I want you to find is a medicine called Polygonatum.”

“This medicine is a sacred item for invigorating the kidney, and it should be in stock in ordinary pharmacies.”

“Huang Jing?”

Li Yaozhong nodded cautiously and said, “I’ve heard a lot of people talking about this medicine before, so it must be available in the pharmacy downstairs.”

“How much do you need, I will buy it for you right now!”

After speaking, Li Yaozhong got up and made a gesture of preparing to go downstairs.

Since he has already recommended himself, there is no need for Qinghong to shirk.

At the moment, he reminded: “Actually, it doesn’t need a lot, about three yuan is enough.”

“You help me buy that kind of cooked Huang Jing, don’t make raw Huang Jing, understand?”

“Decree!” Li Yaozhong mischievously made a gesture of military salute, and then walked away.

After Li Yaozhong went downstairs, Qingxuan asked with a solemn expression: “Qinghong, don’t you think this is a bit strange?”

“How can a half-immortal be so well-behaved suddenly get sick?”

“And he has been living with us for the past two days. If there is any problem, we should be very clear.”

“But nothing unusual happened in the past two days!”


Qinghong nodded without thinking, and analyzed: “This matter is indeed a little strange.”

“If you analyze from the perspective of these recent events, there are roughly two directions.”

“One, it is very likely that Aunt Ling is playing tricks in the dark.”

“After all, Aunt Ling suffered such a big loss a few days ago. After returning to the countryside to invite her senior sister, she may have returned to the Wuyi area to take revenge.”

“And Banxian just had bad luck, so she became the first target of her revenge.”

“Secondly, maybe Banxian is really tired recently, so there is a phenomenon of blood loss.”

“But the possibility of the second phenomenon is not too great. After all, Banxian is young, so the possibility of getting sick is not too great.”


Qingxuan nodded rationally, and then said in confusion: “Actually, I still have a guess, but I don’t know if I should say it…”

Looking at Qingxuan’s hesitant look, it seems that the matter should be more serious.

For this reason, Qinghong asked again: “Qingxuan, tell me what you think, maybe it will be useful or not, after all, one person counts the short, and two count the long.”


Qingxuan pondered for a while, then shifted her gaze to Guo Banxian’s listless face, and said in a deep voice, “Do you two still remember the strange knock on the door last night?”

“That sound is obviously not the sound of ordinary people walking.”

“And the strangest thing is that we didn’t find any figure after opening the door.”

“Since this strange incident happened, the half-immortal has lost energy and blood.”

“So I think there is reason to doubt whether the two things are somehow related!”

“No way?”

Before Qinghong opened his mouth to respond, Guo Banxian yelled incredulously: “Is there any inevitable connection between that footsteps and me?”

“I didn’t find anything strange when I slept last night.”

“If that strange footstep really hurt me, then with my ability as a little celestial master, it’s impossible for me to be completely unconscious, right?”

“Take a step back, the two of you and Uncle Li also lived in this room last night.”

“If that strange footsteps is really going to do something bad, then the first person to assassinate should be Uncle Li.”

“After all, Uncle Li is just an ordinary person, relatively easy to deal with.”

“Do you think this is the truth?”

“Good analysis.”

Qinghong smiled at Guo Banxian and praised: “This time Banxian’s analysis is in the right direction.”

“I also think that there should be no necessary connection between this incident and that strange footstep.”

“However, since this incident happened where we live, it cannot be groundless.”

“So I plan to take good care of Banxian’s body first, and then after nightfall tonight, I will investigate carefully and maybe I can get the answer.”

“That’s the only way!”

Qingxuan shrugged helplessly and stood there without saying anything.

After this incident, the three of them seemed to have something on their minds, probably because the strange footsteps were mentioned by Qingxuan again, so that the three of them were thoughtful, so the three of them were quiet for a while Come down, sit on the sofa and think about the problem.

For Qinghong, Guo Banxian’s current problem is not too big.

After all, Qinghong learned the way of Chinese medicine from Zhu Bianque since he was a child. As far as medical skills are concerned, he still wants to be confident.

Naturally, some small problems will not be taken to heart.

After Li Yaozhong bought Huang Jing back, he only needed to decoct a wrist soup and give it to Guo Banxian to drink, then the cause of the disease could be found out in half a day.

After that, properly nourish the blood, then the problem will be solved.

At present, the only thing that worries Qinghong is Guo Banxian’s unexplained illness.

This matter is indeed quite strange.

He had a faint feeling that there might be another conspiracy involved in this, because since he came to the Wuyi area, every incident he experienced seemed to have hidden secrets behind it, which was not as simple as imagined.

So this matter, he also felt that there were some unknown circumstances.

It’s just that he doesn’t know it at the moment.

Of course, on the other hand, this incident also made Qinghong cheer up again.

As for Qingxuan, she was more worried.

However, she is not good at medical skills, so even though she is very worried about Guo Banxian, she can only be anxious, after all, every line is like a mountain.

In about twenty minutes, footsteps sounded again at the entrance of the corridor.

However, the three of them were very familiar with the sound of footsteps. It was the sound of leather shoes rubbing against the ground, which was completely different from the hollow sound last night.

After all, the footsteps were in a hurry, and one could tell that it was Li Yaozhong who had returned.

“Boom boom…”

There was a knock on the The sound was also a little hasty.

“Qingxuan, go and open the door.” Qinghong sat on the sofa and ordered solemnly.


Qingxuan nodded slightly, then got up and walked towards the door.

Not long after, Li Yaozhong and Qingxuan walked into the living room side by side.

At this time, there was a small white plastic bag on Li Yaozhong’s right hand, inside which were several pieces of Chinese medicine.


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