Yellow Springs Inn (Bai Fan) Chapter 150: Ask the Linggu

“Half Immortal, are you stupid?”

I looked at him with eyes as if I had discovered a new world, and asked: “Don’t we have mouths and eyes, can’t we see and ask?”

“What’s more, those eyeliners of the Tang family are not just kidding around!”

“Send someone over to ask questions tomorrow, won’t you be able to figure it out completely?”

“That’s true.”

Guo Banxian nodded rationally, and then yelled: “It’s already been busy in the middle of the night, shouldn’t it be time to sleep?”

“There are definitely a lot of things to deal with tomorrow.”

“Go to sleep first.”

I smiled at him, and then told the old lady to arrange a room for Guo Banxian.

After the old lady and Guo Banxian walked away, Qingxuan asked with some doubts: “Qinghong, do you think that old lady Li is a bit unusual?”

“Some of her remarks just now made me feel a little strange.”

“But what’s so strange about it, I won’t be able to say it for a while.”

“And she was also a member of the Qingfu Sect in her early years.”

“You must know that Qingfu Sect is a cult…”


Seeing that Qingxuan seemed to want to delve deeper, I quickly made a silent movement.

Then reminded: “Now is not the time to talk about these things.”

“It’s not good if it’s heard.”

“Let’s discuss this matter after returning to the Heavenly Master’s View.”


Qingxuan nodded her head in a sensible manner, as a promise.

After that, the two chatted about some irrelevant things, and then went to rest.

Let’s say that after Linggu was injured in the supper shop, she escaped with the help of the smoke from the brimstone bomb, but her arm was dislocated and her abdomen was hit twice. serious injury.

After fleeing back to the Tang Family Manor in embarrassment, he immediately walked towards the hall impatiently.

At this time Tang Wansan was sitting in the hall sulking, when he suddenly saw Aunt Ling fleeing back in a panic, a trace of imperceptible anger flashed across his face.

Ah Fen, who was sitting next to Tang Wansan, couldn’t help snickering even more.

Although the moment she saw Tang Wansan being teased, she already expected that Linggu’s end would not be too good.

Even now when she really saw Linggu with her hair disheveled, she still felt a little unexpected.

You must know that in her previous interactions with Linggu, she always felt that Linggu was very cold, and her unsmiling appearance made people feel very serious.

At the same time, her hair and clothes are always neatly arranged, and she rarely sees the slightest disorder.

Now her performance is naturally contrary to the previous high-cold attitude.

When Linggu went straight into the hall, she keenly sensed that the atmosphere in the hall was a bit strange, especially Tang Wansan’s face was full of anger and dissatisfaction.

Knowing that something must have happened to the Tang Family Manor, otherwise Tang Wansan, a smiling tiger, would not have been so unhappy.

Correcting his expression, he walked up to Tang Wansan and said softly, “Mr. Tang, why haven’t you rested yet?”


Tang Wansan raised his eyebrows, and said angrily, “It’s good that I didn’t get killed, so why are you talking about rest?”

“Linggu, you let me down so much!”


Hearing this word spit out from Tang Wansan’s mouth, Linggu felt a bit confused by the second-handed monk.

It is true that she did lose to the young man named Qinghong in the night snack shop just now, but this matter should not have reached Tang Wansan’s ears so quickly, right?

Then what does the so-called disappointment in his mouth refer to?

Thinking of this, Linggu simply asked directly: “Mr. Tang, what you said sounds weird. I don’t know what disappointed you.”

“If there is something that is not done well, you can say it out, and we can discuss and solve it together!”


Although Lingu’s tone was already very tactful, Tang Wansan’s anger did not subside.

The injury he suffered this evening is definitely the greatest shame in his life.

Not to mention being thrown naked in the bathroom, even a lot of his famous paintings were burned, and in the end there was not even a shadow of the murderer.

This is the first time since he has lived for so many years, someone dared to come to the Tang Family Manor to make trouble so blatantly.

In the past, Tang Wansan basically bullied others, and no one dared to go down the mountain against him.

This time it’s the other way around.

“Linggu, do you still have the face to come back?”

“When you came to my Tang family before, I gave you a lot of money.”

“In the end, that gossip mirror you sold me is useless at all.”

“I was injured on my thigh tonight, and a lot of antiques were burned. All of this is caused by a brat.”

“Your gossip mirror can’t stop the invasion of those ghosts, isn’t this a blatant deception?”


“Is there a kid here tonight?”

When Linggu heard the words, she turned around and walked out of the house. When she saw the fragments of the gossip mirrors in the garden, she suddenly felt dumbfounded.

At the same time, he also deeply sensed the strength of the enemy.

At first, I thought that the other party was just the young man named Qinghong who was more powerful, but unexpectedly, the group of people divided into two groups. It can be described as seamless.

Furthermore, judging from the gossip mirror that fell on the ground, it is obvious that the opponent’s Taoism is not low, otherwise it would be impossible to easily destroy the gossip mirror under the patrol of so many people from the Tang family. I am afraid that only remote control can play the role of silent destruction, otherwise, once a stranger approaches, he may have already been captured by the Tang family patrolling people.

“Damn it.”

Linggu threw the fragments of the gossip mirror on the grass and went straight back to the hall.

When she got closer, Tang Wansan immediately taunted dissatisfiedly: “Linggu, look at your current appearance, how can you still have the demeanor of a witch?”

“I’m afraid I have suffered a big loss tonight?”


When asked by Tang Linggu really doesn’t know how to answer.

If you admit that you have indeed suffered a disadvantage, then in some ways, your prestige will definitely be reduced.

But if she doesn’t admit it, will it make Tang Wansan even more disgusted? After all, her messy temple hair and faintly aching wrist are showing her unbearable experience.

After thinking for a while, Aunt Ling finally gritted her teeth and said in a deep voice, “Mr. Tang, I did suffer a bit due to lack of preparation tonight.”

“But don’t worry, I have already figured out the details of the other party.”

“Now that we know the enemy and the enemy, I believe they will be defeated soon!”


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