Yellow Springs Inn (Bai Fan) Chapter 111: Forest Park

Therefore, there will be some living habits of wild immortals in them.

Of course, after recovering from illness, they will suddenly develop some supernatural powers.

For example, the child of the Zhang family in Dongjie will be born on a certain day and month, and the child will be a son, and the cattle in the Xijie family will die of illness in three days, at six o’clock in the evening, etc., and so on. Ability is possessed by almost every disciple who goes out on a horse.

Qinghong not only heard these things from his grandfather and Wu Longwang, but even Mrs. Li once told him, so he is not very unfamiliar with the apprentices.

It just made his scalp tingle, he had never heard of a situation where a disciple who came out of the horse enshrined twelve celestial beings!

This is too mysterious!

Generally speaking, a horse disciple can only give a horse to a wild fairy. After the wild fairy gets on the body of the horse disciple, he will ask him to open a hall to tell fortunes to those in need, or to solve doubts answer questions.

There are some wild immortals who do have some mana, and they can predict the past and future, but most of them are wild immortals with little mana. Yes.

There are some spirits on the mountain who have been cultivated for a hundred or eighty years and come to the world to cheat food and drink. They have no real ability, and this kind of wild fairy is not uncommon.

For this kind of wild fairy who only takes money and does nothing, the best way is to ask a powerful mage to drive him away, otherwise he will keep pestering the disciple, and the disciple must be dead or crazy .

However, it is really rare for Linggu to enshrine more than a dozen disciples at once.

For this reason, Qinghong kept an eye on his heart, and warned himself never to underestimate the enemy.

After continuing to explore the house, even the inner room of the house has been carefully searched, but there is no sign of Aunt Ling.

However, judging from the magical instruments all over the floor and the burning sandalwood in the room, this must be an altar of Linggu, and it seems that she has just left, otherwise the sandalwood in the room would not be able to lit.

After wandering around the house, Qinghong shrugged helplessly, opened the black curtain and walked into the yard.

Qingxuan was getting a little impatient at this time, seeing that Qinghong was late, she couldn’t help asking: “What’s going on inside, why didn’t I hear the sound of talking and fighting?”


Qinghong shook his head helplessly, and said with a wry smile: “There is no one in this room, and Aunt Ling is nowhere to be seen.”

“But I can be sure that this must be Linggu’s residence.”

“Inside is one of her magic altars. There are so many magic tools that they are hardly under the Heavenly Master Hall.”

“And she enshrined twelve wild immortals in the house, which is simply appalling!”

“Twelve wild fairies?”

Upon hearing this number, even the well-informed Qingxuan was startled.

Immediately, he rushed to the house in a hurry and began to investigate carefully.

Of course, her final expression must be as surprised as Qinghong’s.


Returning to the courtyard, Qingxuan couldn’t help but stretched out her hand and patted her chest, sighing: “What is the origin of this Linggu.”

“She actually enshrined twelve wild immortals. It is said that these wild immortals are very stingy, wouldn’t they be jealous?”

“I don’t know.”

Qinghong shook his head helplessly, and asked back: “In your opinion, what should we do now?”

“Can’t wait like this?”


Qingxuan shook her head, and analyzed rationally: “Waiting is definitely not an option. If she doesn’t come back for ten days and a half months, wouldn’t we be dragged down to death by her?”

“After all, we also have our own things to do, so we can’t guard her every day.”


Qinghong nodded slightly, and echoed: “There is really no need to wait.”

“I think let her go today.”

“Anyway, she didn’t notice that we were here. Let’s leave here for the time being and go to the hospital to see how Zhang Renjie is doing.”

“After night, I will send the kid over every day to check on the situation.”

“Let’s not go back to the city tonight, let Li Yaohua arrange a place to stay nearby.”

“If news of Linggu can be heard every night, then we will attack overnight. I still don’t believe that she can fly into the sky and escape from the ground.”

“That’s the only way to go!”

Qingxuan nodded with a slight smile, and the two walked towards the outside of the room.

After the two of them crossed the creek, they went to the place where Guo Banxian was hiding just now, and found that Guo Banxian, who was in charge of letting the wind out, had gone nowhere.

“What’s going on?”

Qinghong looked around vigilantly, and his complexion instantly became gloomy.

“Did something happen to the half-immortal?”

Qingxuan also frowned and asked, but a hint of worry flashed across her face.

Don’t look at her always bickering with Guo Banxian, and sometimes she will be so angry that Guo Banxian has nothing to say, but she and Guo Banxian are also friends who grew up together since they were young, and the relationship between them is quite deep.

“It’s possible!”

As Qinghong spoke, he pointed at the trampled grass and some chaotic footprints beside the stream, and rationally analyzed: “If I’m not mistaken, Banxian may have encountered something just now. Crisis.”

“There should be more than two feet by the stream, and judging from the different sizes, there should be more than five people coming.”

“And these footprints are relatively large, they should be the footprints of adult men.”

“So I deduce that the half-immortal should have clashed with these adult men, and may have been forcibly taken away afterwards!”

“No way?”

Qingxuan explained in surprise: “I know Guo he usually doesn’t look very reliable, he is a very cautious person.”

“And he has also learned kung fu, even if there are three or five big men swarming up, he will not be powerless to fight back.”

“What’s more, the distance from here to the small house is only tens of meters.”

“If it was really dangerous, he would definitely yell for help, but we didn’t hear any sound.”

“This shows that he has not encountered any danger, but it may be that he took the initiative to track down those strong men!”

“It’s possible.”

Qinghong changed the subject and said in a low voice, “This possibility also exists.”

“I think it’s better to look around for him now!”

While speaking, he looked around vigilantly, and finally looked in the direction of the stream, and found that those footprints actually extended to the direction of the foot of the mountain.

“They went up the mountain.”

Qinghong said while running quickly towards the foot of the mountain, Qingxuan was worried about Guo Banxian’s safety, so naturally she chased after him immediately.

After the two walked along the mountain stream all the way, they soon entered the boundary of Wuyi National Forest Park.


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