Xiling Empire Chapter 975: Bear boy

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This is a confusing but fascinating conjecture: if there is such a thing, it actually exists somewhere, but you and everyone you know have never known and such a thing Regarding any relevant information, you do n’t know what it looks like, its origin, its location, or even its existence, and no one even told you that there is such a thing somewhere in in this world , With this at the same time, such a thing will not have any impact on you, whether it is born, evolved, or died, will not have any information intersection for you.

So, does such a thing really exist for you?

When something like this disappears for some reason, did this thing really happen to you?

This is the case. A lot of World should have been discovered, but in the end, no one found these World. They were unknown to you from the beginning of their birth, and they did not leave any clues after their death. I ca n’t find evidence that this World once existed or was destroyed. I can only guess from some statistical figures and experience. Oh, there should be something here, but now they are gone-even the end , Can only draw conclusions by sidetracking, or a conclusion that visual inspection can never prove or falsify.

This is what happened during the Void catastrophe.

“I’m afraid I can never confirm the specific time, because you can’t be sure when a thing that only exists statistically will die-if you determine this time, this thing will not die. , Because you already know it exists, and in the Void catastrophe, none of the Worlds found perished, “Chen Xiaoxue said,” After realizing that there is no new World undiscovered in Void, my second uncle I think the situation is not right, so I guess the essence of the Void cataclysm should be a major shuffle with exemption rules. The exempted World has the common feature, that is, it can be used with Void Creature-just take a little side, such as an empire Bing has been to this World, then this World is equivalent to your father, even if your subjective consciousness does not understand this World, it can survive the Void catastrophe, and those who failed to produce Void Creature The contacted World was deleted mercilessly, but there is no definite evidence for this process. After all, apart from statistical laws, there is no Any evidence can show that World really existed. “

“The rest of the incident further corroborates this inference: after the continuous work of a period of time, the investigators you sent out began to discover the first new World, but this new World was just born and its age was short. It can be ignored. After that, everything seems to be on the right track again. New World is constantly being discovered. Of course, the speed cannot catch up with before the cataclysm, and those new World have one thing in common, that is, young: completely born recently. /

“The old generation of unowned World was completely cleared in an instant, and then Void started to store new data as if it were formatted database,” Shandora looked at my eyes, “Some World survived the format, the reason Just because you can get a little bit of a relationship with Void Creature. This kind of thing, even for Xiling Apostle, is really terrible. A’Jun, your understanding of Void should be the most intuitive. You think Void will have this … Is this tendency? “

Shandora tried to find a suitable vocabulary to describe the essence of the Void cataclysm, but Void in the broad sense has no personality, so in the end she could only use the slightly anthropomorphic word “tendency”.

“I’m really not sure,” I rubbed my forehead with a wry smile, “I do have a feeling for Void, but how do I say …”

“A creature trapped in a two-dimensional World can never understand what height is,” Shandora said incisively. “However we imagine, we can’t understand how you feel in the state of Void Creature, body, you also Not clear. “

“That’s how it is.”

“Okay, now we just need to know that the Void catastrophe will definitely happen, but no one can directly see this process,” Shandora began to gather the known information bit by bit, “Chen Xiaoxue— —Now based on the truthfulness of your words, when did the Void catastrophe happen? ”

“An uncertain time,” Chen Xiaoxue spread his hands on the table, “Okay, let me explain what happened to me first, otherwise you will always think of me as coming from the future- -Strictly speaking, the Chen Xiaoxue in front of you actually does not exist. The real place I am is at a certain time after the Void catastrophe, but that time has not yet begun, in other words, what you see in front of you It ’s just a phantom piled up by possibilities, similar to a cluster of information thrown into the present at some point in the future, standing in your perspective, even when I do n’t exist: like a conjecture, before there is definitive evidence, Please think of me as a conjecture. Now I will pause for a while and you will give me a push. “

I think even if she pauses, I do n’t understand much-this is much more complicated than riding a monkey on a tree and a monkey under the tree.

However, Lin Xue, as an Prophet, often deals with this kind of logic problem. at this moment understands: “in other words, you are equivalent to the probe that Chen Xiaoxue will put into the present point in time, but this probe theoretically has no entity , You are a set of information. “

“The probe ’s statement is accurate, but the more precise term is” inevitability that has not yet happened, “” the other party nodded with a grin. “The Void catastrophe may start ten years later or one billion years later, regardless When does it happen, then I will be born in the fifth year after the cataclysm, but in the current timeline, this matter is just an ‘inevitable event’ rather than a ‘real event’. Information determines everything, when all is established The information is limited, and after all interference factors are calculated, even if nothing happened, it can have practical significance. This is the origin of the virtual projection called ‘Chen Xiaoxue‘ in front of you. I am not a real Chen Xiaoxue, but Except for this concept, everything in me is completely equivalent to the real Chen Xiaoxue. This process is a bit long to explain, let me briefly talk about it: Void cataclysm at the same time affects everything, it can be said that at that time, the entire Void All the information of the world has become harmonious like never before. In this harmonious state, all the information forms a formula, Void Creature The direct heirs are not only me, the second uncle also has his own real direct heirs after that (now the two God Clan small Princess was born from the Father God’s sword), these of our heirs call themselves ‘the answer to Void‘, and the big Before the catastrophe, the collection of all the information of the entire Void was called the “calculation”. My other name is “Eternal Existence”, which means that as an answer, I exist in all World formulas-ah, finally I remember what vocabulary is most suitable for describing. Dad, Mom, now what you are looking at is not a daughter who really traverses from the future, but a mathematical conclusion that has completed the operation. One is connected to the body with an equal sign, but it is equivalent to two. Independent factors … “

I continued to rack my brains, and it took a long time to try and ask: “For example, it is like in the classic mathematical environment, one plus one equals two. The Void cataclysm formed all by resetting all information. The information is temporarily archived at the “coordinating moment”. In this environment, both “one” and a “plus” are determined, then even if no one has pressed the “equal sign” key, the “two” has been used as The established fact, even if it has not yet appeared-Lin Xue and I are the “equal sign” key, and you are the “two” that is still destined even if not born? “

“Probably like this, but to correct it: Void Cataclysm is the ‘equal sign’, you and my mother are the hand that presses the equal sign key,” Chen Xiaoxue looked at this with a smile, “Also Can you not say that I am the “two”? The real Chen Xiaoxue is the “two”, I am the “equal to two”, I am on the left side of this formula. “

everybody: “…”

“Just like what Dad said, from your current time point of view, I am such a kind of existence,” Chen Xiaoxue made a concluding speech, “At this time of your time, I have not been born, but my Birth already exists as a 100% trend. At some point in the future, the real ‘Chen Xiaoxue‘ has its own life experience, but that life experience will not affect the timeline around you now, this is Because only in the moment of the catastrophe of Void, my life will really start, and now before that moment, you are just in front of a calculation conclusion that has not been written on paper. An answer instead of a complete formula is not Will it have any effect on the entire mathematical system-eh, is it dizzy? “

I think everyone is dizzy at this moment, and only Shandora can keep thinking. She looked at my cheap daughter|girl: “in other words, you are just the expected answer calculated in advance by this formula, the real calculation has not yet started, Your existence is based on theoretically. Until the Void cataclysm really happens, you ca n’t affect anything. Everything you do will be macroscopically corrected—because your calculation has n’t yet begun? ”

“That’s it, so don’t expect to get the future direction from me, the end result or something, I don’t know, what I know will not necessarily happen, after all, a calculation is not only a writing method, vertical There are two historical trends in horizontal mode, but the final answer is the same. In this respect, my half of the future people are not as good as my mother knows. So what, let ’s stop talking about this topic, my dad is going to sleep Written. “

everybody: “…”

“Okay, okay, the last question:” Sister waved her hand, and then looked at each other with a smile, “Although theoretically has no doubt, I still want to ask, you have to come up with more accurate evidence to prove yourself Identity, so that you can prove all the theories you said, is this not excessive? “

“I knew you had to ask this,” Chen Xiaoxue immediately showed an unexpected expression and looked around with pride. “This is all top-secret information: There is a small birthmark of red on the mother’s left chest. My mom sometimes bites the pillow at night, and will bite my dad later. My dad has a black dot on the PP on the right side, Della … my sister is also in Ah?. When you sleep in my dad ’s pocket, you are used to catching the thread Prevent yourself from falling out, because it is difficult to buckle from the inside, and it is more troublesome to come out after the button is fastened. Also, my second uncle is a left-handed, I do n’t believe you go back to God’s Domain and ask … Uh, what do you look like, my dad when I was a kid Is it not too much to bathe myself daughter|girl? I can still share this information with myself in the future. “

Lin Xue bit her back molar and said: “Okay, we believe it-now I finally know why I want to beat people like this!”

I patted the shoulder of Lin Xue’s comfortably: “The child has to be disciplined, how has this girl grown like this?”

When Ojou-sama heard this, her face suddenly turned red. Obviously after she was freed from the theoretical bombing of Chen Xiaoxue, she finally realized how exciting this earth-shattering news was: a daughter|girl! One is not yet born yet, but the future Tie Da is like this daughter|girl, just standing in front of himself so alive! What is this concept for the arrogant and shy Ojou-sama? Anyway, Lin Xue has always been extremely powerful. Seeing the expression on his mother’s face, Chen Xiaoxue seemed to guess what the other person was thinking, and said with a grin: “Mom, don’t be embarrassed, your relationship with dad is so good, and you can think This is a good thing. At least for now, it seems that you still have to learn how to breastfeed me. Not … By the way, dad, when will we go home to eat Ah??

Lin Xue’s‘s face was almost purple-red, she suddenly grabbed my arm, and seemed to pull a section of strength with great strength: “Wood! Will I strangle to rebirth?”

This is absolutely irritating. The normal IQ Ojou-sama can’t say such a bold word. She and my relatives are now looking for nobody’s corner.

Chen Xiaoxue (Okay, maybe I have the right to call her for Xiao Xue now) to make a wounded look: “Mom, do n’t be like this. In fact, you get used to it like this for a long time. Bingxue’s smart daughter|girl, you see, I am very obedient most of the time, and I know some Void knowledge like my dad. Now you must use it. Of course, the more important thing is that you do n’t think I am particularly cute. It took me a lot of effort to grow my face like this. I was free when I was a kid. I looked for pictures of movie stars. I looked in the mirror every morning-eh, cute and dead! “

Me: “…”

About Chen Xiaoxue, a strange little girl who does n’t know how to classify, in the end, I agreed with Shandora to assume that this fait accompli is good, because I am afraid that the highest-end scientists ca n’t smooth the girl ’s state on the axis between at the same time Not to mention the cause and effect relationship between her and the Void cataclysm. I just thought that there was a strange daughter in my family. Anyway, I was already used to similar things. Of course, in the future, I still have to learn about things I do n’t know about. Now that the fleet has embarked on a journey home, it does n’t take much time to return to the shadow space. The only troublesome issue is how to deal with the thousands of abyssalized warships that follow. According to Xiao Xue, they are all “Gift”, now this gift makes me feel very hot.

Abyssalized warships include Eternal Level and more than 300 motherships / carriers of the same level. The total number of medium-sized main force battleships such as expedition class is five or six thousand, and the number of remaining support warships and special service ships is about two thousand. Small spaceships such as individual warplanes, assault ships, and frigates that have been gathered in the mother ship hanger are not counted. These warships add up to already a large-scale group army. Such a large number of abyssalized spaceship will be docked in the shadow space , But it was a huge event, and along with this fleet came hundreds of thousands of Fallen Apostles warriors and even more numerous war puppets: all smoky.

I think if they carefree landed on Xinggang, the scene must be very spectacular. The first unlucky egg that landed may be cut into four or five hundred pieces by Vega before me and Shandora reacted, and then dipped a small piece every day Eat three times with helium …

We have notified the headquarters of what happened here. Of course, the officers of the shadow fortress will not have any objection to the decision of Emperor, but they also proposed that the Fallen Apostles army should not land on capital city, which will trigger others. The panic, although there are so many Fallen Apostless in the Empire Army now with two or three kittens, three people and 300,000 people are not a concept. Finally, Shandora and I temporarily decided to let these Fallen Apostles fleets land on the shadow space, but the station was far away from the parent star and Shadow City. The edge of the shadow space was close to the boundary line of Void Domain. There are some planets fortress that are being assembled. These huge planets are equipped with weapons. Can be used directly as a colonial star, Fallen Apostles‘s “Rebel Fleet” is temporarily docked there.

Chen Xiaoxue has not stopped talking along the way, she is happily introducing us to her heroic experience (in fact, it should be the true heroic experience of Chen Xiaoxue in the future, but she and the original are in a projection relationship, so That ’s right), and everyone ’s concern: how did she appear in front of us in the future in a ‘projection’ state.

“At some point in the future, I ’m a researcher. I ’m particularly interested in the history before the catastrophe of Void, so it ’s like Chen Xiaoqian—that ’s right, Dad, you ’re here to get your name, that ’s The daughter of your mother and Qianqian is one year younger than me. I was studying with Chen Xiaoqian how to return to the cataclysm. If the cataclysm is regarded as an equal part of a formula, then I and other Void Creature children It is the result of one side of the equal sign. The other side of the equal sign corresponds to our formula. Because of the irreversibility of the cataclysm, if the result runs directly to the opposite side of the equal sign, this formula will collapse. in other words, we cannot let our body pass through Void catastrophe node. My sister has a broad mind, she said that since the things on both sides of the equal sign cannot be exchanged at will, then let one of them be deformed, just like ‘two plus two’ and ‘two times two’ A concept, vertical and horizontal can produce the same result, decimal point and fraction can be used to represent non-integers, by changing the formula on the side of the equal sign, it can be integrated from a pile of scattered data into a pole Something similar to the answer-but we can’t adjust the formula ourselves, then we have to borrow someone’s hand and need a group of easy-to-use fools to perform a series of very complicated operations before they can be induced by dim-wittedly … “

This should be shocking enough news. At least Shandora’s‘s face changed dramatically in front of this news.

in other words … The two children in the future just designed a huge trap just to satisfy their curiosity. Those Fallen Apostles are just their two tools, and Fallen Apostles has invested a lot of money in the “Void Creature copy plan” from the very beginning is a scam, just to let the projection of Chen Xiaoxue be born before the catastrophe of Void! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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