Xiling Empire Chapter 909: Captive

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It seems that our family does have a very surprising ability, that is, no matter what we do, there will always be a situation in the end.

In most cases, there is a problem with the shallow treasure or Lily Na, and sometimes the head of my family and our very dignified and decent Ojou-sama will also go offline …

I think no matter whether these ruin tribes have understood what Jood said, they are certainly impressed with today ’s live broadcast-but who cares, it ’s not a day or two for the first family to be unreliable Things, they will know about it sooner or later …

“Do we have suitable arrangements for their World now?”

After the announcement of the civilians, I found Sives, who was on standby. This female officer who was always meticulous and brave seemed to have a spiritual head that would never decline. Even after the war, she was completely full of spirit. Staying on the front line podium is much stronger than the little brat that immediately entered the low-power standby state after the battle of Pandora.

“Yes, my your majesty, there are currently a lot of World in the imperial territory, and there are countless carbon-based main sequence planets suitable for the survival of ruin tribes,” said Sieves nodded. “The total population of ruin tribes is less than 500 million people, a planet is enough to accommodate them. “

“But they may not be suitable for direct contact with large scale of other civilizations now?” I touched my chin and thought, “Too lack of the conventional knowledge system that normal civilization should have, nor how to survive in the real World. In this state, letting them rush into contact with a variety of conventional civilizations is probably not a good thing for both. “

These considerations were based on the thinking of a earthling. As the Empire Military Personnel, Syves obviously was before didn’t expect, so she suddenly showed a sudden look. In her view, perhaps a civilization wants to survive is a simple thing-supply enough nourishment and space, and then order when they are needed, typical imperial thought, efficient, but basically not applicable to any one Conventional civilization, even now that the new empire has undergone great changes, some of the in the bones ’s customary ideas are not so easy to change. It is easy for them to provide more good treatment to the vassal civilization, but it is difficult for them to think of this initiative too much.

“It is true that their status quo is not suitable for direct contact with normal civilization. Too strong a cultural shock may destroy their social structure,” Sieves just did n’t think so much, and she thought without signify being reminded. Do not understand, she immediately understood my consideration, “then it is necessary to exclude those planets that have been colonized by the high level civilization, and all the territory of the Pan-Galactic Civilization Community can be excluded. The most ideal choice is a complete ecosystem and rich resources. , But there are no smart life planets. Such planets have some in the Imperial Colony Reserve, and some planets that do not meet the conditions can be survived by a little adjustment … “

“Brother Elder.”

When I was discussing with Sieves, a gentle call came suddenly from behind. Without looking back, I knew who it was from the tone of the other party and this unique name: Busujima Saeko.

Speaking of this, the title of “brother elder” is really a bit speechless. To be honest, until now I have been seriously serious about this, and it is almost a bit untimely. I am quite unaccustomed to calling it, although it sounds to the family The title, but you have seen a few children asking for money from his mother, but also bowed a sentence “Mother, please give the child three or five pennies to buy a KFC chicken drumstick”? But Busujima Saeko just twisted like this!

In fact, the name “Poison Island” was originally called out of fun. She once suddenly wanted to learn the way of the maid with An Wei Na, but the result was no end, and I was dragged to the school by my students. For any school age As far as children are concerned, going to school is definitely something that deserves to be deeply disgusted. I always believe that it is because of this that the poisonous island is unswervingly calling me the stiff and rigid “brother elder” because when she called so , I always show a very depressed look, and this makes her very happy.

But now, this title seems to have become her habit.

Saeko? Did n’t you go back to rest?”

I turned my head and looked at the girl standing behind me. She stood slim three meters away, with a gentle smile on her face, and looked like a lady when she was not holding a knife.

“Brother, are you thinking about arranging these ruin tribes?”

Saeko looked at Sives, and suddenly said in a hopeful tone.

Oh?, do you have any suggestions?”

I match a period of time with each other ’s brother and sister. I still know a little bit about this cheaper sister. Although she is usually positioned at home as an nanny like An Weina, but occasionally she is still slightly different from An Weina It’s that Saeko will make some small requests. From this point, she has more humanity than An Wei Na. The ghost maid who has no desires never knows the requirements to express herself. So far she has I asked for two things. The first thing was for me to allow her to build a nest on the cabinet in the living room. The second thing was that she wanted us to go outside and find some Raven for her to come back. —The second case was also rejected by me.

Is it a bit off topic?

“Brother Elder, I have some ideas, but it doesn’t matter if Brother Elder has made a decision …” Saeko hesitated and said happily, “In fact, the people of the ruin tribe are also arranged on Mars. Okay? There are already quite large ecological areas there. “


I suddenly thought of the red planet covered with red red iron oxide soil, which was ravaged by storms all year round, but soon, I realized that Saeko may be talking about another Mars-school apocalypse The one recorded World.

“Shelter?” I raised my eyebrows and asked with some surprise.

“Shelter” refers to the Mars of the school apocalypse World. Speaking of Universe, it can be said that it is the most special one in the territory where Empire Army is stationed. Its homeland has no vassal race, and we are now ” The ruling region practice of “Territory must have vassals” is very different. The local Human Race survivors are not qualified for vassals. They are not very clever at the stage of civilization in other parts of Universe. The most advanced one has not been able to fly out of their solar system. The Empire set up a lot of large base and colonial sites in that Universe, and regarded it as one of the inland territories. However, due to insufficient energy, we have not yet developed large scale for that Universe. It can be said that the entire World is a virgin land waiting for construction. The current system activities in that World are only observations and some routine scientific research that do not cause any interference to the source civilization.

Probably equivalent to the “suburban” of the empire. The prospects are vast, but now we have no time to build.

Shandora plans to start the comprehensive construction project of Universe in the apocalypse of World in the next three hundred years, and regard it as one of the important “factories” during the rise of the empire. The plan that may not be completed is a bit too far away for me. Usually such things are all handled by Shandora, and now Saeko suddenly mentioned the “refuge”, and I remembered these related matters.

“Speaking of that, that World is also your hometown.”

I showed some emotion, “You haven’t seen your friends there for a long time?”

“Some friends are still there, but my hometown is not counted anymore,” Saeko shook his head. “A surreal refuge with steel everywhere, it is better to have a sense of belonging in the brother-in-law’s home-in Staying in the Mars Refuge is the same as on this spaceship, it is just a new look for me. “

“Also.” I nodded.

The planet Busujima Saeko grew up with the door of the abyss and the flash of EOP03, and only hundreds of thousands of survivors left in the world were transferred to Mars Refuge. Such a Refuge is certainly not for her. It is her hometown, so the current Saeko completely regards Shadow City and “Brother’s House” as her own home. However, because she still has some friends who stay in Mars Refuge, she still occasionally goes back to take a look. Now-Empire Army School of Things is about to final exam …

Saeko means letting the ruined tribe of World go to Refuge on Mars. Her suggestion is surprising. I do n’t quite understand what motivated her to do this-it ’s on the ruined tribe and Mars Refuge Does it make sense for people?

“Although Brother Elder is a person who thinks very well of others, sometimes will also be careless.” Saeko looked at my eyes and whispered, “Although Refuge is very safe, there is only one city in World. This is a very lonely thing. “

When I heard it, I was a little dazed–it seemed to be the case.

Saeko continued: “After the collapse of Earth, everyone was gathered in Refuge, hundreds of thousands of people, the only city, the fact that many people are frustrated, although there is no need to worry about security, and everyone We are also working hard to build a new home, but the entire planet is gone. The Human Race civilization suddenly fell back to such a situation. The entire World was compressed into a protective cover. Outside the city is the innocent uninhabited area. How far can’t find another trace of Human Race … In such a life, many people began to recall the once prosperous Earth civilization. When I went back two months ago, I saw the police officer in Zhonggang. She admitted that the overall atmosphere in Refuge It’s getting worse. So I think, if at this moment can have another large group of people who have the same encounter and their together … Even if they have never known each other, can they also encourage each other? “

“So, it seems that I was negligent,” I pondered my chin. The situation that Saeko said was easy to think of, but no one had remembered this before. Although Refuge can protect the safety of people ’s life, But it is impossible to protect people’s hearts. It is true that after the end of World, it is already a lucky thing to live in Refuge, at least a lot luckier than those who died, but you will be a person who still had a normal life a few months ago. Extracted from the Earth of six billion people and thrown into a glass shell with a population of only hundreds of thousands, and visually they hundreds of thousands of people have to survive in this shell for more than ten generations before they can be put on the planet again. There is something that can barely be called “civilization” or “state”, which has to be said to be a kind of living sorrow.

Of course, if we do n’t care about this, there will not be much consequences. The first generation of Refuge residents may be sad, but the second generation of Refuge residents will only have regrets. When the third generation, they I will get used to the life in Refuge. Sooner or later, the new generation in Refuge will completely forget that their race has been spread all over the planet. They will learn to develop with peace of mind and be satisfied in the shell until step by step out of Refuge according to the plan. The so-called pain relief effect of “post-apocalyptic civilization”.

But now I obviously wo n’t let go of this kind of situation, and it ’s a matter of handiwork anyway, and the Human Race survivors in Refuge are also people under their own rule-even if they ca n’t reach the imperial vassal. Qualifications, but should also have the right to live a better life. In Shandora’s‘s words, in any position, there must always be responsibilities that must be borne.

“Everyone, I believe, including the tribes in the ruins, need to rely on each other to be more courageous,” Saeko looked at my eyes with his hands folded, “They have a lot in common, don’t they have to give If they find each other to rely on, I think that the ruin tribe and the survivors in Mars Refuge are the only ones. Everyone in the Mars Refuge can no longer continue to face the lone reality of the entire planet and only one city. A leader who will not cause them too much social impact, the survivors in Refuge will be happy to teach the ruin tribe how to survive on a real planet … “

I nodded while listening. Saeko is right. When other cities appear on the planet, Mars Refuge will not only be an Refuge, but it may fully prosper in a very short time In its lifetime, it will become a prosperous and lively real World, Human Race in Refuge will not have to continue to remember the past of on the Earth alone in the only city of World, and the ruin tribe can learn how to be in ordinary Survival on the planet: As Saeko said, Human Race in Mars Refuge is the most suitable leader. They understand what people most need after losing their homes, and they know how to help a group of newly arrived refugees adapt to the new World as soon as possible. I know that for a group of ordinary people living in on the Earth, it is not difficult to be familiar with the ultra-modern Mars Refuge, so that the ruin tribes know what is “World outside” Naturally, there is some experience in adapting to the new environment.

“How big is the habitable area near Mars Refuge? Wait, wait, please give me a more complete report.”

I turned around and asked Sives, and the other party called out a file and quickly glanced at it, replied: “Refuge used several super plants cultivated by Lily to help build the planetary ecosystem, plus Empire Army The remaining atmospheric manufacturing system, now the target World, the entire Mars has initially been equipped to allow ordinary Human Race to survive directly in the atmosphere. At present, the main vegetation there is covered in the northern hemisphere, and the quarter of the entire planet reaches the standard of an excellent ecological planet. The southern hemisphere is set as a temporarily undeveloped area. At present, there are completely source rivers and tundra, but the vegetation coverage only reaches the level of the desert planet. Refuge is still the only city on the entire planet, and only a few satellite towns have been built in its surroundings. Due to population restrictions, the expansion of Refuge is very slow. Comprehensive evaluation, the target Mars of World has reached the standard of middle grade ecological planet, and the ruin tribes can all be placed in the northern hemisphere. “

“Wow, so a desolate place can be colonized so quickly, much faster than I thought.”

I sincerely sighed.

After all, the planet was originally used to house hundreds of thousands of refugees. We did not use the science and technology to build the entire planet ’s ecosystem. Later, the atmospheric manufacturing system and the super plant of Lily are what we did for Refuge. All the “additional investment” is really didn’t expect. In such a short time, the desolate Mars has become a colonial star of middle grade quality. What strange seeds did Lily throw there?

“Then it is so settled, the ruin tribe will be placed on Mars Refuge,” I made the decision, “Establish some empire outpost and the like near Refuge to upgrade the administrative level of that planet and treat it as a general affiliated colony. In addition, inform the person in charge of Refuge to prepare them to receive their new neighbors, and transfer a batch of engineering ships from Shadow City to prepare temporary towns for the ruined tribes. We will depart after a few hours and settle these refugees Go back again. “

Sieves promised to execute the order and Saeko was very happy: “Thank you, brother and elder, for tolerating my wayward request …”

“Okay, okay, when do you say that you can stop looking at it like this?” I looked at Saeko helplessly. “Protecting the people, this is my job. And speaking of it, Mars Refuge It ’s true that I was a little negligent and I did n’t care enough about them. ”

“Please do n’t think so! Brother and sister attend to numerous affairs of state everyday every day, the important thing to consider is entire Empire, how can we consider a single tribe with all the burdens under such a heavy load? In fact, Brother and Brother can do their best Worrying about hundreds of thousands of Human Race is very touching. “

Looking at the serious face of Saeko and listening to her unwavering words, I suddenly felt … this girl might be ridiculous.

Do you think I look like a attend to numerous affairs of state everyday guy?

“Go, go back to bed and sleep!” I waved to Saeko, trying to make a majestic look, and the other party also smiled, and bowed to me slightly with impeccable etiquette, and ran towards the teleportation briskly. Device.

However, when I stretched my waist and prepared to go back to the lounge to get some sleep, a black figure suddenly jumped out of the air next to it, followed by the screaming of Icetis. : “Ah Haha, Chen, hurry up with the concubine! We have a big surprise!”

I was shocked, and I threw the gangster goddess who was about to throw a signature bear hug over the shoulder, “What a surprise?”

“Captive!” Icetis was lying on the ground, dancing and dancing, “Unprecedented! Your sister is really doing a great job, there is a bad luck that failed to run away, nor failed to explode, we were caught alive-caught Fallen Apostles , Lively Fallen Apostles Oh! “(to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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