Xiling Empire Chapter 889: In the dark

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A fusion reactor suspended at a height of 3,000 kilometers began to work at a completely abnormal speed. The strong magnetic coil used to fix the reactor core changed from dark red to bright yellow within a few seconds, and then was changed The white sphere of white light swallowed up, and the white light was dozens of times brighter than the real sun. It instantly filled the sky and cast a vast white in the eyes.

The Lin Xue’s reminder was shouted a few seconds before the reactor exploded. This gave everyone a reaction time. Although everyone did n’t know it, some people shouted so loudly in unexpected situations. Many people chose subconsciously to follow suit— —It ’s as if you yell at the train station suddenly and someone will fall. Although soon you will be knocked down by the uncle of the police, the effect of the “urgent appeal” is real. Lin Xue’s shouted so many people closed eyes at the moment the reactor exploded.

Exclude me …

Really, our response is slow. If this girl had a good injection a few minutes in advance, I might have reacted.

There is still a white field in my vision, and some people are not far away shouting in horror: “eyes! My eyes!” “I can’t see anything!”

Shandora snorted a little, and a little bit of mental pressure covered the square, so that the townspeople who had been in full chaos because of the panic and turmoil of almost a dozen people shivered and shivered. Then she said coldly: ” Quiet, just blind temporarily. “

After the mental oppression was removed, the people around were obviously calmed down a lot, but I could still hear an uneasy whispered conversation. I blinked and blurred the appeared silhouettes in my sight—although I had experienced a lot The flesh is strengthened, but it seems that “flash blinding” belongs to the normal function of eyes, and it is like the ordinary people.

Fortunately, there are many ways to observe World. The meticulous mental power to scan is much easier to use than eyes, so I do n’t care much about the paleness in the field of vision for the time being, just touched the elbow of Lin Xue’s, low Whispered: “Why didn’t you remind me earlier?”

“How are you reacting so slowly to wood?” Ojou-sama smiled naughtily and waved before me eyes, which was knocked out by me: “Don’t make trouble, you think you don’t need eyes Ah? to see things by yourself”

Just like Shandora said, the white light just now did not burn eyes. Even blinding is quite short. After a few minutes, the townspeople who were hit by extra large flash bombs recovered one after another. Come here, I’m a little bit earlier than they recovered. The naked eye is completely okay.

If the night before the flash happened is still dark, and there is still a coil that emits red light providing lighting, the sky is really out of reach, and the dark red halo that was originally suspended in the sky has disappeared with the explosion. , Losing any Light source, the sky above is like a pure black curtain, open and endless, the only light is the occasional small bright spots across the sky, that is the wreckage of the fusion reactor burning across the space, but this last The flash of light lasted less than ten minutes, and in the end, nothing was lost.

The square is deadly silent, and the townspeople are at a loss to look around. Under the pale street lights, there is a panic face. What is happening now is that they have never experienced it, and never I can imagine that the fusion furnace hanging above the head will be extinguished and even blown into fragment(s), which may cause them as much impact as earthling seeing the sun turn green, no one knows what to do in this case. What was the reaction, so the only thing left was to look around in anxiety. After seeing the same restlessness in other people, I was more frightened, but I also found a sense of security in the group.

After a while, I do n’t know who started it. A low voice came from the crowd. At first, it might be a self-talk, but it quickly became a spreading conversation:

Glick said, he has been talking about the reactor going out …”

“He? Is he just a bit crazy? He also said that those ancient machines would also stop.”

“But the fusion reactors are really finished now. Although they were not made by God, they are also things left over from the era of the gods.”

“Do n’t talk about it, there will be a new reactor lifted into the sky. There are many ancient machines in the church. They can use that to rebuild a fusion reactor …”

“I do n’t think it ’s reliable … Remember that when we were young, the daily light-off time was three hours after dinner (the ruined World timing unit). It is now two and a half hours. The light-off time of public lighting is advanced. There is definitely not enough power on the side of the large energy furnace. As Glick said, all energy furnaces have been used for at least 700,000 years … “

“Do n’t talk nonsense, Glick is just whimsical, he is …”

“My father is not whimsical! He is a hero!”

A naive but exhausted voice suddenly penetrated the low whispering whispers in the square. Little Glick squeezed out of the crowd and stood in front of everyone shouting, “My dad has long been I said that all machines will be broken. He said that he will find other big stars and find us new reactors and synthesizers! He is a hero, so he is not whimsical! “

Such a little boy suddenly appeared on the square and yelled to make the people stunned. Master Barnard looked at Glick in amazement: “Are n’t you letting you stay with water drops at home? The situation is bad now, little Do n’t leave the room. “

“I am 14 years old,” Glick said aloud, his chest stood up, trying to show his maturity, “I just saw a flash of light outside in the room, is it a fusion furnace …”

Glick said that half of subconsciously looked up at the sky, and what he saw was the dark sky. The place where the fusion furnace was originally hung was empty.

“Everyone will come home to waiting for first. There should be news soon in Ayutthaya,” Barnard coughed and said loudly, “Maybe the new fusion reactor is already on the way to the sky. , But that takes time. Today ’s work is canceled, everyone is not allowed to leave the town, it is best not to leave the room, prepare warm things, if the fusion reactor downtime is too long, it will definitely blow cold wind … Glick, you too, Hurry back, you are 14 years old yourself, but Shuizhu is only nine years old and she needs someone to take care of it. “

Senior Barnard commanded a clear and firm attitude. Glick can only choose to obey unconditionally. Several townspeople who have words also nodded their promises. The crowd began to disperse. In a few moments, only us would be left on the square. A few and Grandpa Barnard had.

“I’m sorry, there is no transportation in the town that can take you back, and the roads here and outside are also blocked by darkness,” the old man rubbed his hands anxiously, observing our look, “repaired in the fusion reactor Before, I am afraid that a few guests from Dacheng can only stay in town temporarily … “

“It’s okay, just experience life,” Lin Xue habitually ran a train full of mouth, but I was glared, and then his expression became serious, “Old man, you really think the new fusion reactor will soon Is it in place? “

Banadwan didn’t expect guests from Ayutthaya will issue such a question, he hesitated, and then hesitantly said: “I do n’t know … but is it not certain, those ancient things can always be maintained, The priests said, ‘Their light will never go out’, the fusion reactor will always be repaired, I hope the town will not be blown down by the cold wind until then. “

“Yeah, ‘never go out’, huh.” Lin Xue repeated a few words in a low voice and shook his head imperceptibly, but didn’t say much. We said goodbye to the elderly first. Then I found Glick‘s hut.

The warm yellowish light is still on in the hut. The difference from the previous visit is that the place is cleaned up after being cleaned up, and many broken parts have been found. The function is assembled into a new and clean machine and placed in a place where it can play a role, or at least it does not take up a lot of space. Glick was sitting in a daze in front of his iron table, with a half-eaten loaf of bread in front of us-that was brought by us last night, and the drops of water were curled up in a big chair in the corner of the room, holding his knees and squeezing into one Tuan, you can see the shadow of panic in your eyes.

In fact, just fixing the fusion reactor is a breeze for all of us, but the current situation is definitely not just as simple as scrapping the fusion reactor. There are various signs, including the Lin Xue’s prophecy dream and the reduction of various living quotas of this World The facts indicate that worse things are happening here. This closed system that has been in operation for more than 700,000 years is coming to an end. Those non-empire-made fusion reactors are the first to die due to technical limitations. Ancient equipment.

Under normal circumstances, the empire machines that maintain this World should be able to persist for a longer period of time, at least far beyond the life of those fusion reactors is no problem, but now it is not normal, those things are from the spaceship wreckage The worn-out equipment dismantled, thinking of the Lin Xue’s prophecy dream, I am afraid that the shutdown of key equipment such as food synthesizers, atmospheric generators, etc. will only be in the end.

In this case, it does n’t matter if you fix a fusion reactor. If you do n’t want to watch this World indigenous people suffer disaster, it ’s the easiest and crudest way to send them all to a safe World. This is one of our preparations, but before that, Shandora and I do n’t think it should be Take urgent action: those systems will take some time to crash. Before the last moment comes, all we have to do is to unlock the other secrets of this space.

Glick looks a little sullen, but that’s all, he still looks calm. A child over thirteen years old didn’t panic after facing such an event that can cause adults to panic. His calmness or rough nerves were surprising, maybe this was when he was a child I started to bear the responsibility of the family. It may also be that the father of the plumber who held the doomsday theory of World every day affected the child, making him appear more calm than others in the face of disaster.

Shuizhu is also, although she seems to be more terrified than Glick, but a nine-year-old Little Girl is not crying in this case, it is also surprising, now it is endless night outside, in order to save energy The street lights in the town had just been turned off halfway. At the “noon time” on weekdays, the street was shrouded in darkness. The water drops glanced out of the window and looked out, then they shrank back in fear. eyes straightly hooked Look here.

“Uncle, will the sun light up?”

Little Girl asked timidly.

I really want to remind her that in this case it should be called the elder brother, but after looking at Glick, I think it is better not to be as good as the 13-year-old bear child.

“The sun has broken down, but the adults have repaired it.”

Onee-sama lightly pressed the thin beads of water on her shoulders, and took out some small snacks from her pocket and stuffed them in her hands. “Relax, with us in, even the worst things will get better.”

The wonderful snack made this simple child immediately forget the fear, just like a little squirrel eating, the water droplets held a small package of puffed food and ate quickly, and Glick suddenly looked at us and suddenly remembered Something happened: “Oh, why are you the only ones back to town? What about those brothers and sisters?”

“You said they are Icetis and Suigintou?” I suddenly answered a little bit, “A few of them seem …”

“We are back!”

As a result, when I was thinking about how to explain to Glick the fate of a large group of people, Icetis ’s carefree uncultivated loud voice rang outside the door, just like returning to my own home, this The female hooligan who never knows the politeness pushed the door in, and carried my family Suigintou on his shoulder-but when he entered the door, the latter banged on the door beam with a “bang” and became a hood when I was in front of Icetis is on his back.

This is the hard lesson of being overrun.

“Wow! Sorry and sorry!” The sloppy goddess adults scrambled from the back to the front of the Suigintou, which was hit on the alloy door frame, nervously seeing if the other party was hurt, I really ca n’t see it. , A reminder next to it: “Hey Hey hey, you fell down …”

It seems that since I met, Suigintou has always contacted the collision with together. When she first arrived at home, she often forgot that there was an energy shield outside house and hit the balcony. When flying around at home, she always forgot to front. There is a corner that hits something to stop. Even now, being carried by Icetis, it will be knocked by the latter’s Ma Daha and turned dizzy. This is probably the equivalent of cursing fate for Suigintou.

It took me a lot of effort to stop Little Doll ’s impulse to find a goddess desperately. The price I paid was a lot of desserts, two barrels of yogurt, and a promise to wait for a pillow after returning. However, Icetis has no image. carefree occupies the only cushioned backrest chair in the Glick family, exaggeratedly exhaled: “Huh-good guy, that was really bright enough to start the concubine. “

I raised my eyebrows and asked with a spiritual connection: “Are you talking about a fusion furnace?”

“Fusion furnace? Well, what mortals call it,” the voice of Icetis sounded in his mind. “The artificial sun in this sky is extinguished. The concubine, the layman, can see that they are seriously over-life. Scrap, you have n’t seen them, they are all covered with bumpy patches. Some mortals want to forcibly pressurize one of the artificial suns, oh, this is over your head, when the concubine and others are in orbit when pressurized Hanging out, we watched its shell vaporize, and the pipe twisted into a twist like a rubber band. If it were not for 123 to help those mortals to bear the impact, and Lily Na secretly healed radiation, I am afraid that it should be **** at 3,000 kilometers. It’s … “

“You have rescued people.”

Onee-sama showed a very happy look.

“Of course, we are gods, can’t we always watch mortals die innocently?” Icetis spread his hand, “but to be honest, with this development, this World is finished. PL-15 analyzed those probes and scouts. The information passed back, the professional concubine did not understand, but one thing is for sure: 80% of the most basic mechanical system of space is seriously declining, and now is the concentrated outbreak period of all system shutdowns, For hundreds of years and for a few months, the various ancient factories that ensure that World life maintains a minimum will be completely stopped, and this World mortal can no longer find parts that can repair those ancient machines. This Is its original words. “

“I really do n’t know if it ’s lucky or what,” Onee-sama shook his head with a subtle bitter smile. “As soon as we came to this World, this space maintenance system was about to shut down completely, and it survived for hundreds of thousands of years. , Just happened when we rushed here? “

“If we don’t show up, this World will collapse silently,” Shandora said. “From this point, this World is very lucky.”

Glick ca n’t hear these spiritual conversations, and it took us less than a second to talk about these things in the spiritual connection, so he did n’t realize that several people in front of him were discussing the World he grew up with. He is now busy sharing a small package of puffed food with his sister. In front of snacks, he is just an ordinary child.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion from the direction of the square, which caught our attention.

When I led them to the square, a dozen people had gathered here, and the protagonist was standing in the middle, one of them was still an acquaintance: the fat and fat old man, Barner Virtue.

“Dacheng will handle everything. Now the only thing we can do is go back to waiting for,” Barnard cast his gaze on the person in front of him, and his eyebrows twisted into a pimple. “Tieke, I know you are very brave, But the at this moment is daring and useless. The nearest town is more than ten kilometers away, and the road has to pass through a valley that is not fully opened. There are no lights and no supply stations. We have no transportation! “

Senior Barnard is talking to a sturdy bald uncle who is as strong as a tower. Although he is lower than the latter by two ends, he can speak with a stern tone. The bald man called Tieke slightly lowered his head. I did n’t dare to refute loudly, but still insisted on my own opinion: “Are n’t we here in waiting for? We ca n’t fix the fusion reactor for a month, we will spend a month in the dark! Before then, the roads in the town and outside will be blocked than it is now It ’s still serious, and it ’s too late to call for help. Dacheng does n’t notice our small settlement. If you want to find help, you can only go out and ask for help … ”

We listened next to it. at this moment roughly understood what was going on. The big man named Tieke was obviously a radical in the town. He felt that the fusion furnace had exploded. I am afraid that it will be covered here in the long a period of time. In the long night, before that, it was the most sensible approach to get in touch with a large town with a formal settlement nearby, and the old mayor of Barnard was from a safety perspective, and his reasons were very good: the town is basically There is no transportation that can travel long distances, and there is no safety in the traffic roads in the town and outside. Especially in the dark conditions now, there is no place for the road to supplement lights and energy, so in the dark Walking for more than ten kilometers on foot to ask for help is no different from suicide. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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