Xiling Empire Chapter 781: Your former people

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In the Mobrador galaxy, more and more imperial ruins have been discovered, and at the same time also has more and more evidence that, not long after the collapse of Old Empire, the Empire Army team originally stationed here started to be crazy about this common civilization of World. The attack is unpredictable. The ancient civilization was almost destroyed without any chance of resistance. The only relic of the ancient civilization we found was the base located in the fog **** star, which basically was when the massacre arrived Didn’t play any role.

Shandora is not in a good mood these two days. Although she still has the eternal calmness on her face, I can feel the sadness in this Queen‘s heart from the spiritual connection. There is nothing like looking at myself The most loyal Soldier suddenly turned into an enemy, which was more distressing, and was originally a leader and asylum, but it turned back to destroy the vassal civilization that followed her. This position also made her very depressed.

It ’s not just moral condemnation and humanitarian guilt. For Shandora, although this kind of feeling exists, it does n’t make her so depressed—it ’s not so good to say, but she personally destroyed it. life has really reached a point that cannot be described by numbers. With regard to the killing, her endurance is amazing, and now her depression is more of a dignity blow: Xiling Apostle has always stood at the pinnacle of civilization with her own powerful power. How many weak and small civilizations depended on this strength to congregate under the iron hand of Old Empire, but now, the original backing that should be foolproof not only collapsed, but also crushed the followers under the backing, which has to be said to be extremely large Ironically, this is almost a shame for the proud Xiling Queen.

When I knew that Fallen Apostles existed in large numbers, Shandora was already down for similar reasons. The soldier who was originally an abyssal resistance turned to be controlled by the enemy who was determined to destroy it. This is bad enough, and now, I found that my army has become a similar accomplice. Needless to say, I can understand the mood of Shandora’s.

But I wisely did not comfort her by Shandora all day long. I know that as an imperial Queen, she has her own pride. Even though she usually likes to be spoiled by me, at this moment is unwilling to show her too weak. It is okay to say that it is Shandora‘s personal willfulness. Anyway, at this moment can’t coax her like ordinary girl, and silently supporting her is the best relief for her. I believe that this Her Majesty the Queen that has experienced countless winds and rains will not be hindered by this small mood depression-in fact, I ca n’t even think of anything on World that can really affect the action of a powerful Queen like Shandora, Well, except for hunger.

It seems to be calm before the storm. Everything has been calm in these days. Our agents have collected a lot of information about Mobrador World, and are still collecting more detailed things with amazing efficiency and smoothness. I firmly believe that the number of hairs on the Archbishop of the Blue Church can be directly inquired from the information link, yes, this The numbers are updated in real time. Other agents are in-depth to scan of all the celestial bodies of the Mobrador galaxy. We have marked all the remains of the empire and ancient civilizations, and have visited most of the more representative ones. Due to their long age, the ruins of the ruins are basically except for the dust. Nothing can be found outside. The sea of ​​fog **** base has become the only tomb of Shandora ’s former followers. Lily Na personally prayed for those ancient dead, and very rarely did not use strange prayers. word.

Of course, the agents also focused on the so-called “Holy Relics” and found many Old Empire inheritances. Those ancient devices have been erased by the identification code without exception, making it easy for ordinary people. Offline products used, but otherwise, they are all normal and show no signs of infection by the abyss.

Regarding those antiquities, there is a situation that has caused me and Shandora’s to attach great importance to it: all Old Empire inheritance, as long as they are intelligent weapons with certain self-acting ability (such as intelligent turrets, including general Xiling soldiers), are facing The agents of the Empire who had explored the ruins had attacked, but if the spies who went to investigate the situation were spies from the Civilization Community, they would have no reaction as if they were asleep.

in other words, all imperial weapons have determined the normal Xiling Apostle as an enemy.

This is an unthinkable ridiculous situation. Although there is no abyss reaction, those Xiling Weapons behaviors are even more outrageous. No one can explain clearly what went wrong with their judgment module, and why the enemy-identity identification results are contrary to the normal situation. Agent Hilling under attack successfully captured some combat machinery, but after they were sent for inspection, they got a report that the structure was all normal. There was no automation module like the Templar Guard in the Great Nebula, nor was it controlled by the abyss. Their mistakes can only be at their “thinking” level, but the headache is that the thinking of intelligent weapons is the most difficult to analyze in real time, you have to catch alive, and in fact no one can stop a Xilin Units self-destruct when the situation is unfavorable. They always format their memory cores the first time, and then they explode in time, which is really troublesome.

Now I can only agree with Lily Na ’s guess that Shandora’s Vengeance Army has become a neuropathy …

Ironically speaking, it is obviously the destroyer of civilization. Those out of control Xiling Apostle are worshipped by modern Mobrador people as “sages”. They even worship the pots and pans and ear spoons they have used. This really makes insiders cry and laugh. It stands to reason that there are so many relics, even if most of the evidence is indistinguishable by the modern Mobrador civilization, someone should be able to find out from other clues that the “sage” of ancient times destroyed the ancient civilization in one hand, but this World Indigenous people still worship the “sage” without turning back, and at the same time paid tribute to the ancient civilization. This time I felt very ridiculous, but after a chat with Lily Na, this question was solved.

“God almost drowned the whole Human Race, but now on the Earth still has Christianity,” a pure black bishop Loli summed up very brilliantly, “Faith is a very strange thing, mortals always give their faces with shame. The gods of their beliefs give the green light. Even if God closes all the doors for them, they always fantasize that the former will leave them a window-but in fact God forgot to leave someone in the house after closing the door. “

I must point out that when Lily said this sentence, Della was sitting on the coffee table one meter in front of her. The little thing nodded while listening, and announced that this must be written in the goddess Bible: when When God closed a door for you, he tried to smash the wall out, because God might forget to open the window if something happened!

I have to admit that Lily ’s summary, although it sounds unattractive, is really justified-when the indigenous people of Mobrador worshipped Xiling Apostle as to become god, it was doomed that this would not be normal Feelings, they will not look at Xiling Apostle by the standard of judging ordinary intelligent creatures. When they interpret some of the amazing information disclosed in Ancient times remnant, they will add a lot of explanations for the pit father. This is the case of God ’s flood destruction, and the sage cleaning World.

In the past few days of Mobrador, we have understood this very well. Their guesses on Xiling Apostle and their interpretation of the holy ruins are really ridiculous in many cases, which is more than Atlantis people treat Xiling Empire in a deified way. eccentric. At least the latter still understands the true Greek civilization. They are only used to describe the imperial people with religious rhetoric, and here-Mobrador has been directly hit from the ancient high-level civilization to the primitive society, and then slowly evolved to this day. They have engraved the mythical image of the Xiling civilization in the genes for a long time. Even if the science and technology of high-level was developed, it is nothing more than the transformation of the traditional deities into science and technology deities.

In the past few days, the uncle of Millia and Biluna have also added a bunch of great brothers to the family. They are gradually getting used to it. They may be the most objective person of the entire Mobrador World to the “sage” now. Because the so-called sages have been eating at their home every day recently. Uncle Zagu was surprised to find that the so-called sages did not pant, and they were accompanied by thunder and thunder, blinking all day and night, they were a bit big at most, their ideas were a bit strange, and their personality was a bit dark, and occasionally they were very enthusiastic. The World conquest plan was made in the workshop, but it was immediately dragged away by the ear. The approachability of “Sage” made him and Biluna feel a bit incredible. They started with the same way of thinking as ordinary Mobrador people. They think that it is significant for the Sage to return to this World, such as indicating the evolution of the entire civilization, but in fact ” The most important reason for the return of the sages is that things are lost.

It is satisfying that Zagu and Biluna have fulfilled their promises very well and have not disclosed our identities, which has avoided major turmoil in the entire Mobrador civilization.

Tavel is using this civilization as an experimental target for long-term observation. She wants to know how a civilization with such a special starting point will develop, but for now, in fact, the development prospect of the Mobrador civilization is not optimistic:

Although they have a much higher starting point than ordinary civilizations, there are other civilizations unimaginable due to the remains of the empire science and technology Advantages, there are many genetic advantages derived from ancient inheritance, but a deadly shackle has gradually shown its power. There is a situation that people are concerned about Mobrador People have not yet developed deep space aerospace science and technology , This and others they already have science and technology It ’s just too abnormal, Mobrador Human science and technology Phase shielding technology (non-phantom), with simple space Construct science and technology And even imitates the empire Soldier Equipped imitations of ancient weapons (though not practical), this is a lot Universe Things that can’t be done by civilized civilizations, it stands to reason World Of Aboriginals are already considered high-level Civilized, but they have n’t been able to study deep space aerospace until now science and technology ——

The Mobrador people emigrated in their star system, but they did n’t even have a spaceship that could fly out of the star system.

Because they cannot do without the relics of the holy, they cannot do without the “Sky Corridor”.

Ninety percent of Mobrador ’s cutting-edge science and technology is currently developed based on the knowledge recorded in the “Sacred Relics”, especially their spaceship technology. The spaceship that they use for inter-planetary operations uses lag You can use phantom energy as energy. That is the “energy” released from the 46 energy catharsis pipelines in the sky corridor. In fact, it is a secondary product of phantom energy. It is more efficient than ordinary energy, but it is much weaker than neutron energy. This energy has allowed Mobrador people to study spaceship in the galaxy from scratch in just ten years, but also completely strangled the possibility of their development to the deeper Universe: the laziness emitted from the star ring Huaneng energy is a kind of operating waste, and it cannot be safely stored in large quantities, otherwise it will not be discharged, and Mobrador people use them as energy, destined that their spaceship science and technology is not far away. What is obvious is that it is impossible for Mobrador people to independently develop the spaceship using real Youneng in the foreseeable future. Even if they are developed and lack the necessary foundation science and technology, they cannot produce Youneng themselves. The top energy of this civilization is completely dependent on the few holy relics in the galaxy that are still functioning. More than 80% of their Universe spaceship depends on the sky corridor to supplement energy!

This is very dangerous for a normal civilization. The energy provided by the remains of Xiling is limited, not to mention that most of them have fatal damage. Mobrador scholars try to repair them day and night, and they ca n’t change it. This World energy supply may collapse at any time. I can’t find a way to generate the ghost energy by myself, but rely on this energy to maintain the development of civilization, which is as unreliable as passive water.

If the energy problem is still obvious, another crisis that threatens the development of the Mobrador civilization is something that ordinary people cannot see. That is their science and technology system.

Modern science and technology is completely based on the holy ruins and Ancient times remnant. Many of their super science and technologys are chances to know the application method, and they can be used without any understanding. They know that they do n’t know how to copy ancient objects, or even directly Those production lines repaired from Ancient times remnant are used to produce basic tools. The science and technology tree of Mobrador civilization has no support point at all, and the deformity has reached the point of absolute vigilance. They once “grabbed” the gravitational trap science and technology fifty years ago and intercepted the small planet impact from space by arranging the gravitational trap, but they lost these technologies thirty years ago because they were from the holy relics in space The only gravitational trap generator that was removed was broken, and no one would fix it!

Some long-term Mobrador scholars have realized the terrible problem and tried to make up for the lack of basic science and technology. These scholars formed a knowledge exploration team called “Blue Crusader” and wanted to fill the basic science and technology Until the loophole between practical science and technology, this team still exists. It is mainly responsible for starting a charity and promoting the end of civilization. The former is very popular, and the latter is sneered by people. Many people think that the leaders of the Blue Crusader are crazy, but in my opinion, they just know too much-they face the desperation of their civilization and clearly realize that Mobrador people can never solve it by themselves This desperation.

Give you a first-grade mathematics book that allows you to use the above knowledge to solve second-year problems. Smart people can still do it, but if you want to use the above addition and subtraction to calculate What is the current expansion coefficient of Universe?

This is not scientific!

In the attitude towards the Mobrador civilization, we are now in a delicate state. Pandora and Viska believe that regardless of the cause, these “lower civilizations” occupy Empire Army property without permission, which is absolutely For the guilty thing, even if it is not punished, we have to recycle Old Empire inheritance here, especially Viska. I ran in the yard in the past two nights and stared at my star ring in a daze. I do n’t think she was allowed to drag it back to her. Will be willing-although I also think that recycling the star ring is very important.

Onee-sama is more concerned about what happens to this particular civilization after losing the remains of the empire. They are just due to fate, which happened to develop in the Empire inheritance. The so-called crime of embezzlement of public property is justifiable, and if we clean up this World “Holy Relic”, Mobrador will definitely collapse completely, and it will not be back to the primitive society. , But it should be back to the early stage of industrial civilization, and their entire race may have collapsed since then: this ethnic group’s dependence on “sacred remains”, especially “Sky Corridor” is too serious.

Shandora also cares a little about the Mobrador civilization, perhaps because they are descendants of ancient civilization survivors. This made her transfer some apologies to them. It is not known why the Empire Military Personnel did not completely complete the race extinction of this galaxy, but these survivors survived the fact that it is indisputable. Shandora felt that as their ancestor Queen, they must do something for these survivors. I was a little surprised by her thoughts at first, because the impression that Shandora was not the kind of benevolence and tolerance when it was Queen, but now I seem to understand that this is not a benevolence, but a sense of responsibility.

“Their ancestors used to fight for me,” Shandora said. “Even if they are weak, as long as they dare to wave their weapons to the enemy, it is my Soldier. I was their Queen a long time ago, and now it is still.”

I do n’t know if this should be counted as Shandora’s being king: the people enshrined her loyalty and life, she will bear the responsibility of leading them to glory and victory.

However, the handling of the Mobrador civilization is not a matter of urgency now. They have not yet reached the limit of their power of race. The development bottleneck has just emerged, and it has not yet completely blocked their scientific development. We also want to see how far the indigenous people here can break through. Tavel recommends to continue to observe this civilization. When they are really unable to move forward, maybe they can follow the idea of ​​Shandora’s and give them a little help. Uh, to be honest, this reminds me of the little white mouse in the experimental cage …

Now we are thinking about and most concerned about when the enemy will appear. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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