Xiling Empire Chapter 578: Misty

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There is such a word on World, dog blood.

Generally refers to all the episodes cliché, connecting cliché, the cause of the passing of the character time and place cliché, from the beginning to the end, it is used by people, but there are people who are using it tirelessly. Guess the third-rate drama, this is definitely one of the most worthless things created by Human Race, they occupy a lot of your brain bandwidth, and what is left to you is only an actor list …

But you have to admit that sometimes, dog blood is really possible.

The prestigious Her Majesty the Queen, the female Her Majesty the Queen, the black silk whip tights Queencough cough is not the last one. In short, it is such a Her Majesty the Queen, dim-wittedly to personally meet a group of unknown World Army, dim-wittedly was attacked less than 200 million kilometers away from the border of his kingdom. dim-wittedly was heavily besieged. Then we rescued waiting for. How do I feel so familiar with this plot?

“The oblique star belt is this place, not too far from the small planet belt we last battled with the pirates, but behind the heavy element cloud,” Raynor is poking with a laser whip on the El Light On the star chart is a small planet belt with an obtuse triangle, “There are a lot of metal cores small planet, they are huge, many of these small planet can shield the radar system of the warship to some extent, it is a good place to ambush, but it The Queen fleet was completely ambushed. The required strength is definitely not a small planet belt that can be hidden. It can only be said that the Her Majesty the Queen is too bad. “

cough cough, it ’s not that I said you, your family Kerrigan Gan, my family Shandora, that is all Queen creatures, staying in the mouth is to treat yourself uncle.

“We are now in a state of low invisibility at low speeds of light, and will approach the war zone in about an hour. If everything goes well, Jayne ’s army will prepare a mass energy attack from the other direction at at the same time. The kind of super weapons on the battlefield, but they will only come in handy in the end, so we should make a quick decision, the first goal is to rescue the Queen flagship, most of the Soldier are gathered there, if the remaining warships cannot be rescued , Used as fuel to detonate the entire sky. “

in other words, Soldier in those warships have been abandoned?”

I raised my eyebrows and was quite surprised that Jayne made such a decision.

“Of course not,” Raynor shrugged. “Those warships are unmanned autonomous intelligence spaceship. They are the most powerful fleet in the Free Kingdom. They are more cunning and fierce than the warships controlled by people. But now, Jayne has With their Queen order, they would rather destroy these warships at critical moments than let the enemy get these artificial intelligence technologies. “

Me: “… Fuck, this is the World **** science and technology layering.”

The strongest fleet in the Kingdom of Liberty is all unmanned high science and technology battleship, and fighting strength is more fierce than Human Race control, is this too cruel? The top-to-bottom equipment faults of the regular army of the country have reached the point of make one’s hair stand up in anger. I feel like: Queen is surrounded by Gundam, armed with a dung fork.

In addition to the super weapon that takes two hours to fire a gun, the Jen army (yes, it is the flagship of the old handsome guy, the ship is always an innocent spaceship that looks on the wall when it starts fighting, it is more than ten kilometers) The big belly is a mass-energy effect generator), all are dung forks.

“Detected outbreak of high energy ahead, judged attack … non-attack, maintained heading, alert level increased.”

The artificial intelligence of Ai Erguang suddenly came out when we were talking about Gundam and dung fork, which made me froze on the spot.

“Meow me! Lift the invisibility and accelerate the fleet-do n’t just hang that bad Queen. I ’ll pay waiting for for the fuel!”

The huge energy burst just now was undoubtedly the result of the engagement. If the Queen fleet “victory and glory” used super weapons, that is, they are on the verge of extinction. If the other party uses super weapons, then we are ready to clean up the past Of course, there is already such a **** Queen, and I am really afraid that she just came up with a more **** plot: a flagship self-explosion, all it takes is a heartbeat.

“Listen, Jayne, we are accelerating, your Queen may not be able to support it now-hurry up and that’s it!”

I hung up the communication with Jayne. The speed of the Federal Fleet began to approach the speed of light. The space-time barrier was opened inside the ship. Suddenly, there was only a red-shift unique light channel on the exterior image.

“Ha, this time it ’s finally my turn to show your talents! Let the gang of untouchables see how powerful the oldest king of Human Race is!”

“Gil, you will make me less chaotic in a moment!” Tugging the neck of a golden bling girl and throwing her back to her seat, it is estimated that no one in throughout history dares to treat this Human Race‘s oldest Queen like this. , Yanfeng Qili, do n’t say this, I ’m afraid that even a little overtaking will be overthrown by the arrogant Gilgamesh (I firmly believe that a nymphic hero king will be more terrible than the men ’s version, because men ca n’t do it. These woman basically can find a reason to do it), but the Little Bubbles of the small Demon (Gill’s perspective) has already conducted a fruitful training of the gold pickup, and I was thrown out. In addition to calling two “untouchables”, she basically Not afraid to resist.

“This time to bring your heroes to the battlefield is to familiarize you with this high science and technology World war, and to save experience points for the protection of the crystal madonna, Gil, you have to play with a mentality, I will call Little Bubbles!”

Suddenly, the brightness of this golden-breasted girl with poor **** dropped another 6-7 percentage points.

Little Bubbles Yu Wei has broken through the crystal wall system through Yu Nei.

“Chen, I feel a little strange.”

Just throwing away Gil, and coming to be a knight king again, the dull hair on Altolia ’s head turned around in the air like a power source, attracting my eyes to go back and forth, “Our enemy , Maybe … please don’t look at this strand of hair symbolizing victory so rudely! “

…… Are you bored to the point of knighting your hair, my king?

“Indeed, I feel weird too,” this time talking about Medusa, the elder sister of the cavalry who kept the distance of more than three meters from the sister Pandora, rubbed carefully, and whispered with a serious expression , “The crystal energy of within the body is fluctuating … Please believe our intuition, although it may not be as powerful as you, but as the guardian of the **** World, we have a very keen intuition for many things, please …”

“The engine acceleration stops and enters the normal space-time line.”

Artificial intelligence interrupted Ying Ling ’s sister ’s report. I waved my hand hard and coughed again, indicating a group of hero emperors who were obviously out of state and their sisters who seemed to be even less in state, from their respective backgammon poker cards KOF stick figures. I have recovered from the past: “Comrades! The battlefield is coming! The professional soldiers of the Federation do not need to explain, but I am really worried about your gang of heroes. This is your first time facing a space warship. Even if you are a World guardian People may not be able to fight hard, but also remember their goal of participating in the war? “

I have n’t finished my words yet, and a gilded girl with a moving brick-brick fool Gil girl jumped out: “Grab money and grab treasure!”

Have most of your family come here like this?

“Victory and Glory!” Altolia’s expression was Ling Ran, and her hair stood straight like a Soldier—why don’t you say blood and thunder?

“In order to evaluate the advanced next month!” This is Medea.

“For the end of the month bonus!” This is Cú Chulainn.

“For the sake of a black-hearted boss, we can force our gang to rest for two days all day long.” Which **** is this?

“For the two hundred dollars to bet on Caesar!” I don’t know this at all …

Fortunately, before I went crazy, there was finally a lovely guy who jumped out, with a little hesitation, Medusa subconsciously pinched his baby-like P × P, whispered: “In order to accumulate experience?”

I ’m not happy yet, she added another sentence: “Then LEVELUP?”

“You guys … Forget it, just get motivated, this time the mission is over, there are holidays-except for Jill! If you are not convinced, discuss with your owner!”

Usually treats with Princess Empire Junior, how are you dissatisfied?

“Hang, the guy who looks down on people, we are now the guardians of the World, the super hero on the side of the true god, it is not worse than the Universe spaceship in your mouth …” I was reprimanded by the head, and the girl Gil can only be so broken. Go to a circle.

Then–how to say, accidents are called accidents because they are always doing things that are too time-consuming and have a sense of accomplishment when they happen, such as training a bunch of ancients Heroes, such as training a bunch of ancient emperors, such as two training together, etc. When I was enjoying the thrill of inspiring a group of emperors to fight home and looting, an unprecedented flash of light suddenly cut through the sky and illuminated The ground beneath the light energy barrier of Al also makes the command hall completely blank.

Then, the sour energy screams that made the roots of the teeth sour came from outside the hundreds of meters high energy barrier, resounding through the entire Battlestar.

Piercing air defense alarms instantly sounded throughout the fleet.

Warning, the flagship suffered the most high-level energy attack, energy level … Empire main force battleship artillery, extremely threatened, and the stability of the shield decreased … The shield returned to stability, all reactor power was turned on, and all components began to be injected. Youneng … “

Everyone stared blankly at the undissipated flash on the Hologram projection. After a few seconds, I reacted: “Nima, that is the main gun of the galaxy! Let’s let the imperial battleship bomb!”

The Raynor immediately stood up from the seat and ordered quickly: “Everyone is on your side! The battleship ghost module is connected! The small **** fighters enter their respective motherships, and the shields are at full power output. We are hit by imperial weapons. Repeat, we are hit by imperial weapons! “

“The warship Youneng Shield is adjusted to e + 105energy level,” Viska bluntly flew a Protoss warrior operating defense system out for seven or eight meters and crackled on the control crystal panel, ” All warship shields are adjusted to e + 105energy level, which can temporarily interfere with the Empire ’s over-the-horizon line enemy radar … 嘁, this operating system is really slow, troublesome, and crude … you ca n’t take much of the Empire ’s advanced science and technology data. Did you research something? “

“Okay.” On the head of cat pupil Lolita in a grumpy state, I slammed her back from the console. You are not a Protoss soldier half tall, do n’t be so irritable. it is good.

Just as we hurriedly responded, the second attack from the front was already coming, and a few tens of kilometers before the fleet suddenly appeared a twisted Spatial tunnel, and then the pure compression energy with amazing compression was like a dazzling bright white galaxy. The torrent generally rushed out of it, sweeping across the entire federal fleet. Just now that suddenly came out, but this time I saw it clearly. It is not bad. The Galaxy main gun is a fully charged Galaxy main gun!

Over-the-air strike, the main gun of the galaxy, the jet of secluded energy, if it is not an imperial battleship, I will jump into the reactor!

Warning, detected the most high-level splendid energy and over-the-air attack, unable to evade … the main body of the warship was attacked, the shield resistance was successful, and the damage of the warship was zero. Artificial intelligence suggestion: please leave the area quickly …”

The second time he was hit by the main gun of the Galaxy, the Federal Fleet was unharmed. This was a miracle for a federal warship that could once be swept across the entire corps by an Empire spaceship. In a way, this was a victory for Empire science and technology , Xiling Technology once again made contributions to the enhancement of the spaceship of the Federation at this moment, even if the level is lower by one level, these spaceship can be regarded as half of the products of the Xiling Ordnance, facing the powerful imperial naval gun, although this side is weaker, the Federation The warship is not vulnerable.

But it ’s not that strong.

“Change course! Keep the shield and continue along the curve! For Ayr !!!”

The fire control equipment of the Xinghe main gun has a time-out attack on ability. It is impossible to rely on spaceship maneuver to escape its range. Zeratul did not choose the evasion suggestions proposed by artificial intelligence, but resolutely announced full speed.

He is full of confidence in the heroes of spaceship‘s previous leader class Apostle(s) and a group of fighting strength not less than a battleship.

But I am confused.

The Imperial Fleet? Suddenly attack our imperial fleet? Where does this empire fleet of Universe come from?

The one who jumped into my mind in the first moment was of course a natural black pseudo-Loli. The pope girl who used to chopped up and played innocently seemed to be such a capable guy, but I immediately rejected this conjecture. At the moment when the time and space strike started, the gaze sighting equipment of the main galaxy can clearly to scan to the form of the target. Lily Na has no reason to fire a second gun after discovering that the opposite is us, and the next one may be …

Fallen Apostles

The gang of ghosts! Ya never knew to jump out when I picked it up. I came to collect my sister. It was n’t coming … Oh? did n’t seem to be right. The galaxy bombardment just now did n’t have the slightest abyss energy energy, it was pure phantom energy. You will feel wrong, the other party is not an abyss!

A surprising conjecture suddenly broke into my mind:

Could we meet another Empire Army group in this World! ? Another imperial power that has not slept yet! ?

At this moment, I was very excited, and then I became anxious again-you said if I pick up another Queen this time, will I be eaten alive?

The unreliable thought that flashed in my mind for a second took up more than half of the page, just like the screen, and third time Xinghe bombardment never came: Viska ’s suggestion was right, she found a Can interfere with the phantom frequency of the mothership radar.

“I also have some knowledge that the idiot sister doesn’t know!” When the sound of Al’s light gradually subsided, the cat pupil Lolita immediately proudly raised the delicate curve of the small breast, proudly expressed Have their own advantages.

“Yes yes, my baby sister is unique,” I have long known how at this moment should make this girl completely satisfied, I am not hesitant to praise myself, rubbing on the head of little brat, I turned to Zeratul, ” Where are we now? “

“It deviates from the intended goal, but still smoothly entered the edge of the battlefield,” Zeratul ’s low voice with a sense of reassurance and reliability, he corrected several parameters on the star map, and then a series of super The picture from the line-of-sight detection is enlarged, “There is a lot of energy reaction in front, must it be the battle area, do we have to rely on it?”

“The battlefield is still 770,000 kilometers away from here. For the main gun of the Galaxy, we have entered their direct range-Viska. To what extent can this interference be achieved?”

“A further 300,000 kilometers will be advanced, and the Eternal Level‘s shipboard host is not so easy to be fooled.”

“Cruising speed advances, transfers to the Empire Admiral communication tower group, lets them search the communication frequency of the imperial fleet in front of me-I hope their distance from here will not affect the signal decoding.”

When I was talking, my eyes never left the screen in front of me. Above, there were images sent back by the several space-time probes that just jumped out.

In the vast space of the broken small planet, the two fleets are fighting fiercely.

The most striking thing is the huge Queen fleet. This fleet is very different from the Jen army I have seen before. They are uniformly equipped and neatly arranged. They are obviously products of the same science and technology system. These The spaceship has a uniform streamlined and slim style, with silver and white throughout the body, and a blue shamrock mark etched on the bow. It is divided into three distinct magnitudes. The smallest body is only a few tens of meters long, agile and flexible assault ship. They are shaped like shuttle darts. The speed is extremely fast, I can’t see what type of power source it is, and then there are more than a thousand ships with a length of two kilometers, one end is swollen, and the other end is tapered. The spaceship seems to be elongated water droplets, the whole body Reflecting the silver-white luster, the seamless surface can not see any muzzle and propulsion equipment, just like mercury does, the weapon they use should be a certain field effect, and various energy glare diffuses from their front section, constantly Destroy the attacks from the enemy, rather than the main battle spaceship, it is better to rely on those agile carrier aircraft to attack, and it is only good at defending giant frigates The third order of spaceship only one, is to be the flagship of the entire fleet layers of protection always in the middle.

It ’s too obvious. Individuals can see that the huge mothership with a shape like a shell and a length of 30 kilometers is the flagship of this fleet. Not to mention its volume and the status of the stars. Just look at the large characters that each stroke above may be half a kilometer wide to illustrate the problem:

Queen flagship” ……

Is this Her Majesty the Queen of the Gotak Free Kingdom really an airhead! ? You hate yourself not to die Oh!

I was severely stricken by this mighty but flagship fleet full of tsukkomi/ridicule points. I still have to face their terrible situation on the verge of collapse-hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from those mercury droplet frigates The enemies facing each other are much stronger than them, although the number of the latter is only one-third of the former.

An imperial fleet, more than two hundred large Eternal Level motherships, and countless assaults spaceship … (Unfinished, if you want to know the future, please log in, more chapters, support the author, Support genuine reading!)

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