Xiling Empire Chapter 459: Painful lunch

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The arrival of Monina and Ilson has been warmly welcomed by Onee-sama. I have long listened to the little things and brag about how famous their combat team is and how impressive they are. I finally saw two gasps today. Let girl, who has always been full of joyful ideas for the Della team, be very enthusiastic, but after the topic from the very beginning “How is the God Clan combat team formed” extends to the later “a few notes for keeping Della’s“, I think everyone looks like Already off topic.

Okay, in a sense, maybe the second topic fits the topic …

“Captain, she is indeed a character … uh, what’s wrong,” it can be seen that Monina still has some respect for her captain, but unfortunately, the consistent performance of a pet makes even the whole figure maintain its image His subordinates are helpless, “In fact, most of the life God Clan are of that character, which is why they are usually popular in God’s Domain, but like our captain …”

“Well, at least the captain finally found a suitable feeder.”

This time, Ilson ’s inappropriate remarks did not cause Monina ’s beating. Obviously, in the current atmosphere, even Monina could not refute her stupid brother ’s conclusion.

We are still in the activity room of the chemical department that Artemis helped to arrange. Since the last change, this activity room has moved to the top floor and became the only room with people. Hu Wen yesterday It was also suggested that we should move to the awakening headquarters, there is an empty classroom over there, but for the convenience of normal action, we still refused his good intentions, Artemis also knew that our special identity, in this awakening person With the leader of the team helping to cover up, this activity room of the Chemistry Department has become a meeting place for the imperial unscrupulous soy sauce group.

So, it should be no surprise that we have dinner here …

But to be honest, I still had really didn’t expect before, and Monina ’s craftsmanship would be so good. When she volunteered to take charge of everyone ’s lunch today, everyone expressed surprise.

But when the sumptuous food was placed in front of everybody, and even after Onee-sama tried it, it was extremely delicious, the surprise became shocked.

A dark **** who specializes in chilling tasks such as stealth operations and secret executions in the gods. His second career is actually a genius cook. Should I be tsukkomi/ridicule?

Taste the unknown dishes from a certain Goddess of Darkness devotion, Yu Guang in the corner of my eyes saw Monina, who is still working in the apron and holding a shovel in front of the integrated portable kitchen not far away from Onee-sama … Well, all kinds of subtle feelings.

“Do n’t underestimate the skill of my sister,” the identity seems to be a War God ’s Ilson with half a green vegetable biting in his mouth, and there is no demeanor. “She is our combat team specializing in cooking!”

Ilson said, then suddenly lowered his voice, and came over and muttered: “Who would be such a violent female brother if it were not for a good meal every day …”

“Ah, my hand slipped.” Mo Nina’s exclamation suddenly sounded at the dining table, and then we looked at the slipped Goddess of Darkness with a smile and poured boiling water into the neck of Ilson while smiling, and the latter did not know what At that time, half of the body was covered by a pile of black Rune. Under the inhuman attack of his sister, she could not move except to grin.

Ilson, you have a good sister.

Of course, it is impossible to harm the Ilson of the God Clan physique by the boiling water, and Mona ’s restraint Rune may not have too much effect on the Ilson that seems to be one level higher than her. Na, you also have a good brother.

I have to say that the Starland God Clan is really completely different from the gods in the public impression. Apart from the power beyond the full specifications, these top-level existences that control countless World have ordinary affinity to an unbelievable level, originally I thought it was a special case of God Clan like Della, but now, Monina and Ilson have been fighting with a group of imperial soy sauce crowds in less than half a day, and according to them, other stars The gods in the field rarely have friends who do not make friends with mortals-except for a few serious autistic performance artists-in their view, mortals have a weaker life and a shorter life (not excluding a few lifespans) In addition to the infinite mortal race), it is no different from herself. Monina ’s Goddess of Darkness, which is good at explaining the distance with the Human Race case, gives me a vivid example: if a weightlifter who snatches 200 kilograms has to find a If someone of his own strength marries, then he will cut off his grandchildren …

For this example, let us mine a diplomatic lining.

“By the way, how many people are there in your whole team?” After the last dish came out, I asked curiously after Monina was formally seated.

can do nothing about it, you ca n’t discuss the formal issue with Ilson. Although Monina is cruel to her brother, it is relatively normal.

“We are a team of five,” Monina replied politely, “In addition to the captain, I am also responsible for everyone’s daily diet, and the stupid brother is generally responsible for making the captain angry or making the captain angry. A dragon God Clan’s strange power girl, responsible for cleaning, a star God Clan, um, that is, Radiant God Clan‘s uncle, responsible for collecting all kinds of fun things to the captain, it is gone. “

I dumbly listened to Monina introduce the Della team of the fighting strength strongest in legend, and then lowered her head to start indexing.

Five people in the team, the captain is responsible for the mascot, one Goddess of Darkness is the cook girl, one bright War God is responsible for the funny and active atmosphere, one Dragon God girl is sweeping the floor, and the remaining one Radiant God uncle is responsible for running errands for the captain who has not slipped. Finished.

lifts the head, I burst into tears: “So … what about the people in your team who are doing the right thing?”

Mo Nina and Ilson stared at each other stunned, and then asked, “Do you need any other members?”

Daddy, do you know it? ? Is this how strange the team made up of you in the slightest didn’t expect? What about flesh shield? What about DPS? What about treatment? The scout commander scholar hunter attacked the attack trap master Altman Optimus Prime to lead Big Brother Captain adults! ?

Nothing. Did you come out to fight or picnic? The fate of countless World will be ruined in the hands of your gang of gods who have no spectrum. There are wood and Oh!

Even the indifferent Onee-sama couldn’t help but cold sweat came out of his forehead, and said weighing every word: “Well, your team composition … is very strange, really very strange …”

“No wonder, the guy at the end of a crane is leading the team.”

Lin Xue raised his hand with his hand and shook his head with a long sigh.

But in response to our response, Monina suddenly smiled mysteriously: “It seems that you are all deceived by our captain’s appearance.”

I was taken aback, and then immediately understood: “Della she … is it the illegitimate daughter of the Supreme God?”

“Poof!” Ilson sprayed on the spot.

Mo Nina also had a face that was defeated by you, and said tangled: “Of course not, but, I ’m sure, there are some secrets that the captain has n’t told you. The first is her **** level-elementary goddess, but Do you know? As a combat unit composed of elite God Clan, the requirements of the squad members like us are very high, and the junior gods can only serve as the Soldier class in the squad. Like ours, they can also be considered as first-class soldiers, but Captain, she is a lowest-level trainee goddess, and even half of the goddess courses are in red light! “

“She really is the illegitimate daughter of the Supreme God!”

Simply cut the conclusion.

Mina, who created the atmosphere, almost fell into the soup bowl in front of her: “That’s because she is quite special Oh!

“Captain, she has no so-called biological parents, is an extremely rare individual who was born directly from the palace vines of the highest Goddess of Life. She has her own priestly mark as soon as she is born. She grew up as a playmate of the highest Goddess of Life since childhood. I burned the small garden of the highest Goddess of Life three times, twice damaged the dressing table of the highest Goddess of Darkness, and made seven consecutive condiments while helping adults Father God prepare dim sum, and fell asleep directly while chatting with the highest Dragon God. The result is from Long shrine It fell into the teacup of the prince of Osiris and destroyed the cup that was given by the prince of the prince as a treasure, which was personally given by the Father God. At the time of the entrance examination, the invigilation Teacher was finally eliminated because of the divine power. Twenty-three beards … “

“I see,” I burst into tears and sighed, “Della’s‘s growth history is a terrifying history of crime, right?”

“Uh … when it comes to half of accidentally, there are a lot of strange things mixed in.”

In fact, other than the first sentence, are all strange things?

“In short, the captain is an extremely rare source **** among the gods,” Monina said awkwardly. “She may even become the first special case in history to join the Osiris Parliament as a junior goddess. And her popularity among the God’s Domain supreme masters is even more incredible. Father God even regards it as her own daughter. If it is not for her talents, her various achievements are really terrible. Now the captain is probably already in the glorious shrine. Take up office. “

At this moment, we are all shocked.

It turns out that Della, which is always a pistachio mascot in our minds, is still such a background and story … mascot?

In any case, the mascot ’s attributes are difficult to get rid of Oh!

However, although a surprised look appeared on our faces, after Monina finished speaking, we calmed down quickly, which made the other party a little strange: “Your reaction seems to be too dull? “

“What else can you do?” Lin Xue spread her hands, “I have long felt that this guy is not ordinary, but because the level is too different, I haven’t seen her secrets, so now you tell me neither I feel surprised. “

“And more importantly,” Onee-sama has a faint smile on his face. “What identity is Della is meaningless to us, it is far less attractive than what flavor of candy she likes recently.”

“You guys …” Monina and Ilson stared at the imperial soy sauce party with a very different way of thinking, and then smiled, “Okay, I finally understand why the captain puts down a lot of things I’m going to ‘play together’ with you too. “

“Play together”?

I am speechless and far-sighted, even if Monina does not say, I dare to be 100% sure, that is the original word of Della’s

At this time, the sound of footsteps that sounded from outside the door suddenly interrupted our conversation. The person who came was not Artemis who was slightly informed, because the latter and I established a temporary spiritual connection. Monina winked and asked her to “handle” the dinner party a little bit, and I stepped forward to open the door of the activity room.

A girl with short hair with a baby face stood timidly at the door, it turned out to be a bell.

“Very … sorry! Excuse me!” Although it was not the first time to speak face-to-face, this girl‘s easy-to-stress problem has not improved at all, and even the slight stuttering has not improved. “The captain let … … Let me call you … lunch … time for lunch! “

Lunch … meal?

My at this moment suddenly thought of this, and then I turned my head and looked at the rich dining table behind me, a kind of selfish guilt that I secretly wanted to use delicious … Mouthless, this issue should not be thought of at this time. right! ?

Because Monina ’s fact distorted ability, Ling Yin could n’t understand the scene where the dinner was obviously just over, so she subconsciously ignored the sumptuous dining table and the luxurious portable overall kitchen at the back of the source, but she could ignore it The abnormality in front of us, we can not ignore the food in the belly Oh!

“I don’t think at this moment will respond very well.”

Onee-sama frowned and sent a collective broadcast in a spirited connection.

“Landlord +1.” Blinking lightly, said secondly.

“Second floor +1,” Lin Xue agreed with Lily Na at the same time, then the two of them glared at each other, “Dare you dare to insert the building!?”

Me: “… Forget it, go to the cafeteria.”

In order to ensure that there is no outlier performance, we finally decided to accept the ringtone invitation to participate in the lunch of the awakening people. Speaking of it, this is the first time that I am as a “awakening newcomer” and a big army. Let ’s go to the cafeteria together. The first day was a welcome meeting because of our arrival. Even if the dinner was noisy, the next morning, Lily and I were busy going to the edge of World to check the situation. Without catching up with the mistakes, I ate some dim sum prepared by Onee-sama on the road to satiate my hunger, so when I followed the bell to the big canteen located on the south side of the school, I was surprised together with Lily Na.

“Just here?”

“Yeah,” Ringtone was very surprised by my reaction, “Isn’t the cafeteria here?”

“No … I mean, and these …‘ Ghost ’together?”

“It ’s okay,” because after waiting for a long time, Hu Wen sitting at the table looked a little unhappy. “Just when they do n’t exist, it ’s ready to eat here. Even if you do n’t eat, you ca n’t die. But being hungry is not a good thing. “

“Ah, it’s the same.” Mumbled, I took Qianqian to sit next to Artemis, and in this neighborhood, the other two tables also surrounded the members of the awakening. It is obvious that we are forcibly occupying this good position: in a place not far away, surrounded by a large group of ghost student with lunch, they stood blankly, looking at the sight of to be full of numbness here.

Okay, just ignore them.

To be honest, although it is already the second day of this World, I still feel awkward about the strange things around me, obviously all around me are Human Race that look alive, and even the canteen is the same as an ordinary school Noisy, but in fact those are all phantoms that have nothing to do with you, the more the separation between the two World is revealed in the noisy place.

“Do n’t be fooled by the ghosts here,” Hu Wen reminded enthusiastically, “A partner has made a mistake in this regard before-it may also be intentional. In the cafeteria, he secretly left everyone. , To say hello to those students that look the same as before, and then they are out of control … well, that’s over there. “

Following his guidance, I saw two “students” wearing school uniforms not far from us. One of them, girl with a single pony tail, should be the former companion of Hu Wenkou.

“Who is the male student next to her?” he asked curiously.

“Her boyfriend,” an unknown awakening male student shrugged. “He was not lucky enough to become a ghost, maybe Lin chose to hypnotize himself because of him.”

Lin, it should be the name of girl who voluntarily gave up his mind and hypnotized himself to the past.

There should be more than one such example …

The exclamation in my heart was suddenly interrupted by Artemis ’voice:” Why do n’t you eat Ah? without ēn?? “

Not hungry, really not hungry.

But can’t tell Oh!

Sure enough, it’s wrong to eat solitary food. I was wrong. I was really wrong.

From small to large, my request for student is to be full of‘s deep grudge against the school cafeteria, but who knows that this grudge can continue to this point, is this a doomsday? Do you know? After the end of the day, the ghosts of the cafeteria haven’t disappeared. !

A’Jun, from now on I will never eat in the cafeteria again.” It was very painful to finish the most difficult meal of this life in the care and warm hospitality of the awakening people, and simply returned to the event After the room, weakly and without strength (dispirited) clutched his stomach and said, “If only Shandora was there, it would be nice.”

If the girl is there, I am afraid that even the cafeteria will not be left?

Onee-sama and I were also not lightly supported. Even Lily Na held a round belly on the sofa and said that she had risen. The only two survivors on the scene were Mona and Ilson. , Artemis they turned a blind eye to these two Lords just like those ghosts to us, saying Mona you have such a useful ability to help us die Oh!

Uh … wait, why is Lin Xue looking casual as well? Is her meal close to Shandora? Although it is not possible to catch up with the latter, the person who is short of the national treasury is still impossible, but even a close one percent can explain Lin Xue …

“Different space only,” Lin Xue spread his hand carelessly, “It is because you said that Shandora’s stomach is connected to different space, how can you not think of such a simple truth on your own?”

Me & Onee-sama & Lily Na & Shallow: “…”

This girl should really educate Oh! (to be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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