Xiling Empire Chapter 345: Noisy

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“Sit casually, sit casually …”

I warmly greet some ambassadors who are at a loss, so the latter is even more at a loss …

The Shandora next to me kept a decent smile and squeezed my waist at the back, making the facial features on my face instantly turned upside down. The ambassadors on the opposite side immediately looked horrified, saying that this gang has always regarded us as Alien guys do n’t think I ’m going to be transformed?

The look at each other in dismay ambassadors with weird expressions ended up sitting under my direction. I have to say that even if you have seen a politician from another world, you have to throw him in Alien base all at once. Not much.

“First of all, do n’t say nonsense like welcome to Earth.”

I said it before someone spoke, so the team leader bowed his head.

“Then don’t say that you came with the desire for peace.”

A white man was embarrassed for a while.

“Then do n’t mention the culturally inconspicuous things.”

Half of the ambassadors remained silent.

“Finally, I am not Korean.”

everybody look at each other in dismay.

“Great, it seems that this World does not have South Korea, I thought they already have to be everywhere.”

Ambassadors of various countries immediately listed the country of “South Korea” as an extremely dangerous and annoying civilization in Universe. Didn’t Alien friends feel cold for these two words?

“I know you have a lot of problems,” I saw a blissful man with a military medallion wishing to hang on my front teeth and raised his hand to speak. I decided to interrupt decisively, although the other party may have been a soldier, but I I have smelled the sour taste of politicians from that big one. In order to prevent being told to fall asleep by political decree on the spot, it is better not to give Ya a chance to speak, “But I am not used to your nonsense, as you see, here All are elite Empire Army, we believe in the most efficient solution instead of spraying saliva with each other, so I will not respond to any extra diplomatic words, I hope you can understand. “

hum hum, I ’m in a high profile, but we watched the Sci-Fi movie all the way, I do n’t believe that these guys dare to take the risk of Star Wars and pose with me!

Okay, I admit that I am just in awe of the diplomatic rhetoric of politicians …

Ambassadors look at each other in dismay, several times in a row, the politicians who are used to occupying the home field feel very uncomfortable, but they have been repeatedly asked by their head boss before departure, no matter what happened in this contact. Try to avoid conflict with “Alien” as much as possible. After all, Human Race is almost mad by biochemical virus, and it is awful to provoke a group of Alien sightseeing groups.

However, the three words “Empire Army” that I mentioned also made these Human Race ambassadors face tight. At such a tense moment, a foreign army stationed in on the Earth does n’t sound like a celebration. .

Slightly hesitated for a while. The Asian man who was the leader still spoke. After the initial surprise, the other party had regained his composure. At the moment, he said in a humble tone: “Since this is the case, we are more willing to use simple and direct communication. The way, as … well, the first formal contact between the two races, we are willing to choose an open and honest way of communication, and hope you can adopt the same attitude. “

I have a depressed expression on my face: “We are willing to be open and honest, but two race and the like … well, for the friendly atmosphere, I hope we can ignore this problem.”

Actually, I want to say that I am also from Human Race, so I am afraid he will not believe it.

At that moment, the slightly white man with a slight blessing sitting across from him immediately seized the opportunity to speak, using less proficient Chinese (presumably because we all speak Chinese, they already regarded it as an interstellar lingua franca? ) Said: “Since this is the first thing we want to know, where does your party come from? Why did you come to this planet?”

These two questions can be said to be the most concerns of these ambassadors, and even said that as long as they can get the answers to these two questions, their mission over today has been completed.

Although after seeing the imperial soldiers patrolling everywhere and the fighters passing by in this base, they think they have found the answer to the second question.

“The first question, I am afraid that it will exceed your current scientific system. You can think that we are from another Universe. Of course, parallel space can also explain it. Although it is not accurate, it can also be used as an answer. We come from … … Uh, Xiling Empire, that’s a civilization that can’t be explained by your science. My lovers and I are the current ruler of the empire. For our purpose here … “

Speaking of which, I gestured to Shandora, the latter nodded, and then pressed a few times on the table: “We received the distress signal from you.”

Shandora‘s voice fell, and a murmured call rang out in the meeting room: “… Zizi … We are … Zombies have … Someone has been bitten … Infected … Zizi …”

At this point, the recording is interrupted and can no longer be played. There is background music in the back-I recorded it from Resident Evil.

The ambassadors glanced at each other, and then the black uncle who just pulled out lollipop stood up: “You came after receiving the distress signal from Earth?”

“Yes, according to the provisions of the Pan-Civilization Protection Convention, any civilization with space sailing ability has the responsibility and obligation to rescue when it discovers the evolving wisdom race in crisis, so we came to your World . “

This is not nonsense. This soundly harmonious make one’s hair stand up in anger Pan-Civilization Protection Convention actually exists, and until now, many science and technology World have been implemented as a fully recognized Universe law. As for its original formulator- In addition to Xiling Apostle, who has the ability to make laws for all Universe?

This reply made the ambassadors stunned. Naturally, some people raised a question, but this question soon proved to be completely impossible: as a “Alien civilization” that has never communicated with Earth, we completely There is no need to withdraw this lie with them, and it is not good for us to tell this lie, is it?

The Human Race in despair, even if it sees a faint light, will give it great hope. Compared with the interstellar robbers who are taking advantage of the Human Race civilization at risk, they would rather believe that they are really kind. Alien is here to help others.

Although both guesses sound equally nonsense.

As for the so-called distress signal, the ambassadors finally regarded it as an extreme coincidence, a radio call that should have been exhausted in the atmosphere was enhanced, and then spread to Universe space, And it happened to be received by Alien passing by nearby, and then we were to drop out from the sky.

What the **** is the extreme coincidence, let those scientists who have not died die have a headache!

One thing worth mentioning is that the minister of defense of a country proposed to find the sender of this distress signal, and then the proposal of pursuing it as a Human Race hero was unanimously agreed with the representatives of the congregation …

“So, the consensus has been reached. First of all, we want to know, where did this virus first appear? Is there a problem with biochemical research in a certain country?” I said as I opened the center of the ring conference table. The Hologram projection presents the entire planet in front of everybody. “In many carbon-based civilizations we have discovered, it is not uncommon for race to become extinct because of this reason.”

“We did have such a guess at the beginning of the disaster, but this possibility has been ruled out. The initial location of the virus outbreak was in a desert,” said an ambassador, and then pointed at the Hologram projection. At a certain location, “There is no human being here. We can swear that there is no biochemical research base in any country here. In fact, we have some guesses about the source of this virus. They … maybe they came from outer space.”

outer space come thing?” As soon as I raised my eyebrows, I felt that things started to get interesting, especially when I saw the serious expression on the faces of the ambassadors across the country. It seems that this “outer space come thing” statement has already been adopted by many governments. Do you all agree with the guess?

“That was what happened about a month ago,” an ambassador in a white robe stood up, took off eyes, and wiped his forehead without a drop of sweat. “One … from outer space. The huge material fell on the desert, it is very huge, the average length is even more than one hundred and twenty kilometers! And it has an amazing mass. The original collision of the space material of large scale would definitely lead to the extinction of the entire Earth ecology, but its falling speed Far below the theoretical value, as if it was an emergency landing under control … “

This time even Shandora is interested: “The emergency forced landing at Universe spaceship at on the Earth? This is kind of interesting …”

“We are only guessing that it is a spaceship in outer space, but the actual situation is still uncertain.”

The other party smiled bitterly, saying so.

I was surprised: “No? You have n’t gone to see it?”

“Of course, we sent a scientific research team to study the material in outer space, but … no one came back alive, and then, the desert was the center, and the zombie virus began to spread. After that, we also discharged several batches of scientific research. Team, but apart from greater sacrifices, there is no gain. “

“The source of infection comes from outer space …” I whispered, “This is really a dramatic development, Shandora, do you have any clues?”

The latter shook his head: “With carbon-based life, it is very difficult to survive in outer space. Even a life with a strong force like a virus cannot withstand Universe radiation for too long, and even for a virus that can survive in outer space, I I have never heard of such a thing that can transform people into semi-dead. There is isolation between the life forms. Even if they are also carbon-based life, if they come from two different planets, their gene encoding rules will be very different. in other words, It ’s almost impossible for a virus from Planet A to infect any creature on Planet B, and did n’t the bubble have passed the latest research data this morning? There are no foreign gene residues found on the zombie samples, their genes are completely If the mutation happened by yourself, the possibility of being infected by the virus can basically be ruled out. “

“So, isn’t the thing infected with Human Race from the crash?”

The Asian man as the team leader was surprised, and he has no doubt about the Shandora’s analysis. Compared with the science and technology with Human Race, the “Alien” in front of me is absolutely clever and I do n’t know how many times, so all the Human Race ambassadors chose to believe our judgment- There is no way to disbelieve, they can’t judge anything anyway.

Shandora is still shaking his head: “I just said that the possibility of virus was ruled out, but if it is a toxic substance carried by the thing itself, or if the radiation energy will cause the mutation of the Human Race gene, it is very likely.”

“The possibility that the thing is the source of infection is more than 90%,” I said, “but even if you can’t find the secret of the crash, you should have collected some information? At least There should be a picture, with more information, we can quickly formulate a response plan. “

“This is of course,” the team leader replied immediately, “Although we have not collected practical scientific research data, we still have a lot of pictures taken by satellites and drones. I brought relevant information here. Body … “

The leader said, took out a small USB stick from the pocket of his jacket, and suddenly embarrassed.

“This …” The team leader hesitated to raise the USB stick in his hand, “Do you use USB?”

The fifth type of contact code: When meeting Alien, it is best to exchange information in the most original and understandable way by both parties. An old photo is stronger than a USB flash drive.

Obviously, this lovely leader had been on didn’t expect before. He thought he could find a computer with a USB socket in Alien base!

“It’s troublesome,” Shandora sighed and motioned a Xilin soldier to take the USB flash drive and put it in a groove on the table next to her. “More than one civilization has made such a low-level mistake. “

Mechanically synthesized sound echoes in the conference room with the closing of the groove: “Found unknown data carrier … under analysis … analyzing the carrier principle, analyzing the carrier corresponding to science and technology … analyzing the encoding method … decoding successfully, being Generate the corresponding interface … the interface is ready. “

Shandora charged me nodded: “It seems that we don’t have to wrap windowsXP in the head of the little girl in the mother’s nest.”

Me: “…”

The Alien ’s high science and technology was shocked again, and the Human Race has been studying the binary data preservation technology for decades. It has been thoroughly studied within ten seconds. As a Earth Xiling Apostle, should I cry or laugh at at this moment?

The Hologram projection in the center of the conference table was replaced with high-resolution photos taken by Human Race. As the leader said, satellites and drones are available from all angles. It seems that the harm of this thing is limited to creatures. Those robots were not affected by energy radiation after approaching.

“This picture is taken by satellite,” the defense minister of a country pointed to a picture, and the latter immediately zoomed in automatically to the entire Hologram projection, “Its shape is arc-shaped as a whole, with a length of one hundred About 20 kilometers, the thickness is only a few kilometers. There are many obvious fracture marks on the edge. It looks like fragment(s) falling from a plate or a ring … Uh, how do I exit the full screen? “

I increase the amount by hand: “There is a small screen in front of you, click the cross …”

After the Minister of National Defense embarrassedly withdrew from the full screen, another young man in a suit stood up. It seems that these pictures are not pictures taken by a country. This may be a proof of the unity of the entire Human Race?

“This picture was taken by our drone, very close, we found that it has a very complicated metal structure, and there are many unidentified isolation space, which may be a cabin or the like Things, but they are all empty … “

“This picture is the last picture before our research team lost contact. They have come to the lower part of the outer space object and tried to enter, but at that time they have been affected by some kind of radiation and served as an investigation team. Captain Dr. Feng pressed the shutter in a trance state and sent back the photo. We saw a corridor with many messy pipelines … “

Shandora and I carefully watched the flashing pictures, the expressions were extremely serious, the situation was not good, those mechanical structures … too familiar.

Whether Viska has been sleeping in my arms for a long time, I do n’t know when I woke up. At this moment, I was watching the photos of the broken debris sleepily, and then suddenly pulled the clothes on my chest. , Whispered a word: “Brother, that … seems to be a star ring outside the Viska barrier star …”

I came down from the cold sweat on the spot … Viska The star ring of the barrier star, if the radiant energy inside is released, destroying the ecosystem is absolutely easy and stress-free.

This … looks like the biochemical crisis that Human Race is facing now, or is it the responsibility of Viska?

Uh, I ca n’t say that. After all, it ’s not the intention of Viska, or the result of this mad girl who did n’t even realize it, and no one knows why her star ring fell on on the Earth. It is impossible to justify the responsibility to Viska who is completely indifferent from beginning to end.

Is this a littering of household garbage and it hits the flowers and plants on the roadside?

“Well, we already know the general situation,” looking at the photos of the star ring fragment(s) taken from all angles, I waved and said, “Is there more information? “

“If it is about the outer space coming thing, this is all the information we have collected, and the rest is our research on zombies, but those things …”

“We ca n’t use it.”

I said straightforwardly, and when I heard this sentence, the expressions of the representatives of various countries were very calm …

“We need to have an internal negotiation for the rest,” I put Viska on the ground, and then announced the adjournment, “You can take a little tour in base under the guidance of our staff, and then we will decide the best The solution … well, that’s it … “

After I finished the speech in a hurry, I left without saying anything about pulling up Shandora, and regardless of the expression on the faces of the delegates in the back, Viska was too disturbing!

Let the ambassadors take this behavior of leaving the guests after the meeting as a Alien custom … (to be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in, more chapters, support the author, support the genuine Read!)

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