Xiling Empire Chapter 226: Black Shadow

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The sudden white light and Little Bubbles panic scream quickly broke our dignity. I looked around and found that Little Bubbles, who was playing with the crystal pillar playing just now, did n’t know when he got into the pillar. Suspended in midair according to our height of two meters, countless bright white rays spread from the top and bottom of the column and converge towards Little Bubbles’. little brat was obviously frightened by this sudden change, and it was loud on the side at the moment Crying while waving her small arms and legs to avoid the white lines that are constantly approaching her, but unfortunately Little Bubbles in the air is nowhere to borrow, no matter how hard she tries, the white light is still approaching at a slow but non-stop speed With.

“What’s going on?!”

My subconsciously exclaimed, and immediately reacted: Is n’t this the scene when Bubble was in the slot of the console?

Sure enough, the bubble standing next to me whispered in disbelief after seeing her daughter trapped in the crystal prism: “… this … how is this possible !? The system has clearly been taken by that The wrong command is deadlocked … Could it be that Little Bubbles cracked that powerful encryption algorithm … It is impossible that Oh! Little Bubbles’ performance should not be half as strong as mine now! “

At this moment, I do n’t care about why the Little Bubbles can break the system lock and enter the host slot. The panic cry of little brat is the most important thing. Without hesitation, I jumped and used myself The mental power control foot that can produce resonance with any energy forms an invisible anti-gravity platform, and then stands steadily at the same height as Little Bubbles. The bubble also activates the anti-gravity suspension system and comes to my side As for the shallow, her power seems to have no way to deal with such things as floating, but I really underestimated the girl ’s imagination-she actually used time to pause in the air to form a step made of air , And then walked up steadily step by step …

Why not say that imagination is a catalyst for Human Race progress … cough cough, let ’s put this topic aside …

The crying Little Bubbles saw several of his closest people suddenly appear in front of him, immediately stopped crying, and made a swooping gesture in our direction-of course, because it was in the crystal prism In the suspended Force Field, she danced and danced for a long time and couldn’t get close to us. Seeing that little brat was crying anxiously again, I quickly patted crystal pillar to calm down Little Bubbles.

“Baby, do n’t be afraid, this post wo n’t hurt you!”

Little Bubbles looked at us with tears in his eyes, while reaching out with small hands to grab around, while anxiously said: “Slap … Dad … Dad …”

… I’m out, the tragedy is tragedy!

“Dad is here! You will wait here for a while, because there are important things for you to do, and Dad will pick you up after a while, okay?”

Bubble is also aside: “Yes, child, there are very important things that only you can do. Mom will tell you what to do in a moment.”

Slightly sneered at me and Bubble several times with strange eyes, then suddenly came out: “You do n’t feel any guilt?”

… I have a strong sense of tragedy …

Fortunately, despite being scared, Little Bubbles is a very good child, and understands ability very well. Under the Bubbles’ explanation and my comfort, little brat calmed down quickly, and then seemed to understand After listening to the task that Bubble explained to her.

In fact, for her, what she has to do is very simple. First, An’an quietly stays in a crystal prism, and then hands over all the received information to her own automatic computing module. Second, as long as it is not in the fortress command room The instructions sent, no matter how high the execution level of this instruction is, will be denied, to prevent the enemy from re-applying the old Xiling Host and shielding us. Third … Never touch those with “self-destruction” or “self-destruction” “The word order, even if it is curiosity …

To be honest, when I heard the third point, I felt like I was sweating all over. Is it really a good idea to give these things to such a fool?

But the problem is that apart from Little Bubbles, we do n’t have any spare Xiling Host anymore.

“It should be okay,” Bubble saw my uneasy look, and immediately patted her chest like a washboard confidently, “Little Bubbles is my daughter, she is so simple It ’s easy to get done-theoretically is like this. “

…… Can you say the last sentence without such a proud expression?

However, although I have n’t been so relieved, the progress of Little Bubbles’ seems to be very smooth. After getting the Little Bubbles’ permission, the white light changed to the staggered beginning. It almost converged to the top of the head of little brat in the blink of an eye. Up and down, and at the place half a meter away from the top of Little Bubbles’ and the bottom of the foot to form two rings with a diameter of about one meter, two halo successfully exuding milky halo attracted the attention of little brat, was just scared just now The crying Little Bubbles has completely forgotten the fear, but has shown great curiosity about the glittering circle above his head, and began to stretch out his small arms to try hard to reach the halo hovering above his head, from time to time issued Happy laughter.

… I am again worried about the bunch of instructions with the words “self-destruct” and “self-explosive”.

As Little Bubbles played with halo above him, the entire central computer room also changed significantly. The low hum began to come from all corners of space, and the closed instruments were one by one. Started, and began to show a variety of complex symbols and text. The light blue halo that originally filled our surroundings gradually disappeared, replaced by bright ordinary lights, in the center of the machine room, the same large Hologram projector as in the command room. He whispered back to work, showing the Shandora in their dimensions. What reassured me is that although the deadly air forces are still desperately attacking, our fleet has not yet suffered great losses. Part of the energy shield is still saturated. It seems that in just ten minutes, the enemy has not been able to destroy our defense Force Field. As for the Eternal Level enemy ship suspended in the distant cloud, it still gives its own main gun. Recharged, the galaxy-shaped energy vortex of beautiful has almost occupied the entire Eternal Level bow area at the moment, but now I suddenly feel that this thing is not It was so dangerous …

“Are our tasks completed?” I let out a breath. Although such a task is not dangerous, the pressure on me is no less than fighting. After all, we are about to wipe out the whole army. In a dangerous situation, such work as a rush repair command system is done. Once the mission fails, the end is obvious.

I was about to get in touch with Shandora to return to the main substance plane, but the afterglow in the corner of my eyes suddenly found a black shadow flashing from the door that the command room was not completely closed.

I just thought it was an illusion, and the shallow side suddenly drank coldly: “Who is it!?”

I asked Bubble in doubt: “What’s going on? Is there anyone else in this place?”

“Impossible! I was the only one here before you came!”

I looked at each other shallowly and at the same time made a decision.

“Bubble, you stay here to accompany the child, and I will go over and see!”

“Well, you must be careful, and remember not to leave this control tower, the scope of this gap is limited to the control tower and its relatively narrow surroundings space, once you leave this range, you will be squeezed directly When you go to Endless Void, even your strength will not last long there. “

Bubble explained us all, and then turned around and pulled out with him—although I did n’t find any pockets on the girl ’s simple dress—two twinkling shimmering bayonet, which were full of excitement Said to Little Bubbles: “Come on, mother teaches you how to remove the bones of the enemy …”

I stepped forward and said: “You guys teach me something normal Oh! Do you want our children to be gangsters!?”

Slightly come up and give me a chestnut: “You say it again to your children to try again!”

… In summary, I am a tragedy.

After coming out of the console room, I and Qian began to look for the shadow of the shadow in the corridor. I was bored and I began to look for topics to solve the boredom, such as the strangest “mother and daughter” in history.

“The real character of didn’t expect Bubbles’ is so … other …”

“Yeah …”

“So the house is really good enough, I think the bubble has a tendency to be abnormal.”

“En …”

“You said that Little Bubbles will not have a personality with her mother in the future? We parents should pay attention to the character training of children Oh!

“Oh …”

… Okay, I gave up. After the character conversion, there really is no cute girl Oh!! ! !

Shantian immediately scanned all the vital points in my body with dangerous eyes.

“Do you hate what I look like now?”

The cold tone of Qianqian’s gave me the illusion of streaking in the Alps.

So I hate this group thinking function that always makes me rather awkward.

Shallowly spoke coldly again: “Only you will make this kind of mistake, and it is frequent-like now.”

Me: “…”

Once again, Hei Qianqin is not cute Oh!! !

Just when I was embarrassed, there was a blurry black shadow in front of me.

Before I have responded, Qian Qian has launched her ability by subconsciously. She slammed her arm at the shadow and whispered: “Your time is over!”

The black shadow flashed away, and I kept a silly X posture that jumped in the sky and stood still in the air.

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