Xiling Empire Chapter 1611: Never die

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All of a sudden the exclamation from the command area froze everyone on the officer ’s platform, including Shandora, and they all fell into a state of disappointment. However, our stupid **** did not last long. The female gangster Icetis used her powerful nerve Resisting this shocking news and reacting for the first time, she rushed to the protective wall at the edge of the officer’s platform: “What !? Who are you kidding!?”

“Not a joke!” Tavel suddenly uttered, her tone was excited, and she was also unable to suppress her surprise, “It’s really the parent star! Or ……… Eight out of ten is the parent star, appear here The celestial body cannot be anything else. “

Shandora finally reacted at this moment, and she hurriedly ordered: “Turn the picture around, let me see what is going on.”

The image of the external monitor was quickly transferred to the officer ’s platform, and we finally saw the incredible scene: a dark brown star that looked lifeless suspended in the empty dark space alone , It has a bumpy surface, and there is no sign of life at all, but the straight ravines and the huge and scary crust all over the stars seem to contain amazing secrets. The size of this planet is twice as large as Earth, or maybe more, we ca n’t be sure—because this planet has suffered a terrible and obvious astral catastrophe: it is almost torn apart, the huge rift seems to have been deep The terrestrial nucleus, some hollow and terrible holes throughout the planet, these scars completely changed the shape of the entire planet, so that we are not sure if it is “loose” or collapsed. But in any case, the planet is still intact, and visual observation has been maintained for countless years.

Over this dark brown and nearly disintegrating planet, you can see a lot of floating black fragments. Some of these things should be the lithosphere that the planet cracked out of, but some of them seem too regular in shape, I suspect them It is some kind of artificial product, but probably because of the disaster that year, they can’t see their original appearance at all.

Time cannot change the shape of this Universe, so it is only the impact of the end of the day that makes the artifacts difficult to describe.

I checked the data returned by the probe and determined that the planet was at the end of one of the “sharp corners” of the Great Crack of the Abyss Gate. Remember the shape of the strange Abyss Gate? The long and narrow eyes shape, so it has two “sharp corners” at both ends, and the planet is about half a light-year away from the closest point of the door of the abyss, which is really close to the big crack with a total length of five light-years. Too.

The probe is of course to scan around the dark brown planet. It is trying to find the old sun or other planets in the parent star system. The ancient historical data records that the parent star system also has a huge gaseous planet. At that time, the Xiling people just stepped into the important energy production area of ​​Universe, but these important things seem to be gone. The detector only found a pile of heavy element embers that had been completely cooled less than thirty astronomical units away from the dark brown planet. It used to be the Prodigal Sun, but now it is just a pile of **** that has been extinguished for many years. With this weird “condensation state” of World, this pile of **** will suddenly reignite in the near future, and then reincarnation generally continues to die out, but we really don’t know much about this World “condensation state”, and we can only guess like this.

At least in the recent a period of time that can be predicted, we can’t see the Sunling’s sun burning again.

“This is the parent star? Are you sure?” Icetis looked at the nearly fragmented but barely condensed planet, “You have never seen it-and the positions of the stars are not fixed, said Maybe it came from somewhere else. “

“This Universe is in a stagnation state, and the position of the celestial body will not change much,” Shandora subconsciously grabbed my hand, the tone was calm, but based on her strength, I judged that Her Majesty the Queen is now absolutely calm, “here There are no other objects in the surrounding light years, and the ancient records left by the ancestors mentioned that the parent star and the door of the abyss are adjacent, so it must be the parent star. By the way, the ancestors gave us some related parent stars At the last moment, I still remember … the internal structure of the planet Tavel, to scan, fast! “

Tavel put it to work without saying a word, and soon the to scan result of the dark brown star appeared in front of everybody. I did not accidentally discover something sufficient to prove its identity: the trace of artificial transformation of large scale.

The whole planet has cracked everywhere as you can see on the surface. The huge rift valleys and holes really reach the core of the earth. The power of the abyss makes the planet almost tear itself apart, but in the end it remains intact: because of the star within the body is full of amazing alloy giant beams everywhere!

Huge support beams, superalloy cables, unidentified crusts, giant rock pillars, and fillings that are obviously different from the geological composition of surroundings will force the planet to constrain together, just like the land supporting all things after the collapse of the land The pillars, like the chain of gods that turned the tide after the cracking of World, “sewn” the planet in a primitive and crude but atmospheric way. Nearly one-third of the entire planet’s structure has been completely detached from surroundings, but these incredible artificial repair measures have forcibly tied them up.

And we also found huge holes inside the planet. These holes may have been formed naturally, but obviously also artificially modified. All the holes are built with a solid shell in the inner layer and become a huge alloy. The cabins, and the hollows are connected by hollow girders. The alloy structure and the dense pipe network in the shell can see at a glance what signify is: the fortress, the fortress after the end!

“Historical records indicate that the ancestors stubbornly resisted for a long time after the disaster broke out, and some people vowed to die that they would not give up their parent star-even if the door of the abyss is next to the parent star, they would not give up this place. Irradiating on the parent star, the earth is cracked, and the rift valley is deepened by hundreds of meters every day. The planet is about to fall apart, so the ancestors used huge alloy beams and other things to repair their planet. The abyss can even destroy these repair measures themselves. So the ancestors rebuilt everything over and over again. In the end, the entire parent star was almost transformed into a planet fortress: the broken pieces of the planet were connected to the together by alloy cables, and the cavity under the lithosphere was filled with dead soldiers, and the ground was covered Cracked over and over again to replenish the alloy armor. The garrison on the mother star did not retreat to death, and when the ark sailed, it desperately intercepted the jet flowing from the gate of the abyss to the Universe, which earned precious time for the Ark fleet. All the troops here have been sacrificed. Anthers once described this: the parent star is unrecognizable, but until the last moment, it is our parent star. “

Shandora silently recounted the record of the mother star left by the ancestors, and then gently released my hand: “Sorry, I am a little excited.”

I do n’t care about it, just staring at the planet in space. The alloy armor on its surface has been completely stripped. Perhaps the black fragments floating above the planet are the remains of these armor, and the giant beam cables inside the planet can also be seen everywhere. The entire planet is truly unrecognizable, and even beyond recognition can no longer be called a natural celestial body, but it still stands in the vast space, deadly guarding the nearest pass from the door of the abyss, and it still seems to be facing the crack glare.

Like the sentence left by the ancestors: the parent star is unrecognizable, but until the last moment, it is our parent star.

The ancestors finally evacuated this World, including this fragmented parent star, and they could n’t keep it, but I think … they still kept it, because until today, until the fleet of the new empire docked in this Universe, The position of this planet is still there, and it is still the mother star of the Greek civilization!

“No one can **** his position from a living Xiling Apostle,” Icetis suddenly murmured to himself, then lowered his eyes slightly, “You are such a tendon from mortal times, really … let People have nothing to say. “

“So you can be sure that this is the parent star,” Abyss Xiling looked at the devastated planet with some surprise. “How did it survive? Obviously it has been destroyed, but in the end … it seems that it has survived to the whole. The moment when the planet was completely transformed by the inert abyss? “

“It can only be said that it is a miracle, everything is possible,” Icetis sucked, “And the resistance of the ancestors of the Greek Spirit also made the planet last for a long time. The inert abyss is not a pure abyss after all, it can. On the alleviating side, since the entire Universe can be persisted until the transformation is completed, why is it not possible for a planet? Although it seems that this transformation is really painful … “

“The other celestial bodies here seem to have not persisted,” Lin Xue looked at the report returned by the probe. “There is only the embers of a star nearby, and there are some that can’t tell whether it is a celestial debris or a too large air mass. Thin matter, here is only this solitary planet. “

I thought about it, and I have a suggestion: “Maybe a memorial should be built here, or some other commemorative sign. This is the origin of the Greek civilization. There is no more special place than it.”

“It does require special commemoration, but no additional construction is needed,” Shandora shook his head. “The parent star itself is a monument. We only need to re-strengthen its structure, and then let it survive forever, which is enough. Of course, if the ancestors have other arrangements to listen to them after they come back, no one has the right to dispose of the planet more than they do. “

Everyone at the scene had no objections, so things were settled for now.

The engineering team is still collecting data from the Gate of the Abyss to check whether it can be used immediately as the “pier” of the carrying bridge, and it takes a little time to activate and detect the start end in the sleeping state (after all, it was dragged away It’s such a long way, and it’s still the only starter, accidentally can’t do it), so we decided to go to the parent star first.

A shuttle was launched from the Empire Admiral. All the commanders of the Royal Fleet, including Harlan who was originally commanding the engineering forces and Belavela who were sleeping and recuperating, came to prepare to land on the parent star. The silver aircraft made a full circle around the ancient planet twice the size of Earth before landing, hoping to find some traces of civilization on the surface. After all, it is in a stagnation state, and many things will not die. The last impact should also not completely strip the entire planet ’s surface. Facts have proved that our guess is correct: there is indeed something suspected of artificial traces on the surface of the parent star, although there seems to be only one such surface remnant on the entire planet, and it has collapsed and shattered to the point where it can hardly be distinguished from the black ground of surroundings. Still found it.

This place is located on the edge of a high-lying alluvial belt on the surface of the planet. According to the surroundings terrain, it should have been a component on a certain coastline. It has been impossible to verify who was stationed here. We can only confirm that there has been One base.

The high ground is a relatively flat area. The roughly trapezoidal open land can see artifacts that are almost indistinguishable from the surroundings rock. They seem to have been melted, and they were exposed to the last impact and Abyss power for a long time. Xia has completely lost its original nature. If it is not too neatly distributed, I am afraid that no one will think that it will be related to the remains of civilization. On the surface of the open land, you can still find the molten metal that is almost fused with the earth and rock together. The above is all the whole ruins and all the ancestors of the planet exposed on the surface.

Shandora was the first to get off the shuttle. She stood on the ground where the ancestors once thrived and fought, with a look of surprise on her face.

“From the day when the core of thought started to work, I will one day stand on the land of the original mother star from didn’t expect,” Shandora looked around at the desolate and ruined scene around him, and crouched down a little unreally. A handful of rough sand and mud, watching them slowly slipping between the fingers, “This is where we originated … I … Xiling Apostle is not good at sensual thinking, but I think the mood is very strange now, obviously only A planet, a primitive battle fortress, why does it feel so wonderful? “

“It ’s not the planet itself that touches people ’s hearts, but you remember what was born from the planet at this moment,” Icetis analyzed it professionally, and then looked up at the space: there is dark and dark, the parent star The solar system and the gas giant planets on which the Protoss relies have long been extinguished. Only the less bright distant starlight and the radiance of the imperial fleet in orbit that can illuminate the sky, and those distant starlights look It is not normal to go up, they are skewed and twisted, forming a strange curve in space: because we are observing the stars through the twisted field on the edge of the door of the abyss. From here, you can see exactly the corner of the huge crack. Even a small sharp corner occupies a third of the sky. The starlight is twisted into a lace-like thing to outline the edge of this sharp corner. Fear of life.

Shandora recalled the ancient data again: “Historical records indicate that the first vision when the door of the abyss was opened was the starry sky distortion. The ancestors discovered that all the stars in the sky were misplaced, and then they detected that there was a star beside their own galaxy A huge twist space is opening, and then the door of the abyss appears in front of the world. It permanently changes the scene of the stars that the parent star can see-what we see now is what the ancestors saw. “

“The same scene, after surpassing so many years and falling on the posterity in the eyes is still the same look, really incredible,” Icetis blinked, whispering in the spiritual connection, “Look, the abyss that destroyed the world. The door … in fact, the concubine can close it alone. “

Shandora immediately glared at her: “Don’t make such a joke, the whole fate of Void will be pressed on this gate.”

When we sighed that we were actually standing on the grandmother star, Qian Qian suddenly pointed to the sky and exclaimed in the spiritual connection: “Eh, what do you think that is!?”

I stunned and looked in the direction of my shallow fingers, and found that a light blue light cluster deep in space was moving closer to the earth. It was a weird thing like an aerogel, and it was far stronger than the starlight. The shape of the light is similar to an ellipse, but the undulating surface seems to be deformable at any time. There should be no entity in this light, but some bright spots and lines can still be seen walking inside it, indicating that it has complex structure inside. . This strange thing doesn’t know how far away it is from the ground, but I instinctively think it can’t be small, and it seems that this thing “swim” from space?

“Mothership, what is that light?” I immediately asked the Admiral who was parked in space.

your majesty, we are examining. This seems to be a spiritual creature … but unlike the normal form of life, it should have Space jump ability. It just appeared suddenly above the parent star and is now passing in your direction. Do you want to block it? “

“No, wait!” Shandora hurriedly stopped and then shocked, “Biology? Are you sure this is a creature?”

“Not sure,” the voice of Tavel’s came this time, “It is difficult to define what it is, which is different from any form of life we know, even different from spiritual creatures, this Universe is stagnant, and it is reasonable that it will not produce a new life … but it does have local evolution, so it may produce some strange things. This light looks conscious, it adjusts the flight direction by itself, and just bypassed it just now. The orbital station we put out … may it regard the parent star as a foothold? theoretically … ah, there are more space signals! “

“Don’t block this place, let them come over,” Shandora’s said inexplicably, “I want to see what this is really. By the way, the fleet is invisible to avoid, don’t scare these … creatures.”

The glow of the fleet in the sky immediately dimmed, and all spaceship soon disappeared completely into space, then we saw an amazing scene:

Countless light blue light clusters jump out of the depths of space, floating like a swimming fish lightly and agilely to the mother star. When these light clusters become clusters, we can easily see their biological community characteristics: They form a formation, chase each other, and draw a series of complex trajectories as they fall from space to earth. This is obviously a conscious move.

These peculiar things like clouds do n’t directly touch the ground. In the end, they hovered in the air hundreds of meters above the ground. At first, they were only scattered in small pieces, but soon they gathered more and more. , And finally the whole sky was shrouded by them!

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