Xiling Empire Chapter 1594: Ignition test

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This is a “Mount Universe” located near capital city World, one of the Tavel’s large-scale project test sites.

There are about seventeen or eight such Universe mounts, all of which are carefully designed and adjusted man-made World. Their scale and material richness are not much different from the normal and natural Universe, but they are only macro-controlled after accelerated evolution. After that, there will not be any life in these Universe, so there is no need to worry about all kinds of test accidents. Tavel connects these Universes through a special World gate, and the terminal is directly connected to an “overrun laboratory” of research center to ensure their independence. These large-scale test sites are closely connected to capital city World, but they will never affect each other. Their security level is second only to those deep-dive ports. It is a special site for Tavel when carrying out many dangerous or large-scale projects. Now, it is used as the starting end. “Repair shop”.

The previous fierce battles almost swept the entire abyss zone. Many World that were not used as battlefields at the beginning were also affected by the new and old army ’s repeated sawing. The territory under the abyss Xiling can be said to be devastated. And large scale test sites, deep diving ports, super industrial hubs and other places have been the focus of “care”. These facilities have been damaged in all cases, so they cannot bear the heavy responsibility of repairing the starting end. The starting end that was torn into several pieces by the big bang was indeed placed in the abyss area at first (after all, the original manufacturing team and technical information were there), but when the war damage report came out, the abyss Xilin decisively took these The wreckage was transported to the side of the empire.

Her reason is “I do n’t feel distressed to use Dad ’s stuff anyway”-so why did this guy at this moment have this consciousness?

The main “workshop” is located in a thin strip of material, a place where celestial bodies are scarce and far away from various space energy fields (placed in such a huge test field is equivalent to “empty ground”). There is no artificial star in the vast dark space, which is equivalent to several solar systems. Only a large number of artificial planets and huge scientific research facilities are running on their orbits. They are free to move and do not follow any rules of celestial operation. These scales What looks like the sun, the moon and the stars are actually the “engineering machinery” here. The role of artificial planets here is basically the installation platform of gravitational anchors and giant equipment, and the most central part of the entire “workshop” is a dazzling blue sun: You can die.

Now we seem to usher in a rare period of peace. Within the foreseeable time and within the scope of space, no large-scale battles that require the deployment of troops above the corps level, the astronomical system fleet, this mighty giant behemoth There are no more tasks for the time being, plus the previous battle in the abyss area caused many Star Warships to be damaged, half of the celestial system fleet is in a state of rest, and the general flagship of Youneng Death Star has begun to expect long life. Now it just happens that we have to find a way to repair the startup end, and this requires a lot of energy, so Tavel applied to bring the Nine Death Star alone. Now this surging artificial star is the energy of all the facilities of the Universe, and it is also an indispensable “igniter” for various tests on the start-end-except for the Neng Death Star, we really don’t know where to go Finding such an large scale energy source, the start-up side is simply a Monster, and it takes thousands of mothership-grade energy furnaces for any stimulation test!

Shandora and I came to this large proving ground early this morning to witness the maintenance progress of the expert team. The orbital station where everybody is located is on the far orbit of the Phantom Death Star, facing away from this dazzling blue fireball, towards an open construction site. We stood in the observation hall at the top of the orbital station, opened the outer alloy protective wall, and could directly see the starting end in space with the naked eye. To be honest … it looks like the same as the previous few days.

Big clusters of white light are scattered and floating in space, and they look like white clouds (Shandora thinks they are like marshmallows) staggered here. Each white light has a different shape and the outer layer Blurred, unrealistic texture. Between the white light groups, a large number of working troops can be seen busy, with the imperial engineering ship, and the strange equipment of God Clan’s. These working teams have been busy here for half a month, and they have not yet been able to really “piece together” the startup end. , But they still made progress, and “stuck” the fragmented starting end in a special way: a faint pale white line can be seen between those white lights, just like spider silk connecting these tears The wreckage of these, these lines are used to transmit energy and data. They are not real or virtual. Anyway, with my knowledge, I ca n’t understand what they are. In short, it is said that they can temporarily simulate the completeness of the startup terminal. Function.

Although there are Lin Xue’s predictions telling experts not to drill horns on the start end, these routine repairs must still be carried out.

A quality projection of Tavel’s (I do n’t know what number) stood next to me and reported the situation: “After the intense construction of a period of time, we have stopped the” escape “phenomenon at the start end, although it cannot be restored completely Physical, but the virtualization process has stabilized. Now the team is making a virtual connection to the last piece, and the connection can be tested after it is established. theoretically is like this. “

The “escape” phenomenon is a special situation that occurs after the start end is blown up. The starting end should be the most wonderful thing I have ever seen. It can be seen and touched, but it is not material in nature, but a strange existence that is entangled by a large amount of information and controlled at the edge of the material. The fragile state between the real and the virtual caused it to disintegrate quickly after being exploded, and continued to dissipate like evaporation. The initial challenge faced by the panel of experts was to contain the process before the “evaporation” reached a dangerous threshold. Fortunately, They succeeded.

The start-end “evaporated” nearly a third, but fortunately it was not irreversible.

And the “virtual connection” mentioned by Tavel is, of course, the lines that are absent between the huge debris.

“Which step is the repair progress of this thing?” Qian Qian also came over to join in the excitement today, but she looked at the busy scene in front of me more confused than me, and only stared at the confused eyes to Tavel, “Don’t talk about the data, I have a headache.”

“…” Tavel didn’t move for a long time, and it seemed to the senior scientist that she didn’t talk about the data and almost killed her half a life. Do n’t even think about it, this time it is mainly to test how the outer part of it will force start without a core. Although it “evaporates” nearly a third, the redundant structure makes its main functions still At this time, theoretically can be operated after working overtime for a while. Of course, it may not be as long as the operation. “

“Why do I always feel that it is not safe …” When I heard that people like Abyss Xiling used “not necessarily” to describe the test results, I immediately mentioned it, “What if it explodes?” ? “

“It ’s not insurance in the first place, and it ’s almost certainly about to explode,” Abyss Xi Ling shrugged indifferently. Seeing my eyes that were almost cannibalistic, I quickly explained, “Just test it from charging How long does it take to overload? Those virtual links are more fragile than other structures on the startup side. When the energy exceeds the threshold, they can quickly overload and self-destruct. Just like the insurance equipment, it can prevent the entire startup side from blowing up again. The virtual connection is lost. We now fully restore the start-up end of can do nothing about it, so we must find the limit power under the premise that it is not completely blown up … I hope that it can reach 50% of the original design index, so the success of the bridge The rate is still very high. “

As soon as the abyss Xi Ling finished speaking, I heard a screaming voice from the communicator: “Ah roar ~~ General her brother, did you hear that? This is the Warsong, this ship has been protected The field is up! When did you guys start playing Ah? here waiting for is boring … “

Another voice broke into the channel immediately afterwards: “If you are bored, you will hit the ship, right? Your brain is sick. Oh! Why did a war pendant in this ship actually fall into the situation of watching the scene, and you still have to stay with you? A bunch of dumbfounded spaceship … Alas, recalling the past years, the golden horse, the battle for thousands of years, swallowing the sky and the terrain like a tiger; see the veteran of the present is late, exhausted and exhausted, the sizzling of the railing, the physical and mental fatigue is weak , General, her brother, can you arrange something more interesting for this ship? “

I: “…” These two neuropathy really can find themselves anytime, anywhere.

Yes, Warsong and Tenjin Forge are also on this test site, and they are still very important “staff” here. These two are currently the most powerful and qualified true empire of the new empire? Planet fortress , Its power level is not comparable to the mass-produced “zero” planet fortress (although the “zero” planet fortress has also evolved for many generations, it is not the same as today). Warsong is the former flagship of Shandora, with powerful and a great variety math rate equipment. Its power to adjust Universe parameters is not only useful on the battlefield, but also more useful in such large-scale test projects that easily lead to the collapse of World. The Tenjin Forge is the last planet fortress manufactured by Abyss Xi Ling at the end of Old Empire. Although he has not really been on the battlefield, he has extremely advanced equipment. It can be said that the abyss Xi Ling was all the good things at hand. Such a starship is on board (after all, it is the last hope), and it is gratifying that she is better at building a large-scale defense and stable environment than Warsong (related to its positioning, after all, it is an ark of refuge), so in The test field is also extremely useful.

We let these two starships arrange a large-scale stable environment and defense field at the test site surroundings to prevent the huge information disturbance when the start-up terminal is activated and out of control, or even a vicious accident that penetrates Universe– In addition to the secluded garden, only they have such a large range and high intensity of regulation and control, but the secluded garden must focus on the monitoring of the entire Empire area, so I have to endure these two reminders and arrange them on the testing ground … But to be honest, at this moment regretted it a bit. Will they really be out of order?

Then they are out of condition! On the screen from the monitor, these two neuroses are bumping around! Do you think you are an interstellar bumper car? Two planets fortress with an average diameter one circle larger than Earth bumped into space. Who is it going to scare to death?

“I think it’s a mistake to find their two treasures to help,” I couldn’t help touching Onee-sama next to them, “The two don’t reunite for a long time, they are in a state of excitement for twenty-two hours a day, two hours left It ’s an extreme state of excitement-I ca n’t stand the Oh! Great Governor ’s honest protests so many times. “

Onee-sama smiled slightly trouble: “The two of them … at least come here to help a little bit, it ’s better than being idle all day and studying the two in the shadow space?”

As soon as I heard the word “two-person turn”, I didn’t say anything at all, and only felt a chill in my body: These two neuropathic starships were almost crazy before, and they didn’t know how they got in touch with the Earth culture. This vocabulary, and then directly understand these three words literally … After that, it is just three days of turmoil and dissatisfaction. You can imagine the two planets fortress crazy around each other, throwing the entire small planet around What is the situation? Is that true in all senses? The two transferred to Oh!, the Great Governor and a group of **** fleets were confused by these neuropathy hosts. I do n’t know how many times gravitation, when they came to complain, they were all dizzy …

It ’s really tangled. The loyalty of the two neuropaths makes me feel uneasy every time. I ca n’t help but think about them well, but they start to be more emotional and make me want to tie up an explosive immediately. To die with the girls-these two are simply the natural nemesis of the harmonious order of the new empire. Since they have been with me, I haven’t developed anything else, and tolerance is a thousand miles …

“General her brother? Why don’t you talk, general her brother?” The voice of the two lunatics echoed on the communication channel, and there was no idea what it meant to be silent before the dangerous project began. “When did the experiment start?” , Do you want to go to sleep before you start? “

“You give me honest waiting for!” I remembered that she and Tenjin Forge were working on the “two-person turn”, so I couldn’t get out of one place. “You can’t be quiet when you are charging here? And don’t forge with Tenjin.” The stove is bumping around, okay, you two are spaceship, not spring **** … “

“The ship woman asked for it. She said that the ship ’s equator is not as slender as her equator. Is n’t this a neuropathy? There ’s nothing slender or slender in the ball. General, her brother, right? “

“Who said you ship woman ?!” “What’s wrong with this ship? Not convinced to do it!” “Who is afraid of who, you have the ability to stop and don’t move, this ship’s spin ball can’t kill you. Yes! “” Ship woman is very arrogant, come on, fight a pain ~~ “

This time I could n’t even listen to the Viska who was lying on the ground to study backgammon with Little Bubbles. General 1.2-meter got up and stopped drinking: “Give me peace! You will be demolished and turned into garbage incinerator!”

This time World is finally quiet, or is Viska talking useful-but what is the matter of dismantling and changing the garbage incinerator? Was there such a rule within the Legion of Destruction that year?

Not to mention that some two veterans of the Destructive Legion are still at the edge of the testing ground, and the start-up “ignition test” here is finally about to complete preparations. The work team is establishing the last set of virtual connections in space. The scattered and floating white light clusters are now fixed in various places in space by anchoring frames, and they emit a slight halo of white in accordance with quite complicated laws. The light strips are connected, and it looks as if there are clouds floating in Universe, and there is a white light long bridge between the clouds. The last batch of teams was evacuating from the white light group, and the clock on the Hologram projection next to us suddenly stopped and then turned from positive to countdown: it is now five minutes before ignition.

Although I know that this test is only to test the residual power of the startup end, it is not a decisive actual measurement, I am still slightly nervous: the time the startup end can persist directly affects the success rate of our final repair, I hope this Things can survive the deadly level of “50% power”.

Only when it can withstand 50% of the power, the startup end has use value. Otherwise, even if we force it to be installed on the door of the abyss, it can only be a giant bomb.

The sound of Bubbles’ was heard through all the facilities in the proving ground broadcast: “All units pay attention to the completion of the connection operation, all workers evacuate from the A-level hazardous area, all workers evacuate from the A-level hazardous area, and now start testing the virtual connection, first Group data loading begins … “

These virtual links will not cause any problems. They are not too advanced technology, and are supervised by God Clan and the best experts of the empire. There is no difference. The data loading test now is just to check them. Whether the data capacity flux can reach the operating standard of the start end. When Bubbles conducted these preliminary tests, the Phantom Death Star was also ready for the forthcoming “ignition”. The blue giant energy body rolled on the surface, but the whole was slightly contracted-this is to self The mode is changed from battle type to pure energy output type. A layer of spherical shell distributed energy extractor (a bit like the Dyson sphere envisioned in Human Race) arranged around the outer energy of the Phantom Death Star begins to work. As the energy output of the Phantom Death Star increases, it emits bright blue light one by one There are countless blue light bridges between appeared out of thin air, the huge secluded energy can be gathered together, and then concentrated to the starting end through the super space equipment.

The entire World seems to be filled with blue light.

Then blue light gradually weakened, and the near-endless blue flames of the Youneng Death Star also slowly healed. The entire planet is like a light bulb with insufficient power supply and diminished brightness: the start-up end consumes a lot of energy, even if Only one ignition is enough to show the dim sign of the Phantom Death Star, but despite this, it still provides sufficient energy for this experiment.

“Really, you can make this kind of energy body like Monster,” Abyss Xiling glanced at the ghostly death star in space, and the tone was quite sighed, “When I first saw it, I even I was taken aback, such a terrible thing … I have been trying to destroy this starship, but now it has become a very important thing for me, and the startup end is activated by it. “

I smiled and didn’t speak, and the countdown just came to the end.

“Energy is sufficient, prepare for ignition!”

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