Xiling Empire Chapter 1565: Celine’s work

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“In the age of God, mortals cannot figure out.”

Celine‘s sentence is equivalent to saying that the majority of the people on this World‘s attitude towards “ancient civilization” is that although it is unclear but awkward and no one dares to study and understand-not even clergy like her Dare to toss casually.

Now I can roughly guess what is happening on this planet, the history should basically be like this:

A long time ago, there was a highly developed civilization on this planet. They had at least ability for deep space navigation, and they must have developed a war science and technology (according to what they saw last night) That particle rifle can be determined), this kind of development of ability, master of war skills, and like to study the secrets of death in Universe, and several civilizations crowded on a planet have a common Point, it is extremely easy to kill yourself, because they have to kill themselves, the entire race is simply too simple.

So just a few years ago, they finally failed to live up to the laws of civilization development and Murphy ’s law. Perhaps an internal war broke out. It may be that when the extreme technology was studied, the accidentally played off. In short, they killed themselves.

But this collective play off event did not lead to the complete extinction of civilization, some people survived stubbornly, and few of them were lucky enough to save such a little bit of science and technology (of course, Magic, in fact, I even doubt the ancient Civilization is self-destructed by the war of science and demons.) What this person thought was unacceptable, but they obviously think that the reason for the end of World was to prematurely contact the technology that should not be contacted by their own civilization level, so they did not The first time to use the technical data at hand to make a civilization revival, but first to study how to revitalize the population, at the same time sealed these technical data. These cautious and conservative survivors should be the predecessors of the lost gods.

The original lost gods should not be extreme. Their motives and behaviors for sealing war relics were actually reasonable: the end of World, race is in danger. There must be many guys who are full of tyrannical thoughts among the survivors. In this case, the relics of war are extremely dangerous dark thunders. Once they continue to spread into the hands of the doomed survivers who have nothing to fear, it is difficult to say whether the entire planet will be blown up by those lunatics, so they are sealed up. The behavior of war relics should have saved this civilization. But we all know that the lapse of generations is the easiest way to go wrong: so many years have passed, the original lost gods have been renewed and do not know how many times, in that extremely difficult environment, it is more difficult to ensure the integrity of the inheritance. And people always have different ideas. In order to ensure that those dangerous war relics are not started, the lost gods must choose the most conservative person as the pope in each generation. Just like this generation, the original teachings have become unrecognizable-the priesthood. The staff simply put all the knowledge related to ancient civilizations as taboo, and even printing and high-level little papermaking have become things that only clergy can contact, which can be said that the entire sect has been extreme.

And they also created “Gods of science and technology” and “Gods of Magic” ​​that sound fictitious, and stated in the doctrine that they can continue to study the ancient ones only when these two gods regain their grace. Knowledge, before that even folk research was banned-it has to be said that this planet has embarked on the worst path under all kinds of yin and yang, the guardian of civilization has forgotten the original mission, they originally compiled it The nonsense to appease the people now deceives themselves, and look at the expression of Celine, she firmly believes that the **** of science and technology exists … Then I guess this planet will never wait for the days of technical reopening.

“Mr. Scholar? Mr. Scholar?” Celine‘s voice awakened herself from her thoughts. She curiously watched me suddenly fall into silence. “Do you have any questions? If it is about ancient civilizations, I am willing to do my best to you Answer, this is the responsibility of the clergy. “

“Ancient knowledge must be kept by the church, right?” I looked at the other party’s eyes. “So how does the church treat this knowledge? Will there be relics unearthed? Will anyone use it? Or will it be completely sealed?” “

This question is a bit out of bounds, because the answer to this question is probably something of common sense on this planet, or “civilian taboo”, and asking it hastily may cause doubt, but I think after one or two The relationship between the sky and the Celine is already familiar, and the other party should not think much about the topics that are pulled out during this table chat.

“Of course, the church should treat those things that caused disaster more cautiously,” Celine glanced at me with a little doubt, but didn’t care too much, “as the Scripture said, with a firm mind The priests will study the ancient knowledge a little, but not to reproduce them, but to understand their role, to judge their harm degree, so as to classify and preserve the ancient knowledge, or open the public part of it to the public. As for the excavated ancient equipment, it was inspected by two popes and forty-six cardinals, most of which will be sealed, and a small part of the less harmful things will be sent to the clergy. We use these carefully. Ancient equipment to ensure that the source of disasters will not be awakened. These equipments are what make clergy more powerful than ordinary people, but we all have a firm mind and will not be fooled by this special power. That ’s why the Lost God The size of the teaching staff is always limited, so that the important mission of excavating the ruins should be assigned to a relatively free group such as adventurers, because there are too few people with a firm mind, not everyone can control the kind that overrides the ordinary people. The power at the same time also suppresses his own selfishness. “

I remembered the scene of the Celine inspection firearms I saw last night-well, it seems that I really think about it, it is really the standard equipment of the clergy, fortunately I did not rush to ask about this, otherwise it is appropriate Like a bumpkin.

It seems that all the questions that can be asked are finished. Celine is a low-level cleric who has been away from the core of religion for a long time and knows nothing more. Perhaps Shandora and I should look for ruler on this planet, That is to say, the two popes, it is a pity to lock up their own process by looking at a civilization anyway. Speaking of Shandora … Why can’t I hear her rolling on the table?

As soon as I realized this, I saw the Shandora ball lying in front of Ai Lu, who was holding the scones and handed it over: “Sister Egg, would you like to eat scones?”

Then her egg sister went away.

A’Jun, I ’m not happy,” the spherical Shandora stopped in front of me, and the complaint is as real as it is. “The rebirth rate of body is so slow. Even if you make a quality projection, you ca n’t enjoy the pleasure of eating. Life is so boring … Let ’s destroy World, OK? “

I looked at this Jincancan Her Majesty the Queen in horror: “Are you serious?”

“… Okay kidding.” The Shandora ball said and plunged into my soup bowl, but the magic was that there was no soup splashing: she seemed to be trying to absorb the soup in the bowl, But the food just circulated in a ray of light and was released again.

I’m embarrassed to poke the light ball with a spoon: “Well … I’m eating.”

Shandora ball is straightforward: “Do n’t make trouble, I pretend to eat.”

Celine and Ai Lu can only stare dumbfounded at the moment, I guess they have never seen this kind of thing in their normal life course … In other words, I have never seen Oh! Shandora usually 9% Nineteenth time is in the world of Queen in the world of King’s Land. This time, if there was a slight change in appearance, who can see her so natural and cute moment? Although this feels pretty good-at least before Her Majesty the Queen is completely hungry.

“Ah, it seems that the curse of the ancient ruins has caused great trouble to this lady …” Celine weighing every word, afraid to stimulate the resentful light ball again, “How did she come over all these years?”

“It’s like a year,” Shandora replied very subtly, “It’s been two years since I was full.”

It ’s only been two days, do n’t accumulate such a big grudge, OK! Alu has hidden behind the chair, okay!

But Celine is obviously wrong, she also looked at Shandora sympathetically: “It has been like this for two years? I completely lost the opportunity to enjoy life in Human Race … It stands to reason that you are so severely cursed by Ancient times remnant. The situation should be very famous, and even shock the cardinal and priest-level researchers, but I have never heard of it, I am really closed for too long. “

While I was still trying to say something, there was a sudden outcry in the street outside.

It sounds like a large group of horses are coming back from outside the town (the Ailu family is facing a road leading to the outside of the town), with the rough chatter of the Chinese and the hissing of the camel, Ailu As soon as I heard the movement, I jumped out of my chair: “Aha, it’s the first group of adventurers who set off in the early morning! I’m going out to see!”

“Eh, finish it first …” Celine will immediately stop daughter|girl, but the girl ’s action is super strong, at this moment has already ran to the gate, and as Ilu pushed the door open, the street was lively The noise was even more unprecedented. I looked out of the door, and at a glance, I saw a dozen armed men walking towards the street at a hundred meters away. They were all men and women, but there were only three or four female adventurers. These are the first batch of returned people who carry weapons and have almost everything. It can be seen that the adventurer profession is common to all Worlds: free development, high DIY, combat methods and equipment can be varied.

The dozen or so adventurers have surrounded a large number of onlookers, and the residents of the town have looked at them with seven points of curiosity and three points of awe. These represent power and knowledge (by the way, there are high-level civil servants “Treatment” “Heroes”, there are occasional adventurers who take out some gadgets from their suitcases and sway in front of these civilians, no matter what it is, it can cause a little exclamation: ordinary people don’t understand ancient times at all Equipment, but they just feel great, and the rusty iron rods dug out of the ruins may be colorful in their eyes.

“The first batch of departures are more experienced veterans. They are responsible for ensuring that the road to the ruins is correct and safe. at the same time confirms the degree of danger and the integrity of the periphery of the ruins to prepare for the second batch of people,” Celine knew that I was interested in adventurers, so I took the initiative to introduce, “Ordinary people can only watch a lively, scholars like you may not really study how to fight in a team, but the rules of action inside the adventurer are not Little, they seem to do it alone, but in fact they have a whole set of rules. Under the on-site instructions of the church staff, adventurers in unfamiliar groups can quickly achieve basic cooperation. This must be done, and most Ancient times remnant are not very safe. “

Finally, Celine could n’t help but whispered: “Some adventurers also do n’t follow the rules. The things brought out from the ruins ca n’t be displayed casually to civilians. Leif never made such frivolous things. Error. “

Reve? Is it Elu’s father’s name?

When referring to her husband who has been missing for many years and probably died of a foreign husband, Celine always has a deep depression on her face, but she still strives to cheer up and greets Ai Lu at the door: “Ailu, come to help tidy up the table. Mom will go to church later, take care of the house today, don’t you run around, you know?”

“Ah, you know!” The little girl ran back immediately to help with the housework, but she soon looked at Celine Ai Ai, “Mom … I want to go to church too! Go see the adventurers!”

“No, absolutely not,” Celine showed a rare serious expression, “Today is not to go to church to play, but to listen to the adventurers to report on the ruins. Ordinary people should not have too much contact with those taboo knowledge, it will corrupt people. Heart-especially if you are still a child. “

Allu suddenly walked away with his mouth flat and mumbled, and I have become interested in at this moment: It seems that Celine wants to fulfill her obligations as a clergyman to contact those adventurers? Isn’t she okay?

I asked curiously, and Celine immediately smiled and explained: “I just left the parish, and this place is usually very quiet, and there are no too important religious activities, so it seems idle, but as a priest, the responsibility is accompanied A lifetime. Every Ancient times remnant surroundings must have a clergy as a ‘regional guardian’. The usual task is to take care of the ruins and prevent others from exploring privately, and after the ruins are opened, we will act as theocratic representatives to control the entire exploration operation from the first. The group of adventurers completed the preliminary exploration until the last group of adventurers left, which was when I was working. This is actually a very idle job, because many ruins may not be open for hundreds of years, and the priests stationed nearby are equal to It ’s because I ’m at home, and many clergy who have separated from their religious cores will accept such a task to settle down near a certain ruin. At the beginning, Leif and I settled down here on the one hand for the purpose of Elu, on the other hand, because the church needs to be here Set up a guardian. “Celine roughly explained another work of the church, and then sent me an invitation:” Mr. Scholar should also be ready to go to the ruins? Should I follow me to the church first, listen to the first What about the adventurers? “

I already said this to waiting for, and of course nodded immediately.

The dozen or so adventurers of at this moment have been led by several locals to the gate of Celine‘s house. These five big and three noisy “freelancers” quietly fell within ten meters of the entrance, even quietly. I was arranged into a kind of respectful and orderly team. This scene is very worrying: I only saw Celine as an ordinary single mother and housewife. I feel that this is just a hard-working woman. Later, I only learned about her as a clergyman in the conversation, but it didn’t produce any texture. Until now, I looked at the respectful and adventurous adventurers at the door, and I have a sense of Celine‘s identity.

A clergyman with authority and special status and exclusive “knowledge” clergyman who lives like an ordinary person on weekdays. Only when ancient knowledge is involved, her majesty is revealed. I I don’t know what other lost **** priests on this planet are. If they are all like this, then this lost **** church is really interesting.

It seems that their entire existence value is really just looking after knowledge, but do n’t care about anything else?

Several locals who lead the adventurers should be town officials. One of the gray-haired old men is probably the role of mayor, but at this moment he has to respectfully respect a “hotel owner” Explaining the situation and waiting for the other party’s instructions, this wonderful scene made Shandora unable to resist mumbling: “It’s a strange social structure. The clergy only produces absolute authority when certain things happen, and lives like ordinary people in ordinary times. , Celine ’s identity in the town is obviously just a civilian … but once she started to deal with ancient knowledge, her status and duties changed instantly? How did this planet develop this strange social form? “

Celine said something unintelligible to a group of adventurers, basically thanks to the grace of the gods, thanks to the wise guidance of the pope, thanks to the hard work of the adventurers, thanks to the mayor of the old town for his active response to the leaders of the parish Call, and then let a group of adventurers go to the church waiting for first, by the way, first classify the data items and what they have collected, and use the equipment in the church to do pre-processing, and she herself is the agent of the church here , First you have to wash the dishes in the kitchen before you can go to work …

It does n’t feel very reliable, but no one disagreed on the spot, a large group of adventurers dispersed, and took the “baby” he got in the morning, and headed to the church under the leadership of the mayor.

Although those religious regulations look sacred and great, the process of authentically handling ancient relics is still the same as the waste recycling bin: you first carry things over and weigh them, and I will give you back when I ’m busy Checkout!

Basically that’s what it means.

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