Xiling Empire Chapter 1439: Uninvited guests

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(Okay, okay, I know I read the wrong calendar yesterday, and the double monthly ticket ended yesterday … Can we continue to order monthly tickets today? Thank you for your support!)

In Xiling Apostle‘s world outlook, Universe is a complex mathematical machine, everything is rooted in information theory. The description of a large amount of information constitutes in this world all things, and the derivation and conversion relationship between the information signify they both belong to a complete system. When this large-scale mathematical machine rushed to run, each of its values ​​and footnotes began to follow accurate formulas Calculated, Universe will start running. It is self-consistent, perfect, self-explanatory and self-sustaining. The World barrier contains all the information needed to make this system run steadily. Every event in Universe can find a corresponding footnote in this mathematical system. “Self-sustainability” is the most stable order field. These endless self-sufficiency information allows World to exist for a long time in Void.

However, once the World barrier is destroyed, the entire Universe will be exposed to the lethal “clear” force.

If you regard Universe as the ordered data recorded on the disk, then Void is undoubtedly a magnetic field (of course the real situation is much more complicated, here is just an example for easy understanding). The magnetic field can record information, you can write all the information needed for this “Universe disk”, you can build World, but in more cases, it can also sweep away the contents on the disk, and because Universe is essentially It is a “data disk” without a carrier, so when Void clears a World, the possibility of repairing it is completely zero. The process of Void backflushing is like a strong magnetic field sweeping, the information on the disk will be instantly fragmented, 80% or 90% of the data will be reduced to disordered magnetic dust, and the remaining 20% ​​is World fragment(s)-these are lucky The data segment that escaped the first clearing will float in Void until the day when it is completely restored.

In the final analysis, it is difficult to describe an abstract thing in concrete language, so instead of investigating how World is missing, it is better to see what it was like when World was torn.

This is North fortress on the surface of the planet Heisenwood. Everyone came to the open space outside and looked forward to the earth-shaking changes ushered by this World: To avoid panic events, Edwinsa will happen today. Things were explained as “miracles” in advance, so people simply don’t know that this Universe has ushered in the end, they are now just looking at what is happening with curiosity and anticipation.

The sky has been split in two and is gradually twisting.

A few of us also looked up curiously. This is the first time I stood on the surface of the planet to watch the end of Universe from the perspective of the party: This is very different from the command of destroying the world on the podium of the starship. a feeling of. The sky above is divided along a slanting tangent line from south to north, half of it looks as usual, the afterglow of the sunset has not even faded from the sky, and the other half is a strange night, stars in the dark sky Blinking, the small half of the Red Moon planet gradually emerged from this tangent.

I do n’t know if this is the result of Alaya ’s intentional adjustment: the sky passing day and night, the dark moon on the dividing line, coupled with Edwinsa ’s “Shenqi” statement, this scene looks a little bit Symbolism of religion.

“Oh, it looks magnificent …” Shallowly tilted his head hard, shouting quite amusedly, “So fast Ah?

“The World barrier should have been destroyed,” I looked at the virtual clock in the corner of the field of view. “Void backflush is super fast, so the entire Universe will be disintegrated synchronously at the same time, and after the Universe constant is stopped, except The surviving World fragments, the space concepts of the Universe wreckage will be cleared, so the half of the starry sky we see is likely to come from any corner of this Universe, completely random … This is considered to be left by this World The last photo. “

“You don’t want a nice analogy.” Lin Xue couldn’t bear to look at me, then turned her head to continue to close her eyes and meditate: she didn’t have time to accompany us to see the end of World hit this on the Earth, Ojou-sama as Prophet is the busiest at this point of view. She has to ensure the safety of the plan throughout. Once Fallen Apostles is about to notice a World fragment, her advance reminder will be the only way to ensure that life in those World fragments can survive.

I do n’t disturb her key job, but just continue to study when the twisted starry sky can completely cover the half of the sky that is still normal: Void backflushing has completely destroyed the optical laws outside the World fragment, despite the internal The light is still operating in the normal way, but the chaotic optical phenomena outside the fragments still project a lot of strange scenes. These scenes may come from the end of Universe, or they may come from a historical segment, or even from the future on the timeline. In short The normal World and the abnormal scene overlay together outside form a twisted and absurd sky scene.

The normal daylight recedes rapidly, and the starry night begins to occupy the sky. Soon, the planet ushered in the first night of the end of World: and this is just a few minutes.

In the end, the last rays of the setting sun were swallowed up by the night, and bright torches and braziers began to be lit up one after another in the camp.

When splitting World fragment(s), we must reduce its “information amount” as much as possible. In other words, the smaller the fragment(s), the better. Therefore, it is not in the fragment(s) where Red Moon Heisenwood Twin is located. Including the sun-so the star that has been shining on the earth for billions of years has actually been washed away by Void a few minutes ago. However, the light emitted when the star collapsed has never reached the in the eyes of the earth. They may think that the sun will rise as usual the next day.

Under normal circumstances, if a planet orbiting a star suddenly loses its sun, it will definitely bring a series of catastrophic consequences: atmospheric cooling, freezing of water, all things withering, in just 48 hours, people on earth ( And those on the other side of the Moon) will usher in the coldest winter night they can imagine, and then gradually extinct in the process of approaching absolute zero-but the World fragment itself is not normal, so it will not happen Such a thing. For the World fragment, the sun does not simply disappear, but a part of the information deduction suddenly stops.

So just like the computer process is suddenly stuck, many things will “stuck” in a weird state. Even if the sun disappears, the planet will not cool. World fragment(s) will keep it separated from Universe in the general environment. The state of the moment when it came out, until the entire data fragment was engulfed by Void-the first time I was exposed to this vision or when I found Artemis, she and her friends stayed there. Such a World fragment(s) was “stuck”. But now the World fragment(s) in front of us is artificially produced, so its “stuck” is limited to the harmless range of the ecosystem.

Far away, or return to the current World.

Icetis looks very smooth. The abnormal optical phenomenon in the sky shows that the order of Universe has begun to disintegrate. The strange sky in the sky is the last afterglow released when Universe disintegrated.

However, as the Void backflushing became more and more serious, the disorder of the periphery of the World fragment was rapidly deteriorating, and the starlight that was “stuck” was finally unstable: the stars drifted like a violently shaking TV screen. Even a long strip of starlight was drawn in the sky, so the night gradually became brighter and soon covered with chaotic chaotic cracks. The crowd around us was a little overwhelmed by the sudden fall of night. At this moment, when I saw this trembling star, I did not know who suddenly yelled, “The stars are falling!” It seems that Edwinsa’s pacification measures that he hastily made in a few short hours are still limited in effect. In the face of the strange shape of the sky, these somewhat superstitious mercenarys are suddenly in chaos.

The clergy in white robes immediately ran out to rectify the order, and the heraldsmen again rode on the fast horses and started running around between the camps so that everyone did not have to panic, but I could see at a glance that even It was these people who were ordered by the Pope who were also in a state of panic: one of the heraldsmen had fallen off from the horse twice, but fortunately his body was strong …

But the activities of these priests still played a role, and the mercenary finally stabilized a little, and at this moment someone in the crowd suddenly exclaimed loudly at the sky: “Look! Dark Moon! Dark Moon surroundings has a circle of halo! “

Several exclamations also followed one after another, and people all looked up to the strange moon in the sky, and the dark gray planet surroundings shrouded in dense fog did not know when appeared was a golden ring, and then The ring gradually expands, and the second and third are differentiated. The triple halo surrounds the dark moon. The outermost layer halo is nearly five times the diameter of the dark moon. This magical scene is obviously more collapsed than the stars. The fall was to be reassuring, and the clergy who ran around to maintain order immediately understood it and began to desperately wave the Bible with a throat and shouted everywhere: “The miracle! The miracle began! goddess is launching a general attack on the dark moon. Do n’t panic, everyone! The night will end soon! Bright will return to Human World with the triumph of goddess! “

Facts prove that grass-roots missionaries all need a good voice-under the propaganda of these big voice priests, the fact that miracles have finally come true, mercenary and the Soldier of the Knights began to cheer, and those who have been baptized believer Then he took out the Bible from his body and began to read the above chapters. Many people even burst into tears. The whole camp and the fortress city wall not far away were filled with people’s joy. I was surprised to look at the surrounding scenes and found that everyone ’s joy comes from the heart: that Edwinsa is a personal talent, and in the case of only “half goddess“, he also engaged in the religious cause. This missionary ability is probably second only to Lily.

Lily was preached in the presence of a “negative number goddess“, so I think Edwinsa still failed to surpass that girl. To preach to Della, you need to have a heart that is persevering and that the dead pig is not afraid of boiling water. After all, it is a God that will suddenly be sent from the kingdom of heaven when you are teaching her for her, and then drag your finger to ask you for sugar. ……

At this time, the call of Icetis also sounded in my mind: “Chen! My head is almost done. Those outpost that are attached to the World barrier have been beaten down by the concubine regardless of the empire or Fallen Apostles. The World barrier It ’s all loopholes. All the celestial bodies here have been wiped clean by Void-what are you doing? “

“Continue to pretend that you are a city gate, do n’t move there,” I replied, “It ’s definitely not normal for the door of the abyss to disappear suddenly. You slowly dissipate at the speed of the normal door of the abyss in the Void environment. Decrease your sense of presence, and then find the nearest Imperial Defense Forces. Let ’s finally meet in the Imperial District. “

The voice over Icetis sounds somewhat reluctant: “Mommy, just how dare you make concubine like this, concubine Void, sister, pretend to be your pretend furniture today …”

Icetis hangs up the communication in two nagging sentences, and at this time our surroundings hustle and bustle of the crowd has just quieted down, everything seems to be developing according to the plan, from the macro to the details are perfect. I was a little worried about the situation on those other ecological planets in several other fragment(s)s. Before the World tearing began, Della applied Divine Technique to all the creatures of this Universe, but the doomsday would interfere with the Divine Technique effect, so some hard losses Probably still inevitable. The good news now is that all World fragment(s) were accurately segmented according to plan. No ecological planet was destroyed due to the collapse of space or Void backflushing, and for the time being it seems that Fallen Apostles is not aware of our plan. victory.

The vision in the sky is still going on, and the idea of ​​”Three holy light enveloped the dark moon” does not know who came up with it, anyway, it looks really straightforward. Now I’m curious what the next drama is, “goddess hands-on purification of the dark moon” is a terrible event, but the stage arranged in a hurry seems to be very limited, and the stupid cat Angel is still a critical moment. The cute stuff that dropped the chain …

I just thought about it, and I saw a change in the scene of “a circle around a ball” in the sky. The dark moon surroundings began to show some vague dark shadows, while the innermost circle of holy light ring was Suddenly a few segments were missing, and then the halo began to dissipate slowly. This scene is obviously signifyDemon‘s counterattack”, needless to say, it is the bridge section made by Alaya-that stupid cat Angel seems to play quite well. At this moment, the eyes of all the people of surroundings are focused on the sky. Of course they also saw this obvious scene. Suddenly everybody clashed, but soon an old but majestic voice came from high altitude. This voice echoed throughout the fortress area. Suppress everyone’s commotion: “Don’t panic! God’s army is in the final battle with Demon. goddess has invested all the sacred warriors she has created in these thousands of years. The victory must belong to justice! Chest, take back the cowardice on your face! We are glorious followers, stand up and let goddess take a good look, even if you ca n’t visit the battlefield, do n’t lose face in at this moment! “

I looked up and saw that a huge silver-white figure was slowly flying over fortress. After a moment of stunned God, I recognized that it was Soya-the old Pope Edwinsa was riding on the dragon The man read aloud about the miracle on his back, and the old man was quite in the drama.

“I hope that after this incident, the people on the ground can resume communication with An Yuemin as soon as possible,” Lin Xue also woke up from her meditation. She looked up at the sky, and there was a smile on her face, “There is this goddess With the big name pressed, the entire World will soon return to normal, which is the power of monotheism and faith. Then the five people will be reunited as expected. “

I remembered the five-member group that had experienced ups and downs, and I suddenly smiled, and then raised my head and waved to the sky. The silver dragon kept swiping eyes towards this place. Obviously, Soya had found the figure of our group, but it was not good to say hello during work. At this moment, I saw that I waved to her actively. The dragon suddenly There was a long and low Long Yin, which should mean hello.

I smiled cheerfully at Soya, and then turned my attention back to the sky. Alaya was using holy light and optical phantoms in space to create a gleaming battlefield, and the heat I was fighting with myself was in full swing. Looking at the “light and dark war” that is meaningless but more exciting than fireworks, the brain fills the scene of the silly stupid cat entertaining himself in space, and then suddenly sees a long and narrow black crack in the appeared beside the moon .

At that moment, I thought I had an illusion, but then a black red streamlined spaceship rushed out of that crack, and I suddenly glared at eyes: No illusion, it was a Fallen Apostles investigation ship!

Everyone saw the spaceship, but the locals certainly do n’t know what a starship is. The mercenarys of surroundings are not even aware of a disaster that is rushing towards this fragile little world. They even Still whispering excitedly: “What is that? It looks like a fish.” “Maybe it is a weapon of goddess? But that is black, maybe goddess knocked down something on the dark moon. “Oh, long live goddess!”

The reconnaissance ship that broke in suddenly had no more movement, it was just quietly hovering at high altitude, I roughly judged that it should be several kilometers above the ground: This is a spaceship that suddenly broke into the atmosphere, But the question is why it will accurately lock this World and then break in directly? The plan was revealed? Fallen Apostles has locked those fragment(s)s that are drifting towards the Imperial District? Are they preparing to intercept? Is this spaceship an advance soldier?

A lot of everything in disorder speculations instantly filled my mind, but thanks to the strong nerves I have trained in the past few years, the chain has not fallen off. The first idea I came up with is still clear and straightforward: I must beat it down!

However, before starting to do it myself, a dazzling white light from the direction of the dark moon had first arrived. This light effortlessly penetrated the reconnaissance ship in the air and almost exploded it into two sections.

The Alaya’s response is finally faster.

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