Xiling Empire Chapter 1366: Ancestors … men

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The Abyss Independence Group has experienced a bumpy development. Although they are also fighters of the new empire, the Abyss Independence Group has always been able to develop at a slow rate due to their sensitive identity and the great power of the hidden danger. Under normal circumstances, the new empire is expanding its troops at the rate of one or two large legions every year, and the abyss independent regiment has not yet reached the size of the standard legion since the first Fallen Apostles was reversed. Of course, it is not the “origin problem” that restricts the development of this legion, but the lack of a truly systematic and robust industrial system.

The establishment of a standard legion requires systematic industrial support, the production of battleships, the manufacture of Soldier, individual equipment, shipborne equipment, fortress-level facilities, the development and manufacture of various auxiliary units, the supporting science and technology department, command, Engineering, service … This is an extremely huge system. In reality, the complexity of an army’s operation is hard for ordinary people to imagine. It’s not like the mouse in the game, a bunch of Soldier comes out with a mouse click. The assembly started. Whether it is Xiling Empire or Xingyu God Clan, no matter how powerful the civilization, its army is built on a complex and precise base. As a war race, Xiling Apostle‘s original “field host technology” has simplified this system to the limit. It only takes one Xiling Host and enough time, and a complete set of military systems including industrial mother machines can be manufactured. This is a The von Neumann Robot system developed to the extreme (of course, it is more complicated, and its replication and self-evolution process is far from the single-threaded von Neumann proliferation model can be compared), but even so, the new The Empire does not even have a set of “abyssal industrial production line” that can be used as an industrial foundation. Of course, there is no abyss Xiling Host.

These two units are almost impossible to be completely captured in the kind of decisive battles carried out by Empire Army and Fallen Apostles, so the Abyss Independence Regiment became the only corps in the new empire that had almost no production proliferation ability, and they even had the smallest star There is no Hong Kong, and the only thing we can do is supply and maintain the existing abyssal units. At present, there are only two ways to amplify the Abyss Independent Regiment. The main way is to seize the battlefield-thanks to the unlucky Harlan your majesty for its previous support; the secondary way is to let Viska without the industrial mother machine and Xiling Host Use her everything in disorder‘s transformation technology and whimsical weapon design scheme to make some … um, some small-scale troops that are indescribable but can fight when pulled out, but she can only make units that are unintelligent and cannot be copied, Tavel uses cash There is technology can do nothing about it to recreate an abyss source of the same level and control as Viska, and naturally can do nothing about it also replicates the abyss fleet produced by the latter.

The small forces of everything in disorder, tossed out by Viska, accounted for less than 10% of the entire abyss independent regiment.

The embarrassing situation facing the Abyss Independence Group is evident.

“It ’s not just a technical issue to make abyss equipment,” Harlan puts a data terminal in front of me. He has produced a plan including the abyss independent group draft and the first phase project planning, and even Various production lines and their precise production cycles are available, “I also went to research center several times in the past two days and visited the Xiling Host group. I know that you are also studying how to mass-produce the abyss unit by conventional industrial means-the abyss independent group. There are a lot of Soldiers, but one battleship is almost destroyed and one less. With the loss of several special operations on Abyss Empire, it is now in a situation of more people and fewer ships. “

Tavel can’t figure this out,” I nodded, “We can copy anything from the physical level, as long as there are blueprints or samples, but the manufactured abyssal special unit will either quickly collapse, or reach The fighting strength that is not genuine is not as good as the normal model spaceship. “

“Abyssalized Xiling Apostle can only use abyssalized equipment, because the power diffused by us will seriously affect the operation of conventional equipment, and only with the combination of attributes can we play a full fighting strength, but this equipment uses conventional means It ca n’t be made absolutely. It ’s not a matter of material structure. Abyssal pollution will change the operation rule of a Xilin equipment from the conceptual level, ”Harlan said, and he easily figured out something from the portable space. I saw it was a The weird shape of the fist-like weapon should be a carry-on close combat weapon. With a slight undetectable buzz, the front of the fist suddenly stretched out, and the constraining energy blades with black red lines tremble slightly in the air. There is a dangerous breath on it: the abyss, but in a controlled state, “You can see with your own eyes that this is a mutated phantom energy, using conventional means, no matter how you decay from Void, and then mix it with the abyss, all No such phantom energy can be created. It is not a pure mixture, but has become something with its own unique characteristics. “

The constraining energy blade at the front of the weapon trembles slightly, and I can feel that it has caused damage to surroundings space just by being there: the stability of space in a small area of ​​weapon surroundings is decreasing, normal elements in the air It is becoming a variety of ancient Monster quality. Some black smoke-like things are emitted from the front of the energy blade, and the condensed residue slowly falls to the desktop, and the burning sound of 噼 pā pā actually occurs.

This is an abyssal weapon with unique characteristics. They perform poorly in terms of durability and energy consumption, but in terms of absolute destructive power and subsequent damage, the abyssal weapon has a fascinating charm. The independent abyss formidable ’s ” The “Instant Full Fire Attack” tactic can madly pour out devastating damage within a few seconds of the confrontation between the two sides, which is to use this feature of abnormal energy. It is precisely because of this precious feature, Tavel has been spared no effort to study how to safely create more abyssal armed, of course, no progress.

“Only the corrupted industrial mother machine or Xiling Host that was transformed tens of thousands of years ago can make these things,” Harlan handed me the fist in his hand to show me, while saying, “That pollution is equivalent to Our within the body has left some kind of ‘identification code’. Without this identification code, the manufactured equipment is not pure. Of course, your crazy sister is an exception. She infused the abyss into the ordinary equipment for her own use in a whimsical way. , Can only say … Probably her madness even fears the abyss. “

I was curiously studying the punch in my hand, and then carefully spread my mental power into it. I wanted to see from which part of the alienated ghost energy was mutated, and the result was a snap-this thing went out After that, a big crack was cracked on the focused crystal, and a green smoke rose from the inside.

Harlan: “… this thing has been with me for 127,000 years …”

Me: “… The most historic thing on my body is a pair of old slippers that have been with me for three and a half years, and then they are gone …”

Harlan: “…”

“Okay, your plan is very good, I am a layman, and there is nothing to suggest, just do it like this,” I chuckled to change the subject, because Harlan obviously did not really care to accompany His 120,000 years of punches: According to Xiling Apostle ’s habits, I ’m sure he still has at least a few thousand of them in his space. I will prepare a few World for your development … “

“This makes me find a way,” Harlan laughed. “No one knows more about the survival environment needed by the abyss independent group than a former Fallen Apostles. Just keep looking forward to it. The fastest half a year, I will let The First Fleet of the Abyss appears in front of you. “

Send away Harlan, I leaned on my chair and breathed out. What I need to worry about is equivalent to one less thing: the Abyss Independence Regiment will then rebuild the industrial line and find itself in the Empire ’s “World library” To build a set of things that are completely different from the new Empire Army work system, these things are all done by Harlan. The Shandora and I at most occasionally look at the progress in the past, and this part of things is on the right track.

“Can’t see it, you are usually really diligent, concubine thinks that you just go to Shadow City every morning and just look like it.”

“Are you awake?” I have no desire to fight back against tsukkomi/ridicule from my own soul. The broken mouth of the female rogue is no longer a day or two. “How are you feeling today?”

“I don’t feel much, but I was imprisoned again, and the concubine woke up early-just to see that you are busy doing business and not disturbing.”

When a guy like didn’t expect Icetis is also empathetic, he ca n’t help but smile, and I do n’t know if Icetis can feel this smile: “Speaking, is n’t it good when you are quiet? What kind of noise is it? “

“It’s okay to stick with it for a while. It’s easy to suffocate after a long time,” Icetis‘s nature began to recover slowly. “I said, don’t you have to stare at these reports for a long time here this morning? I rely on! You must hold your concubine! “

I have a strict righteousness: “This is the responsibility of Emperor.”

“Responsible Mao, look at the title, look at the conclusion, and stamped that it has passed-no wonder Shandora has to take over 80% of the government affairs by itself, all you need is to use your mind to write and read …”

I suddenly became soft, Wan didn’t expect Shandora even told this to the female gangsters: They are usually troubled, this relationship is real, how to say, this is Ji Ji spanning tens of millions of years Now!

“Actually, I also read the text … Occasionally picking up the parts that I can understand.” The more I said, the less I felt, and finally I sighed: Icetis woke up, and my office hours will probably stop here. I really ca n’t imagine what it would be like to fight with this female gangster while arguing and working at the office. When that time comes, I will be stunned by a faint gentleman hat that is obsessed with female **** and neglecting government affairs.

“Oh? Do you want to go out and walk?” Icetis noticed my movement and said immediately, “It’s okay, if you are annoyed, the concubine can not talk, in fact, it is also very interesting to see your approval of documents …”

If I believe in her, I will have a surname with Della!

Bring an goddess with you—it sounds poetic—wandering in the officer ’s rest area, Icetis commented on this place, and the evaluation was nothing more than rigid and serious words: she was on Shandora’s base I’ve been criticized so much, and the military base of Xiling Apostle is basically the same, and it certainly won’t fit the female rogue. I didn’t care about her, so I took a radio that I couldn’t turn off, and unknowingly walked to the edge of the military zone. There was an extremely high barrier generator spire not far in front of me. I glanced up and saw a familiar figure: Ancestor Ances and a few unknown people stood in the company of several royal guards. On the platform in the middle of the minaret, it seems to be looking at the scene of the civilian area outside.

“Look, your ancestor!” Icetis followed me from a perspective, of course I saw it, and immediately reminded me happily.

“No, it is the ancestor of Shandora’s …”

“Oh, I forgot that you were halfway home-hurry up and hurry up, concubine depends on you and your ancestors!”

I now have to coax this depressing female hooligan, as long as it does not violate human morality, then I have to follow her meaning, so a short teleportation came to the minaret.

This kind of minaret is very common around base and is an extension of the fortress shield generator, but Ances obviously used it as a watchtower. When I arrived, he was looking curiously at the direction of World Tree The shadow that stretches like a mountain makes it difficult for anyone who comes into contact with it for the first time to believe in their own eyes, and the ancestor is no exception: he has never seen such a large plant. And behind Ances stood a few people I did n’t know, men and women, they were obviously not Xiling Apostle, and they did n’t have such a strong energy response. The clothes of these people were very similar to Ances: see yourself here You can almost guess the identity of these people.

The Royal Guard sensed my arrival for the first time and immediately turned to salute. Anthers turned around when he heard the movement next to him, looking at me with some surprise: “Emperor your majesty?”

“Uh … why do you say that I’m so awkward,” It was a strange feeling that it was called “Emperor your majesty” by an ancestor who had once … I don’t know how many times I used to. , But if you think about the average age of the people around you already in the unit of 100 million years old, I will not be entangled in this matter, “these are …”

“Old guys who have just woken up,” Anthers seems to be in a better mood today than before, although still gloomy, but at least with a smile, “We are watching this strange city … an eye-opener. . “

“Captain, do n’t take me with me when I ’m an old guy. I ’m still young.” A woman who looked under 30 looked at Ances with a little dissatisfaction. I know this is also an ancestor. One, she maintained her appearance when she was frozen like everyone else. She was a mature and beautiful woman. I guess she dared to call “old ancestors”. That would be a big disaster today, so she can only apologize a little. Laughing: “Sorry, there have been a lot of things in these two days. When you wake up, I should be by my side.”

“I know I know,” Anthers waved carelessly while introducing a few people beside him, and then turned forward looking forward to the magnificent Shadow City, the air traffic network, and the military control department floating. fortress and the Gaia parent star in the sky, these scenes he has seen today seem to be more vigorous than before, “A few of them are now confused, and it took me a long time to roughly explain the current situation. , And then we came here to see what the empire ’s capital is like today. It ’s an eye-opener, an eye-opener … “

“It’s a pity that I can only watch a hustle and bustle,” the former woman said a little bit depressed. In the introduction just now, I know her name is “Lu”, a short and simple name, “I was originally spaceship The technology manager on the Internet, but now I feel like I am a squirrel bear in the city of Human Race (maybe this is an animal that lives in his hometown World?), It is really out of touch for too long … “

This is more than just a disconnected issue. A few words from Lu made the other ancestors sigh, too. I saw that the atmosphere was a little bit cold, and I suddenly had an idea: “So what, anyway, I’m idle for the time being, Would you like to take you out for a stroll? “

A royal guard stepped forward: “your majesty, Shandora your majesty confessed that they hoped the ancestors would receive protection in the military zone …”

After hearing the words of the Royal Guard, the original look of eyes‘s bright Anthers dimmed again.

They were delineated. As long as they left their rooms, they must be accompanied by Royal Guards everywhere. For the first resurrected Ances, this life has been going on for a while.

I know that Shandora has an extreme “love” for the ancestors. In her eyes, Ances may not be more than a porcelain doll, but here is Shadow City, the core of the core of the empire. What happened?

“It’s okay, I still have problems with taking them out personally,” I waved to the guards indifferently, “I will tell her over Shandora.”

“Yes, your majesty.” The Royal Guard withdrew, and some of the ancestors could not help whispering: “Oh, I can finally go out …”

“You usually keep your ancestors in this lifeless place like house arrest Ah?Icetis can’t help but tsukkomi/ridicule, I don’t know how to answer, and finally can only wait in silence: she is actually right.

Even if you treat it politely, even if you meet all the material needs, you are not allowed to leave the military zone, and you must be guarded by the royal guards for anything. This … really is under house arrest.

Seeing the several ancestors behind him seemed to be banned for too long, and finally was able to go out to let the wind out, with an excited expression, I could n’t help but whispered: it seems that it was time to discuss with Shandora, so that she should n’t really These old ancestors were served in the temple.

After leaving the military zone, I was a bit worried. I have to say that there are many places where Shadow City can be transferred. This “city” is now so unscientific that if you do n’t have convenient air traffic and short-distance transmission network, you Walking from the south to the north of the city is basically enough to find a small projectile country in Europe to travel across the country once, and now the land and land where Shadow City is located is still expanding. It seems that there is a tendency to eventually form a double-star system with Gaia-you say so In a big place, which one should I take as the first stop for the ancestors?

I want the ancestors to see more interesting things and make them understand the status of the new empire, and it is better to stay away from these Empire Army facilities.

Go to the place where the residents and the World residents are most concentrated.

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