Xiling Empire Chapter 1340: Rift, Healing, and the fox

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When I hang out in Shadow City, I often meet Xi Ling-this is a little confused, and the super consciousness that always seems to be turning around in be occupied with nothing seems to unconsciously appear in a few specific places, and these places are basically me Or Shandora usually likes to go shopping, which may also be related to her life form: as the population consciousness of the Xiling ethnic group, she is more inclined to pay attention to the movement of the ethnic group leader. coordinate and Shandora staying on weekdays are probably Xiling most familiar Location.

This can explain why Xi Ling always stays in the dessert shop of Sylvia: this place is simply the second paradise of Shandora’s-by the way, the first paradise of Shandora’s is the kitchen at home.

Speaking of Xi Ling, her life in Shadow City is very comfortable. This girl always looks like a leisurely look. In addition to going to research center and Tavel’s tests, she has nearly 20 hours a day I spent all my time in idleness. I really envy her life like an idle crane. However, according to Bubbles’, the daily workload that Xi Ling has to undertake is extremely huge: basically every Xiling Apostle hanging in the spiritual network is constantly uploading and downloading data through her, but Xi Ling himself never seems to be aware To her own work: all data exchanges at this level are handled by the underlying protocol of the spiritual network. As the highest level of consciousness of this network, Xi Ling cannot even feel those things. For so many, Xi Ling has been drifting away, and the Xiling Apostle spiritual network can also function normally. This is the reason: most of the work is done by the “subconscious” aspect of this spiritual network. As an expressive conscious, Xi Ling leisurely follows retirement every day. The same year old veteran cadre-no, as soon as I saw her stupid face with no motivation, I couldn’t help but think of the pile of reports on my desk, I had to quickly divert my attention.

“Yo, long time no see,” I shook my head, put Little Doll on the table, then reacted instantly, and put little brat on the chair (Little Doll was very concerned about her image outside, she felt like she was treated Doll is a faceless thing to put on a table or similar place, but I do n’t have this worry at home), while raising my hand to say hello to Xi Ling, “Changed the image again?”

The tall, long straight black girl has completely fallen on Sylvia from the beginning. at this moment suddenly raised her head when she heard the sound. Noticing my arrival, she stood up in a panic and stood awkwardly. Explicit military salute: “Oh, your majesty is good. I see an image in the shared data link that I like very much. After this, I ca n’t go back and the report is finished!”

I: “… Yeah, it’s your style. How long have you been sleeping Sylvia?”

My eyes fell on Sylvia. The silver-haired mole still lay on the table and slept. He did n’t notice my movements, nor did he seem to ignore Xiling. As a store manager, her image is really unbearable to witness: she lives in her little World forever. The external stimuli may have to be filtered to 80% or 90% in order for her?

“I don’t know, she was sleeping when I came here,” Xi Ling replied very seriously, “I’m waiting for her to wake up, I can eat when she wakes up … Oh, by the way I can bring snacks back to Tavel, Tavel let me bring some snacks back. “

I was surprised: “Ah? Tavel also eats?”

Then I felt this question was strange, and it only took ten seconds to respond: the usual iron man image of Tavel “working day and night, thousands of threads engaged in scientific research” has penetrated into the hearts of the people, who can lead several basketballs The quality projection of the field, and the science madman who has fallen into three classes with me have almost become a special species in my mind. I suddenly know that she can usually eat and drink water, which is no less shocking to me than ordinary people. When my father and mother go to work, pour lubricant into their ankles …

Xi Ling was also stunned by this wonderful rhetorical question, but she was a type that easily forgot things she did n’t understand, and soon she was distracted by my words: “Speak, In the past two days, a group of special “nodes” have been added to your network. How do you feel? “

The special “nodes” in my mouth are nothing else, but a large group of Fallen Apostless headed by Harlan.

The hundreds of thousands of Fallen Apostless were officially merged into the New Empire Spirit Network the day before yesterday-of course, because part of the purification of Fallen Apostles has not been completed, they are individually mounted in an isolated network segment, this network segment The upper-level node is Xiao Xue and I. Through the information disturbance generated by the two Void Creatures, the low-level Fallen Apostles mounted on the network can be purified. This is the fastest way for us to reverse transform Fallen Apostles. Regardless of whether it is an isolated network segment or the Imperial General Network, as long as it is based on the spiritual connection of the Apostle(s) node, it will definitely intersect with Xi Ling. This is determined by the network architecture, and there is no possibility of bypass. “Xi Ling” is not a “clear individual” that can be viewed independently in the strict sense. She is the aggregate will generated by tens of billions of Xiling Apostle as nodes. Because her will rank in the network is so high, Fallen Apostles and normal Apostle(s) are no different for her: only one node can be counted, and the information that a node can represent is only “pass” and “fail” Status. In the past, there was no “Xi Ling” individual in our network, and the connected Fallen Apostles did not have any visible impact on the network itself, but now we have an extra “super network manager” that cannot be blocked, Soldier captured by Harlan So much, I was a little bit worried about whether Xi Ling would be affected by something bad … pollution.

Although it is not good to say so, before the Soldier under Harlan is completely purified, they are indeed the most dangerous source of pollution in the empire. Hundreds of security protocols are required to hang them on the Internet. The potential hazards of these pollution sources can be seen, but Xiling still maintains a direct connection with these Fallen Apostles-although the connection between the two is not a direct exchange of information, and there is also a response on the network. The security agreement for such cases, theoretically the latter has zero chance of infecting the former, but this does not affect me, I am worried, right?

Xi Ling ’s expression was a bit dull for a while. I felt like appeared static electricity around me. There was a feeling of being shrouded in a certain Force Field. I knew that this was the other party ’s core program that was being checked thoroughly. After a while, Xi Ling shook his head with a smile. : “It feels normal.”

I was completely relieved, and then looked at Sylvia together with Xi Ling, and wanted to see when this dull and cozy silver-haired mole could wake up-speaking of Xi Ling is honest, she just sits like this Haven’t you seen it for a long time before thinking about going to to stroll elsewhere?

“It’s not really long,” Xi Ling smiled lightly, “It will be very easy here, and I can forget about the Rift Valley …”

Xi Ling once again mentioned the “Rift Valley”, which is a rupture zone of information in the Apostle(s) spiritual network, an undetectable network vacuum zone, this thing is an unsolved mystery, and until Xi Ling appeared to us Only then knew the existence of “Rift”. Tavel is already running a project team dedicated to the detection of “Rift Valley”, but so far there has been no progress. Now that I heard Xi Ling take the initiative to mention this matter, I am a little bit upset. /

I just asked casually, I did n’t expect to hear any new news, but Xi Ling turned out to be really nodded: “It seems to have shrunk a little bit. A few days ago, I carefully observed the situation near the Rift Valley and found it The affected nodes have been reduced by about one percent … However, the Rift Valley sometimes will fluctuate like this, but the previous fluctuations have not exceeded 0.5%. The movement this time seems to be a little bit bigger. “

As a creature living in the real substance World, I need some deduction to understand the meaning of Xi Ling: She means that the breakage area of ​​the Empire Data Network is decreasing? Are there fewer network nodes missing termination tags?

“This is a good thing,” I scratched my head uncertainly. Such a complicated question is a bit laborious to think of myself. “What does Tavel say?”

“She is looking for a way to make an interface,” a Hologram projection of appeared in front of Xi Ling. It shows a complex and huge equipment, which seems to occupy the entire room. There are several dorm-like things in the center of equipment. “You and I have different perceptions. I will explain to you what happened in the Rift Valley. You can never understand 100% of what it is, so Tavel wants to make such a device and completely transfer the spirit of outsiders to the network, so you I can observe the Rift from the same perspective as me. “

I suddenly remembered that the technical report submitted by Tavel a while ago mentioned such a thing. She said that she was making a shared perception with Xi Ling, and even transcoded the human soul into the Apostle(s) spiritual network. Of course, that’s all I can remember. The report is quite detailed, but the basics I can understand are limited to the title and the conclusion at the end …

When I was chatting with Xi Ling, the Sylvia lying on the table finally woke up, and the silver-haired girl stood up with a long lazy waist and looked at the two guests in front of her: “Oh, Chen, And Xi Ling, you are here Ah?

“I want to eat,” Xi Ling stretched out his hand and gestured in the air, making a lot of Hologram projections of small snacks. “That’s it, two copies. Tavel also needs one.”

Sylvia looked at the pile of pastries that needed to be processed on site, nodded, and then looked at me with an inquiring look, and I gave her the Little Doll, who was bored and dozing, “I brought the child, You can get what she wants. “

Sylvia took Little Doll to the armpit and went to the back of the shop. It ’s also incredible. This silver-haired mole is usually unresponsive to almost late Parkinson ’s, but it does n’t delay when making snacks – of course, it ’s limited to making snacks. It was basically enough to starve to death. According to Sylvia herself, she used to make some gadgets by hand when she opened a jewelry store before, and she didn’t delay things at that time-this is simply beyond explanation.

I thought about this problem for a long time, and finally came to a conclusion: probably the blunt symptoms of Sylvia are limited to when she communicates with others or concentrates on the outside world. She seems to be a normal person when she is busy in her little World.

Listening to the movement behind the store, Xi Ling smiled with satisfaction: “Okay, Tavel will soon have breakfast.”

I stayed for a while, my neck turned 90 degrees stiffly, watching the sunset outside, the sun setting over the streets …

Xi Ling actually brought breakfast to Tavel! She watched Sylvia sleep here during the day and watched it all day!

I hope Tavel is not as stubborn as Xi Ling or Sylvia. She will starve to death sooner or later when dealing with these two living treasures … if Apostle(s) can be starved to death.

Looking at this small storefront, I suddenly remembered that Xiao Xue accidentally mentioned one thing when he met with Harlan two days ago:

Harlan likes the anhydrous round cake made by Sylvia.

Now Harlan is still in the state of returning to the factory for overhaul. Shandora and I joined together to open several holes in him. It is estimated that it will take two or three days to repair. I guess Harlan and Belavela know each other, but I do n’t know what he will look like when he sees the current Sylvia. After he is “discharged”, maybe he should take him to this shop to have a look, so that he can see the waterless circle What is the difference between cake and Sylvia-I maliciously began to speculate what will happen when the two “predecessor Emperor” meet, now this Sylvia is simply the collapsed version of Belavela

I and Little Doll ate a belly cake and biscuit before going back. Before leaving, I agreed with Xi Ling to go to her house next time to play-well, that is, after the conversion of Tavel’s set equipment is completed, go to the spiritual network Let’s see what World looks like in in the eyes. Before leaving, I packed and took away all the remaining snacks from Sylvia, and went back as a gift to Shandora’s: anyway, Sylvia could hardly sell anything all day, I almost moved all the things behind her window and counter Out.

Hilling took away a few boxes of pastries. Before leaving, he was still happy to say that Tavel was finally able to eat breakfast-I would n’t get fat with tsukkomi/ridicule breakfast. Anyway, Tavel is not Human Race, I think tsukkomi/ridicule Xi Ling, this wonderful world outlook: She lacks an effective perception of the environment in which these “outsiders” live, and she does not understand what is happening to the work and rest habits of people at Real World. She still firmly believes that it is morning because ” Tavel hasn’t eaten breakfast yet, “I looked at the sky outside, it was almost completely dark, and I said that Xi Ling was actually right: Tavel‘s rumor tomorrow morning is at least down …

“If you are a Doll, what is the point of eating?” I carried home with a small lamp and told my sister that I had already eaten dinner tonight, so I studied the digestion problems of Doll-because she ate There are almost as many dim sums as me. I pinched the little girl’s chin to study the other’s neat little white teeth, until the other person bite my thumb and chewed hard twice.

“Fool, this is alchemy technology, you do n’t understand.” The girl of Doll size, with an amazing look, leaned on her chin and said, and then jumped down and ran to the table to grab the buns: her meal is good, Doll Are you going to be tall?

After dinner, Shandora will eat some desserts in accordance with the usual practice. I took out all the snacks packed in Sylvia and distributed them to the whole family-Shandora was divided into 90% by one person. It was only when I divided the snacks that I noticed that there seemed to be no more people in the house: the fox, which had a sense of presence in every sense, seemed to be gone.

“Where did the fox go?” I pinched a net bag of animal biscuits and looked around. These small biscuits were prepared for her. I felt like I was holding a flesh and bone to call home the Husky’s hardship. I regret why I raised a second product …

“I don’t know. I ran out before eating.” Shallow didn’t lift her head. She was busy soaking the cookies in milk, and when the cookies were almost soaked, she used a spoon to eat: this is her The bizarre habit of eating cookies has not changed from the age of six until today.

Of course, her habit is completely comparability compared with Shandora: Shandora is used to eating mustard on biscuits and dipping it in sweet noodle sauce. Keep a cup of eight or two years old pickle soup at any time. I guess World immediately reflects the spirit of World people’s unity, which is to test the psychological quality of people.

When I was going to call the second-handed fox from the spiritual connection to go home for dinner, a space gate suddenly unfolded in the living room, and a mess of golden hair **** rolled out of it.

In fact, I ran out, but you have to understand that the tail of the fox is larger than hers. Usually, when she runs around, she feels like a rolling golden wool ball.

The fox ran out of space gate and went straight to the direction of food smell. It was completely instinctively dominated by animals. I grabbed her by the tail and let Master Fox Fairy realize that there is still a circle of people in surroundings. I noticed that there was dirt all over her body, and her tail was cluttered in a mess, and even a pinch of hair on her ears fell: unprecedentedly embarrassed.

“You went to fight with the dog again!”

My voice rose octave instantaneously, and almost got mad by this fox fairy who was getting more and more degraded.

The fox’s ears drooped down-this is the default meaning.

I squeezed her ears crying and laughing: “You are a thousand-year-old demon fox, fighting with a dog won’t win your face Oh!

The fox looks away: “… lost …”

Me: “…”

Family: “…”

This guy went to fight with the dog, but NM lost!

I questioned with a shocked expression, but I knew what was going on: the fox went to Avalon to find an old friend, and encountered a bad dog wandering in the shrine area. Of course, the problem is not how much the dog is. Vicious, the key to the problem lies in —

The dog is called Gerberus, and was kept by the Della guarding the shrine garden area.

The fox has played with the three-headed dog of **** for nearly two hours. She is currently zero wins, two losses and three draws. She is going home to fill her stomach to challenge …

I worked hard for a long time before I finally restrained the urge to put a collar on Lord Fox Fairy ’s neck and realized deeply that if I did n’t find something for this fox, she should go to Atlantis to find Zeus San Kick Pavilion …

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