Xiling Empire Chapter 1276: Sudden encounter

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Icetis is really a magical guy, oh, this sentence is completely without any maliciousness. Anyway, every guy in his family is quite magical. Icetis can only be regarded as one of the more wonderful ones.

She should belong to the kind of goods that are so stubborn that they are so heartless and heartless that they can raise their middle fingers leisurely in the face of thousands of horses and horses, and dare to fight against anything with bricks. Hearing what my sister needed to cover, in the face of Fallen Apostles ’s flagship formation that was struggling to break free of Senrow World, the female hooligan rolled up her sleeves on the spot and carried the hard-shell Bible, which was nearly ten centimeters thick, and rushed towards the enemy: “For ****** holy light!”

If I were holy light, at this moment would rather die here. Do you believe it?

After a while, Icetis found that everyone around did not follow: except for the Dragon God girl who was a bit silly and very honest and obedient, so she was dragged and dizzy after she was confused. Furiously ran back: “Why didn’t you keep up !? The concubine is so aggressive!”

I threw this female hooligan aside, almost anxiously ruined: “That’s a fleet! There are at least tens of thousands of soldiers! As long as there is one left, you can press the self-detonation button, you plan to be alone Eliminate all the crew members on spaceship? Can you have a little brain?! “

Icetis looked at me stunned, and later realized nodded: “Oh yes, we are not going to shipbreaking …”

Sister ’s power can prevent the enemy ’s self-destruction system from starting successfully within a certain period of time, but to tow those ships back intact, we must ensure that every crew member on the ship is killed or captured. Otherwise, when the power of Onee-sama ends, as long as there is an enemy crew member with self-destructive authority, those ships will still be blown up. It is not realistic for several of us to wipe out all the crew on dozens of giant ships during this time. This is not a problem of fighting strength. Moreover, several of us are confused about the starship science and technology and the starship architecture. If there are no signposts, I can get lost on my mother ship. Under this premise, let us a few capture a group of tens of kilometers. spaceship, you might as well give a toothbrush to save me World ……

The best Soldier for this kind of work is the armored scorpions.

Mo Nina ’s Senrow World can still hold on for a while, Ilson decided to believe his sister, but he still clenched his weapon, and the essence of the sister control was completely exposed. I contacted the Admiral and summoned the armored scorpions on the battlefield.

The scorpion sisters, headed by Vega, were very excited. They turned their heads in space, and the huge ship-cutting sword waved into the wind–if there was wind in space. These violent arms that are fighting nerves have been suffocated. They are designed to be close combat arms. However, in space battles, armored scorpions have almost no chance of playing. You can’t expect this group of cold weapon enthusiasts to use their crystal cannons on their tails to form anti-aircraft positions: although a large group of armored scorpions lying on the deck with their tails on their hands are really cute. In any case, the armored scorpion will be very depressed during space warfare, sit on the cold bench and listen to the battle report to see others shooting. However, once these scorpions encounter a task that only they can solve, they will immediately forget about the depressed things. It is quite optimistic to get agitated: just like this. It’s no wonder that the Ravens called the Scorpion Soldier the Apostle(s) with the simplest core of throughout history thinking.

“Later, Monina will open the” door “for you to enter Senrow World,” Onee-sama dragged Vega‘s tail and dragged her in front of her. “I will use cursing power to suppress that flagship formation to ensure their All equipment failed, including self-destruction and internal defense equipment. Your mission is to wipe out all the enemies on each spaceship within 20 minutes, and finally destroy the spaceship host to prevent the host from ordering the spaceship to disintegrate. “

Vega immediately nodded to understand, then raised the giant knife in his hand, and thousands of armored scorpions immediately assembled in front of her in a neat queue in space. Scorpion nodded, said in the spiritual link: “Now talk about tactics!”

“Yes!” A large group of Scorpion Yujie echoed in the spiritual link, and the tail was straightened simultaneously.

“Rush in and cut hard!”



“Stop!” I slapped on the carapace of the lower body of Vega. “I want those ships to be complete! Your actions must be cautious and precise!”

Vega again clearly nodded, and ordered his own scorpion soldiers: “Rush in, cautiously cut hard!”

I slap again: “Try to catch as much as possible! We want information, information!”

Vega was stunned this time, and then after a little thought, he smiled unequivocally: “Rush in, cautiously cut hard-just half cut to death!”



Then a group of armored scorpions said that the combat meeting was over, with tactical goals and action guidelines bearing in mind. They had a cheerful mood. The huge ship-cutting knife in their hands lingered with the light of energy and the fluctuations of space cracking, and then rushed towards Enemy flagship formations that struggled in the state of Senrow World. Monina ’s shadow power made the enemy ship ’s advancement nearly infinitely far away, but it failed to prevent the latter ’s counterattack. Because the phantom energy is a superluminal superdimensional energy that disregards the distance, Fallen Apostles can still counter those under the Senrow World state. Quickly approaching my armored scorpion, I saw sporadic anti-aircraft guns rising from the surface of the enemy ship covered in black shadows, and then the scorpions’ course was covered by a layer of firenet that was not very dense. I should be fortunate: In order to break into the Empire Army position, Fallen Apostles has to reduce energy consumption and reduce the load of the battleship jump field. They abandoned most of their secondary weapon modules, including a large number of near anti-aircraft and anti-aircraft gun positions, otherwise Vega She and her scorpion soldiers certainly don’t dare to charge like this: they must at least apply for some assault ships or astronauts as assistance.

Under the same science and technology, it is difficult for any individual unit to march against the battleship ’s firepower network. This is a Soldier code that is common on 90% of the battlefield. Of course, the enemy takes the initiative to remove his anti-aircraft gun Except for the situation, just like now.

The armored scorpion can be said to be the Soldier with the strongest individual soldier Defense Ability in addition to special arms like Sicaro. They rushed towards the thin air defense fire net with unprecedented momentum and a strange “happy atmosphere”. Avoiding the powerful attacks, and not shining at all on small artillery (of course, it is impossible to avoid shooting at a speed of light like the cannon bombing), they use their strong rigid shield and armored body to resist the artillery fire, even There is leisure time to wave the phase shift in the hands Blade to directly cut off the incoming physical weapons. They are like a group of carnival wolves, rushing to the bloated and clumsy behemoth behemoth trap-for the starship Commander, appeared in space A group of such avid Heavy Armored cutters, and they are about to invade their spaceship, that is definitely a very exciting scene. I can tell you for sure that in the Old Empire era, when a group of armored scorpions rushed to a giant starship, the upcoming battle of wars within the ship often caused the enemy to collapse: these scorpions, it was like rushing into the body, Every cell eats up the same virus.

I was stunned for a moment, and then I could n’t help but twitched a glance at the sister next to me: “This bunch of goods … is it really okay?”

“Aren’t they always like this?” The elder sister smiled. “Although it seems a little simpler, the armored scorpion’s” tactics “have never failed. Maybe they also have their own special fighting wisdom … … “

This distance is almost instantaneous for the armored scorpion. Although there is a layer of Force Field around the large battleship to prevent the transition, the scorpions are fully charged as fast as the fastest assault ship. At this distance They don’t need to jump at all. After just a few moments, these violent predators have broken through the fire net, like a group of small but deadly projectiles, slamming into the enemy ’s armor layer: before this, they have used the phase shift Blade special space The cutting function opened a gap in the shield of the enemy ship. The black spaceship armor plates immediately counterattacked. Along the main axis of the starship, a powerful energy shock wave washed up from the beginning to the end like a gust of wind. With this at the same time, a large number of security drones came out of the mothership hangar, trying to Clean up the armored scorpions that have been nailed to the deck: this is the last step that an spaceship can take after being attacked by an armored scorpion. If this line of defense is lost, any spaceship cannot rely on a fragile internal defense to resist Armored scorpion slaughter.

The resistance played a role. Some of the armored scorpions landed in the area where the counterattack power was dense. They were burnt into black by the impact of energy and were bombarded by people-maybe there were unfortunately killed, and had to enter the recovery rebirth sequence. , But more scorpions stabilized their feet. They raised their giant blades and slashed the enemy ’s hard carapace in ecstasy. The most favorite of these fanatical hole diggers is when the chopper knife digs holes in the interstellar alloy. I feel that they disappeared into the breaches on the surface of enemy ships like real poison scorpions burrowed into the earth’s hole. Each enemy ship was penetrated by at least double-digit armored scorpions.

For the inside of a fragile starship, this is already a deadly number. In that environment, a scorpion soldier can instantly kill any ordinary Soldier, even the enemy’s subordinate Commander, and their more deadly fortress destruction ability can paralyze the starship in a very short time. Sure enough, after the scorpions invaded the enemy ship for a few minutes, the latter’s already limited counterattack firepower and the main gun that had been madly output gradually became misfired. The vigilant drones and a few individual soldiers that rushed out of those mothership hangars The fighter plane also slowed down due to the chaos of the command system. Upon seeing this, the sister nodded: “You can do it-before the enemy explodes.”

Because the enemy ’s defense system and the internal command have been paralyzed, we have reached the flagship formation quite smoothly. The sister does not need to touch each starship to impose a curse. She only needs to understand one of the targets. Through an “analog lock” that only she can understand, let her curse fall precisely on every enemy. Soon, she will spread the curse under our cover, and at this time the Vega and other scorpion soldiers in the enemy ship happened to be in a bitter battle with the enemy’s high-end combat power: the situation of the bitter battle broke down instantly. According to the report of the scorpion soldiers, the enemy army The self-mutilation of accidentally has soared to 100% in the past few seconds …

The scorpion soldiers began to clear all the life reactions they could detect. Monina came back from the shadow World and appeared beside us. Her face was a little bad. Ilson was worried: “Girl, you look pale Oh!

Monina thought about it and photographed her brother on a passing meteorite: “I am the dark God Clan!”

“Little girl dragon, open a hole.” Icetis gave Lin Nunu a mouth, the latter immediately turned into a dragon, and then rushed to the enemy flagship closest to us, even grabbing and scratching and digging with a planer There was a hole that allowed the assault ship to fly directly into it. For the first time, I saw that Dragon God digs a hole and even the rear molars are used. Then our group rushed into this basically fallen enemy ship, leaving only a silly golden double-headed dragon in outer space, shaking their heads and coughing and spitting out alloy slag: each **** is at least as big as the door. The girl is so real.

Oh, Ilson with half of his body stuck in the meteorite was also left outside. He wanted to come with us to receive the enemy ship, but was pushed back by the inexplicable Monina, and later The person let her brother out waiting for, Ilson was a little unwilling at first, but Icetis said: “Listen to your sister.”

Now Ilson is still thinking there. Does Sister Bing let him listen to his sister, or listen to his sister … I guess he will not be able to think for a while.

There is already a wall of ruins in the enemy ship.

We are in the middle section of the battleship, the obviously modified tactical center section. There should have been a multi-layer protective layer over one kilometer. Under the protective layer, there should be a wide and magnificent warship corridor and large facilities, but a giant dragon with great power destroyed everything. Lin used the most violent way to bite the belt. The big hole was dug out, and the twelve layers of armor and the upper cloister area were exposed on the outer wall of the cave like a layered marble cake, and huge lightning flashed between the layers of metal supports.

When the armor is destroyed, the self-protection mechanism here is activated. The gas and other substances leaked from the spaceship are blocked by some Force Field, just like the slowly evaporating smoke, and it does not produce ordinary starships after being destroyed. The kind of hurricane that appeared. The outer protective layer above our head is healing quickly, and it seems that a simple blockade can be completed in a few minutes: functions like self-healing armor are controlled by the shell reset system around the spaceship. The armored scorpion is in the control center. The destruction will not affect this “conditional reflection” behavior of the starship.

The lighting system of this corridor is still intact, except that the ground and walls are a little skewed: this is the result of the brutal destruction by Lin. There was no trace of fighting in the corridor, and there was no life reaction from Fallen Apostles nearby. It seems that after the scorpion invaded the warship, all the combatants in spaceship were attracted to the past, and the surface corridor was empty: the destructive girl chopper Once the gang appears in the enemy ship, the sarcasm is quite powerful.

Talking about the interior of the starship of Fallen Apostles … this atmosphere is really uncomfortable.

We quickly passed the surface corridor and headed towards the bridge. The scorpion soldiers who attacked the starship reported that they had basically controlled the core area of ​​the starship. It should be safe along the way, and along the way, we saw the alert turret on standby more than once. The whistle guns must have been activated. They protruded from behind the metal armor plate they were hiding in, but they did not respond to us intruders. The information screen at the rear of the gun body showed that the warship warning system had an unknown failure.

“The whistle gun has been invalidated,” I could not help whispering, “It seems to be the influence of the cursing power.”

“Hah … it’s really not challenging … the concubine didn’t fight so much this time, how did it end …”

Icetis followed at the end of the team and has been whispering and complaining like this since just now. The violence factor of this female rogue started to burn when the fleet left Shadow City, but unfortunately, because the battle was very smooth, she burned so far and didn’t light anything. Kansas couldn’t help but make some comments: “This shows that the battle is smooth, very good, very good …”

Icetis stared at Uncle Kansas fiercely: “Good hair, old lady must smash something today, or she will not sleep at night …”

Maybe the mouth of Icetis is really quite choking. Almost as soon as her voice fell, I felt that a group of highly reactive things at the end of the corridor were approaching here quickly.

At least high-level Commander.

“Attention, meet the enemy!” Monina whispered vigilantly, and then pulled out the black short knife that never left. The next moment, the shadow power spread around the center of her, and all The human breath is completely blocked.

A moment later, there were more than a dozen figures at the end of the corridor. As expected, they all wore Fallen Apostles high-level Commander military uniforms: it is the Commanders of this fleet.

They should have just evacuated from the command center. The scars on their body that released the halo of blue light indicate that these people have just experienced a fierce battle. However, I have not seen an armored scorpion appear.

It seems that the scorpion soldiers who attacked the command center were in trouble. At least, they failed to block these fighting strength super enemies. After all, the total Commander of a fleet is at least the rank of major general, which is regarded as the leader level of Apostle(s). Even if they are weakened by the cursing power of Onee-sama, it is not ordinary scorpion soldiers can fight.

…… The chopper girls are passionate members who will charge no matter how strong the enemy is, I hope they are not beaten too badly.

Although I am worried about the scorpion soldiers, it is important to catch these enemies as soon as possible. They should be the Commander that Fallen Apostles invaded this time. Now that the fighting situation is fixed, if you can capture the enemy Commander alive, it is an extra huge result: these People must have a lot of information that we are interested in.

I just got rid of the pursuit of the Scorpion soldiers and suddenly encountered a group of people like us. Obviously, these enemy Commanders were very surprised, but their brave side of the soldiers quickly showed up, and the energy reaction can already be described as heartbroken. Rivals, these Fallen Apostles high-level officers instantly switched to the fighting stance, the bullets were loaded, and the blades moved forward, making a deadly battle.

The elder sister opened the doom and rebounded Force Field. at the same time always pay attention to interrupt the enemy ’s self-destructive behavior under the disadvantage. Monina double-sworded gently, and the whole person escaped into the shadows. Icetis took out her pure and holy longbow and wrapped around with holy light goddess‘s posture stands at the forefront of the team, bowing gracefully, taking arrows, and stretching:

“The power of **** holy light !!”

I and Kansas glanced at each other and thought it was nothing to us … (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendation, monthly pass, your support, Is my biggest motivation.)

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