Xiling Empire Chapter 1249: Silent crystal

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As the most special and most important planet of shadow space, the parent star Gaia is rarely open to the outside world. For the ordinary people of Shadow City, the drooping earth hanging above their heads is only a beautiful background, which is beyond expectation. That is, it is said that there are many urban legend related to Gaia in Shadow City. For example, the Continent on the surface of Gaia is made of diamonds. For example, there is a goddess on Gaia. For example, the current Shadow City is actually pulled from Gaia-these Random thoughts of unknown truth always give people a refreshing feeling, although they are not very reliable, but I think this is more or less a culture of Shadow City: the boring race people are not aware of those around them. The imperial facility compiles the story, and then takes back its own World and publishes it into a culture of fairy tale collections and monster novels to cheat money.

The day and night alternation on the surface of the parent star took place according to the imperial universal time. When Shandora and I left from Avalon, the sky just started to darken, so when we reached the parent star, it was also covered by the sunset, because it was Unaffected by the space environment, at the same time has a filtering mechanism for planetary shields, so the sky on the parent star is the same as Shadow City, and it is artificially manufactured by simulating equipment. Today ’s manager on this planet has set a beautiful The theme package, the sky’s glow is perfect as a picture scroll, the silver-gray alloy ground beneath our feet spreads to the horizon, and the end of the line of sight in the other direction is the rolling mountains of lush and green. The combination of these landscapes together, unexpected coordination, and even giving people out of thin air A bleak and vast shock.

Shandora always laughs at itself. Xiling Apostle knows nothing about art, but in my opinion, many of the things they inadvertently created are enough to have a superficial knowledge of Human Race and marvel at it.

The current location of yourself and Shandora is near the equator of the parent star. Here is a small artificial Continent that is roughly rectangular. The facility that Gaia said is just below this Continent. The square we are standing now looks like It is the extension of a large facility group. The alloy ground at the foot shows that they are the base of the standard base, and a few kilometers behind us, we can see huge silver-gray buildings as if the neat swords are generally pointing to the sky.

“That’s a redundant processing array of mine, which was just set up a few days ago,” while his eyes fell on the neatly arranged buildings with swords in the distance, a belt suddenly came near me With a sound of free inspiration, I turned my head and saw a translucent figure of light blue standing beside her. The slightly wavy halo trace behind her meant that the image was just projected. “When I am bored, I will Make improvements to the mother star and enhance your own functions. Now research center is working on a lot of large projects, and the bubble indicates that her type of host is not good at handling huge amounts of repetitive tasks, just because my core architecture is specifically for this kind of It is designed for big data tasks, so I plan to help her share some data pressure with her host network. More similar arrays are being built on the parent star-well, I should have reported it to you. “

I thought about it for a while. The report I saw two days ago seems to actually mention that Gaia is adding some modules to its parent star, so suddenly: “Oh … this is what you said, I think of it Well, I remembered it, but it was like this after the didn’t expect was built-you know, my impression of the host facility has always been that kind of pyramid. I thought you built a new group of mother nests for yourself. ”

Sister Gaia smiled and the light on her body flickered slightly: “I ca n’t use the standard mother nest like this, your majesty. Now I rely on these self-designed auxiliary equipment to work, probably it is a blessing because of the disaster, I lost the standard body I feel that my scalability is many times stronger than the average host. I can spread the entire planet with my own plug-in and use the planet ’s energy well to recharge myself without worrying about overload. Well, only The disadvantage is that can do nothing about it uses a universal socket, and it must have a transfer equipment to communicate with other hosts. Fortunately, the host in the empire is only two models of me and the bubble. It is also very simple to transfer equipment. “

I looked at Gaia and felt that this topic was very subtle. From my own perspective, the state of this beautiful phantom sister in front of me is really not good. I will never lose body. I do n’t even allow the use of puppet prosthetics. I can only be fixed on the planet in a state of procedure and soul. Words must not be a happy thing, but the Gaia in front of her seems to be completely indifferent to this situation. She has survived in this state for not knowing how many thousands of years, and may continue to do so, but she just smiles Therefore, she is satisfied that she can still continue to work-maybe she really feels no regrets, after all, she has communicated with her on this topic more than once, knowing that she will not cheer on this matter. Reassure anyone: This is not the style of Xiling Apostle. It can only be said that the way of thinking between different life forms is really very different. As a person … well, as a Void Creature, by the way, the remaining Human Race world outlook, it is really difficult to understand the thinking process of Xiling Apostle .

Finally, I decided not to entangle world outlook for the time being, and I mentioned the crystal with Gaia: “Me and Shandora came to see the big rock-I heard that you have installed it?”

Gaia smiled with a very happy smile: “Yes, your majesty, thank you for your efforts, the heart of World has returned to its original position. I ’ll show you the way, the placement facilities are below this …”

The voice fell, and the Gaia’s projection body turned into a stream of streamers, quickly sinking under the alloy ground. Shandora look at each other in dismay and I: “… Did she forget something?”

After a while, Gaia really came up again, and smiled embarrassedly at me and Shandora while opening the portal: “Sorry, the two your majesty, it has been tens of thousands of years that I have not led others into this place … Forgot. “

I chuckled: “It’s okay, I’m used to it. At home, An Wei Na took me to see her new dishes, basically every time I dragged me against the kitchen wall … “

Gaia looked dumbfounded, and a line of words appeared on his head: “NowLoading ……”

I think this is another way of showing race isolation!

The security facility for storing crystals is deep underground and should have entered part of the mantle. The parent star Gaia is a customized planet, and its mantle itself exists as a storage point for various facilities with relatively high security requirements. In this layer, there are actually more dense factories and data processing cores than the surface of the parent star. Kind of stuff. We entered the parent star’s underground World through the surface portal, and oncoming was an unprecedented expansive mantle space. A few kilometers away from the top of the head is a layer of alloy dome with a slight inner arc. On the dome, you can see the sparsely distributed lights and the slowly changing splendid pipe network, which should be the physical part of the energy network that powers the surface facilities. Underneath the dome, there is no big hole in the mantle. The height of this hole is probably more than ten kilometers. The magma of the dark red is surging deep under the feet. In this environment, ordinary people may look down at a glance Fainted. I can’t see the “ground” that can isolate people from the magma below, but I really step on things with down to earth. This should be a transparent mask. I think this design is quite funny, especially for those with at the same time fear of heights, claustrophobia, falling phobia, flame phobia and agoraphobia, this place magically makes everything feel hairy. The landforms and landscapes are all integrated into one piece-it can only be said that Gaia really does not have the psychology of Human Race. When she transformed the planet, she came to the standards of practicality and convenience.

A series of huge buildings are lined up on the invisible “earth” at the bottom of the foot. Gaia tells us about the situation here: “This is the No. 1 hole, and the mantle has a total of twenty Such a hole, hole 1 is actually the smallest one. Here is the main part of the data center in the sky area-of course, now the data center will be renovated, because the fifteen days area has been disintegrated, the data center ’s The architecture does not meet the needs of the current Empire ruling region, so I plan to reorganize it as a whole, and it can be used as a backup material for research center in the future. As for the current data center of the new Empire ruling region, the bubble is still maintained. Well, this project It will be completed soon. I have already started the construction. Look over there … “

Gaia led us up into the air, swiftly passed a huge domino-like data center, and then suddenly slowed down, pointing to a rectangular building not far away. I saw that the outer shell of the building has been dismantled, revealing its complex crystalline structure. The dim phantom energy is slowly flowing between the dazzling crystal grids. It seems that the facility is still running. But it has entered the minimum standby state. And on this “worksite”, a group of self-discipline machinery is busy.

The self-discipline machinery is the largest number of “residents” on the parent star Gaia. Gaia regards them as their own children. I noticed that Gaia smiled when looking at the busy Robot Then, she pointed to one of the largest self-discipline machines that seemed to be commanded by the team: “your majesty, do you still remember it?”

“This is …” I was a little stunned for a while, but after seeing that the self-discipline machine had not completely removed the modified plug-in, it immediately reacted, “Ah, I took it from the ruins of the Old Empire deep diving port. Come out! Has it been working again? “

“It asked for it actively,” Gaia smiled. “The self-discipline machines have simple thinking, but they also have basic thinking. Even if they have no personality, they like to work. The child applied for a restart on the third day of coming here. Now it is the best performing one. “

I watched the excitement fly around on the construction site below, and helped dismantle the small Robot in the data center-um, maybe it should be called the big Robot-I felt relieved for a while, and it seemed to be back to my favorite Lifestyle.

“You are really busy every day.” I glanced at Gaia and couldn’t help saying.

To be honest, the Gaia ’s presence around her is usually not high. She cannot leave her parent star, and it is naturally impossible to participate in any meetings. Only her report can always appear in the office of the headquarters. Will give people of unknown reason some illusion: Gaia is not active in the empire. But this is completely a wrong impression. On the contrary, Gaia is as busy as a workaholic like Sieves and Tavel every day. She took care of the parent star by herself. at the same time completed the restructuring of this ancient parent star and various central facilities of the new empire. As a powerful and super-large Xiling Host with a large number of components, she also made bubbles and Mass-produced bubbles share a large amount of complicated data tasks. In many areas that are difficult for outsiders to notice, Gaia takes care of everything conscientiously. Only when you go to the mother star and see those busy data centers and factories, and see various reconstruction sites, will you really realize this point.

However, in the face of my sigh, Gaia just said indifferently: “My free system resources have not been fully utilized. I should find a way to speed up the reconstruction of those ancient facilities on the parent star. The center also needs to synchronize with the Shadow City command. It has many logical hosts in good condition and cannot continue to be idle. Well, my work efficiency needs to be further improved … “

A standard Xiling Apostle.

We came to the place where the crystal was stored.

This is located in the center of the underground cavity. The crystal storage facility is a building that looks similar to the surroundings data centers, but it is nearly double the size and the surface structure is more complicated. Even if these data centers have limited understanding , I can also guess that this building and surroundings facilities should belong to the same system. Gaia quickly confirmed this speculation: the large rectangular building in front of it was the host of the data center in the 15-day area of ​​the year. It managed the 122 servers that were neatly distributed throughout the hole, receiving 15 days of the year. The information uploaded from all channels in the district, and after preliminary processing, it will be sent to Gaia, each dedicated host array, command and administrative departments at various levels, and Emperor himself in Tianqu according to different priorities. Its functional positioning is similar to that of Shadow City. Mass production of bubble host array, of course, its ability is a bit more powerful than the latter, after all, the fifteen-day area at that time … but larger than the entire new empire territory today (excluding the macro World part).

“Because I lost the ability that made the mass production host, I started to make such huge servers,” Gaia introduced us to the origins of these squared facilities. at the same time should also be far from the other numbers on the parent star. The origin of all kinds of super-standard data processing facilities, “They are a little more troublesome to set up, not as easy to use as mass production hosts, and do not have the construction function, but because I can be infinitely expanded by myself, it can be extremely large if connected to these servers. Improve their efficiency, so this system has been working very well-in some batches of repeated data processing performance is even better than the general model Xiling Host. As for the construction of the fifteen-day area that year, it was handed over to those I have experienced a specially designed self-discipline machine. Now think about it, the work in those days was actually heavier than it is now … “

Under the introduction of Gaia’s, we came to the core of this data center. In front of us is a hall that looks like nothing special and is similar to a kind of computer room. There are probably two basketball courts in this area. The center of the rectangular hall with a large number of cabinet-like equipment on both sides is the huge crystal that has just been placed. It is floating on a gravity-free platform protruding from the ground and sunken in the middle, slowly rotating. Reflecting the unpredictable light.

“This crystal was originally part of the data center.”

Gaia should have activated some equipment in the hall. I heard a low buzzing sound coming from behind the wall, then the crystal ’s slow rotation gradually stopped, and some bright blue light beams like the to scan line came from Projected onto the crystal under the non-gravity platform, a few moments later, a large number of Hologram projections appeared in the air in front of the non-gravity platform: complex charts, unreadable machinery, and large sections of text. This looks like a database just opened.

“Isn’t this the heart of World?” I asked my special Idiot when my head cramped. Sure enough, I didn’t have time to take back this sentence, and ushered in a glance at Shandora: “So you really put it We have forgotten what we told you-the heart of World is a conceptual thing that is invisible. It is an information entanglement point, but it will only be attached to a certain entity. This crystal is the carrier of the heart of World. , But why can’t it have its own functions? “

“Is n’t it that I did n’t respond for a while,” I smiled pretendingly, and in order to relieve the embarrassment, put my eyes back on Gaia, “Is this something like database?”

The two main functions of the data center are two, one is to temporarily store information from all parts of the sky area, and the other is to process them. The first impression of this crystal in front of you is the former: Xiling science and technology does have Many database looks like a crystal.

Of course, the internal structure of these database is not just as simple as appearance

“There is a part of the core database function, at the same time also has 2nd Rank cache and basic source instruction call function,” Gaia nodded, “It is one of the core components of the data center, the function is not limited to temporary data storage, it can be regarded as It ’s a “hard disk” with the right to filter information-so you should understand it better. “

“Oh …” I agreed casually, slowly approaching the crystal that was in direct reading, and remembering the Shandora’s guess at the time:

This crystal seems to be conscious. It chose a route to escape Old Empire.

I put my hand on the crystal, and I started cold, with a slight tremor.

If you are really conscious, now that you are home, can you communicate with us? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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