Xiling Empire Chapter 1228: Sister is having trouble …

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Because of copying the Old Empire rule template, the largest population in Melova World is actually not the Melova people, but the various slaves race-in fact, this part of the population almost accounts for the entire population of the Melova Empire Seventy to eighty percent, they are widely distributed on each of the thirteen Melova Universe colonial planets, including those most desolate and remote World.

These slaves race, or Melova-featured servants, some of them are native residents of the local planet, or even the original ruler of the local Universe, while the other part ca n’t find their original homeland. Which of the thirteen Universes World: Melova people brought these slaves race at random, just like the military goods, and each time they occupied new territories, they left these slaves race locally and acted as cheap infrastructure labor With such multi-generational generations, the race‘s history and civilization inheritance system were destroyed, and even word of mouth could not be achieved, so that these slaves race rarely clarify what their hometown looked like. These slaves race once enjoyed freedom and even ruled Universe. After the Melova invaders came to their homes, these native race had fought up resistance, but they all eventually defeated. The Melova people exterminated part of the civilization that was the most fierce and difficult to transform, and brainwashed the remaining race as a cheap tool and “planet by-product” of their empire.

The slaves race live in the “bottom of every class” in the power pyramid of the Melova empire. They are responsible for basic production and construction, turning over all personal property, providing resources and population. They are the basic coolies, cannon fodder, commodities, and even Being used as a currency unit, the Melova people tried to make their empire as glorious as the Xiling Empire, but their science and technology was unable to reproduce the miracle they had witnessed, so they used these irresistible slaves race to supplement their productivity. Deficiencies. The slaves race are distributed in almost any area of ​​Melova, and the farmers, industry and commerce are all-inclusive-yes, the slaves race can also choose to do business in this cruel empire, and even some have formed giant consortia, but this ca n’t change their slaves. Caste and status, all their income belongs to their own Melova masters, no matter what achievements these slaves race have achieved, they are still the “lowest” in their class, which is called “the bottom of each class” “.

With such a wide distribution, it supports almost all the productivity of the Melova empire, and without exception is ruled by Melova people with violence. Once these slaves race are all out of control, how much impact can the Dark Empire built by Barian create ?

As long as these things are a little imagined, it will make people bloody, I guess I can eat most of the bowl of white rice with my brain!

The collective riots of these slaves race caused a fatal blow to the Melova empire from the side. This was the plan that we and Shandora had at the beginning, but we did not express so many with Turazzo. What we disclosed to Turazzo is just hope that we can help The power of the resonance crystal allows the slave race‘s cannon fodder to withdraw from the battlefield, so as to reduce the number of enemies facing Empire Army. As for planning things like the cross-World riot, it should be Turazzo‘s own thought. Although this old man was driven out by Brian He has once been one of the two leaders of the Melova people, and he still has two brushes, and he has been leading the resistance organization for more than a thousand years. I estimate that now he is more effective in organizing public riots. Managing the country also requires professionalism. This should be a genius who fights civil wars and laymen.

“She is preparing for a major project. Once completed, the brainwashing effect of all slaves race can be temporarily reduced to almost zero,” I looked at the projection of Turazzo, “Yes, all, no matter where they are in World , No matter how many people they have-Shandora’s large skills can be directly based on race. But I also want to make sure: you really have the confidence to organize such large scale activities? “

I know the strength of Shandora’s, the infinite spread of mental power of the soul grabber is quite terrifying. In the case of ordinary single soldier form, Shandora has the power to conquer the race declaration of a species, not to mention that she will now Become a glorious form? Moreover, those slaves race have been brainwashed and enslaved by Melova people for a long time. Their own mental resistance has deteriorated, and the most serious part of brainwashing can hardly even produce personal emotions. This goal is the most crunchy for Shandora … …

“Do n’t …” Turazzo seemed to think of something, a shocked look on his face, “Is it glory …”

“It seems that you still have a deep understanding of the empire,” I shrugged. It is not surprising that Turazzo can guess these, after all, he was once the leader of the family of Old Empire. “I know you and other slaves race rebelled. Organizations are connected, is their motivation enough to set off such a big turmoil? “

“In the case where all the compatriots are brainwashed, the resistance organization can only support itself, and there is a danger of being controlled at any time,” Turazzo smiled confidently, “but as soon as the brainwashing effect disappears, the public will be immediately angry. Stimulated by Barian’s biggest mistake is that he too believes in his brainwashing technology-or that he does not believe in the loyalty of intelligent creatures from the heart. His rule of the slave race is based entirely on drugs and mental depression fields. Once these two things fail, the slaves who have never been treated well will recall the daily suffering and their abnormal psychological state. The at this moment resistance organization has a little agitation, plus the conservatives I lead Tampering with it, I have the confidence to shut down more than half of Brian ’s industrial planets. “

“Very well, I will leave it to you, but be careful,” I saw Sieves approaching from the command center, so I waved at Turazzo, “Conservatives and resistance groups These are the only two cards you have in hand, and their value is your value, so use them well, in case you play it off, I guess Shandora is not interested in helping you-now I seem to have something wrong here Busy, the communication is over. “

Turazzo nodded, the communication ends. Sives has come to me, and there seems to be something to report.

“What’s wrong? I still have to report it in person?” I raised my hand and said hello. Well, this may not be in line with the etiquette in the military, but I can’t remember these rules. Pandora is much more regular, the little man and his adjutant carried out a textbook-standard military salute, and then continued to hold my arm, biting himself as a treasure lollipop beeping there.

your majesty, we detected traces of large scale gravitational distortion in the center of the galaxy. Melova people may cover up the army secretly under the super-massive area of ​​Yinxin,” Sister Hei Changzhi’s sister with a face of official business The expression of salute said that the appearance of one eye and one eye was exactly the same as that of Pandora. “In addition … The communication from capital city World, from the mother of Chen Qian, I hope you will reply when you have leisure-it seems more urgent.”

Elder Sister?” I just reacted to the suspicious behavior of the Melova people, and heard an unexpected news. I was suddenly surprised, and quickly connected to the spiritual connection with Onee-sama, “Sister? Are you looking for me?” Why not just say it directly? “

“I’m worried that you are fighting and afraid of delaying things,” Onee-sama‘s usual voice sounded in my mind without any haste. It sounds like nothing happened. I was relieved and heard her continue. ” I do n’t have a big deal here, just … I may have a little trouble … Now Icetis help solve it temporarily, but I still consult with you … “

Listening to the always mature and stable Onee-sama talking to himself so eloquently, I was suddenly confused: “Sister, what’s the matter? Why did you let that female rogue help?”

“… Icetis is actually very good, do n’t say that,” the sister immediately educated, and then mentioned the business, “I ask you, before the little Medyvh was hatched, did you do anything specific? Thing? “

“Specific things?” I was stunned. “Is that stupid bird messing up again? Before she hatched … I didn’t do anything, just remember An Wei Na at 2:30 every day at that time I hang them on the tree, watch Raven hatch eggs, and learn how to lay eggs. At that time, as long as I was at home, I was in a daze. bask in the sun, you know that I am usually lazy. “

“Sure enough, you don’t know the principle yourself,” Onee-sama seems to sigh, “It’s not that little Raven is in trouble, she is now leading two square meters of little Raven to eat wild grass in the yard, life is fulfilling, there is a problem. It ’s my sister … A’Jun, I may be deified … No, I may have been deified. “

Two seconds later, an exclamation almost resounded half of General City: “What?”

“You are going to die Oh!Young Lady Lin almost fell into the magma with my voice, so I flew over with a roar, I quickly raised my hand to grab the calf of Ojou-sama, and smoothly pulled her on my shoulder Patted: “My sister is god!”

Lin Xue: “?”

I quickly coughed twice: “cough cough, my sister is deified!”

Lin Xue: “What? !!!”

She is bigger than me …

“Sister, what the **** is going on?” I discarded all my distractions and focused my attention on this sudden situation. The sudden deification of my sister is as unpredictable as the birth of the little Raven, which makes people overwhelmed. I’m sure Elder Sister hasn’t cheated. She never made such a joke, so most of this matter has been tested and confirmed repeatedly. “You made a lot of Divine Artifact like a silly bird or something?”

One of the deeds of the little Raven after the deification at that time was to go to Europe and dig out a lot of broken copper and rotten iron from the ancient battlefield. As a result, the pile of broken copper and rotten iron became epic with 11 chases and 13 chases. Equipment, this is the first direct evidence that the little Raven gained the power of the gods, so the first time I thought of the same thing happened to my sister: it would not be her usual small mirror accidentally left the street, and now Earth is only left in the northern hemisphere …

“No Divine Artifact, but as long as I speak now, it may cause various natural phenomena,” the sound of Onee-sama sounds innocent, “mostly a bad situation. When I was deified with little Raven, I could n’t control my power. Similarly, I seem to be a bit uncontrollable. I have caused several accidents. Fortunately, there is no vicious loss … Now Icetis temporarily uses her power to help me suppress, but you also know … The deity around you is basically a rank with the four main gods of the star field. This is the gap in the nature of strength. can do nothing about it makes up for the strength of strength. Icetis is now a little bit cranky … “

Onee-sama ’s words were interrupted by a sudden sound that was suddenly inserted. Sure enough, the ice sister was anxiously corrupted: “Drink cold water, stop your teeth, walk, lose your shoes, sneeze, and drop your chin to buy a bottle of soda. Yes! These concubines were recognized, but now the concubine *** has developed to the point where watching TV and even switching to 76 stations are broadcasting the happy goats! Is this a human life? The day? The concubine is now *** I am glad that goddess is not coming to the aunt! Otherwise, it is the aunt who comes twice a month and once for half a month. Oh! Now the concubine is limited to you. Break things up, hurry back to the teacher, did you hear? “

I wiped my forehead with cold sweat. What happened today is really the ups and downs of the peak circuit, and the power of Onee-sama is out of control … It ’s definitely one of the super big crises I have seen in my life! Fortunately, Icetis helped to resist. Although the female rogue seemed to be miserable, the power of Onee-sama was temporarily controlled. I thought about it and made a euphemistic suggestion: “Should I not let my sister come to my side? I sent Seves back to let her take charge of home defense …”

“Bie Jie, your sister is now a living treasure. She is more sensitive than confinement. You may dismantle the door of World at random,” Icetis weakly and without strength (dispirited) replied, “I really owe your sister, this side Just give it to the concubine. I just wanted to see if you know the cause of the deification. You can take the right medicine and temporarily slow down the process. Since you do n’t know … just fight outside and do n’t worry about it at home. . “

When I sucked my lips, I suddenly felt how strange it was that Icetis said this … Saying that this female rogue still remembers that she is an official ambassador sent by Xingyu God Clan?

Okay, I guess she does n’t remember, because I have forgotten about it …

Next I confirmed the details, but my sister ’s situation seemed very complicated, and Sister Bing could not explain it. Everyone knows the nature of Onee-sama‘s ability, curses, improves the probability and intensity of various catastrophic events, and even produces misfortune ignoring the reality of World. “Doom” is an unusually broad concept. You almost limit it by can do nothing about it Scope. So Onee-sama‘s ability was completely out of control and could not be described. She can only be said that she almost made the entire World to complete mess: Of course, such an event did not happen in the end, and all the bad luck is now pressing on Icetis. Sister Bing’s complaints are overwhelming, and she sounds full of resentment, but I know a little about the female hooligan. She is a seemingly fierce but enthusiastic person, even more so to the person she admits (maybe it is righteous enough?) ), Usually she has a good relationship with Onee-sama, at this moment must also be painful and happy, the female rogue thinks that she can suppress it, then I believe her strength is good.

After finishing the communication with Shadow City, I shook my head and focused on the things in front of me. It is now the most important to eliminate the resistance of the Melova people.

“Tell me about the enemy ’s movements in Yinxin, according to your assessment, it is valuable to take the initiative to attack that place now?” I looked at the bright eyes of Sieves. She is an excellent adjutant who reports to her superiors. I will only list all the facts at the time, and do not mix any of my own views to prevent misleading the judgment of Senior Officer, but I am not an excellent Senior Officer-the judgment I made in this respect must not be as far-reaching as Syves. .

“Yes your majesty. According to Yinxin ’s abnormal gravity, Melova concentrated large scale troops there. They knew that there was still a big gap between their regular army and Empire Army. The formation of a decentralized defense line would soon be the same as these peripheral nodes. We were broken by each of us, so most of them decided to concentrate their forces to fight the deadly resistance. They may take the initiative to attack, because the enemy troops of the Silver Heart assembled quickly. In this case, we should find a way to grab the first opportunity. “

“Then mobilize the fleet and enter the Galactic Center,” I nodded, “but I ’m sure it ’s definitely not the Barry ’s Army of the Security Department … Smart people do n’t put all their eggs in one basket. Let all strongholds continue to work Do n’t underestimate the enemy because the enemy is just a former servant army. I hope that when the fleet returns, the wolf pack can be seen to advance the battlefield to the enemy ’s industrial planet. “

“Your will, your majesty.” Sieves walked a military salute, turned around and left, but after turning his head, he still put down the sentence: “That … General, wait for this lollipop to eat, how much can you Go see the tactical map? “

Me: “…”

Pandora: “…”

Pandora is a throw-away shopkeeper who can be ignored as long as he can charge and fight. This general is well-known in Old Empire. It is said that she is tied with Sivis to be a combination of intelligence and force that can reach the general line. Just like she is tied to Viska to be an adult, but I am didn’t expect, Siweisi is so good and hard-working, good-tempered sister, will also say so full of grudges-Pandora how long have you never managed your own affairs Anymore?

Because General City has already been launched, and temporarily as the total base, it is not suitable to run to the front line to charge, so the flagship of the fleet is the flagship of the Third Army. The now growing Empire Army is not what it used to be. It is no longer just the General Admiral of the Empire. The flagship of the Third Star Army is a giant spaceship modified on the basis of Eternal Level. Tavel will be experimental. The second difference defense system and the miniaturized commander-in-chief of the Admiral are installed on this spaceship. at the same time greatly enhances the starship ’s defense and various emergency escape ability at the expense of firepower. Surviving to the end on the battlefield, the efficiency of the at the same time command link is only a little weaker than that of the Admiral. I think it is enough to serve as the general flagship in the absence of the Admiral.

We assembled forces from several other theaters. Hundreds of Eternal Level mother ships and tens of thousands of **** fleets at the same time from the Galaxy and the Alien lines of the Three Rivers proceeded to the center of the Galaxy and completed the convergence on the road. The torrents of massive destruction plunge into the heart of this galaxy, where the regular army of Melova people has been standing by. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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