Xiling Empire Chapter 1226: War

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This is a colonial planet located on the edge of the Milky Way. It revolves around a young and enthusiastic star. In this Milky Way far from the capital city, there are few colonial planets. There are dozens of lights in the nearest colony. Years away-the high temperature and the remoteness of the location are destined to not be a place suitable for enjoyment and livability. It exists as a hub of the local space defense system. It is one of the countless military strongholds built by the Melova people on this Universe. It is now unknown, but it was also glorious here thousands of years ago. The Melova people defeated the last resistance force of this Universe here. The clever species that once ruled this Universe, only one step away, will realize their Void Domain outside of Universe, their progress stops at the massive invasion of Melova people, and their last fleet is completely destroyed in this remote star system. Today, a small part of those wreckages are still patrolling the gravitational boundary of the star, and middle grade is to be captured by the star during the long journey, or drifting into the endless darkness of space.

But no one will care about these wreckages, just as no one cares about the whereabouts of the former owner of the Universe. For this remote military stronghold, today is the day of business as usual, and no one will worry about things that have nothing to do with them. Its armed satellites are surging in power, the orbiting planetary defense turrets are full of splendid energy, and the giant general-level aircraft carrier has just set off from the star port of the gravity balance point for deep space inspections every Monday times, Melova Soldier clenched Their own weapons, the military base middle grade at the orbital station and the ground, waiting for this boring day to come to an end, they are full of pride and confidence in their hearts, firmly believe that they have reached the peak of civilization evolution, in the once powerful and unspeakable empire After the collapse, they thought that they had replaced it and became the new highest point of mortal race-no, they thought that they had crossed this highest point and turned to God. When they looked down at the earth and looked into space, their minds became even more determined. With this confidence in mind, the Commander of the high-level orbit observatory decided to conduct another to scan on deep space.

In fact, there is nothing worth to scan, this Universe … even Universe does not exist our enemy-Officer Melova smiles with satisfaction, he firmly believes this, the second to scan is just to show the power of God, When the to scan signal of the Melova people sweeps through space, from every channel, it will be sent back to the long live of the mountains and tsunami. Those inferior races that are tens of hundreds of light years away will regard the Melova Empire patrol signal received every day as a **** , And their response to these signals is one of the only entertainment items on this boring high-level rail station every day. Officer Melova looked at the radar terminal in front of him and waited for the Soldier beside him to complete the follow-up operation of to scan station.

However, there was silence. When to scan equipment was started, no response was returned, or even information from any space entity. The powerful radar station seemed to throw all the energy into Endless Void. There was only one piece on the terminal in front of us. Grey fog, a creaking noise echoed in the observation room.

“What’s the matter? The radar didn’t start?” The Melova officer frowned dissatisfiedly and looked at his Soldier. This Soldier was not smart, or even stupid. The number of errors he made was almost equal to the number of days in his service, although Those are some minor problems, but enough to make Commander accumulate enough dissatisfaction. But this Soldier is a pure-blooded Melova person, a descendant of the vanguard who led the rise of race in the past. The lineage gave this Soldier a privileged treatment of poor hearing in the office of the rail station. Thinking of this, Commander decided to slow down his tone Some: He believes that the pure-blooded Melova person in the bones has a more noble factor: for example, just in this Soldier, this born and noble race advantage has not yet been fully reflected for the time being, “Try to multiply the module Transfer to forwarding mode. “

“Yes … oh no, Senior Officer,” Soldier sweated a bit on his forehead, he quickly switched all channels, and his tone was full of confusion, “It ’s not a problem with the multiplier module, the radar station is also working … Senior Officer , We seem to be in trouble, all channels are being interfered … I have never seen this interference method, nor did the military school … Our to scan signal seems to be lost, they all fell into a blank after leaving the star system Area, no feedback signal appears, no delay detection equipment is alarming, because it thinks that we are sending in a direction that does not exist … “

“Nothing can interfere with the empire’s radar station,” Commander waved impatiently to let Soldier leave the console. He turned around personally. “You must have mistaken the warning threshold and fell into the white area? This method of interference Not at all … “

Having said half of Commander, there was a sudden pause, and some vague memory came out of my heart. He remembered that this kind of interference method is not really non-existent. Yes, there was a civilization who mastered this technology. The technology that allows any information to disappear out of thin air. The jammer made with this science and technology will allow any conventional radar information to be deleted in the middle, while the radar operator in the eyes seems to be a signal that it has sent into the blank. The area is just like the scene in front of you.

The Melova officer shook his head vigorously to get these unpleasant memorys out of his mind: This is a worrying thing. They no longer exist, together with their incredible technology. Now the remaining taboo knowledge is all in the hands of Melova people. If this interference method is really reproduced, it can only appear in its own device list-will it be the sacred Empire Army department finally cracked a set of blueprints Is a department at a higher level joking with its subordinates in this way?

This is an absurd assumption, but the officer decided to believe his guess. He smiled and left the console, reaching for his Soldier: “Do n’t worry, everything is normal, you should learn to make yourself a truly qualified and noble Goddess … “

His words were only half said, and the hand had not been shot. The whole orbital station violently oscillated. The sudden shaking caused all the surroundings to shake, and the debris scattered all over the place. Soldier fell awkwardly and exclaimed: “Senior Officer! The rail station is about to crash!”

Idiot! You are a soldier! Check the power group immediately, maybe the group has exploded!” The officer barely stood in the midst of shaking, and immediately slapped the Soldier that was messed up at that critical moment. , “I heard an explosion from the lower zone …”

Warning, the shield of the orbital station was penetrated, the lower three to seven sections were hit, and the entire second structure group was lost … The artificial gravity of the orbital station was chaotic, and the material leakage index exceeded 30%. The output of the reaction furnace is insufficient … “

The sound of a deep explosion came from a closer area. The officer found that the direction of gravity in the room was tilting-which made it harder for him to stand up straight body. The violent shaking has turned into a mad shake, as if this town is as huge ‘S space entity is being grasped by a pair of giant hands, violently shocked. He was having trouble breathing and realized that this was because the air pressure in the room was falling. The material leaked, the orbital station must have been opened a large hole that far exceeded the processing limit of the repair equipment, and the air pressure here will soon drop to a critical value, but perhaps it will not die from suffocation, yes, Melova people are powerful Yes, countless enhancements over the centuries have enabled the current generation of Melova people to survive in the Universe environment for a considerable period of time, but the officer still feels that great fear is on his mind. He is sure that the orbital station has encountered a strong Attack, and this attack is more dangerous than the strongest counterattack he encountered when he led the army to destroy the original wisdom race of Universe: until now the tactical system has failed to report where the attack came from!

Senior Officer! SOS signal! SOS signals have been sent from other orbital stations! All orbital stations are being bombarded, and we have lost half of our stations … Senior Officer! What happened to the general carrier and frigate formations at Xinggang Sneak attack, the warship suffered heavy losses! “

Soldier panic sound came from not far away, the officer barely stood up in a gravitational environment that was leaning and suddenly strong and weak—maybe not standing very straight—he tried to ignore the discomfort caused by his inability to breathe Feeling that suffocation could not kill the immortal Melova, he told himself this, and calmed down a little bit, then he saw the status of the orbital station shown on the Hologram projection, and he took a breath.

The orbital station is a frame structure connected by multiple crosses, and now the central position of this structure has completely disappeared. Something hit here without any response from the early warning system, and directly penetrated the site Can shield, leaving a scary hole through which you can see the glory of the other star. The broken metal giant beam twisted and protruded from around the hole. The material leaked from the orbital station was like the blood and visceral fragments sputtered out of the hurricane caused by 1.2 atmospheric pressure. Splash out. Continuous explosions are spreading on all structures of the orbital station. The flashing fire in the distance tells the officer that it is the entire planetary defensive circle that is under attack … No, not even the entire star system defensive circle!

“Request for support, we have been attacked!” Soldier is calling each emergency channel according to the response method taught in the school manual. The violent explosion sound is becoming noisier, and the squeaking sound from the speaker system in the observation room With a quack white noise, the officer kicked off the Soldier that was almost useless: “Fool! Our communication system is over! You TM immediately go to the general carrier that has left Xinggang to return to the city, relying on their joint protection The shield can resist for a while! Go, run to you Idiot! “

The Soldier stumbled out of the observation room, and the officer supported the sloping equipment platform back to his seat: it will not explode for the time being. He knows that this observation room is located at the top of the orbital station. It can be protected by armor and has an independent energy system. Even if the orbital station is broken down, it can support it for a while. But he is also sure that this will not be long-maybe fifteen minutes is the limit?

“Warning host, call me to monitor the screen closest to the impact point before being attacked.”

“Yes, the great god, is accessing monitoring data … the data begins to play.”

The officer felt that some words of the early warning host gave him a little comfort. Before the orbital station exploded, he wanted to see what destroyed the shield and the core area. The short video footage was less than three seconds, he saw the dark space background, the pale gold and silver-white armor layer of the orbital station, and then the explosion … he replayed the momentary picture over and over again, and finally even resisted Slowly slowing them down frame by frame, the communication system in the ear is calling, people are constantly frantically reporting on the emergency channel that something has been destroyed, the general carrier has returned to the stellar circle, and now they are being landed one by one A torrent of deep energy from deep space and an invisible jump warhead exploded into fragment(s), like shooting a fly. The officer felt that those things had gone away from him, and nothing mattered. All his attention was focused on the frame-by-frame surveillance screen in front of him, dark space, pale gold and silver-white armor layer. There is also a huge cone that suddenly appears in the picture.

The shadow is a bit strange, but the text on it finally evokes the memory of this Melova officer.

“X3, gravedigger … X3, gravedigger … they are back …”

The officer vacantly lifts the head and found that I do not know when the outside has calmed down. All the explosions and the shouts in the emergency channel have stopped. The orbital station is slowly falling to the planet. The planet is not what it knows. , Its surface is covered with lava ravines and dark red luster, everything has been burned to death, countless wrecks like its own orbital station are slowly falling to the melting earth, sudden attacks and all communications The downtime of the channel turned the defensive facilities on the planet into metal **** without firing at all. There were wreckage in space, and no living sound could be heard in the gravity circle.

Except for your own heartbeat.

This space station was not attacked by the second X3 gravedigger, but the officers did not think it was a certain kind of mistake-“they” never made mistakes, “they” were more precise than everything, and died under the extinction Accurate to every population, so he knew that he and this slowly falling orbital station were left deliberately, so he tried to call the host: “AI, is there still an escape pod?”

“Yes, great god, there are a few escape pods available … one, AI recommends you evacuate immediately.”

Yes, for the entire stellar circle, the number of remaining life is one, and the number of escape capsules is also one. “They” are as accurate as they were then.

Melova officer lifts the head, looking at the darkened projection table.

“Activate the escape cabin for me, I … I do n’t want to die …”

Melova officer lifts the head, stared at this side-his expression was fixed on this picture, then he left the battlefield in the escape cabin, we did not intercept him, and even opened the gravitational blockade.

This is a espionage screen returned by a sentry probe sneaking into the orbital station. Melova people have been peaceful for too long. They may have been excellent warriors, or they may still have fierce prestige, but their grass-roots units are in in the bones inevitably slack appeared, did not expect the Sentinel probe to enter the defense command post of a military planet so easily, the level of defense here and the kingdom of God are almost the same, which makes the **** Pandora and Viska a little disappointed: they Before even rushing out in person, the battle is over.

“Nice entertainment performance,” Shandora put down the black tea gracefully, and her sight was still on the video screen. She regarded the Melova officer ’s entire performance as an entertainment program, and War Song Princess was also a bit of a bad taste, ” Now that we have destroyed all military bases of this Universe with alert level below III, Empire Army has found a foothold in the marginal zone. “

“The next battle is the main game,” Lin Xue looked at the starry figure in front of her eyes. I am sure she could n’t understand this at all, but she was drawing two tarot cards or holding a card with the prophecy. The big glass ball reads the Great Sorrow mantra. This belongs to the Ojou-sama outfit X fan. She feels that as a general, if she does not put a strategic map in front of her when she speaks, then she is sorry for the military emblem on her chest-although she does not even have a military uniform. Like to wear, “Soon Melova people will know what is happening in these places, they will organize a regular army that can really fight to meet, now what we destroy is only a few negligent to train the old and young soldiers. “

“It doesn’t matter, we have calculated the enemy we have to face accurately,” Shandora looked at the clock beside him, “When is my meal good?”

I looked at her silently: “… Are you really going to eat twelve meals a day? You were just half an hour ago …”

A’Jun, you need to know that after eating this meal, I will not be able to eat for nearly a month,” Shandora’s‘s expression is very solemn, as if what she is talking about is as important as World peace, “I promise, I will transform into a meal after eating this meal …”

Me: “…”

According to the pre-agreed tactics, Empire Army first launched a sudden attack on the main World marginal zone of Melova, destroying a large number of enemy ’s military targets at the same time, first caused great confusion to the Melova people, and then the Imperial fleet took advantage of the enemy ’s confusion The substance plane builds a fortress and carries out subsequent military operations. At present, the first stage of the operation is very smooth. The military node star system uploaded back from the spy report was destroyed under the personal attack of the Royal Fleet, but this sudden attack can only be so smooth for the first time, and then the Melova people will Be alert.

After several consecutive stealth jumps, the fleet arrived at the Melova military node that had just been destroyed. The structure of this star system remained intact, except that the original Melova facility above had been ruined. We did n’t use a large weapon that could destroy the architecture of the stellar system, in order to retain such a natural bridgehead. This star system with many planets can allow our mother ship to expand and enter the storm process faster, and Melova people will not Thinking that Empire Army will suddenly return to a ruin that has been destroyed to build base, most of them will be busy in the space where Empire Army launched an attack: this time is enough for the half of the basketball court that we bring. house.

The war has already begun. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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