Xiling Empire Chapter 116: Lin Xue’s right?

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Ding Ling mentioned that legend of Atlantis made me think of many things at once.

After all, the existence of Xiling Empire is too full of legend, plus my imagination is very rich. Basically, as long as someone starts, I will have this everything in disorder association …

I do n’t know if there is a big association between my sister and my sister, but one thing is certain, that is, they must have thought of it, or they will not show such a thoughtful look.

“According to our current guess, the appearance of these crystals and some other mysterious remains is likely related to the Atlantis in legend.” Ding Ling said thoughtfully, playing with the black crystals in his hand.

“You have found the real position of Atlantis?”

I was surprised to ask, because there is no definite statement about the location of Atlantis, and archeologist scientists have never found the remains of this splendid and powerful ancient civilization. At present, several places found in on the Earth are called Atlantis civilization The place of the ruins is actually very controversial, even if it is a seabed ruin that many experts and scholars have agreed to recently, there are absolutely many voices of opposition. If Atlantis really has anything to do with Xiling Empire, then the real The Atlantis ruins are definitely not the ones that Human Race has discovered. Although Esper Organization does not know about Xiling Empire, it is not difficult to deny that “these unnamed seabed cities are Atlantis” based on their research on the Xiling items that far exceed Human Race science and technology Guess, did they really find a Xiling base with super warships and armored warriors somewhere on the seabed?

After all, although the conjecture that Earth is the Hilling colony has been overthrown by me, but Hilling Expeditionary Force once stayed in on the Earth, it is very possible. Then one or two Xiling Base and even temporary military cities appear in on the Earth. It is possible that Earth is so large, especially the area of ​​the ocean. At present, Human Race has not explored the ocean even to the extent of one-tenth. Perhaps it is also possible that there is really a super city under the sea that has not been discovered.

However, Ding Ling shook his head, “Now the rumored Atlantis ruins are all flickering. They have nothing to do with these things we found. The reason why we associate Atlantis with this crystal is because of the two Something we found in the Amazon a few days ago, that … “

She said that it suddenly stopped here. Two seconds later, Liu Zicai pushed the door and came in.

At this moment, I really want to drag this scumbag guy into the top ten tortures.

Have you ever had the experience of reading novels in class and seeing the climax, but suddenly to drop out from the sky a sad Old Lady confiscated your baby novel? If anything, I think you can understand my feeling now.

“Several ladies of beautiful, we have arrived …” Liu Zicai didn’t know that he just interrupted the important talks between the big men, and still showed his gentlemanly manner to several girl children in a fake manner. “The faces of ēn? don’t seem very good? Is it motion sickness? Or because of my negligence, let the noble ladies and some …”

When Liu Zicai was talking, he turned his scornful eyes towards me. in the eyes‘s sarcasm made no secret.

Since learning about the amazing identity of Lin Xue’s, he even regarded the guy in front of him as a kid with a bit of luck and wanted toad to eat swan meat. Naturally, he would not give up any chance that would hit me.

If you do n’t take into account that Shandora Princess is still living in my house, and the three top killers sent out last time are inexplicably crazy, I am afraid that someone Liu will come to the assassination drama again.

Several girls on the spot looked at each other and then spoke in unison to Liu Zicai: “Go out!”

Anyway, the station has arrived, so this guy is useless and naturally has no use value.

Liu Zicai was choked up suddenly, but did not respond with a stunned feeling. Although a few beautiful girl didn’t take care of themselves when they first got on the bus, they were still kind. How could they work hard one by one?

at this moment, I heard my sister whispering something.

“Get ready to watch a good show.” I suddenly lowered my head and whispered in the ear of Ding Ling.

“What?” The other party has not responded yet, but the Liu Zicai side has responded actively to the call to curse goddess.

With a trembling burst of compressed air—well, it was a loud fart, Liu Zicai‘s face changed drastically, and then he almost ran out with a crawl.

Compared with the mammoth and Wu Lei Bang, this sister is already a joke-level joke.

The car was parked in a desert town with a similar name. As soon as the door was opened, the rolling heat wave almost pushed me back hard. The hot air without a trace of water vapor made me feel suffocated.

I did not hesitate to hug the Pandora, and let everyone get closer, saying: “The third gear is automatically humidified around the cold wind.”

… Hoo, come alive.

Feeling the cool breeze and the fresh and humid air like in front of the waterfall, the surprise and envy of Ding Ling, at the same time sighed: “Daqian World is nothing strange, such a casual power also exists.”

“Yeah, but when the temperature reaches 222 degrees below zero, I won’t be casual.” I whispered casually that Ding Ling immediately positioned the Pandora’s ability to control the temperature.

Little Bubbles is the first time I saw a town with so many people. She was born in Xiling Base when she was different from World, and then she has been living in base. Every day I see the soldiers except the chariot, I do n’t know the outside What World is like, so now little brat is quite excited. I have to say anything for a long time when I see it. Unfortunately, no one can understand her except Bubble, and Bubble … from the beginning eyes has been half-closed and sleepwalking, but was led by Shandora and walked on the street.

I really envy this kind of physique that can be connected to games anytime, anywhere …

After three minutes, we walked on the street one by one.

Although there is a Pandora brand air conditioner, but looking at surroundings‘s foreign friends who have skin like barbecue, and the air on the roadside is slightly distorted due to dry heat, I still think that at this moment is always missing something without cold drinks in his mouth— —Although Ding Ling has repeatedly emphasized that this has a destructive impact on the stomach, we firmly refute her theory from the dialectical point of view that Esper is not an ordinary person, and successfully pulled her off the water.

Except for a few of our Earth natives, Shandora and others have eaten ice cream for the first time. When Xiling Apostle arrived at Earth, they had already passed the cold drink season, so they expressed their love for this amazing food. There was great interest.

Cicero in a black suit that makes people sweaty and wearing sunglasses, this shape makes him holding a sugar cone to eat to be full of funny, the bubble and Little Bubbles mother and daughter are still adults because they are still young We ordered to eat a sweet cone, and the food was full of sisters. Pandora was held in my arms and licked the cream on the ice cream. Wen Wen quietly ate the cute and cute. Acida and Acidora exchanged the sweet cones in their hands from time to time. It ’s easy to eat, Shandora has two extra large bows in one hand, and it ’s amazing …

Ding Ling tells us that there is a Esper waiting for here, and we are going to find him now.

“Don’t you say that you secretly ran out of the organization?” Lin Xue was curious about the companion in Ding Ling‘s mouth. “Who else comes with you?”

Ding Ling shrugged his shoulders and said, “I know you do n’t like that guy, but without his help, I do n’t know you ’re in trouble, so I had to let him follow.”

having heard up to here, Lin Xue immediately frowned, and said, “It really is that guy, it’s so bad …”

A Esper that does n’t match Lin Xue ’s character?

I couldn’t help but feel a little curious about the mysterious man.

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