Xiling Empire Chapter 1143: Where did I go?

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A specially modified Royal Void shuttle was soon dispatched to Kailudak, but what I did not expect was that there were a batch of Royal Guards and dozens of ships coming with this shuttle. The “small” spaceship made by the Empire is also large enough in the atmosphere. These neatly arranged imperial battleships march over the city of Kairudak, and of course immediately attracted the attention of many civilians, every tower The terrace above the ball building is almost full of citizens of various races, driven by restlessness and stronger curiosity, using various devices to record this scene that should not appear above their homes-just do n’t know them Did not develop Weibo.

“I said … how come it is so much fanfare,” I and everybody came to the viewing platform of the parliament building, ready to catch a shuttle from here, and murmured while watching the oppressive Imperial warship at high altitude Mumbled to Shandora, “Shouldn’t you try not to stimulate the people of the Fourth Fleet as much as possible? They are extremely sensitive to the Imperial warship.”

“Ordinary people are not as sensitive as the military and these high-level officials, and these Royal Guards were sent only after consulting with the” Parliament “and most of the fourth fleet high-level officials-you were studying technical issues with Shandora, Maybe I didn’t pay attention. “Onee-sama explained to me with a smile. I glanced at the” Parliament “and got a positive response from the other party.

“After establishing a stable relationship with the Fifth Fleet, things were made public to the people, including the current situation where the Fifth Fleet cannot be effectively assisted, and the various dilemmas we encountered. These things are among ordinary people. It caused a lot of fluctuations, “” Parliament “smiled at me.” Then the mother of the empire suggested to me, she hopes to continue to disclose the progress of the event, and emphasizes that the two empire Chief of state will soon enter the depths of Void. The rescue of the Fifth Fleet, in the end … is what you see. We think it ’s harder for the public to see your boarding departure than a simple information announcement. “

I blinked and looked at my sister, and I felt that it was indeed a good idea … cough cough, a far-sighted and wise Onee-sama. These things she thought of were just smooth in the whole operation, but it was really incredible. A contempt of “going hand in hand”. The rescue of the Fifth Fleet will be a historic turning point between the new empire and the exiles, and what Onee-sama is doing is to do everything possible to amplify this turning point and leave behind-even if our rescue fails in the end Now, this scene of boarding has actually laid a foundation of public opinion that is difficult to be easily reversed: you see, the two Xilin Emperor have been spared even their lives, what can you ask them to do?

But only we know that this task is really not dangerous … Void is from my home. Both Xiling Emperor can survive unconditionally in the Void environment, and I am invincible in Void … …

Void is a fatal danger. Everyone except our family thinks so.” Sister really thought it was the same as I guessed. She said so in the spiritual link.

I took a look at the Empire Warship Group on standby in the sky, and I knew this should be the phalanx of actors in legend, but our protagonist was actually on the battlefield-I was about to be shot deep into Void.

This kind of action should be hard to think of in the logic of Xiling Apostle. They only focus on the direct effects of realism and rarely study “little tricks” such as public opinion, social orientation, and popular support. However, it must be admitted that In the ordinary race communication other than Xiling Apostle, it is precisely these small details that are easily overlooked by the former that will affect the latter’s fundamental attitude towards the empire. Therefore, although the military and industrial aspects of the empire are currently dominated by Shandora and a group of Empire Military Personnel, aspects such as public opinion, media, and culture are almost all tossed out by earthling (theoretically) in our family (led by Lily Na) Even the Shandora expressed surprise at the various results achieved by the latter: she could never do anything like that.

“As it is said, do you want to put some background music to set off the atmosphere when you board the ship?” I rubbed my hands and looked at Onee-sama with a grin. The latter did not answer, but it was Icetis. He spit out the sentence: “Basically, people who sing before boarding will hang up when they are out of the cast …”

I: “… Well, that’s fine, but you said, I don’t have to say anything to the camera in a moment? I look forward to the future with generosity and excitement, and give people confidence.”

Icetis once again said quietly: “The ferocious people usually leave fifteen minutes before the end of the film …”

“Wipe, stop talking …”

When the atmosphere killer Icetis was stirred up, I finally remembered that I really was n’t the one who was facing the general public in front of the camera, so I pulled the Shandora and prepared to leave. Said: “Is there really no need to bring guards in the past? What if there is an attack?”

“You have to understand that my Void Domain has a limit. The more people I bring, the more trouble I get–and I don’t necessarily stand it anymore. It may be difficult to bring the big troops back in the past,” I She shrugged helplessly, “Don’t forget, Sheila, formidable‘s old brand Void Creature, sending a trip from Huron to the Star Field is like a dead dog …”

“Relax, I will not let A’Jun go out if there is danger,” Shandora solemnly said, “We will always be located in Void Domain, and Void Domain of A’Jun will not be closed after departure, in this case, even if it encounters Danger, at least it ’s okay to escape. “

With Shandora’s being so assured, my sister does n’t say much, but just tells us to be careful along the way, and then sees us into the shuttle.

After the order field of the aircraft was launched, a layer of pure black gradually spread from its cockpit position, and quickly formed a black sphere that completely wrapped the shuttle. This black sphere completely absorbed everything and irradiated it. The light on the surface, so that this scene looks like space was suddenly cut off by a person, revealing a black hole, and then in a flash, the black sphere and the shuttle in it disappeared into everyone’s sight.

A moment later, the signal of the shuttle came from the border of the empire-the first attempt to jump was successful.

On the distant imperial border, a small shuttle is re-falling into the material World from Void. The smooth alloy shell is shining brightly under the illumination of a star nearby, and a trace of black afterimages from the shuttle shell The upper part slowly subsided until it disappeared.

Shandora checked the parameters of the shuttle and did n’t dare to take it easy. Finally, he breathed a sigh of relief: “Like the theoretical value, this super-limit jump did not cause damage to the body structure. We successfully bypassed the Void jump. Technical barriers-although only in specific circumstances. “

“Do you jump directly to the fifth fleet next time?” I watched the Shandora fiddle with those complicated parameters, and felt dizzy. “To be honest, I don’t think there is much consumption.”

“You will know when you expand Void Domain to tens of thousands of kilometers and jump once,” Shandora snorted, and then sighed, “Actually, if there is a way, I really don’t want you to do this, and the consumption will really be very Big, although the Fifth Fleet is much closer than the distance between Huron and Starfield, but you ca n’t compare with the old Void Creature like King Huron … you will pay attention to your consumption if you jump a while. It ’s half done-as long as the Fifth Fleet enters the safe zone, our mission is complete, do n’t try too hard to know. ”

I smiled. This plan was proposed by Shandora, but she still had some uneasy things in the end, but in the face of her entanglement, I just patted her hair: “OK, I can It ’s not the object you are protecting. It ’s a trivial matter. It ’s easy to get it done. In fact, I was inspired by you and came up with a good idea. “

Shandora showed a curious look, and while adjusting the engine to jump to the fifth fleet, he begged me to continue.

“Look, if my Void Domain can allow the entire fleet to cross the infinite Void distance of theoretically in an instant, does that mean … can we drop large troops directly to the door of Fallen Apostles? Even bypass their Early warning? “

Shandora slightly showed a surprised look. It seemed incredible to me that she could take the initiative to think of this, but she still shook her head: “Maybe it may be feasible to do this in local battles, but it can only be a trick. You know, both the new empire and Fallen Apostles are behemoths. When we officially start the battle, the scale of the battle will definitely not be as simple as a fleet, and how many people can your force drop to enemy positions at a time? Not to mention, in this During the airdrop, you must jump with the fleet. After arriving at the destination, you will be in a weak state and send a lone fleet to the enemy base camp. You have almost no fighting strength yourself. Have you thought about how bad this tactic is? So this can only be used as a surprise attack, and it is a small-scale surprise attack. And do n’t take this jump as a big advantage. In fact, the chance of being intercepted by the legion that advances in Void is extremely small. It was only after being tracked that the situation fell into this situation. Under normal circumstances, spaceship advancing on Void Domain, unless it is already close to a certain order World, almost Will be arrived at by anything to scan, use your Void Domain to airdrop a unit to the battlefield, and will not have any advantage in ‘anti-interception’. At most, it saves some time for some Soldier. But in my opinion, as Void Creature and empire Chief of state, it ’s much more meaningful for you to maintain your best throughout the war than to act as a one-off troop carrier at the expense of fighting strength. ”

I feel a little embarrassed. I feel that I have a strategic idea. After being analyzed by Shandora, it turned out to be such a trick with no actual combat value. She was right. I subconsciously put myself The role of is too low. In the real conference battle, it is absolutely a bad idea to use the Empire Emperor as a one-time troop carrier. However, Shandora laughed when I saw my frustrated expression: “Actually, A’Jun‘s idea is also useful, that is, when we really need to attack the enemy, we should collect experimental data by the way. How big a jump will be for your trumpet. Speaking of it, A’Jun really changes a lot now, you in the past, but you will never take the initiative to think of these things. “

I scratched my hair, I said it was not forced …

at this moment Shandora finally finished recalibrator, and patted my arm with a smile: “Okay, the equipment is ready, ready to go, A’Jun, open it!”

I grin and reveal a Crest flash: “De Marcia!”

Then I felt dizzy, very strange … dizzy …

I do n’t know how long this delicate state of vertigo lasts. It seems that time has been split into two parts in my concept, one part is passing by myself, just between them, the other part is in my perception It ’s almost stagnation, I have never felt such a strange experience. Although it is clearly known that just a few seconds have passed, those few seconds have been infinitely stretched in the self-consciousness to almost endless … but, I didn’t feel any discomfort or irritability.

I tried to talk to Shandora and told her that I seemed to be in a weird situation, but I found that I could n’t talk to her, not that I could n’t speak, but the message and action I sent (if in that few seconds If I really have a move in the clock), the language cannot be fully communicated with Shandora. We seem to have become two levels of individuals in parallel. If this is not the case, it will end soon, I am afraid I will be in a state of serious panic-of course, it may not, because I suddenly found that my concept of time is being stripped.

In the infinitely long seconds of self-consciousness, normal people should quickly get tired of being tired because of the endless time passing and their own unchanged state, but after a “very long” time Afterwards, I found that I was still in a peaceful state, which was really not in line with my personality. Then, after a long thought process ended, I suddenly remembered one thing:

God Clan’s time concept.

Perhaps, this is their World of in the eyes … Perceive the passage of time, but do n’t care about everything caused by the passage of time, and this kind of carelessness is not indifferent, it is just the eternal peace of mind. .

After confirming that this state will not cause adverse effects, and it does not seem to really last forever, and I have nothing to do for a while, I am curious to start experiencing another thing: I am integrated with Void as a whole The feeling of being one.

This appeared after the shuttle began to jump, along with a sense of time stagnation. I do n’t know if it is an illusion. It seems that my Void Domain has passed such a large Void in an instant, causing the two to exchange in a short time The information exceeded a certain threshold, so I had the feeling that I had expanded infinitely. My mind began to float in an infinitely wide but infinitely narrow ocean. The ocean has no shape and changes rapidly. When you are a drop of water, You will feel that everything in surroundings is so broad, almost unreasonable, but a drop of water cannot be separated from the entire ocean, so you are one, and you start to feel that the ocean does not seem to be as large as it is imagined. You are the same-although it is still infinity, infinity at this time is already a measurable unit, this unit is called “self”.

The sea level has cascading waves, and it looks like it is still-although in another concept perception, they are surging wildly and changing in an instant. Each high uplifting wave is a World. Compared with the entire unchanging ocean, these slowly rising up and falling waves are quite short, even fleeting, but at that moment, they are still separated. In view of the sea in which I was once, I jumped into the air with my own unique form and rules-maybe Void is not the sea, but a plane, the sea level, the endless depth below it is just an illusion, the depth is there Yes, but it is meaningless. For World, what constitutes it is just a wave of sea level. When the idea suddenly jumped out, I felt that my perspective really changed. The state of dripping comes out, standing at a new angle and watching the huge waves roll up on the sea level, then I came under the sea level and looked at a brand new scene: the huge waves rolling up on the sea, look here But it seems to be a deep valley.

Okay, it ’s really boring, but I ’m quite interested in researching now. I may understand why underwater photography is so popular. Look at World in a position where normal people wo n’t stand. You Everything I saw was really new. I just jumped around and waited for the shuttle to leave the jumping state. It seemed that it would n’t be too long-I thought about it, and felt that I might only need to blink and shift my consciousness from deep to The surface layer will be able to break away from this state in an instant: the passage of time will return to normal, returning from almost stagnation to normal within a few seconds.

But as I was preparing to do so, I suddenly felt that there was another swimmer deep in the sea.

A swimmer like yourself.

Something that is orderly, conscious, and completely different from the chaotic sea is wandering nearby.

I thought for a while and decided to look over—although I could n’t explain how I moved, I did feel that I was getting closer to the swimmer, and then I heard a clear female voice: “ Yeah, Little Brother, Walk Bend Ah?

Me: “…”

didn’t expect you are still a hiking enthusiast, run so far-have you eaten yet?”

Me: “…”

“Yeah, have you seen Xingchen recently? He has n’t sent me a message for a few days, I think he should n’t be so busy … Eh, look at that, six World at the same time were born! Siamese! This dare will turn into multiple births. Maybe after a while, it will stabilize. I will put life in it. The children will definitely like their new World! “

Me: “… Sister Sheila ?!” )

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