Xiling Empire Chapter 1129: Mystery knowledge

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When I heard that City of Angel could only make 2,000 freshmen Angel in a week, I felt this speed was incredible-not too fast, but too slow, even slow enough to make people doubt whether it is an imperial facility To the point.

An City of Angel-sized facility training two thousand Soldier in seven days may be a considerable production speed for ordinary civilization, but for Xiling Empire, the speed of the soldiers reduced to “thousands” is simply Unbearable things.

Not to mention the fact that we are in urgent need of an entire army …

After I said my thoughts, Belavela showed a disapproving expression. She glanced at me and shook her head: “You are limited by your preconceived ideas. Mysterious things and science and technology The system is different, and it is quite different. These are two technical systems with complete systems, and not only the power used is different-if only the heavy cannon is replaced by Arcane missiles, the single If the fighter plane is replaced with a Magic flying carpet, and the two beams of the army emit ion beams to each other to emit eye rays, then it can be regarded as the distinction between the science and technology system and the mysterious system … do n’t you think it ’s too much? “

I am embarrassed to admit that I really thought that way from the beginning …

“Hoo–” Belavela sighed helplessly, as if the simple logic so whimsical to me was can do nothing about it, “Okay, do n’t blame you, since you touched the empire to the present, you have n’t really understood how much mystery Related to the department, and the knowledge was only unblocked by you in the past two days. I will give you a supplementary lesson-the biggest difference between the military power of the Imperial Mystery Department and the science and technology department is that we never produce the most basic from the production plant. Arms, do you understand? The most basic unit coming down the mysterious department ‘production line’ is the intermediate Apostle(s). As you know, the Angel, Raven, and the upcoming Arcane law enforcement officer, Magic Vanguard and other mysterious arms are all It is a mid-level unit or above. Therefore, in your opinion, the production efficiency of City of Angel is so low, that is not the place to produce Soldier at all! “

After listening to the words of Belavela without a word, I realized that the power of the Empire ’s mysterious department was still very different from what I had always imagined, and immediately became very curious about it. This kind of discrepancy is of course no surprise. Although I didn’t have a specific concept before, I can understand how different the two different technical systems will be in the process of their respective developments. The technical systems of the Department of Mystery and the Department of science and technology are so different in exploring the truth of in this world. The branches and leaves spread by them must naturally take different forms, just like those in the history of Human Race civilization. At the bifurcation point, each stage of the Human Race civilization will be born with a huge difference between world outlook, and thus produce a lot of daily habits, production tools, religious beliefs and even national forms that are almost incomprehensible to each other. Small on the Earth can appear so many each other In the civilized stage of separation, not to mention Xiling Empire, the behemoth at the same time, gave birth to two almost completely different technical routes.

in other words, the power of the mysterious side, actually take the elite route?” I thought about it and said my understanding, “The mysterious side is all intermediate Apostle(s), don’t you have lower-level members? You don’t have Soldier? This and The difference on the science and technology side is too big. “

“Of course not,” Belavela shook his head decisively. “Any technical system with a complete science and technology tree cannot have a basic unit. The Soldier class, which is large enough and dedicated to all basic tasks, is essential, but only for us. In terms of, Soldier does not come to the autogenesis production line, but … like this. “

As Belavela spoke, he stretched his hands in the air, so the Arcane radiance and unidentified entity fragment(s) were visible in the air. The way these things appeared made me think of Xiling Host using information regeneration technology. A scene of various imperial facilities-maybe these are two technologies that lead to the same goal? The radiant little things summoned by Belavela are gathering together quickly, and the inorganic basic skeleton and body are quickly formed in an amazingly precise way. When the last piece of unidentified flash fragment(s) falls behind “it” After the gap in the back, what appeared in front of us was a humanoid creature with almost the same appearance and body shape as Belavela … or Raven 001, but the whole body was as crystal-clear as a crystal. This newly born humanoid is at a loss. Looking around for a while, then stood behind Belavela with a blank expression, as if a loyal guard.

“I heard about your experience in that World, and those thoughtful avatars of Angel in Tower of Sky must be impressive,” Belavela gave me a smile, “This is the foundation of our mysterious department Apostle(s) Soldier. We These things will not be manufactured from the factory because we do n’t need them. The special transformation of World by the Mystery Department makes it easier for us to achieve precise control of energy and matter, and control of our own spirit and even soul with individual power. We have developed puppets and doppelganger technologies. Various elemental creatures, missed body doppelgangers, Arcane constructs, and spirit creatures are the foundation of the mysterious department. Soldier. This one in front of you is a construct that uses my Arcane power. Driven, the body constituent material is the information that is directly ‘looted’ from World, and if the information is appropriately rewritten, it can become a “material” that is no less than the steel bones of the imperial soldiers. You should be familiar with this, Xiling Host That’s how it is done. “

My previous guess was confirmed, which is an important factor for Xiling Host being classified as a hybrid Xiling Apostle.

The “Crystal Man” just made by Belavela made me have a very familiar feeling. I thought about it for a long time before I suddenly remembered. This is not the kind created by Odysseus that I saw on the Northern Land ice field that day. Elemental creatures? Of course, the crystal person made by Belavela is obviously stronger and more refined than those of the Goodell elemental creatures. At least “she” will not fall down when she walks. Perhaps this is due to the long-term self of the Goodell elemental creatures. During the reproduction process, the power of the first generation of creatures was gradually lost.

The mysterious Apostle(s) relied on this method to generate the basic Soldier, which made me never think that at the same time also generated more curiosity: “If so, why have I never seen other ravens make this … Element Soldier? “

Although I ca n’t see that this elemental creature ’s fighting strength can have geometry, if each raven has ability and Belavela to make its own structural body avatars, then the total amount to a certain degree will also be a very impressive power. However, they have never seen the elemental creation of the Transitional Crows on the battlefield. They are always fighting alone, just like the most orthodox caster, relying on their Magic power to fight. Otherwise, I should have known this amazing feature of the Department of Mystery earlier.

“Because ordinary ravens are not good at making this kind of construct,” Belavela clicked on the forehead of the crystal-clear “Crystal girl” beside him, and the latter immediately split into a large piece of small fragment(s), around She spun quickly, “Not every unit of the mystery department is responsible for manufacturing Soldier, usually Magic Vanguard and Xiling Angel are responsible for this-you have already seen the avatars made by the latter. As for the raven, we are In the conventional sense, we have the most powerful long-range attack ability and auxiliary skills, and as a hero class, the Raven is basically used for special tasks-special tasks may not include squatting at home. /

So I learned that the biggest difference between the science and technology department and the mysterious department in the construction of the arms: the former is to assemble the soldiers from the assembly line, the production efficiency is stable, the latter uses the large-scale facilities to manufacture the direct high-level Apostle(s), and then the high-level Apostle(s) Manufacturing artificial life, the latter’s shortcoming is that it will face the dilemma of insufficient military resources in the early stage, and even there is no Commander but no Soldier situation, but the advantage is-with time, their “basic Soldier” can explode Each time a mysterious department Apostle(s) is manufactured, it is equivalent to expanding a small production line. Their base Soldier growth rate is based on the base of the intermediate Apostle(s). The larger the base, the more amazing the rate of increase. I have learned from Odysseus that the elemental creatures he manufactures can be maintained independently after they are born. He does not need him to use mental power or other things to maintain, nor does he need a special energy supply. As long as you have time and energy, the number of basic Soldier that a mysterious department Xiling Apostle can manufacture is actually unlimited-of course, they will not really do this. Although cannon fodder is useful, if you use all your energy and life to make it Cannon fodder … will be killed by his own Senior Officer.

There are many reasons for this difference. The most important one is what Belavela said just now. Apostle(s) of the Department of Mystery specializes in comprehending and observing this World from the perspective of an individual, and gradually becomes more adept at waking up. They are superior in the control of soul and mental power, so they have produced this feature of relying on ordinary Apostle(s) to make Soldier to supplement the army.

As for why the ravens are not good at making Soldier, Belavela can, but the reason is very simple-

“Idle.” Shandora‘s summary is concise.

“Can you make a wise foundation Soldier?” I asked curiously, “Ordinary soldiers are self-conscious, but this one you made … Ice sculpture … Oh, now it is hail, look It ’s as if it ’s brainless. ”

“This is also one of the differences between the Mystery Department and the science and technology Department,” Belavela said with some regrets on his face. “Although we can make our own small army, the puppet creatures generally created are not very intelligent. Yes, our can do nothing about it and science and technology factory assembly thinking cores directly infuse the will and soul into the Arcane core, and can only give them some of the most basic behavior procedures, so in general, the foundation of the mysterious department Soldier fighting strength is much weaker than Empire soldiers can only be balanced by the number and the master behind them. Of course, the above is not signify. We ca n’t create something with soul at all, but it is more difficult-it is impossible to produce as fast as just now. sometimes even needs to It takes several days to create a thoughtful puppet creature. Generally, this wise puppet creature will be used as a team Commander to lead other puppet regiments. A mysterious department Apostle(s), a small group of troops, and then Elaborate several own assistants, this is the basic unit of the mysterious army. In the battle of the single soldier stage, Puppet biological promote or maintain positions, their manufacturers provide fire support and in the rear, is our most common tactic. Of course, there are many other methods of combat, I am afraid that 1:30 would give you a speech about them. “

Shandora touched my arm and mentioned one thing: “Remember the Goodel elemental creatures of the Northern Land icefield? They do n’t have the concept of individual. They claim that the whole family is called Goodell, probably because of them. The whole family has only one consciousness. “

With the explanation of Belavela, many things that I did n’t understand were cleared one by one. In addition to the strange ethnic group of Goodell Elemental, I also understood that the face between the caster legion and the Six Empires What kind of coordination problem: The imperial soldiers have to adapt not only to the sudden addition of a group of casters like formidable or even formidable, but also to the large group of puppet creatures who have no wits and teams to fight with. Those who cooperate properly are naturally good human shields and comrades-in-arms, but the mistakes in cooperation are likely to cause each other to fall behind, and this is only a problem that may occur in the early stage of the cooperative battle between the two parties. More cases … who knows how many.

Although this mixed character has all kinds of speechless problems, Belavela has indeed started his work in a down-to-earth manner, as she promised, to help us build a perfect and consistent with the status of the new empire The caster legion. She has got in touch with Aurelia, and has a general understanding of the characteristics of the fifteen-day zone ’s strength on the mysterious side, and has formulated the original main force arms Angel legion of the fifteen-day zone as the inherent main force, mixed Arcane caster and various Auxiliary unit reconstruction plan, she put a part of the raven into the newly formed legion, not only to supplement the manpower, but also because the raven has been active in the legion of the new empire for a long time. The army knows better. Regarding the positioning of the new legion, Belavela mentioned his views:

“Auxiliary operations, at least initially, should be positioned as auxiliary operations. The mysterious side lacks too much infrastructure, lacks time, and many large and super units cannot be manufactured. To allow the caster legion to be born in this situation. It ’s too reluctant to fight independently. I suggest you do n’t be busy with the formation of the 7th Army. It ’s better to let them mix into your 1st, 2nd, and 6th Army. The first two are the Empire Ace Army, the 6th. The Legion is a special force dedicated to combating Fallen Apostles. These three legions are most likely to fight tough battles. “

“Is there no independent system,” Shandora pondered for a while, “It is indeed possible in the short term, but sooner or later the 7th Legion is to be established, it is impossible to continue to mix like this. And the mysterious department and science and technology department are maintaining and maintaining There are huge differences in logistics and other aspects. The Apostle(s) of the mysterious department cannot use the weapon links and energy supply modules of the imperial soldiers, which will cause great problems for the logistics of the hybrid army. “

“That’s something to come. At least when the caster legion is still small, this difficulty can be overcome.” Belavela waved his hand. “Compared to this, I have a better message to tell You-Aurelia found some technical information on space weapons, including Radiance Light Ring, she had planned to report to you tomorrow, but I will tell you in advance now … “

“Are you sure? Can you make it now?” Shandora suddenly showed a look of surprise. Apparently she knew the thing mentioned by Belavela, but I was confused by the sound: “Radiance Light Ring? What kind of thing? Son? “

“What do you think our mysterious legions rely on for space warfare?” Belavela shrugged to me. “A group of shielded Mages rushed into space, punching fighters and kicking missiles? By personal strength. Bomb with the fleet’s main gun? “

The description of Belavela is too vivid. I immediately broadcast the unrecorded scene in my mind twice, and quickly shook my head: “Sounds like eye-catching, but it is really not reliable.”

Radiance Light Ring is a ‘space weapon’ made by mysterious technology.” Belavela snapped a finger, and a huge Hologram projection suddenly appeared in mid-air. The background of the projection was a bright starry sky, and a light mist was suspended in the starry sky. The mysterious golden ring that wraps around, maybe this is the so-called Radiance Light Ring, and the wonderful thing is that this thing seems to have no substance-it is simply a halo, composed entirely of erratic light!

“Individuals or Soldiers, no matter how powerful such a single person is, if faced with a group of people as powerful as their own weapons created by collective wisdom, it is also weak. large scale ’s space melee and higher In the level of cross-border warfare, the large weapons and army forces created by collective intelligence are the mainstream. Just like the dazzling fleet on the science and technology side, the mysterious side also has its own space weapons. It ’s just … we build The things you see may be a bit difficult to understand. They are very different from things like Universe spaceship. From the principle, to the appearance, to the fighting method, it is actually difficult to associate with spaceship. “

“This is an halo composed of holy light and Rune binding technology. The inside is a highly active holy light. The concentration of these initial energy is so high that it completely excludes all Universe constants inside Radiance Light Ring and produces An operating platform that can be independent of the current world outlook, when it is fully charged, it will become like this … “

Belavela said that the Hologram projection in the air suddenly changed-a large black red painted Fallen Apostles battleship appeared opposite Radiance Light Ring.

“I ’ll tell you how terrible mysterious weapons destroy the enemy.” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendation, monthly pass, your Support is my biggest motivation.)

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