Xiling Empire Chapter 1117: The secret mission of Odysseus

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It’s just a stopover to accompany Sagina to Skate City. Our real mission here is to find the Old Empire Commander Odysseus that is gradually recovering. In fact, according to common sense, as an officer, Odysseus should take the initiative to find his own Emperor report after awakening, rather than we personally respond to it, but I am also bored and automatically run at the parent star facility. I always have to find something to do, and Odysseus is still not fully recovered. He ca n’t leave the Arctic for the time being. In order to start the next work as soon as possible, I naturally do n’t mind coming to run in person—— Of course, the main reason is … I do n’t have any pain when I ’m idle.

We have left Ice Sword City and are standing on the inaccessible gravel wilderness more than ten kilometers away from the city. Aurelia and Alaya have lifted their invisible state. The former “looks at” the direction of the ice field and is listening intently. The cold wind blowing from the ice field caused her wings and hair to flutter slightly. It is located on the border, it does not enter the ice field, and it is blocked by layers of mountains. The power of the cold wind has weakened a lot. It can be said that it is the last relatively “warm” place in the extreme northern region. After the strange pressure zone of the “Storm Wall” is the territory of the Storm Giant. The Northern Land ice sheet that is difficult for mortals to get involved in. The signal of Odemius is from that direction. Using Aurelia, the signal is very unstable, it seems … Hit hard.

“It ’s only possible to determine the approximate location. I ’m afraid he has not reorganized all his information.” Aurelia finally stopped “listening” with a three-point doubt, “I do n’t know which part of the problem is wrong, he seems to have been seriously injured. , I watched him fall asleep, and all the Commanders were in good condition at that time … The problem must have been in the tens of thousands of years after I slept. “

“Go to him, no matter how hurt you are, heal first, and then say,” I said slowly as I looked at a bright silver line at the end of Skyrim, then turned my head to look at the two half-dragons who were behind me girl, “I heard that after crossing the storm wall, the temperature will drop to a level that mortals can’t understand, do you still have to follow?”

Sagina hesitated, the smooth scaly tail swayed involuntarily because of his mood swings. As a result, accidentally bumped into a cold stone on the ground, and suddenly the spirit suddenly bounced and said bitterly, “But I don’t want to give up halfway, If I go back to City of Angel in this way, I am worried about being blamed by Master Dragon God. “

No, that soft Dragon God was born to be blamed, you do n’t have to worry about it at all-but I still did n’t say this sentence, just glanced at Sona, the other party made up his mind and prayed in a low voice After two sentences, the body was covered with a light golden halo: “Let ’s go, if you ca n’t even bear this low temperature, you do n’t have to think about the revival of the Half-Dragon-Sagina, do n’t worry, do n’t because In the past few days, food and clothing has really become a Miss Jiao Oh.

“Nothing!” The tail of Sagina suddenly stretched straight, and then he applied himself with a shield.

After a short distance of space transmission, we went directly to the border and stopped in front of a wonderful and strange spectacle: the storm wall, the test and the barrier set by the storm giant in legend for mortals.

The storm wall is a layer of endlessly twisted air curtain, dividing the ice field and the outside into two Worlds. Crossing this layer of twisted air, the big ice field of world of snow and ice is just in front of everybody, just look at it. In front of me, this barrier of invisible thickness, carefully touched on it: “Eh, like a layer of water.”

“This is a barrier fixed with an eternal spell,” Aurelia can see the essence of this thing at a glance, “This Magic has a single function, which is used to block airflow and heat exchange. If it is not there, I am afraid All the Human Race here will be swallowed by the cold wind. Odysseus must have created this subconsciously in a sleep state to imprison his own incarnation of the storm giant … By the way, this Magic is actually invisible, This twisted light curtain only covers the logo layer outside the Magic array, and its role is to allow mortals to see where the security line of the barrier is to prevent someone from accidentally breaking into it. “

I pretended to understand nodded and took a step forward.

It feels like … it really seems to cross a layer of soft and wavy water. There are almost no obstacles. This twisted air has no protection at all. Its function is only to weaken the cold air coming from the ice field. After crossing this barrier, I felt as if I had suddenly arrived at another World. It was a bitter cold wind that was not on the other side of the barrier.

The temperature seems to have dropped by more than a dozen degrees all at once. There is hard frozen ground underneath, and cold wind on the face. There is only a layer of air barrier that does not exist. Although few people present would care about this temperature change, I still rubbed my hands with subconsciously: “Wow, I know why this place is called the life restricted zone.”

“It’s so cold !!!” Despite the Dragon God power protection, Sagina still jumped at on the spot, exclaimed in a low voice, and then looked at his tail distressedly, “It feels like the tail is frozen, if there is any Dress for the tail how good … “

“I heard that the Godel clan is the only mortal race living behind this storm wall,” said Lin Xue. “They are gifted by the giants of the storm and can ignore the cold winds here. The lower the storm, the more violent the storm, according to the strength and status of the Godel clan, the more core members live closer to the throne of the storm giant-I am strange, the more I listen, the more I feel that this race is not right and can bear the depth of the ice field. Baidu ’s bizarre hypothermia is aside, what are they eating here? “

“Maybe …” Shallow suddenly pointed to a whirlwind not far in front, “They do n’t need to eat …”

The whirlwind is blowing, the speed is getting faster and faster, no one notices when this gust of wind appeared, but it does not seem to be a natural product, our attention was attracted to it in the past, and then watched It swept the ice chips and snow on the surface of star port, and gradually formed a fuzzy human figure in the core. After a few seconds, the whirlwind gradually stopped, and a crystal clear human figure “ice sculpture” formed by broken ice and snowflakes appeared in us In front of him, it was vaguely able to tell that this was a strong male.

“You are nobles mentioned by God.”

From the “ice sculpture” body, there was a voice of crystal clattering and shaking, this weird creature took off our hat to salute—but he did n’t wear a hat, so he broke his head off and put it on his chest I used to replace the hat, “Please follow me, the incarnation of God is not far away waiting for ahead.”

Aurelia told me nodded that she also received a communication from Odemius. The strange ice sculpture in front of him was the messenger sent by the latter: the messenger is really non-mainstream.

“Are you a Guder clan?” Lin Xue looked at each other curiously, his eyes could not help but dangle on the half of the head in front of the latter’s chest, “then what, first press the head back, see It ’s a blame. ”

“Yes,” said the crystal-clear icebreaker, clapping his head, “I’m sorry, the Goodall people are not always accustomed to the etiquette and behavior of physical people. When we appeared outside, Relying on stiff illusions or puppets, you are the first strangers to see our true face. “

“It turned out to be elemental creatures … um, I seem to understand what happened to the Northern Land states. After a long time, they were ruled by a group of elemental creatures. It seems that Odysseus has many things to follow. Let’s explain clearly. “Lin Xue patted his head and kept up with the ice-crusher who was clambering while walking. A few of us looked at each other and followed.

The Guder who led the way for us walked fast, and he dropped ice **** while walking. He did n’t go far, and he only grinded his big crotch. Then the other party apologized to us and called again A small whirlwind drew crystal ice from the nearby ice and frozen ground to repair his legs, and he repaired and explained: “The Goodall people are good at the power of ice and snow, but they are not used to exercise. If they are not We must maintain control of the mortals outside the barrier. We will not even walk out of the barrier for half a step … well, we talk while walking. “

We followed behind this weird elemental creature and asked him, “Well, what’s your name?” while watching him fall down on the ice

“Goodall, we are all called Goodall.” The Icebreaker said whizzingly.

“You maintain a loose country outside this barrier … this is also the meaning of the storm giant?” Lin Xue asked curiously, then pointed to the body of the icebreaker and reminded, “So what, your right hand Lost. “

“Oh, oh, do n’t affect, do n’t affect-Storm Giant? The people outside really call our God this way, and it is indeed he who ordered us to establish the order outside the barrier, but that is just to maintain one thing, To maintain it, it requires resources from outside World. The Guders themselves are not very good at this. All along, we have used the smarter beasts outside the ice field to complete this work. Later, the mortal came to the ice field, and the gods taught us knowledge and established Order and collect tributes with the help of mortal hands. “

I ca n’t help but think of the legend I heard about Goodell before: This loosely-established powerful race built a loose country on the border of the icefield, and the requirements for the city-states are all kinds of strange tribute, they use the power from the storm giant to maintain In this situation, no one knows what they want these tributes to do: after all, the Storm Giant is just an elemental creature, and the elemental creature does not need a physical tribute, and the Goodell seems to be revealing this secret.

I do n’t know if it ’s intuition, but I ’m interested in their strange behavior: “What are you maintaining?”

The Icebreaker stopped and said after a few seconds of silence: “A seal can only tell you so many, specific things, only God himself knows.”

The other party does n’t seem to continue to explain, so I do n’t want to ask more: Anyway, that Odysseus is almost awakening, the other party will definitely tell us everything.

We have been advancing in the ice field for about half an hour. The further forward, the stronger the cold wind is, and the snow begins to flutter in the air-there are ice particles in the middle, and the temperature has dropped to Baidu minus zero may be even lower. This temperature is obviously not the low temperature that this planet can naturally produce. This is only one explanation. We are approaching the power of the storm giant. And just after turning a small cliff, a vault-shaped frozen building suddenly appeared in front of everybody.

If this is the palace of Godel’s “royal family”, then it is too … shabby.

The vaulted building is only a few tens of meters square, and the shape is a bit like an Eskimo ’s igloo, but it is larger and flatter-the second feature should be to resist the whistling cold wind. In this igloo surroundings, we did not see any other artificial traces, nor even the second Goodell, everything is so simple and abrupt, there is a big gap between what I expected before, but it leads the way The icebreaker pointed to the front door of the igloo: “God is inside, please come in.”

Lin Xue threw a tongue at me: “How much can the elemental creatures make?” Then we stepped into the igloo, and we followed through, and finally followed Shaqina and Sona who had been unable to open eyes.

The igloo is as rudimentary as expected. In fact, this building has no structure at all except the outer shell. The only decoration in sight is a set of crystal clear tables and chairs placed in the center of the room. A two-foot square crystal cube is placed on it, and the cube is projecting a blurry image.

As soon as Sha Jina came in, she ran to the corner of the room and took out a few pieces of charcoal to prepare for a fire: there was no cold wind here, and she and Sona could finally warm up a little.

“Oudmusius? How did you become like this?” Aurelia “looked” at the crystal box on the table in the center of the room in amazement, and was surprised when he said everybody.

“Hah? Is this really Odysseus?” I was completely surprised, pointing at the crystal on the table, “Isn’t this a projection equipment?”

“Because of some unexpected circumstances, the subordinates can only maintain very low-intensity activities for the time being,” a strong baritone came out suddenly from the crystal box. “I ’m sorry, the subordinates failed Report to City of Angel. The subordinates have learned everything from Aurelia and salute you, Emperor your majesty, as well as Master Vanna and Master Reiki. I am very happy to meet you again. “

“Hello, hello,” I said awkwardly. It just seemed rude to describe the other party as a projector, but since the other party already knows most of the situation, it saves a lot of trouble in communication. At least no additional self-introduction , “I heard that Aurelia said something was wrong with you. Now it seems … worse than expected. What about your body?”

“Please be assured that the body under it can be repaired soon. Now this is just to minimize the disturbance to the seal. The subordinate is keeping the system running and cannot transfer too much power to the outside of the system.”

“Seal? System?” I suddenly felt that the other party seemed to have a lot of things that we did n’t know, and even Aurelia might not even know, “What do you mean?”

“The seal, the seal of the heart of World, the heart of World of capital city Universe is preserved in the pole Northern Land area,” Odysseus ’voice immediately sounded,” This is a secret mission, and only three people knew it originally, Emperor your majesty, Master Reiki, and his subordinates … “

“Now you are the only one who knows, Elder Sister Chen Qian and me … that is, your first emperor, have lost memory,” Lin Xue said while pulling me to the table and sat down, then Suddenly jumped up again, “Wow! Cool! This is really Ah? made of ice cubes”

“… Goodell is an incomplete creation, and is still an elemental creature. They don’t know much about race other than themselves,” Odysseus’ voice sounded awkward. “The subordinate just woke up, and It ’s unbelievable that they have maintained the civilization of tens of thousands of years ago. ”

“Ten thousand years ago?” I keenly noticed a word, “in other words, these Goodells were born before you sleep?”

“They were created by their subordinates, which is also part of the secret mission,” Odysseus said slowly, “responsible for hiding the heart of World, as long as the heart of World does not leave this World until the situation stabilizes. , The task is completed. “

The heart of World … the heart of World … These four words echoed in my mind, and then suddenly, the other four words jumped into my mind like lightning: Fallen Apostles!

So far, the only thing I can think of is related to the heart of World together, and at the same time is related to the empire, is Fallen Apostles, only they will continue to collect the heart of World, only they are planning to use the heart of World To complete their unspeakable “great cause”, but I have done everything, and didn’t expect is in this World, in this World, which is completely isolated from Fallen Apostles, I will hear such news, which … logically does not make sense!

This World is like a snapshot, which preserves the situation on the eve of the empire ’s demise. For the Universe, which is currently closed, Fallen Apostles is completely unknown. It is impossible for Odysseus to know that his compatriots will become Fallen Apostles, do n’t even know that one day he must protect the heart of World from those Fallen Apostles hands, what is his secret mission …

With a move in my heart, I looked at Lin Xue.

“This is an extreme secret confessed by Master Reiki before the mother star sleeps. The exact reason is not clear, but she made it clear that she should avoid a dark future and never let the heart of World fall into Any possible enemy hand. “

“The current state of the subordinates is to complete this task.”

Odmusius added.

I quickly calmed myself down and organized what Odysseus told himself. Obviously, what he knew was also very limited because Prophet could not tell others what he saw, but one thing was already certain Up: On the eve of the conception of the parent star, the chief predictor of the fifteen-day zone, Lin Xue’s‘s previous life “Reiki“, had foreseen the birth of Fallen Apostles-it is also possible that she did not dare to determine the situation of Fallen Apostles, but she at least knew World The heart will be used for a dark and dangerous plan, so she informed her Emperor and secretly confessed to Odemius an extremely confidential mission, which is to hide the heart of World-among them An attention-grabbing detail: Odemius ’s mission is even confidential to the point that it must be kept secret from other Xiling Apostle, not even Aurelia!

in other words, whether you know the cause of Fallen Apostles or not, but at least at that time, Reiki has already felt that his compatriots will no longer be credible … (to be continued. If you like this work, welcome You come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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