Xiling Empire Chapter 1106: This bunch of Dragon Clan …

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After returning from the assembly hall, everybody decided to temporarily stay in the Dragon Kingdom for a few days. Aurelia said that she still has a lot of follow-up work to complete in this space, and we are also very interested in the various remains of the mysterious side preserved here. : Especially the Forgotten Garden, which actually contains a huge aerial city called City of Angel. How do I say I want to see what it looks like after it is released.

City of Angel … In Qianqian’s words, these four words are just enough to make people grin and smirk for half a minute. The brain fills out the eye-catching name of 200,000 words, especially where the place is still the birthplace of Alaya’s. People are full of yearnings. When I first saw Forgotten Garden, I could n’t help but call it “City of Angel”. Now I heard from Aurelia that the real City of Angel is even more magnificent than the magnificent Forgotten Garden. Our family Zi’s ​​curiosity has been fully mobilized. Qianqian has begun planning a three-bedroom, one-hall property on the City of Angel listing, and facing the sea, everything blooms …

When I returned to the dragon colony again, I found something interesting: Most of the buildings here are built according to the Dragon Clan figure standard. Any small door has a size of more than ten meters, which is calculated according to Beijing house prices The balcony of the Fork House is enough to buy out all the services of the three trampolines in the Third Ring Road, but there are some special houses between these huge buildings. Their doors and windows are ready for tenants of Human Race size. Yes, when we saw these houses, we dare not be sure. In fact, this World Dragon Clan can become humanoid.

However, since coming to space, we have seen countless dragons, but we have not seen Dragon Clan in the form of Human Race, and even Charles and Tracy have never mentioned that they can become Humanoid things, it seems that they never thought it would be more convenient to communicate with us in Human Race form, which is really confusing. After asking out loud, Chall ’s answer was: they only like children to like to be human, because they can make their own secrets base with stones in the house corner of adults … Those are hidden between the stone castles Yes, the cabin that seems to be available for Human Race is the secret base made by problem child of Dragon Clan!

This is not the same as the Dragon Clan I know at other World. According to the explanation of Aurelia, this may be because the Dragon Clan of this World is not a “pure” natural creature, but a transformation of Old Empire. They are still different from the real Dragon Clan.

Dragon Clan, which has been completely evolved from nature, will have similarities in life habits due to the disturbance of the Dragon God and other God Clan’s information. One of them is that as long as they have evolved to the extent that they can become humanoid, they are Humanoids become accustomed to becoming humanoid when communicating, after all, it is more convenient to communicate this way, and although this World dragon also has a humanoid ability, it seems to have little interest in it: the aftereffects of the millennium transformation, except for In addition to the talent recognition of the star field Dragon God, they have no natural Dragon Clan habits.

Aurelia puts it this way: “In order to ensure that these modified Dragon Clan can retain the induction of the star domain Dragon God in the shielded state, it is necessary to exempt some of their information from the concept of split state, but because of the limited bandwidth, There are very few common features of dragons that can be retained … “

This can explain why Dragon Clan, which is generally considered to be majestic, stubborn, arrogant, and coldly indifferent, has become a group of happy, peaceful, non-slip and ignorant in this world in this World. Of course, such a bright and sunny personality cannot be set by the Xiling Empire, but it can only be said that after losing the common character of Dragon Clan, this huge group of guys naturally evolved into this in this closed space. What it looks like-even one-third of the Dragon Clan here are vegetarian!

Tracy originally wanted to give up her palace to live for us, because she felt that only in this way could she express her respect for the “ancestor spirit” and the “ancestor spirit seven aunts and eight aunts and relatives”, but We politely declined her kindness, because everybody generally feels that it is not very comfortable to sleep on a stone bed with a floor area of ​​100 square meters, and the bed is also piled with eggs that Tracy just laid … In the event that Shandora woke up at night and was hungry at night, we would have been guilty of it. Forked child thought that the child had been thinking for more than two hundred years. His daughter-in-law had a nest of eggs that might hatch Xiaolong last month …

Do n’t worry about the housing problem. After all, I have a sister who can put the foldable kitchen in the portable space. She brought several sets of living cabins with her. The visual inspection is at the level of the presidential suite-so I am unwavering The frozen castle that was shallowly pulled out was stuffed back again.

It ’s enough to lay a floor in the castle once.

We hovered the cabin at a height of one kilometer above the Dragon Mountain, and used it as a temporary residence. Here we can see the spectacular cloud sea landscape, and do n’t worry about being hit by the speeding dragon to house: Dragon Clan It is stipulated that under special circumstances, the flying height over Longshan, where the chiefs of various ethnic groups live, must not exceed one kilometer. We are considered to be parked in the no-fly zone.

The time is nearing the evening, the dragons are preparing a grand celebration, you can see the Dragon Clan flying in groups in the Longshan below from time to time, holding huge packages in their huge claws, It seems that the good things of each family are taken out and shared: they are going to celebrate the “return” of the spirit of the ancestors in this evening, so the entire Longshan Mountain and several nearby peaks are shrouded in a joyous atmosphere. I was a little surprised that didn’t expect‘s group of Dragon Clan would be happy about Lin’s appearance-Lin himself seemed rather calm, and wanted to be a patron saint with rhythm. Such an experience is not uncommon for her. Yes, the patron saint of morality. Although this Dragon God girl is always awkward, timid, shy, apologizing everywhere and anyone can bully, as long as one compares with several other guys in the God Clan quintuple, she It will immediately become synonymous with justice, majesty, divine love, and the glorious image is simply not straightforward. Let me tell you, just Icetis alone is enough to rise to the level of saint, because the woman The first thing the rogue did after he heard that there was a dinner in the evening was to pull 123 out to practice boxing for three hours, the purpose was to digest and digest, and eat a lot at night …

Are you saying that this is a face?

Sister and Lin Xue are resting in the room, nobody is bothering them. What happened today is really impactful. Even the always calm sister and the Ojou-sama who always look penetrating are a little confused, so As soon as they came back, they announced that they would “sort up their ideas” alone. Relatively speaking, it is more domineering. This girl with incredible nerve strength has gathered the big and small bears in the family. Now she is telling them the past stories and telling them the same things she has experienced:

“Thinking back then, I was here with the high-level officer on the mysterious side of Old Empire, which is much more powerful than today. The two hundred thousand fleets sweeping the sky are like daily life. When the abyss came, I managed to turn the tide. People have fought for more than 1,300 years … “

“Then what then?” Little Raven tweeted, she was one of the only naive schools left in the bear and child heap. Unlike the Suigintou who was bored and dozing next to her, she had been completely filled out by the shallow brain. The glorious deeds were attracted.

“Then? Then I hung up, sacrificed vigorously, blood spilled into the sky, stained seven or eight mother rivers, or maybe three or four, and the amount of bleeding may not be enough … don’t worry about the details. Investigate, “Shallow eyes recounted her glorious feat brightly,” Anyway, I have millions of legions, and I was excited at the time, and I wanted to fight the abyss, but Elder Sister Chen Qian-she was Emperor. ——No, because my sacrifice cannot be in vain, so she led a group of people to find A’Jun in the depths of Void. By the way, Lin Xue also followed in the past, but unfortunately I died, otherwise I am sure Also follow the past, how can I stay away from this hilarity, right? “

“Gah–” Little Raven also followed the both eyes with a long sigh, and then stuffed a mouthful of hazelnuts in his mouth, asking murkyly while quacking, ” And then? Then? Should the master come out? Why doesn’t the master play yet? “

“Oh, you said A’Jun, A’Jun was better than it was now, Monina said, Void Creature was better than born when she was in her mother’s womb … Hey? A’Jun what are you doing … whine whine … … “

I finally could n’t hear it anymore, and yanked Qianqian’s ’s face **** both sides: “Are you like this, are you like this!” The girl even told the little child vividly about her last life How did it hang, is there anything more bizarre than this?

Shallow and I were playing there and there was a circle of little girls immersed in their daily life. Little Bubbles was still playing obsessively with his pile of sparkling glass balls, occasionally with Ji Shining behind him Let ’s talk about it; Lily is explaining all kinds of strange knowledge to Suigintou. Suigintou has a disdainful expression on her face, but her ears ca n’t help but stand upright: this is the most important reason why she will be pitted by Lily Na every three minutes. Speaking of disgusting eyes, this violent Doll who only knows about fighting is definitely not an opponent of Lily Na; the little Raven is very interested in the Qianqian’s story, but after finding out that the story has been finished, she changed her goal and is now lying on the table watching Little Bubbles’ Elementary school textbooks, of course, she only looked at illustrations, and she looked backwards …

“The carefree guy is really enviable,” Xiaoxue did n’t know when he came over, and he lay down on my back with carefree, “You said, dad?”

I squeezed the tip of the nose of this big bear child: “There are some things you already knew, right?”

“If you want to say the result, then I know a little bit, but I do n’t know the process,” Xiao Xue wrinkled his nose, and the small face that was similar to Lin Xue was with a small smile, “A lot of things are The secret between you and your mom. When I was a kid, I asked you, you said, ‘Don’t ask kids so much, just play around’, and then I’m too lazy to ask. “

I heard “Oh” for a few seconds and was silent for a few seconds. Finally I couldn’t help but say: “You said … Lin Xue, how could she be the Commander of Old Empire? And shallow … My sister became even more Emperor in the fifteen days, I ca n’t believe these things until now. “

“What does it matter,” Xiao Xueshu comfortably lay on my back, seemingly not caring about having passed the age of coquetry with his father, “I heard you say when I was a kid, some people believe in soul reincarnation, You can think of this as a reincarnation. Although it seems that my mother and Shallow mother’s situation is not the same. They … instead of reincarnation, it’s better to say that they just inherited some power. Didn’t Aurelia say it all? , I can’t feel any trace of the soul from them. Dad, do you listen to my thoughts? “

I gently stroked Xiao Xue ’s long hair that hung down on my chest: “You said.”

“Let ’s put it down, do n’t think about it, the deceased is dead, even if there is such a thing as” last life “, you have been in this life too, do n’t you? The heavenly areas Emperor and Empire Military Officer in those days sounded really like I do n’t have a sense of intimacy at all, “Xiao Xue put her face on the root of my neck.” Dad, you and my mother are the same. You like to hold back in your heart for a long time. I ’m really worried about being daughter|girl for you ~~ ”

I raised my hand and patted on Xiaoxue’s head. The girl smirked at me with her tongue silly: “Dad! Those dragons are coming to find Aunt Lin! Let’s go and eat!” “

Me: “…” Obviously this character was brought out by Icetis!

Xiaoxue’s prediction ability is as accurate as her mother’s. Basically, when at the same time, who was scrambled up by this girl, is coming, Silver Dragon Char is coming, and Icetis throws his arms dryly and drags Lin away. Let’s go! Let’s rub rice with Xiaobenlong today! “

I could n’t help looking at my sister ’s and Lin Xue’s ’s rooms. They seemed to be inductive. The two doors were almost at the same time sliding open. My sister and Lin Xue had recovered their appearance and appeared behind the door. Lin Xue walked out and still Point my finger at me: “Go, wood, rub rice!”

This action made me stunned for a moment, and then I laughed at ease: It seems that this girl has not been greatly affected by those things.

I ’ve been bored in the house and I do n’t know what ’s going on outside. I could n’t help being surprised when I came over the huge square on the top of the mountain. It took less than half a day for the idle dragons Turning this place into an unprecedented super bonfire party venue, there is a large bonfire with a radius of more than 30 meters in the center of the square, and there are more than a dozen smaller bonfires symmetrically distributed around the square, the air is filled with A strange, sweet smell with a bit of burnt smell. After I asked it, I realized that it was emitted from the fuel of the bonfire: the dragon is used to barbecue with a fast-growing forest tree growing on the half-hill of the marginal mountain. Fuel, this fast-growing wood is very resistant to burning, and will emit a fragrant scent when exposed to high temperatures. As for the so-called marginal mountain, it is actually a peak located at the very edge of the entire floating land group, because after crossing the mountain, there is no land outside. The dragon calls it the margin of its own World.

Of course, these dozen campfires are not enough to surprise people, although they are built according to the size that the dragons are used to, they look really big-what really surprised me is the thousands of dragons in front of me. Gather the super lively scenes of together.

The peak square of Julong Mountain is not too large. At first, the builders here cut off one-fifth of the whole mountain to build this atmospheric square, but when it is pushed and shoved After coming in with thousands of huge creatures with an average length of 10 meters, even such a large square is crowded. There are various scales of Dragon Clan in sight. These huge monsters are like the Human Race temple fair. Some are crowded in a square, squeezed and squeezed, the ground shakes, some step on the heads of others, some flap their wings in the air and find no place to settle, some are squeezed from the edge of the square, etc. When I flew up again, my head was covered with gravel and broken tree trunks. Occasionally, “Human Race” could be seen running around in the middle of the dragon group. That was really unbearable. The crowded Dragon Clan simply became Human Race Appearance, at least in this way, can also find the place where he fell-of course, this must pay attention not to be stepped on by others.

There is a lot of noise in the square, and there are a few loud voices. We can hear clearly in the air:

“Oh mom, do n’t squeeze! I ’m here first, who stepped on my foot!”

“I have borrowed it-I have come too late, have n’t I started yet? Did n’t I start? Fortunately, I did n’t eat Oh! at noon”

“Second brother, did you see my wife-in-law? I came with her, so I can’t see it when I twist my face.”

“Your daughter-in-law? Oh, she was so crowded that she just turned into a humanoid figure. The big eyes girl who stepped on your feet is-good luck, my family still has some bruises, and Minger gives you Send it. “

“Oh, thank you, go slowly, I might be a little busy next time-wife, eh! Don’t hit your face!”

“How come the spirit of the ancestors hasn’t come yet? Isn’t it said that the patriarch has told her the elderly?”

Wait and so on, etc. In short, the following is very lively. The sky is dark now. Except for the dozen or so bonfires and the things piled up by each household beside the bonfire, it is still empty. Dragon Clan is everywhere in the sight. In general, the number of black waves is more than the number of people in this square, depending on the degree of pushing and shoving, let ’s not talk about any celebrations, even walking around, for these giants. possible. Char was caught by Lynn and hung next to us (mainly because Icetis had a dragon with wings around him. The wind was too strong, so Charl kept this state as soon as he came out. As for Lynn, we also ordered it to be used. Human Race form action-for obvious reasons), at this moment explained to his head, “Everyone has come together to see the spirit of the ancestors, and there are many places where they can’t find a place. In fact, they have already gone to other mountains. The ancestor spirit only needs to show up, and then only the elders and children of all ethnic groups can stay in this square, and other dragons will go to other mountains to gather. In fact … if the ancestor spirit does not mind, I really hope Her elderly people can circle around each Longshan, we all waited for this day for tens of thousands of years … “

Lynn grabbed Chale ’s tail and floated in midair. He was a little stunned, and then hesitated to look over: “Now, can I turn into a dragon and fly around?”

We are also a little bit embarrassed. The problem after Lin turned into a dragon takes off is obvious, but the ardent wishes of the family of dragons cannot be ignored. After considering it, Icetis still can only be nodded: “OK, You go, but remember to become a human when you land, even if it falls down, it can be smaller-if you ca n’t remember, you can find an empty island without people and hit it. “

Lin laughed happily and stretched out his hands to make a gesture of victory for us.

Charle: “Why are you loose …” The last word was inaudible.

There is a lot of noise in the square below: “Patriarch appeared! Patriarch with head down appeared!” Support is my biggest motivation.)

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