Xiling Empire Chapter 1082: Exit

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“That’s not a real Angel,” Alaya looked at the enemy in the distance and repeated it firmly, “These are all thoughts!”

The Alaya’s speech made everyone stunned. I lowered my head and wondered whether I should expand tsukkomi/ridicule on the three words of “sincere body”. It seems that the current situation is not suitable for the tsukkomi/ridicule exercise …

“It’s the projection?” Lin Xue frowned. “So that’s it. How can I predict that there is always interference when predicting their weaknesses? It turned out to be a group of shadows with no past and no future … Dear mother, a group of projections Are they so powerful? Are the mysterious sides of Old Empire all Monster? What level of guys of this level are on the mysterious side of Old Empire? “

“In high-level Commander, there are three almost close to the leader level.” Alaya said as he waved and summoned a huge holy light hammer, directly smashing an enemy that was shallowly released into a sky of mist: Our tactics are like this. Shallowly suppress the enemies in the audience, then she will release several of them each time, and the rest of them are responsible for setting fire to destroy these life power extreme formidable Xi Ling Angel, during Shandora and sister Always maintain range skills to suppress the mental power amount and luck of all enemies, the division of labor clearly cooperates with tacit understanding, and there will never be deviations (after all, there are several girls in the team who do not need fighting strength to protect), we have not done this for the first time. ‘S cooperation in combat. As for non-combatants like Lin Xue, they are responsible for playing soy sauce in the center of the team, and holding down the girl when Xiao Xue pulls out two big flower **** and jumps and cheers.

After learning that Apostle(s) is not the entity in front of him, everyone has no worries about it. Originally, we have an undoubted advantage on fighting strength (even if we still have to protect several tow oil bottles without fighting strength), the threat that the enemy can produce is only that the other party lives at home, so let go After the fight, the number of those Angel was quickly reduced. It’s just that the opponent’s survival ability is indeed quite powerful. The holy light power is worthy of the most suitable force to produce “protection” and “redemption” effects. When those enemies are fully defended, it takes a little effort to kill them in seconds: after all There are guys close to the leader level. What is the concept of being close to the leader level? That is the level of the original 300Commander, you know how difficult it is to kill three Sicaro.

But it’s just survival ability unexpectedly powerful, this battle still has no suspense. In fact, when the number of enemies was reduced to half, even the young and tender little Raven Medyvh was safely put on the battlefield by her sister-that silly bird also had to “help the master fight bad guys”, this is her original words .

Do n’t talk about it, Medyvh ’s fighting strength is actually not very weak, although she is quite young, but this guy ca n’t help but eat the essence of a true God ’s power-sometimes I think this bird mostly exists The protagonist halo can dig out a panacea if he just digs up the earth on the ground and eats it for tens of thousands of years of skill. The impact of a giant bird with a height of 100 meters rushing into the battlefield is huge, although it does not concentrate its strength very much, nor can it produce that kind of high-end lethality, which can not cause much damage to the enemy. , But a giant energy ball wrapped in storms, Arcane, shadows, and magma scattered everywhere in its position, which was absolutely uncomfortable for those Angels. Their originally neat formation was greatly incomparable by the huge, dynamic and overwhelming The silly bird fought for a while and soon became everything in disorder. The silly bird’s fighting style is particularly unrestrained: I tried my best to put all the skills that I could release out again, rolled in the enemy’s position, screamed, scratched and yelled, and then rushed back and threw my tongue out for a long time. Come down and rush out again … Anyway, she can’t die, this bird left her Human Race half body in our protection circle, and now she is completely unbeatable.

So, the little Raven is not stupid.

“Actually, the missing body shouldn’t have such a strong force,” Alaya explained to us through spiritual connection in the battle, “but this tower strengthens them, and the enemy is using the magic power of the whole tower to give themselves Adding strength, plus this eccentric space can also suppress invaders to a certain extent, making these thoughts almost as difficult as the body. The mysterious side of Old Empire has many incredible methods, compared with science and technology, which is easier to quantify and qualitatively. Compared with the side, the mysterious side of the warrior is full of more variables, and it is easier to adjust the fighting strength of both the enemy and the enemy by flexible means. In short … it is very troublesome to deal with. “

It ’s troublesome to say, but in fact the number of enemies is not much left now. I feel that these Angels called “missing bodies” don’t seem to have complete mentality-although they also have signs of mutual communication, at least It is very dull in the way of fighting, which is also an important reason why the opponent has not been able to cause too much substantial damage to us from the beginning of the battle until now. This may be precisely because they are not ontologies.

Under the roar of artillery fire from Pandora and Viska, and the violence of the quintet God Clan, the last remaining hostile Angel of the 6-7 group also finally lost fighting strength, which turned into a diffuse light spot dissipating in the air. It was inexplicable, the process was twisted and twisted, and the result was a satisfying encounter finally settled.

“Gaga! Gaga!” The huge Raven cries echoed everywhere, feeling that the stupid bird who had made great achievements began to run wildly in surroundings with flapping wings, and the movement was as huge as ever. She ran for a minute before being quiet. She stood in front of us and dropped the huge beak against my face. I have now given up letting her distinguish the difference between duck and Raven, just knocked with approval Knock on the shell of her mouth.

…… It’s the same as the battleship armor plate. I remember that just now two unlucky enemies were pecked to death by this silly bird …

The surrounding chaotic energy quickly dissipated, and the distorted space also returned to its original state at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. Soon, we returned to the first floor of the Phantom Tower. The huge empty hall was as usual, with no traces of fighting, just like the previous The battle did not happen the same, the only change was that the mist of to be everywhere had disappeared.

“It looks like we got a prisoner of war,” holy light‘s whisper came from behind, and Shandora turned his head to glance, showing a strange smile, “Although it’s just a … miss body. Alaya, how come this enemy doesn’t have Dissipate? “

The hostile Angel that Little Bubbles just stupidly captured as a prisoner of war by Shandora. I will call it AngelA for the time being. After all the enemies outside the line of defense are destroyed, this captured enemy is retained. At the end, and strangely, as the energy field of surroundings dissipated, this pure energy creature was still alive, and even looked very spiritual-he or she was trying to negotiate with Little Bubbles in order to get back his long sword and Arcane The sphere, and the latter is eager to ask for more shiny toys, the exchange of the two complete mess.

Alaya and Lin Xue went to check if there was any other abnormal energy in the hall, to ensure that the next time we acted, we would not touch more defense facilities, and I watched that who was flexing his arm to Little Bubbles, It looks like a prisoner of war with poor intelligence. The latter has a little free movement of space, but it is basically restricted. Qianqian’s eyes has never left this guy, and Shandora is grinding his paws next to her. My sister is already on her small notebook. I drew an Olympic ring …

If this prisoner of war has any unexpected threats, ta will die very diversely.

“It’s better to kill it, it seems that there is no way to communicate.” After a little thought, I came to my conclusion. I looked up and found that the girl’s expression is cold, and it is still in a character switch state. However, her in the eyes‘s enemy is currently only a “useful / useless” item. If you are unhappy, you can kill it without any psychological pressure.

“The hostility seems to be completely eliminated, what’s the matter.” Shandora pawed the face of AngelA with his paws, and the other party made a little evasive action under the instinct, but otherwise seemed to completely ignore all of surroundings Man, still sticking his hand to Little Bubbles persistently, I let Shandora and Shallow weaken the suppression of the other side, and as a result the eccentric enemy didn’t mean to counterattack at all.

More importantly, experts such as Shandora have not sensed the offensive consciousness from the other party-she has already imprinted the soul imprint on the latter, and as long as the imprinted individual has a bit of hostility, it will produce a mental attack, Now there is no response from this brand.

“Is it because defense system is offline, and ta is no longer following the goal,” my sister put a piece of note paper with the Olympic rings drawn into the other’s clothes. Fighted. “

Slightly snorted, and stopped their respective strengths with Shandora, and immediately became the curious girl who was happily happily Haha. He was glad to find a stick and poke on AngelA: “A’Jun, This guy looks like jelly, soft! “

I quickly stopped the girl ’s rash act: “cough cough, the shadow also has human rights, do n’t do that.” Then I crouched down to observe the captive. Although the restraint was lifted, the other party did not have the tendency to fight like Shandora said. Not to mention the tendency to fight, she did not have the motivation to stand up, just lying on the ground in the same position as before and sticking out one towards Little Bubbles. Hand: It seems that the holy light sword and Arcane sphere that have been taken away have become ta’s biggest complaints. I have noticed something unusual about this enemy before: he or she does not seem to be a solidified entity, but a shadow that is not very clear. Of course, the other party has a body and wings that can be touched, from the rough. It looks almost the same as Alaya or other Angel, just … I can’t see the other person’s face, it seems to be separated by a thick fog, this Angel‘s face is vague, I can be sure this guy is definitely long Face-to-face, but just can’t see clearly.

In addition, the figure is also quite neutral, and it is also a little vague, wearing no clothes for men and women at all (it looks a bit like an improved military uniform), and it is completely impossible to see that this is a male and female. But the Angel that I usually get the most contact with is Alaya. I instinctively feel that this should be a woman … it looks quite slender.

A’Jun, you said this is a man and a woman?” Qian Qian went with me thinking (what terrible thing you said it was Oh! I actually had an idea with this wonderful girl), and came over curiously Asked, while asking her, she pressed on the other person’s chest and muttered: “Well, it’s so subtle, it feels as if it’s not coming …”

I was cold and sweating, and quickly pushed this girl to the side, and then subconsciously glanced at Ji Shengxing: “I can’t judge from the chest.”

Ji Shengxuan is coaxing Little Bubbles to return things to others. at this moment stiffened involuntarily and turned his head to shout at me: “Disrespectful! Perverted! Dirty! Ben Wang … This Wang is not dead early, yet Can grow longer! “

I looked at Sister Pandora silently again: “This matter of growth … depends on physical fitness …”

Two men rushed over one meter and two and gave me a hammer.

“For energy creatures who forget who they are, gender and appearance are non-existent and meaningless,” Alaya checked in the distance and finally came around to explain to us, “The body of thought is The special phenomenon generated by my high-level mysterious system Apostle(s), because it can become a pure energy creature itself, the high-level mysterious side Apostle(s) is very good at controlling energy. We can use this talent to create almost no difference from the body. The pure energy avatar is not the same as the mass projection or mirror image. This avatar has a very strong fighting strength. Even in special cases, such as this tower, the avatar is as strong as the body. These Angel bodies should be the builders of Tower of Sky. After they built the tower, they cast their missing body together into the defense system of the tower and became the eternal guard here, which is equivalent to making part of their body a part of Tower of Sky. Now their body may have It’s gone, and this causes all the thinking bodies to get out of control. The out of control thinking bodies lose most of memory and sanity, relying only on the original commands and conditions Reflective action. A pure energy creature is determined by consciousness, so if you lose memory, it will be signify. They will forget what they look like, and they can only maintain a vague figure-just like the Angel that Elder Brother Monarch sees now. defense system closes The body is missing, and the battle command is interrupted, and the other party becomes a dazed instinct … there will be no threat. “

Shandora apparently also knows some related knowledge. After being prompted by Alaya, she understood the situation of these guards, and then looked at me: “Although I lost my appearance and accurate body because I forgot my identity, I can still miss the body. Maintaining 80% or 90% of the original body characteristics, according to my observation, this Angel should have been a female, so-A’Jun If you pinch and pinch, I will be jealous! “

“Uh, what?” I quickly released my hand and looked at surroundings innocently, “… this … this doesn’t blame me Oh!

everybody said that they did n’t know anything, and Icetis began to suggest that Shandora go home to prepare a nail version.

“The tower’s security level seems to have improved.” Alaya suddenly said again, saving my life. The slightly off-line sister Angel was not aware of the change in the atmosphere of surroundings, and was still reporting his findings dutifully. “Except for the mirror entrance, all areas up to the 500th floor of the Phantom Tower are locked, and the crystal clusters do not show any options for sending to those floors.”

“Wipe, it ’s really troublesome,” Icetis shook his arm, as if the battle just made her hands a bit sore, “Is this thing you built that was just to toss people to play-oh, I think of it, neither do you Know how this place is … oh shit! What’s going on! “

Sister Bing’s whispered words came to an abrupt end, and then suddenly yelled in surprise, causing everyone to look sideways.

“What the **** is your name!” Shandora looked at the female gangster with dissatisfaction. She was trying to communicate with the captured Angel, hoping to arouse the other party a little memory and the like, but was suddenly called by the sister Bing. Break, so it’s quite uncomfortable.

“The concubine suggested that we leave this ghost place immediately,” Icetis raised his paw and waved in front of me and Shandora, “Suggested suggestion: you look at your own body.”

body?” I looked down and found nothing unusual, “It’s okay Ah?

“I X, you are the only one!” Icetis suddenly dragged Shandora over and pointed at the clothes on the other person’s body, “You see! Her clothes are fading!”

I discovered at this moment that the sky-blue dress on Shandora had become gray-blue, and the color was still changing at a rate visible to the naked eye.

“All the colors have faded,” Monina ’s eyes quickly swept over the everybody, and her blood-red eyes were now black and gray, “I do n’t know when it started, everyone ’s colors Is becoming black and white … “

“This tower is assimilating intruders! Get out!” Lin Xue suddenly reminded loudly that when she said this, her clothes had almost faded away from all colors, becoming as if they were the last century The old picture is the same, and then she yanked Alaya abruptly, “Don’t be in a daze, quickly send everyone to the mirror!”

The guy with the slowest response, at this moment, also knew that it should not stay here for a long time, and ran to the crystal cluster that was starting. Icetis took out a small mirror to take a picture while running, and happily pulled my arm: “Oh , Chen, look at the concubine’s eyes, just like you! Black! Pure black! “

Shandora almost slipped and fell over: “How did I know you such a wonderful flower!”

Icetis Haha Yile, pointing at Shandora’s hair: “Your hair has become white! Our two now have the same hair! Oh, let me go, Chen, your home Angel has become a pure white shadow Oh! All the transitional colors on the whole body are gone! What about Little Bubbles? Little Bubbles is missing … Oh, it’s hanging on Alaya, I can’t see her … “

My face is cold and sweaty, but I feel like I will get three grades in a row if I get rid of this product …

And what makes me even more collapsed is that Shallow at this moment has also reacted, holding her face happily: “A’Jun A’Jun, am I turning white?”

Baby, you are already white, okay! Don’t mess up at this time!

In this weird “black and white assimilation”, the at the same time that started quickly, the crystal cluster for transmission seems to be suppressed. Despite the continuous screams, the transmission has not been started. Finally, the Icetis ca n’t help it. From his own Bible with chains and angles, he hit the crystal cluster hard: “The old lady recharges you! The secret technique? Oblique 45 degrees impact repair method!”

The bible bursts out of a pale (maybe originally golden) holy light. Just when I thought this strange rogue finally killed Teleportation System, everybody was transferred to the mirror hall-this TM is also Oh!

At a time when we are desperate, we are finally out of this dangerous, weird phantom tower. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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