Xiling Empire Chapter 1074: Guardian

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Tower of Sky is a giant building made of advanced composite materials, and its height exceeds the largest thing that ordinary civilization can build-the vertical height of more than thirty kilometers, which is completely sensational for a building. If its builder is not a giant but a creature similar to Human Race, this height is even more sensational.

Of course, Xiling Empire has made a lot of giant monsters. We built planetary ecological controllers several kilometers high, battleships dozens of kilometers long, heavy aircraft carriers dozens or hundreds of kilometers long, even planet fortress, and even more frustrated. The military extreme product: Phantom Death Star, these things are exaggerated than one size, and even reached a point where it is a little difficult to describe the size: the height of the last time the Phantom Death Star ejected coronal material was thousands of kilometers. But the single building we made has never been too exaggerated: because it is not necessary, as a planetary surface structure, a height of tens of kilometers is unnecessary and wastes energy, and it is vulnerable to heavy fire attacks.

I do n’t know why the builders of Tower of Sky built such a huge tower, nor do they know what level of civilization they developed into. What surprised me was that Shandora sensed a layer of energy barrier in to scan Tower of Sky, and its strength was enough to affect the Shandora’s part of the radar. Of course, it is quite simple for a Xilin Emperor to break through this barrier, but Shandora is worried Forcible destruction will cause some sensitive devices in Tower of Sky to start, so there is no rash action for the time being.

“There is an entrance at the bottom of the tower, but it looks like we have to get some …” Shandora pointed to the bottom of the tower in the distance, and her words were interrupted by a blast of sound near. “Boom!” The scorching air waves set off by the explosion even distorted a considerable range of air, but it was impossible to break through our surroundings energy shield. Sagina and Sona were protected inside the shield. Seeing the surroundings twisted hot air, The color on the face changed. And this is just the beginning, just one or two seconds later, the deafening and continuous explosion covered the space where everybody is located.

“Get some unfriendly guards.” Shandora shrugged and looked at more colossus rising from the ground far away.

After we approached Tower of Sky a certain distance, the guard system here was activated. Sagina and Sona told everybody from the beginning that there are dangerous ancient guards here, so we were not surprised, but only those ancient guards The styling makes people admire the imagination of their designers: they are giant images made of silver-white metal, with an average height of about ten meters, and they seem to be covered with metal rings, or they are a ring of metal Composition, all round parallel folds from head to toe, this layer of metal is both their skin and their armor, in addition to that they can not see other armor clothes like these, these silver-white metals Colossus has no facial features and gender characteristics, only a thick human-shaped structure. Their face is a smooth trapezoid mirror, reflecting the shining light under the sky. After locking us intruders, all the colossus immediately launched a fierce attack-to my surprise, they all used long-range attacks, the colossus’ hands are some kind of artillery launcher, with the help of that ring-shaped metal structure The entire palm of their hands can shrink and fold into the wrist instantly, leaving a black muzzle with a round hole. The high-temperature gold red high-temperature sphere that flew out from the middle and high speeds can instantly produce a big explosion when it touches the ground. The speed is extremely fast, almost like a machine gun, a barrage cover is formed in our surroundings in an instant, as for the power of these gold red spheres …

Okay, our group of leader-level guys supported the joint shield, and the professional MT of Ilson opened the skewed halo. How do you know how powerful they are, only know that this square must be special, or those The attack of the metal colossus can automatically identify the enemy and the enemy. In such a massive and indiscriminate bombing, the gray surface of the four surroundings‘s gray boulders did not even show a trace of cracks.

Because the existence of Tower of Sky itself has exceeded our expectations, everybody also had a lot of curiosity about the guard system here. When the more than one hundred metal colossus rose from the ground, I and Onee-sama were on the side Holding down Pandora and Viska, which are almost going out, we have to see how strong the guard system here can be. Shandora activated her spare radar matrix and began to measure each metal colossus attack ability, frowning deeply.

“The outer layers of these gold red light spheres are Arcane energy. The core has an unstable mass collapse point. The Arcane energy layer is used to produce range killing. The core mass collapse point is obviously for destroying the physical armor. This ammunition Structure … It does n’t seem to deal with ordinary intruders. They are more suitable for attacking at the same time equipped with shields and Heavy Armored armor, such as … ground assault vehicles of interstellar civilization. “

Shandora looked up at the colossus. The guards without sanity were still steadily bombarding the intruder and changed their formation after finding out that their firepower did not achieve the desired effect. The colossus formed a trio Groups, alternating front and back cover, each of the three groups has a colossal shape with a slightly special shape: the smooth trapezoidal metal plates on their faces are constantly refreshing the complex Magic Rune, as if display screen, this colossus may be An elite arm similar to the captain of the squad.

My at this moment is a little stunned, and I looked at Shandora inconceivably: “You said … I’m quite understanding of the Arcane layer, you said that these light **** are a mass collapse point? Such a high-end thing?”

How do I sound like I jumped from Nima Middle-earth World to Battlestar in an instant!

“Their attack power is almost equivalent to the elite imperial soldiers. If there are other attack methods, it may even be the same as the basic level Commander-not counting the imperial soldiers summoning the over-the-air firepower.” Shandora serene said.

Just when I was shocked and ready to confirm that Shandora was wrong, a frantic call came from my side: “Hey! I said! It’s not the time to discuss issues so calmly! It’s being attacked.” , Oh! was bombed by hundreds of ancient colosses. This is enough for the entire Knights to evaporate instantly. Oh! Hurry up and find a way to do something! “

I turned my head and faced Sagina with a grinning look of fangs, and Sona next to her was watching the big explosion outside the shield nervously. The shock wave generated by the gold red Arcane energy ball was not It produces too much smoke, so she can see through the twisted air more clearly that more colossus is being pressed step by step, although Sona still maintains a silent calm, but her tail is three times per second The frequency of slaps on the ground quickly, Sagina is even worse, she has her tail curled up in her arms: this is a subconscious habit when she is seriously insecure.

“Woo–at least get rid of the colossus here first?” Sagina‘s scales were all bluish, and said bitterly.

Shandora shrugged and signaled that I could let Pandora out. I loosened the small head melon in my hand, and told the restlessly before the girl rushed out: “Try to leave one or two whole bodies, we still I want to study it. “

Pandora‘s next meal, grievances nodded: According to her idea, she must want to cut those colossus into sections, and the height of each section cannot exceed one meter two, but now it seems that this idea can only be put down.

When Pandora and Viska rushed out, they caused a burst of exclamation from the half-dragon girl duo. They may think that subconsciously thinks that the two short (!) little brat are too dangerous to rush out, but soon they I remembered that there were also examples such as Medyvh and Lynn on the scene, and I calmed down instantly-until I saw two dwarf winter melons facing the crowd of colossus soldiers, and took out two calibers almost equal to their heights. So far. I suddenly felt it was a huge mistake to let these two little lunatics go out: do they really have the concept of keeping the whole body? Especially facing a group of huge humanoid objects whose height is more than eight times their height. But now it’s too late to say: a huge cannon rumbling sound is heard outside the shield.

The loud noise of the explosion has swept the audience. There are twisted halos and harsh metal tears everywhere. The metal colossus fighting strength is said to be equal to the imperial elite Soldier or low-level Commander, which is already quite staggering. Power, but they are very unlucky. I met a group of people who can be classified outside the specifications. The mass collapse bombs they put out ca n’t break through our surroundings layer. The everything in disorder ’s unnamed joint shield (you think about it) The composition of this shield is much more complicated. The four major departments of God Clan and all the leaders of Xiling are inside to charge the shield.) The layer of Arcane energy outside the natural bomb does not play any role. The giant guns of Pandora and Viska are specially designed. Prepared for the destruction of heavy targets, the name is the anti-ship gun. The small warship is okay to be worn by the gun from one end to the other. The giant statues are bombarded like this by the flies. I One detail was noticed: when they were attacked, a layer of crystal-clear shield appeared instantly on their body. Although this layer of shield failed to block the shelling, it still existed. Itself to enhance the strategic value of this colossus in my mind. Perhaps in the possession of the imperial soldier-class attack power at the same time, their defense is not weak at all?

Although these guards are counted as miscellaneous soldiers in front of them in Pandora, seeing a group of ancient colossus that can rival the imperial pawns in this place still makes people very concerned.

But in less than a minute, World is quiet. The movement of those giant colossus is actually not slow, even as flexible as people, but they are faster and faster than Sister Pandora ’s enemy radar. The naval gun and a group of floating artillery who later joined the battle were destroyed together, and all the guards on the square insisted for a total of forty-six seconds.

Sagina looked dumbly at the pothole square after the smoke had cleared up (potholes were made by Pandora and they were made. Although the sisters had carefully limited the firepower, the explosion shock wave that escaped broke the nearby Boulder slabs, and the attacks of those giant statues did not hurt the square itself at all, which is really wonderful), after a long time finally relieved: “Ah-”

I guess she has never seen the so many explosion at the same time appearing beside her in her life. The lack of legs is already a manifestation of the girl ’s strong will. There was also little Raven who was frightened together with Sagina. Although the bird was definitely not less powerful than this after she threw herself up, but after all, she did n’t see the big scene just after the full moon. The silly bird looked around, Zhang Opened his arms and flapped twice, making a quack. Then he grunted into his sister’s arms.

“Brother, the whole body you want.” Pandora rushed over and said with a small hand, pointing away.

I looked up and found that Pandora and Viska actually remember to leave a research sample: there is a colossus soldier who was not smashed by them, but was laid down on the ground, Viska carried a huge cannon , Using the gun seat as a hammer, pounding the unlucky colossus from the sky. The Colossus clearly has n’t stopped. It ’s moving limbs that have been a little deformed to try to stand up again, while Viska uses super fast Space jump to flash around, as long as a part of the Colossus ’body is raised to a height of more than 1.2 meters , The girl immediately fell down with a cannon barrel, and the cat ’s eye Loli waving a huge cannon barrel flashed in mid-air to ring the Della. Cheers cheering happily with Viska-this bear kid can really play.

And the Colossus is also very tenacious, his hands and feet are flattened, but he still insists on trying to stand up-not yet Uncle B is smart, at least the first reaction after Uncle B sees sister Pandora is Squat down, this product still wants to stand up!

“Okay, let ’s stop.” I asked Lily to use the vines to fix the colossus firmly on the ground, and then reached out and pressed the Viska small brain melon. The cat ’s eye Loli was still under my hands. Jump up: “Brother, I will smash it twice, and I will smash it twice!”

“If you smash it again, it will be flat.” I gave her a head-break, and the little girl finally calmed down. Shandora squatted down and knocked on the metal statue that was still **** and still struggling with anger. There was an empty metal echo from where she struck.

“The inside is empty.” Shandora’s turned a finger into a blue lancet, stab it fiercely in the chest position of the metal colossus, and then cut a knife vertically, cutting off the metal ring on the colossus body. The shape of the structure forms a rift that is one foot long. “A very strong shell, the strength is comparable to that of the starship’s armor plate, and it has a charged structure. Inside … that’s it.”

She tore the sturdy metal shell with her bare hands. In the piercing sound of the alloy tearing, the colossus ’chest was cut open, revealing the cavity inside. There was no mechanical structure in sight, no flesh. The internal organs and other similar organs, Colossus within the body is empty, and only a halo of constantly changing colors flows in the cavity like flowing water. This halo has an almost touchable texture, which contains extremely Powerful energy response-I feel a little close to the energy response of the raven. Of course, it is just the “mystery” of this energy that gives a similar feeling. There is no energy response in the colossus, they seem to be driven by Arcane .

Even if body was cut open, the colossus did not weaken the life force at all. It was still shaking violently, and the tear in the chest was slowly closing: this thing still has a strong self-healing ability.

“Fortunately, it was us, if the colossus and the same number of imperial soldiers were fighting, it was a tough battle just now.” Shandora couldn’t help saying after seeing the colossus has such a high self-healing ability.

Of course, this repair ability can’t keep up with the anatomy speed of Shandora’s. Soon, the weapons of the colossus are also displayed in front of our eyes. Shandora cut off one of its arms, and cut the structure that can be retracted into the wrist and formed the muzzle. What appeared in front of us was the complex Rune and energy array, as well as a circle of crystal structures, but although there were many knowledgeable people at the scene, the technical content of the gadget in front of him was really not low (with such a high fighting strength, this is also not Unimaginable), no one can see how it is driven.

There is no one on the mysterious side of the empire-and the technical house Icetis does not seem to be good at this field.

Hey, wait, it seems that the mysterious side is not completely unmanned, I seem to have always carried one with me!

Alaya, look at the principle of what is this … Hey, why is this guy asleep again!” I greeted myself from a sleepy worm Angel in Mental World, but responded to me with a uniform and soft grunt, focusing on mental power After checking it, I found that a stupid cat is holding Little Kishou‘s Zhengxiang, and I have to increase the intensity of the spiritual call, “Alaya, sleepy worm, lazy cat, hurry up! You all sleep intermittently for nearly two Have n’t slept enough for ten hours? “

After calling for a long time, the lazy and soft hum of Alaya finally came to my mind. It ’s not easy to wake up the Angel sister from the drowsiness, but it is finally awake. In the space between everybody and holy light swimming around, holy light quickly condensed and formed into a snow-white pure and holy figure. A white Alaya in a white dress with bare feet fell lightly on the ground and stretched hard. Lazy waist: In the process, a wing flapped and flew Della that didn’t know what to do, then opened eyes and looked at surroundings with a golden pupil.

“Wow! what is this!” Sagina finally exclaimed.

I thought about it and explained: “Remember Little Kishou? This is the mother of Little Kishou-so you understand it, or it is too complicated to explain.”

Sona looked at me oddly and whispered: “Do you have the habit of putting your wife and children in within the body?”

Me: “… Let’s say something light.”

Alaya blinked unexplainedly, his golden eyes finally fell on the metal colossus that was tossing beside him, and then frowned.

It seems that she recalled something like that, she uttered a word softly and uncertainly: “Colossus of Gangda?” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote at the starting point (qidian.com) , Monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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