Xiling Empire Chapter 1067: Every dragon is full of majesty

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The low, deep dragon sound from Skyrim echoed like a sullen thunder, as if a giant beast like a mountain was stepping from the cloud into Human World step by step, also stepping on everyone’s heart, huge oppression The force began to gather from all directions, diffuse out from every inch of space, invade from every ray of breeze, spread from every sunlight, fall from the dark clouds that gradually gloomed down from the sky, and poured into each person ’s face Sweat beads, every heavy breath, every trembling body went.

In this increasingly powerful at the same time, the whole city has been completely shrouded in inexplicable thick clouds. Obviously it is a moment of bright sunshine, but appeared in the city seems to be the scene of the arrival of dusk, the street corner is automatically sensitive Alchemy street lamps light up one by one, but their light not only dispels the shadow that is gradually accumulating, but also brings out the suffocating heavy pressure condensed in the air.

The World is a small box. The giant ’s breath outside the box changes the color of the world in the box-I do n’t know how, I suddenly thought of this strange metaphor, and then I think this is too suitable for the current situation. Too.

“I’m going, is that stupid weird girl so fierce?” I looked at Icetis next to me inconceivably, although the pressure from the sky was useless to myself, I can see the reaction of surroundings ordinary people That coercion is definitely beyond specifications. My original impression of Lin was always the same: honest, timid, no opinion, bullying is very interesting, work is very active, I almost forgot that her body is a dragon. Icetis looked up at the thicker clouds in the sky, and did not turn his head to answer casually: “Dragon God has always been the most eye-catching among the gods. When the God’s Domain opened the games, the banners were always Dragon God. Why do you think it is? ? “

“Howl–” like a thunder that has been waiting for a long time to burst out suddenly, a louder roar came suddenly behind the thick black clouds, and then a beam of golden light suddenly pierced the thick black clouds, As if welcoming the king, the clouds of the sky receded to both sides neatly, revealing a wide passage, and the golden dragon protruded his head from the cloud ladder.

A shocked shout finally sounded from the dead crowd: “Dragon! Dragon is here!”

Then the golden dragon protruded another head. The crowd continued to exclaim: “Dragon! Another dragon comes out!”

The two faucets are followed by a behemoth body from appeared. The crowd exclaimed again: “Two heads grow together!”

I glared at Shallow, Lily Na, Bubble and Monina who were screaming in the crowd.

In fact, the real crowd has no sound at all, let alone exclaim, even the sound of breathing is almost still. Under the pressure of the huge two-headed dragon in the sky, even ordinary people can’t help it. I was paralyzed. I don’t know how powerful the dragon might is, but the supernatural power carried by the dragon in the sky is definitely more irresistible: this is still under the deliberate control of Lin. The dragon is slowly hovering in the sky, but it has already set off a gust of wind in the city. The Soldier of the whole body heavy-armored depends on its own weight and the support of the weapon in its hand to stand up, and some unlucky ordinary people have been blown by the wind. ‘S crooked. Finally, the dragon stopped falling at a certain height, hovered in mid-air with the help of mysterious power (the reason for not landing is self-evident), and slowly observed the situation below.

It gathered most of its coercion, and ordinary talents were able to relax a little, and at this moment, an old and full voice suddenly came from the midair in the distance: “Nameless and honorable Golden dragon, why did you come to our mortal city? “

I looked around and found that an old man with white hair and beard was floating in the air in the direction of the square. The old man was wearing a purple robe inlaid with golden lace. Although he was as calm as possible in front of the dragon, There were also floating grandpas and aunts in similar robes who did n’t look very young—it ’s more common to say that—these old people apparently did not have a leading old man calmed down, curious about the two-headed golden dragon In sight, these people flying high in the sky, the faces closest to the dragon were all cold sweats.

Because the dragon has withdrawn most of its coercion, the whispers of everybody can finally be heard in the crowd. I heard an identity, which is similar to what I guessed before. The old man in the sky is the highest officer of the Sentu Master ’s Force . In this World, the mage unit is an extremely important regular army. Since there is this establishment, of course, there are also officers of the mage unit. The old man in the sky is a soldier-although it does not look like it.

Of course I also thought about why the unfolding in front of my eyes would be so classic at this time. A grandfather in a robe hair and beard being white floated up instead of a five-three-thick general of the city guards-so much in the style of Xiling, later After thinking about it, I understand: the five big and three thick generals of the city guard are mostly can do nothing about it flying so high with Magic

In the face of the mysterious dragon that suddenly appeared, Sentul ’s highest defense chief must of course appear in person: this may be one of the few major crises that have been encountered since the city was established. But the dragon in the sky didn’t seem to notice a few unremarkable mortals like appeared beside him, and didn’t mean to respond to each other’s questions at all. In this way, after a half-minute chill, I saw that the dragon did not respond at all, and the old mage of the sky gathered magic again, and a loud voice resounded through the sky: “An unknown and noble golden dragon, why do you come to our mortal city ? “

This time the two-headed golden dragon finally reacted (I suspect it was really just reacted). She lifted her left head and turned her head to glance. The right head issued a soft and low female voice: “I ’m from Dimensional layer came over, passing over your city, and sensed that your fellow clan is calling for help. You, a mortal with a high status here, can you see that my clan was killed nearby? “

I just said that Lin would be so domineering once he came to the world, and I heard Lily Na ’s yelling from the spiritual connection: “It ’s wrong, it ’s a distress, not a fatal one! The situation is serious. Oh!

Linna ’s soft, unconfident voice immediately came: “Ah, what should I do, or … I ’ll repeat it again?”

My lifts the head, the golden dragon in the sky is still lazily leaning over, as if accepting the worship of all peoples, so suddenly realized: Lynn did not become domineering and calm, but the dragon ’s face was hard and could not be done Expression … This race was born with a look of no anger.

We still have the mood tsukkomi/ridicule here, but the old Master in the purple robe in the sky suddenly took a cold sweat from my head: This time I am having fun!

Long is a kind of legend that is used to stop children from crying at night. Such a big guy appeared above the city of Human Race is already a soft thing. If it is just passing by, Dragon Clan is also Will not conflict with the unremarkable mortal race, but this dragon is actually holding the purpose of finding a place for the same family! This … this is definitely a big two-headed dragon that misunderstood Oh!, and its siblings are certainly not too small. Has such an obvious goal ever been to Sentu? If such a huge dragon really fell near Sentul, let alone defend the Senior Officer in a city. I am afraid that the king will have to run here to deal with the matter. Where is the calm of the city now? So this beastly guy in front of me is definitely wrong, but sometimes and Dragon Clan do n’t seem to be very reasonable: they are arrogant, and usually they will ignore any surrounding environment if they believe that one thing.

I do n’t know if this is affected by the information disturbing power of the “ruling order” of the Dragon God stars. In most of the World that have dragons, Dragon Clan is a bad temper, I know these, The uncle floating in the sky knew of course, so he was sweating and crying.

“Noble Dragon! I think this is a misunderstanding!” Lord Tian Jiang bravely looked at the left head of the double-headed dragon (the one on the right was squeezing our eyes with his head down, right (You ca n’t ignore it), “As you can see, this is a mortal city on the plains, you can see everything here, there is no siblings of yours here, and there are no traces of dragon battles. The battle of dragons must be infinitely powerful, If you really have a fellow race in distress here, the city may be long gone. “

“No, I smell the blood. The blood of my family has not cooled yet, just below this.”

The dragon lowered his head, and his right head swept slowly over the sky. Of course, directly below her was the Sagina with a dazed arms.

And the stunned people in various gestures.

I think I should be surprised now. I am surprised that Lin, who usually looks dumb, has such a remarkable creativity. She can come up with such a … uh … a bizarre script to come up with the whole piece The world was turned upside down, and with the back molars, I can guess how turbulent she would be if it came out today, which might even affect the entire World!

The dragon, no matter which World it is, is powerful, and here, the status of the dragon is connected with many ancient gods, and some even think that an adult dragon is itself a demigod (of course Lynn Her true identity cannot be put into this framework, she has a much higher composition), such powerful creatures naturally have strong self-esteem and pride, and they will be responsible for every sentence they say: they are too lazy to deceive mortals.

“Now, Sagina, are you talking about you?”

Seeing that surroundings has always been a dead silence, I think it may not be possible to cooperate with Lin ’s script, so I shouted a long distance, and a sudden cry from the silent crowd is very noticeable. This finally made a small number of people on the scene recover, and naturally included the two parties Sagina and Sona, as well as the trained Soldier and officers. Sagina dim-wittedly scratched her hair, and the wound on her arm made her frown: she finally realized that the only person bleeding here was herself.

“Uh, Ah?” Half-Dragon girl is the only person here who is not affected by the giant dragon might at all (not sure if this is Lin ’s intention), she was just stunned by the monster in the sky, She looked down at the blood that was still smoking, and a particularly creative sentence came out, “Half-dragon people should be cold-blooded animals …”

“I don’t care about Oh! now” Sona can’t help but stumble, “That dragon is looking for you Oh!

The IQ of Sagina seems to have dropped to a very delicate state. She looked up for a long time before reacting stunnedly, raised her hand, and shouted with all her strength: “Ah … Hello! Can you hear me? I ’m Sagina! I ’m a half-dragon! ”

The double-headed golden dragon looked down on his head, and thankfully the dragon ’s face was hard. Even Lin did n’t have to worry about acting, so she seemed to be majestic and full, and the dragon ’s low female voice echoed Get up: “Ah, I saw you, sister, strange, why are you so small? And … the bloodline is so strange. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine!” Sagina tried her best to shout to the sky to talk to the dragon, but the excitement on her face showed that she didn’t care about it at all, “I’m a half-dragon! Our ancestors are dragons, come to us This generation has become like this! “

“Oh, the offspring of the Dragon Clan mixed race, that’s the same,” the two-headed dragon slightly lowered its height and made a landing. Of course, this is just a look, but it has caused the ordinary people below to lie down. A large film was poured, and a group of Soldier began to search for bunkers in a hurry, and the old man floating in the sky in the direction of the square had to furiously rush into the sky and rushed over, and fell far away from Sagina, staring dumbfounded. The scene here.

The messy explorer market, two half-dragon men in rustic leather girl, one of them has a bleeding wound on his arm, surroundings stood in a circle of helpless Soldier, this is all he saw. Even the wise learned Master at this moment can’t handle the scene in front of him: Of course, what happened in front of him is easy to reason about, but the result of this reasoning is subverting the common sense of the world. The old man opened his mouth and later pulled himself decisively. ‘S entourage took two steps back and decided not to insert the dragon’s dialogue: at least this would avoid angering the giant beast. He whispered to the other mage beside him: “Don’t act rashly and immediately inform Wang Du of everything here. Remember, this is an exception. All conventional laws and regulations temporarily give way to the status quo.” He called another follower to the front: “Go check which unit Soldier is here, and control them for the first time.”

“It looks like you are okay.” The dragon in the sky held back for half a day before holding out six words, and then there was no more text. Finally, in the spirit connection, Lin’s anxious voice came to me, not disappointing: ” Well, how do you say Oh! next?

She really had no words, and she didn’t know what to do next.

“Find a reason to leave.” I commanded the silly dragon decisively, “Are you going to stay here to kill the city?”

Lin Dao thanked her, and suddenly opened her wings to cover the sky and the sun: She suddenly caused a disturbance in the crowd. Then she lifted her left head to look into the distance, and said to the ground with her right head: “It ’s fine. Just like, I’m going back to take the children, you take care of yourself. “

After finishing this sentence, the dragon patted its wings and rushed to the clouds in the wind, and disappeared into the eyes of people in the blink of an eye. The dark clouds in the sky also disappeared instantly, and everything returned to what it was before the dragon came. status.

In addition to the mess on the ground and the state of the crowd.

Lynn ’s crying voice came from the spiritual connection: “I … what I said, Oh! is not allowed to laugh Oh!

Lin ’s protest is of course ineffective, and the spiritual connection has been messed up for a long time. Icetis shouted unhappily there: “Go back and take the child! This girl is too cola! Chen, she is a perfect match with you Oh!

“Thanks to God,” when we were in a mess, the beard of Master Purple Robe was blown up by him, and he was finally relieved, “This dragon is going to check his dragon eggs, Otherwise, Sentu ’s 100-year peace will end-grab these Soldiers! “

A group of heavy-armored warriors who do n’t know where they came from have got out of the crowd. Their armor is similar to the city guard, but the armor is covered with a purple gold robe: this may be a subordinate of the mage unit Ordinary Soldier dress. The newly emerged soldiers took only a few seconds to control all the city guards on the scene, including the captain of the city guard who had already accepted the formidable to accept the bribe in person and did not change his face: in fact, the city guards did not mean to resist at all. , They lost their souls, as if they had already accepted the death sentence and no longer do anything else.

The purple robe mage looked strangely close to Sagina and Sona. The three men were dazed one by one. The two half-dragon girls could n’t figure out whether this was reality or dreaming. The purple robe mage did n’t know how to speak. : He is also accustomed to treating half-dragon as a lizard man, as a second-class race, but now he can never use the same tone as before, the question is, which tone is better for at this moment?

According to the standard of treating the dragon, it is obviously wrong, but the tone of treating the second-class race is even more terrible, the tone of treating the half-dragon? Well, apart from the Half Dragon people themselves, no one in the whole World has admitted this claim, who TM knows what tone to speak with the Half Dragon people!

“Ah, who are you, what’s the matter? What are you looking at us for?” Sagina reacted from the wandering god, saw the old man in front of him suddenly stunned, and then shouted outright.

cough cough, I ’m Commander of the city ’s magisters,” the old man tried to squeeze out a smiley face, “are you okay?”

Sagina raised his arms: “You see for yourself. By the way, what about the soldiers we just grabbed?”

“Over there.” After the old man turned his head and pointed, a dozen city guards, including their captains, had been **** by a large group of flowers, and were watched by a group of high-ranking Soldier. If the dragon did n’t come to trouble again, they probably would n’t be sentenced, but this fat, oily iron rice bowl would definitely not be able to hold it.

“Ah, oh,” Sagina is also in a hurry. Lin’s bizarre script completely disrupted the activities of everyone on the scene. Even Sagina and Sona, who have always been self-proclaimed by the half-dragon, faced the to drop out from the sky “fact” At a loss, and at at this moment, Sagina again said very creatively, “Now, we are going to close up, shall we?”

“Come and help!” Purple Robe Master breathed a sigh of relief first, and then immediately waved, a group of Soldiers in purple robes rushed over, and the big guy in the lead said roughly: “Take all the stalls here Have you taken it away? “

“Well, we can do it ourselves.” Sona at this moment has already packed half of the things with ease. In fact, they don’t need to count all the things. They came here and didn’t sell one thing. I just need to pack the goods intact in the bag now. Of course, I also want to find something that was blown away by the strong wind just now. A group of Soldier followed behind to help in a mess. Soon everything was packed and then The two dizzy turned to the half-dragon girl, who was in desperate need of calmness, carried two big bags and ran out like an escape. The old man in purple robe tried to keep it, but 123 stepped in front of him: “You still go back now Discuss how to cook the impact of this matter, these two half-dragons have no time to take care of you. “

“Who are you?” Seeing wearing a golden armor in front of him, he was very striking wherever he went, and the blonde guy was dead. The purple robe master subconsciously asked, and Ilson immediately grinned. A! “

After such an interruption, the half-dragon girl duo has disappeared into the market. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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