Wuxia Novelist Chapter 94: Wish to borrow treasure map 1

“Since Brother Ye wants to borrow this restaurant, Lu naturally has no reason not to agree, please.”

Lu Si stretched out his hand and said.

“Thank you!”

Ye Yunkai opened his mouth gratefully.

The next moment, he flew up and landed in front of the square table on the second floor.

This lightness kung fu has attracted many people’s amazement, not expecting the other party’s lightness kung fu to be so impressive.

But at the same time, everyone was also suspicious, not knowing what the rising sun was going to do.

“Brother Shi, do you recognize this person?”

Taking advantage of this time, Lu Si also looked at Shi Zhongwei and asked.

I don’t know the origin of this stone taste, and I know a lot about the big and small things in the world, so I think I should also know the identity of this person.

“The rising sun raises the knife and Ye Yunkai, there are not many people in Tongzhou who don’t know just these few words.”

Shi Zhongwei said seriously.

Lu Si was surprised, it was the first time seeing him like this.


Shi Zhongwei looked solemn, and said: “Brother Lu, you don’t know that Ye Yunkai’s reputation is not only due to his martial arts, but also because of his actions.”

Seeing Lu Si thinking, Shi Zhongwei continued.

“This Ye Yunkai is a well-known master. Since he entered the Jianghu, he has been famous for his ‘Rising Sun Saber Technique’ for a while! What is most praised is not this person’s martial arts, but his honesty and integrity. He has never attacked women, children, or the elderly, and he is also a hero on weekdays. In order to get rid of the poisonous dragon hall that has been evil for a long time in the arena, he entered the poisonous dragon hall alone, and beheaded the three hall masters of the poisonous dragon hall with one knife Next! Once this battle breaks out, it can be said to be a sensation in the world, and it can be seen that this person is chivalrous!”

Poison Dragon Hall?

Lu Si couldn’t help but move slightly.

Naturally, I know about the Poisonous Dragon Hall. It is said that the Poisonous Dragon Hall has a great reputation in Tongzhou, especially its three hall masters are all highly skilled in martial arts, and there are few opponents in the Jianghu, so no one dares to provoke them when they run rampant. .

It’s just that this Poisonous Dragon Hall is also extremely domineering, oppressing good people, bullying men and prostitutes, not to mention doing all kinds of evil, but it also caused complaints from the people.

During the period, although some people wanted to eliminate harm for the people, most of them died in the hands of this poisonous dragon hall, but they did not expect that the poisonous dragon hall was actually destroyed by this person.

“Killing someone alone, just to get rid of this one harm, is truly chivalrous.”

Lu Si nodded, admiring this man.

“Yes, although the Poison Dragon Hall is not as powerful as those famous sects, it is not something that ordinary people can provoke if they say they can be provoked. This Ye Yunkai dared to go to the Poison Dragon Hall alone. This courage alone is enough It is admirable.”

Shi Zhongwei also nodded with emotion.

However, they don’t know why Ye Yunkai came to Tongzhou Mansion suddenly.

While the two were talking, Ye Yunkai stood still and spoke.

“Everyone, Ye Mou took this treasure land today, and actually has an important matter to share with you.”

His eyes were burning, and he glanced at everyone, making everyone around him tremble, thinking that what this person said might not be simple.

Sure enough, Ye Yunkai continued to speak.

“Thinking about it, you are all wondering why Ye Mou wants to make such a big fuss? What is the so-called matter? Ye Mou doesn’t hide it. In fact, Ye Mou came here this time for the recently rumored ‘Treasure Map of the Five Viscera’ !”

Treasure map of five viscera?

In just one sentence, it made the surroundings quiet for an instant!

Everyone looked at Ye Yunkai in shock and inexplicable, never expecting that Ye Yunkai came here for the treasure map.

Because this treasure map was obtained from the magic power of the five internal organs, and the origin of the treasure map is unknown, some people also call it the “five internal organs treasure map”.

“Hey, I didn’t expect Ye Yunkai, who is so dignified to raise his knife in the rising sun, to be interested in this treasure map.”

After a long silence, someone suddenly sneered and spoke with contempt.

This person is known as being upright, a chivalrous man, but he is also thinking about the treasure map.

“Hehe, it’s not difficult to understand. After all, everyone wants to get treasures. Let alone being open and aboveboard, even monks who don’t eat wine and meat may not be able to sit still.”

Some people laughed, thinking that there is nothing wrong with it.

Although the rest of the people didn’t speak, they all showed disappointment. They didn’t want Ye Yunkai to be famous, but it was true.

Of course, some people thought that if Ye Yunkai took action to **** the treasure map, they would have one more enemy, so his expression was a little gloomy.

Seeing that everyone was talking about it, Ye Yunkai was unmoved.

He opened his mouth calmly, and said, “Everyone must know that because of the appearance of this treasure map recently, it has caused endless fights in the world, and many former comrades in the world have turned against each other because of this thing. I want to get the treasure map to resolve the disputes in the Jianghu. It’s just that Ye knows that the power of one person is not enough to quell this matter, so this time I mainly want to invite fellow Jianghu to resolve this dispute with Ye.”

When everyone heard this, they looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what Ye Yunkai meant.

At this time, Ye Yunkai also spoke seriously.

“I also know that during this period of time, many people have obtained the so-called treasure map.”

“Therefore, Ye is willing to use the treasure map on everyone’s body! It’s just to solve this rivers and lakes struggle! In addition ~IndoMTL.com~ Ye can also guarantee that after getting the treasure map, he will immediately use the treasure map. Destroy the plan so that it does not fall into anyone’s hands. And afterward, Ye will definitely thank you!”

As soon as these words came out, the whole room was shocked!

No one thought that the reason why Ye Yunkai asked everyone to hand over the treasure map was for this purpose.

At this moment, everyone looked at the awe-inspiring and upright Ye Yunkai, and couldn’t help but be impressed by his heart.

This person’s desire to obtain the treasure map was not for his own self-interest, but to resolve the struggle between Jianghu and Jianghu. This thought alone shows that he is open-minded!

For a while, no one spoke in the huge restaurant.

I don’t know if I admire this person’s character, or I was shocked by the fact that he borrowed the treasure map.

As Lu Si was listening, he couldn’t help being shocked, and since then he understood why the other party borrowed his storytelling building.

I’m afraid that this move is not only for everyone in the restaurant to hear, but also to spread to the ears of other people in the rivers and lakes through this storytelling building.

This person did not hesitate to take such a huge risk to ask everyone for the treasure map, just to avoid fighting in the rivers and lakes. Even Lu Si couldn’t help admiring his courage.

“No wonder Shi Zhongwei was full of praise for this man in his words just now. This man is open-minded, and he really deserves the word ‘chivalry’!”

Lu Si thought to himself.

It took a long while before someone spoke.

“It’s really admirable that Ye Shaoxia has such a vision, but I’m afraid it won’t be that easy.”

Daoist Songhe sighed, and he didn’t know whether he admired this son’s courage or his courage.

“Hehe, what Ye Yunkai said is clear and logical, but who is willing to hand over the treasure map he has obtained to others?”

As soon as the other party’s voice fell, a sneer followed.

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