Wu Dong Qian Kun Chapter 98: Hidden danger

Chapter 98 Hidden Dangers

A dispute over the wedding banquet ended with the death of Lei Bao and Xie Qian. At the moment when they were killed, everyone knew that this time they were extremely well prepared. Home, not only failed to defeat the Lin family, but the latter’s counterattack, but paid a huge price.

The price is likely to be the permanent decadence of two established families.

With the loss of two top pillars, the position of Lei Xie in Qingyang Town will also drop rapidly. Basically there is no possibility to restore the former position.

And it is clear that this dispute caused by the two Rachels, in the end, actually made the Lin family’s fame, and no one dared to underestimate this young family.

With the failure of the two Lei Xie battles, the Lin family also moved some family members back to Qingyang Town. Some industries that were temporarily resettled due to shrinkage also continued to open. Today, the Lin family is considered to be in Qingyang Town. In the middle of the day, without the restraint and threats of the two Lei Xie, the Lin family is a well-deserved first force in Qingyang Town.

Under such fame, it has attracted a lot of experts to join, and the Lin family is also very pleased to join these experts, although the salary of these good players is not low, but for those who have Yang Yuanshi For the Lin family of mine veins, it is nothing.

Further, the Lin family had a great loss in the battle with Leixie on that day. At this moment, the necessary time for Correct to gather the men and women, so after some investigations, it was the acquisition of relatively innocent masters. For a while, the strength of the Lin family was soaring.

While Lin Zhentian was busy cleaning up the post-war situation, Lin Dong returned to the back mountain where the Lin family used to live. Since he was exposed as a sorcerer on that day, he was at home. His status has also reached a very high status. Even when Lin Zhentian spoke to this grandson, his old face was full of kindness and pride.

Of course, a seventeen-year-old Tianyuan Realm and the grandson of a Yinfu Master are indeed worthy of his pride. Even if such achievements are placed in the Lin clan that day was like a cloud, they are all It’s pretty good.

Everyone understands that the father put the hope of returning to the clan of Lin clan on Lin Dong, but I do n’t know if the Lin clan meeting will be able to It is as dazzling as it is now.

On a mountain rock in Houshan, Lin moved quietly, sitting on his body, a wave of elemental force surged out around him, and finally poured into his body slowly, filling Dantian.

While cultivating Yuanli, the symbol of the destiny in Lin Dong Mu Wan Palace also made a rhythmic beating sound like a heart, and a stream of fine Divine Strength lingered around the symbol. Drilling into the runes, sometimes spewed out, but in this cycle, those fine Divine Strength, also become a little bit condensed.

Lin Dong’s current fine Divine Strength, because the destiny rune forcibly absorbed a lot of fine Divine Strength of the ancient shadow, so it became a lot of arrogance, and in this case, even Lin Dong himself is quite surprised. At this time, he only felt faintly that the “Old Swirling Rune” he cultivated had some origin, otherwise, it would not be so overbearing …

“Hoo …”

Cultivation lasted about two hours, and Lin Dongfang slowly exhaled a white gas, his eyes opened slowly, and the brilliance in his eyes lasted for an instant, but it was invisible.

“I’m afraid it will take about a month to enter the late stage of Tianyuan Realm. After all, Qing Yuangong’s level is too low. In Tianyuan Realm, it can’t meet the needs of cultivation.”

After practicing, Lin Dong ’s brow was slightly wrinkled. He stayed in the middle of Tianyuan Realm for almost April, but the breakthrough feeling was still late. He was a bit helpless, and he also blamed this for the low-level cheats that he practiced.

Of course, if someone like Lincoln Lin Boa heard this, they would not be able to hold back a spit of blood. They stayed here for several years at already. Although there are recent signs of breakthrough, but the consumption of Time is several times or even ten times that of Lin Dong. If Lin Dong is not even satisfied with this speed, then they are really faceless.

Shaking his head, Lin Dong throws away all the thoughts in his heart. Today, the Lin family is developing rapidly, and many industries of Lei Xie are gradually being swallowed up. This kind of situation can’t be considered excessive and realistic. It is cruel, and the fighting between the families is not impossible even if the killing is absolutely impossible. Lin Dong believes that if the failure of this battle is the Lin family, by means of Thunder Leopard, it may indeed keep the Lin family chickens and dogs from staying.

“Birth of Life …”

Since his thoughts paused for a while, Lin Dong was transferred to himself. After killing the ancient shadow that day, he got the Qiankun bag on the other side. Lin Dong knew quite well about this way Vague, after all, the Yan Master of the Yan City had only given him the first three layers of the “Divine Movement” practice. Therefore, Lin Dong’s understanding of the Fu Master is still on the rookie level.

Fortunately, this time, he got a lot of information about Rune Master from the bag of ancient shadows, and among them is the “Birth Rune” which included the ancient Shadow’s scream and scream. “.

The birthmark is the top priority of the rune. Only by condensing the birthmark can the power of Divine Strength be developed, and the so-called birthmark has some special levels.

On these messages, there are only three levels of Destiny Rune, Destiny Rune, Destiny Rune, and Destiny Rune.

The Birth Rune is just the most common one. It doesn’t have any special abilities. Most of the Rune Masters just have this common Rune of Rune.

The natal spirit rune is a rather rare rune. Such runes can change shapes and possess some special abilities, such as Lin Dong’s “Ancient Swirling Rune.” It has a power of absorption.

As for the fate of the destiny, it is even more horrible. It is said that Shi unfolded enough to swallow the sky. Of course, this thing is too vague and even these books are rarely introduced.

This is also why the ancient shadows were so shocked when they saw that the “Old Swirling Rune” was able to transform into a vortex. After all, this “native charm” is extremely rare, and if a rune master, Being able to condense into the “natural destiny” will undoubtedly be of great help to his cultivation.

“Is this the destiny magic sign …”

Lin Dong blinked, an invisible light beam emerged from the pupil of the eye, and turned into a simple rune floating in front of him, how could he never have imagined this unexpected thing, it would still be like this magical.

After all, the ability to absorb other people’s fine Divine Strength as their own is really terrible …

The ancient insignia in front of him, after a while, was retrieved by Lin Dong again, and in the bag of the ancient shadow, he also knew the so-called subtle techniques …

Simply speaking, this is an alternative type of “martial arts”, except that martial arts need to be motivated by force, while “fine mystery skills” require Divine Strength to perform.

The level of this so-called “fine mystery” is named after the three most important things that represent the human body, from low to high, which are fine, qi, and god.

Before the elite level, there is also a normal level. Many of the magical and mysterious skills controlled by many runes are at this level.

Although the “Spirit of Needle” cast by the ancient film that day is domineering, it is actually a common subtle technique. It is not easy to obtain a powerful subtle technique.

“Surely, together with Master Fu, it is unpredictable …”

Lin Dong rubbed his eyebrows, and immediately took out the ancient shadow bag from his arms, but his lips narrowed slowly and his brows frowned.

Although the battle defeated the two Leixie, it left a bigger hidden danger …

The hidden danger is naturally the blood cloak door of Yancheng City. Lin Dong killed the Sectmaster deputy of the blood cloak door. This matter is passed back. In the style of the blood cloak door, he will not give up.

This matter has been under the influence of Lin Zhentian and other core members of the Lin family recently. Although they don’t show anything on the surface, Lin Dong knows that they are worried.

Revenge of Blood Cloak is not a comparison of Rachel!

After all, Xueyimen is the power of Yancheng City, and its strength is much better than the two of Leixie. If they mobilize to revenge, the Lin family may face the difficulty of destruction again.

And these signs that have just risen will be shattered!

A lot of forces in Qingyang Town are actually aware of this, so even when the Correct scenery of the Lin family is now proud, there are not many forces coming to show off. Everyone knows that the scenery of the Lin family is afraid. It will only be a brief moment …

Xueyimen is like a sharp sword hanging above Lin’s head, and this sword will definitely be cut off at some point. That kind of situation is not what Lin Dong enjoys.

Spitting a deep breath, Lin Dong’s fists clenched, facing the force that has some reputation in Yancheng, even him, he felt a great pressure.

“No matter who it is, if you want to destroy my Lin family, you have to pay a blood price!”

Lin Dong squeezed his lips tightly, his eyes were cold and swollen. Just as Lin Zhentian said, their Lin family is a hard bone. Anyone who wants to come and have to be prepared to break their teeth!


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