Wu Dong Qian Kun Chapter 969: Eviction

The sharp voice of the gray-haired old man spread out sharply in the hall, but it made everyone’s complexion suddenly burst into a thick horror, all eyes, looking at the volley standing in horror with fear. Man in red robe before swirls.


A name that holds a huge name in the Sea of ​​Demon. Among the top powerhouses in the Sea of ​​Devil, this Moro is definitely the top existence, and His Majesty’s Fire Temple is also the one who dominates the Sea of ​​Fire. The hugely famous giant in the sea of ​​chaos.

To a certain extent, the strength of the Yan Temple is more powerful than that of Jiu You Men. In the whole sea of ​​chaos, the forces that dare to provoke the Yan Temple are countless.

And all this is just because there is a hegemon in the Temple of Fire, whose name is Moro.

The strength of the Moro is a runner. Such strength is probably possessed by the leaders of the great forces in the Chaos Demon Sea, but in this Chaos Sea, there will not be any runners. The powerful man dared to brave in front of Moro, because … in this Moro’s hand, he controlled one of the eight ancestors between heaven and earth …

Flame ancestor.

Only at their level can the power of ancestors be fully exerted, and when they are exerting this power, that level will shake the sky.

On this point, it can be seen from the Lord Leidi alone that he is also the strength of the runner, but those strange demons want to deal with him, but they sent out a Wangjie alien and three Star Order Monster.

If it is converted to human level, then it will be a reincarnation and three runners!

But even so, the three generals were directly killed by Thunder Emperor, and the king-level alien was also sealed, so it can be seen that the runner who controls the ancestors is a powerful man. What a terrible power.

At the beginning, in the strange city, the Lord of the Dark Temple appeared, and even the three masters of Yuanmen did not dare to offend easily. Of course, there are reasons for not wanting to offend the Dark Temple, but more However, it is because the Lord of the Darkness Palace has the Dark Amulet in his hand.

Tian Yuanzi understands clearly that in the face of the Lord of the Darkness Palace, who has the dark ancestors, even if they join forces, the odds are extremely low.

The Moro in the sea of ​​chaos is existence like the Lord of the Temple of Darkness.

In the sea of ​​chaos, the superpowers of the runner world are all dragon, but none of them is a giant, and the runner environment that controls the ancestors of Moro is only existence in the legend. But right now … this legendary figure appeared in front of everyone in this hall.

The shock is truly unparalleled.

The whole hall is also in the mighty and pervasive words of Moro, and it becomes silent. Even the gray-haired old man dare not say more because they are very clear. It’s true. I can’t say it is them today, even if it is really the teaching of the two major forces … I’m still afraid to say nothing to Moro.

“I didn’t expect … he turned out to be Moro …”

Lin Dong’s eyes are also shocking. After a while, he gradually regained his thoughts. The palms couldn’t help but hold it. This was the first time he had seen other ancestors in so many years.

However, the prestige possessed by the owner of this ancestral charm is far from comparable to him … Thinking of this, Lin Dong could not help but smile a bitterly, but there was a hint of tenacity in the depth of his eyes. He always believes that one day, sooner or later, he will be able to reach this point, but he still needs time!

“Master Moro …”

The dead silence in the hall lasted for a moment, the gray-haired old man finally moved his dry mouth, respectfully said, “Sir, we Jiuyoumen have paid a great deal for this treasure hunt, and I hope the adults will be able to Look at the palm … ”

The old man’s status in Jiuyoumen is not low. The strength of the dead realm allows him to have a high status in the sea of ​​chaos, but now, in front of Moro, he is acting He is extremely humble, because he knows that the man in front of him wants to obliterate him, it’s just a matter of backhand …

“Things in the Thunder Realm are not something you can touch. Breaking in willlessly will only bring devastation to your denominations.

“Morrow glanced at the gray-haired old man and said lightly.

As soon as this remark came out, there was a sudden burst of horror in the eyes of the gray-haired old man and others. As a Moro, there was no reason to slap them. In that case, what was there in the Thunder World that even connected them? The forces behind are all unbearable?

“Dare to ask Master Moro, I don’t know what is in the minefield?” Huo Yuan’s eyes flashed, said.

Morrow glanced at Huo Yuan, but his brows frowned slightly. The latter had a disliked taste, but for a while he couldn’t detect where the feeling came from.

The Huo Yuan felt Moruo’s gaze slowly glanced at her body, and the vest was also faintly sweating, her face dangled, and her dark awns deep in her eyes were suppressed.

Although this examination lasted only a few seconds, when Moro’s eyes were moved away, that Huo Yuan had a sense of fortunate escape, his palm was gripped and his palm was sweaty.

“Don’t ask, don’t ask.”

Moro’s eyes were taken back from Huo Yuan. Although he could not detect the source of that feeling, Moro did not give the Huo Yuan any good looks, and he waved his hand impatiently, saying, ” Well, this seat has no time to grind with you, the treasure hunt, and at this end, you will immediately exit the cave.

Hearing this, the gray-haired old man, Liu Xiangxuan, Huo Yuan and others suddenly became a little unnatural, but did not dare to speak against it. The people in front of them have far more power than they can compete with. , But let them retreat here, really unwilling …

Lin Dong’s brows were also wrinkled tightly at this time. The palm of his hand was holding the silver rune that was flashing with thunder. This turned out to be very unexpected, and he didn’t think about it. Thinking of seeing the Thunder Talisman soon, he suddenly killed such a terrible figure.

He has worked hard for this Thunder Amulet for many years, and it is impossible for him to give up!

“Hey, you are too overbearing. This is not your home. Why should we let us go?” Mu Linshan frowned, but others were afraid to speak, and others were afraid of Moro. But she didn’t have much fear. The background of the undead holy whale tribe gave her such confidence.

After all, in this sea of ​​chaos, the most powerful force is always the Kraken family.

The gray-haired old man and others saw that Mu Lingshan dared to speak to Moro in such a way. For a time, he secretly gloated and scolded the girl who was trying to die …

However, while they were expecting Moro to show his anger, they just saw the latter look at Mu Lingshan, and immediately seemed to be skeptical, saying: “Little girl, go back to your house and take good care. Go, do n’t come out, this place is not bullying. “

The gray-haired old man and others are a little dumbfounded. Why is it that the Moro who has always been domineering and doing his own thing talks like this?

When Lin Dong saw this, he knew in his heart that this Moro clearly saw the identity of Mu Lingshan’s undead holy whale family, but when he saw Mu Lingshan could not help but wanted to speak, it was Stop her, then hugged her fist: “Master Moro, I know what’s in the Thunder Realm …”

Hearing this, the gray-haired old man, Liu Xiangxuan and others took another look, their eyes turned to Lin Dong, apparently he did not expect the latter to have such information.

Oh?” Moro’s eyes flickered for a moment. Immediately, his sight stayed on Lin Dong. After a while, his body moved and appeared beside Lin Dong, and then his palm fell into Lin. Move your arms.


When the palm of his hand fell on Lin Dong’s arm, an indescribably hot energy suddenly rushed into Lin Dong’s body like a wild beast. The feeling was like magma entering the body!

“The power of flame ancestors?!”

As soon as the force invades the body, Lin Dong’s heart is a horror. The swallowing ancestors in the mud pill palace immediately turn on, the swallowing force sweeps out, and then the hot force that invades the body is slightly embarrassed. Phagocytosis.

“That’s it.”

While Lin Dong was encouraging the force of devour, that Moro loosened Lin Dong ’s arm, and in those slightly red eyes, there was a thick surprise and inexplicable color. .

Lin Dong stared at Moro with vigilance, he understood that the one he was in contact with should be aware of the devouring ancestors in his body …

“Are you Lin Dong?”

Hearing Moro’s words, Lin moved for a moment, the latter’s tone was quite strange, as if he had heard his name …

“Huh.” Lin Dong nodded slightly.

“No wonder you can erase the strange magic …”

Moro looked weird, and immediately he tilted his head and looked at the space vortex. He seemed to groan for a moment, then nodded, and said in the stunned eyes of the gray-haired old man and others, “You follow me to the Thunder World.” “

Lin Dong heard the words, and there was a moment of ecstasy in his eyes. He didn’t know why the Moro promised him to enter the Thunder Realm, but as long as he could enter the Thunder Realm, he could only control when he entered the Thunder Realm. Thunder World, and only then, can he have a trace of capital against this Moro!


So when Moro’s voice fell, he immediately nodded without hesitation. (To be continued


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