Wu Dong Qian Kun Chapter 775: The power of reversal

Chapter 775 The Power of Reversal

Chapter 775

Two terrible light beams, under the gaze of countless gazes, hit each other fiercely in an extremely stimulating manner. (《》 7 *


The impacted Jain, but the expected shock did not appear, the majestic light intertwined, and then eroded the other side.

Silent and silent, but it is filled with a thrilling fierceness.

All eyes are staring at those two majestic lights that occupy half of the sky. They are very clear that this move will determine the victory or defeat of the two!

“Boss, what’s wrong?” Xiaoling Wang Lingzhen suddenly noticed a change in Yuan Cang’s face, and immediately hesitated to ask.

“The kid’s attack was a bit wrong …” Yuan Cang stared at the sound of the beam of light from the light array, adding a gloomy smell.

Although he couldn’t feel where this wrong came from, but with his intuition, he felt that the light array condensed by Lin Dong would definitely not be anything unusual.

Ling really felt that Yuan Cang’s complexion jumped, and then he smiled, “Do you think that the kid’s attack can withstand Lei Qian’s Thunder Emperor?”

Yuan Cang’s face was slightly gloomy, but he didn’t speak.

“It’s impossible …” Seeing his response, Ling Zhen’s pupils also shrank a little, and there was a little vibration in the murmured voice.

“Lei Qian’s attack is weakening …” Yuan Cang said in a dark tone. 《》

After hearing that, Ling really hurriedly looked up, and his face changed suddenly, too. He also noticed that the originally extremely violent thunder on the sky was actually at this moment, quietly weakening some momentum, but looking at Lin Dongna At the beam of the road, it was still tepid, but there was an unshakable potential in that warm swallow.

“How can this be …” Lingzhen’s eyes finally got gloomy at this moment.

When this sentence came out from Lingzhen’s mouth, it also sounded in Lei Qian’s heart, and the offensive weakened. He was naturally aware of it for the first time. Immediately on the face covered with crickets, it was also stroked. It ’s incredible,


This fascination just appeared on Lei Qian’s face. It was replaced by a more embarrassing look. He absolutely did not believe that the Lei Emperor, who had performed with his current strength, would be moved by Lin. This is just the strength of Qiyuan Nirvana Realm next!


The majestic Yuanli almost whistled out of Lei Qian’s body at this moment, and then turned into a thunderous light, frantically pouring into the intertwined Raymang, trying to destroy Lin Dong. Resist.

However, at this time, no matter how he urged, the strange beam of light emitted from the light array was still motionless. Between the erosion with the Rayman, a wave of violent energy, at an amazing speed , Was decomposed, and then turned into oblivion …

Lin Dong ’s face was calm and unwavering from beginning to end, as if the scene in front of him was not strange, but when the beam of light broke through the opponent ’s offensive, his face was also passing by. A pale color, the power of Qiankun Ancient Array is indeed terrible, but the power it consumes and the refined Divine Strength have reached a quite amazing level.

Lin Dong took a deep breath of slightly hot air, and next time, in his eyes, he violently shot out an extremely sharp color, lightning-like changes in handprints, and a low voice, passed from his throat. Out. Holy church


With the blurring of Lin Dong ’s voice, the strange and gentle beam that originally was wafting at this moment burst into an assault, and in the face of this beam that suddenly became violent, that piece The ray of light that pervaded the sky collapsed at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.


The strange light beam penetrated through the sky with a destructive attitude, and finally hit the same shocked Lei Qian in the countless shocking eyes.

“Lei Qian lost …”

Yu Qingzhu, who has been watching the sky battle, finally whispered softly. Under the cheek covered by the tulle, it shook slightly. Even if she wanted to come, she was as light as it was. It was difficult to see this scene. Let the mind be completely calm.

Su Rou’s cheeks also appeared with joy, and she smiled brightly: “I knew Lin Dong Brother would not lose.”

On the side, Wu Qun touched his face, and then a somewhat unnatural smile was pulled from his face, thereby hiding the shock in his eyes.

If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he would have been a bit unbelievable. Lin Dong could actually compete with a strong player like Lei Qian, and truly win!

This time, it is by no means the last trick, Lei Qian has already cast out the killers like Lei Didian, but the result …


The strange beam of light, tearing the sky, finally hit Lei Qian in the countless shocking eyes.

Jin Na in the blast, everyone can see clearly, the ray of light permeated by Lei Qian’s body disappears at an amazing speed! .


The deep, piercing sound resounded above the sky, and Lei Qian’s complexion was instantly pale, a burst of blood, spewing wildly, and his body, like a bird with broken wings, was quickly weak against the ground. come down.

Lin Dong’s eyes looked coldly at Lei Qian who had fallen to the ground, a flash of coldness in his eyes, and a fierce wing of the blue dragon wings behind him. Rushing out, in a flash, appeared in front of Lei Qian, holding the palm of his hand, the black trunk flashed out, and then stung fiercely.


The black trunk contains a terrible force, throwing heavily on the body of Lei Qian, the power pouring out, and even the sound of bone fracture in the chest of Lei Qian comes out.


Another blood spurted out, Lei Qian’s gaze looked at the young face close to him with a little horror. At this moment, the pervasiveness there was even more than him, and in the eyes of the latter, he was really true Indeed saw the killer existence.

Lin Dong wants to kill him!

This thought made Dei Qian feel a chill in his heart. The former’s ruthlessness was beyond his expectation.

Looking at Lei Qian ’s terrified face, Lin Dong ’s slightly pale face was even more grinning. He had dealt with people and had always been ruthless. He came all the way to know clearly that Yuanmen had treated them. This kind of hostility cannot be lifted, so he is sure, in the end, Yuanmen will definitely shoot at them. In this case, it is better to take the opportunity and break the other hand!

Kill the thunder king Lei Qian here first!

Lin Dong’s eyes were violently murderous, and then the black trunk in his hand was lifted again, and he wanted to slap his head against Lei Qian’s head fiercely.

“Boy, how dare you!”

However, when Lin Dong wanted to hit the water dog again with pain, a violent sound suddenly rang out from the sky, and only saw the little Yuan Wang Cang, and his body moved directly.

“Brother Chen Yun!”

In the distance, Qing Tan saw Na Yuancang intervene, and a chill emerged on her pretty face.


As soon as her voice fell, Chen Yan next to her was flashed by lightning, and finally appeared before Yuan Cang, blocking it down.


And as Yuan Cang was obstructed, the spirit’s true complexion also changed. With a wave of his palm, his body swept out. Behind him, the six masters of Yuan Men, and some powerful disciples suddenly whistled out.

“Do it!”

Ying Ying, who has been staring at Yuanmen’s horses and smiling, did not hesitate. When he shouted, he immediately swept out. Behind him, Wang Yan, Ying Huanhuan, and Aoba were immediately. Keeping up, and in Ying Huanhuan’s hands, the crimson phoenix has once again surfaced, apparently ready to go to war.

Everyone who works on both sides is an elite, and after seeing them both, the disciples on both sides have a sudden and fierce look, and they are full of vigor and strength.

Almost in this short span of time, the atmosphere of the sky is instantly tense!

A scuffle is on the string!

(Third more!

Begging for tickets, thank you! )


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