Wu Dong Qian Kun Chapter 699: You are sick

Chapter 699 you are ill


On the cracked and dark yellow ground, a footstep fell slightly weakly, and a few fumes of smoke rose up, as if there was no trace of anger in the dust.

Lin Dong looked up, his eyes were a bit numb and he looked around at the barrenness without end. The sharp eyes originally appeared to be at a loss at this moment.

He already walked here for a month …

In the middle of a month, what he looks at is still the vast land with no end, the dark yellow and dull color, fluctuating in and out of his pupils, as if even the color of the pupils is covered by this land. Changed.

Lin Dong’s skin has become dry and yellow during this month’s walk. His black hair is also yellow. If you look away, it looks like a person who is critically ill.

Lin Dong froze dry and pale lips and stretched out his own palms. The slender palms became abnormally rough at the moment. Immediately, his palms were slowly grasped. It’s gone …

This barren land is absorbing his power.

Lin Dong can feel that his strength is dissipating while walking. He tried to sit still to resist the dissipation, but it was futile. He understood that once his strength completely dissipated, this time If he broke the game, he failed. As for the Great Desolation, don’t even think about it …

“It’s really not easy.”

Lin Dong smiled bitterly, looking down at a withered grass under his feet. On the top of the withered grass, there was a withered flower. He took it off and touched it with his fingers. The flower turned into powder and scattered.

“But … if you lose like this, it will be too shameless ….,

Lin Dong’s lip angle pulled a slightly ugly arc, and then he took a deep breath, dragged his legs as heavy as lead, and slowly moved forward.


When Lin Dong continued to move forward, it was also a huge figure on a vast land, shaking, and eventually fell to the ground in a weak and powerless state, but his blood did not flow out. The light spot emanates from the body’s chalk, as if its shape is about to dissipate.

The light spot rises from the front, and Jiang Hao’s horrible face with cracks is filled with unwillingness and deep tiredness.

There are some cracks on the ground around him, apparently blasted by him, but this weird place can’t be solved by madness alone.

“Failed ….,

Jiang Hao murmured to himself, the sight in front of him began to blur and his body was finally turned into a light spot, disappearing on this vast barren land.

And as he disappeared here, he became dead again, the world was dark, as if already died.

January in the Great Desolation Monument is also January.

However, although January has passed, the sky and forests surrounding the big barren monument are still full of black people. The appearance does not seem to appear as a result of the passage of time. The signs of reduction, but because of the passage of time, even some named disciples came to hear the wind. Suddenly, the scene was really a bit magnificent.

And the gaze of the mountains and mountains is locked into the five pillars of light before the big barren monument, where there are five figures, sitting quietly, like an old monk settled.

In the sky, Chen Zhen, Wu Da, and others are all indifferent faces. They have never left this month, and they have been closely watching any changes here.


In the quiet mountains, a small buzzing sound suddenly sounded, and the eyes instantly shifted across the sky. At last, they almost stopped at a beam of light in front of the monument.

The beams of light there are gradually getting weaker …

“Jiang Hao failed …, should look at this scene with a smile, slender jade hands clenched quietly, whispered.

Hearing her, Ying Huanhuan, Aoba and others looked a little different, and then they began to feel the terribleness of the monument.

The beam of light, under the gaze of countless eyes, quickly fainted, and finally clicked, and completely dissipated away, and lost the envelope of the beam of light. The figure of Jiang Hao also fell to the sky and looked pale. paper.


Chen Chen sighed softly, the sleeve robe fluttered, and Jiang Hao, who fell down the cliff with a tenderness, caught the disciples, and then the disciples from the imperial palace quickly went up and hugged them.

“If they can persist for one month, their already is good …, Wu Dao was silent for a moment, and he said.

Chen really nodded with a bitter smile, and whispered: “Look again …,

When talking, his gaze couldn’t help but look at Lin Dong’s figure with a hint of uneasiness. With his old eyes, he could feel as if Lin Dong’s condition It’s not very good, but at this time, they can’t give any help. In the big barren monument, everything has to depend on itself …

Time, once again waiting for countless people, passed away quietly, unknowingly, and half a month passed.

During this half-month, the faces of Chen Zhen, Wu Dao, and others became more and more tense. From time to time, they were all a little irritated. Obviously, their hearts were quite unsettled. After Hao, Fang Yun and Song Zhou also failed one after another …

Moreover, the most important thing is that, just before, the beam of light of Pang Tong, the oldest of the disciples in the desert, was starting to dim, and apparently, he was about to fail.

In just one and a half months, the five great disciples of the Waste Hall have been disastrous!


The beam of light finally dissipated completely. When Pang Tong’s body fell from Qingyan, a disciple was already prepared to pull it out, and carefully connected it, and then he looked at the former pale. I ca n’t help but a little fear rises in my heart. Is the big barren monument really so terrible … even the best disciples of the barren palace who have been defeated one after another …

After Pang Tong was picked up, the quiet atmosphere of this world became even more dull, and it looked like it was going to freeze.

“Only Lin is moving …, Ying Ying sighed, said.

Ying Huanhuan nodded her head slightly, her teeth bit her red lips, and her slender hands twisted together, giving the color of the sheep’s fat jade a little more dark blue.

On a mountain peak some distance from the Great Desolation Monument, two figures stood on it, looking through the space and looking at the crowded area.

“The condition of the forest movement is not good …”, the old man in a blue robe stood slowly beside Ying Xuanzi.

“Maybe five more days.”

Ying Xuanzi whispered softly, and then he sighed helplessly. This time, has it been destroyed by the army?

Five days, the term ends …

But also when the scorching sun on the fifth day ascended to the middle of the sky, the faces of Chen Zhen, Wu Da, and others suddenly surged into a pale, panic-like turmoil, which was also quickly in this crowd of people. Spread like a tide.

Because the beam of light that shrouded Lin moved, at this moment, it began to weaken. The previous experience told everyone that it was a sign of impending failure.

Ying Huanhuan ’s jade hand was clenched, and immediately she pulled Laoying ’s brawny wrist, her eyes were reddish. Although she had great confidence in that guy ’s toughness and self-control, she also understood that this kind of Things, even the latter, cannot be easily ignored, she can imagine the reluctant smile of that guy in the future …


Ying Xiaoxiao looked at some young girls who couldn’t bear because of Lin ’s impending failure, and shook her head with a sigh. Maybe that’s it …

The beam of light finally weakened slowly under the countless regretful eyes.


When the outside world was boiling because of the weakening of the beam of light, the moving figure of Lin on the barren land finally fell down weakly, hitting the ground heavily, and the pain spread.

Lin’s whole body is cracked and cracked, which looks extremely scary, and the strength of his body is also exhausted during this time, even in secret, there is a light spot in it. Body chalk floated out.

Lin Dong grinned slightly, looking at the hay on the ground in front of him with a slightly fuzzy eyes. He knew that he was now at the end of the crossbow and had no strength to continue.

He stared at the hay, and after a while, stretched out his palm into the yellow ground, and caught the hay, even the roots.

The withered grass was off the ground, and the forest looked at the rhizome hidden under the ground. With the touch of a finger, the whole withered grass and even its rhizomes were turned into powder and scattered.

The powder drifted away from Lin Dong’s face. His expression seemed a little dull. After nearly half an hour, only a hoarse murmur sounded, and it sounded in this quiet place.

“It doesn’t look like this …”.

Lin Dong slowly looked up, looking at the gray sky, that color, as if the sky is dead, look at this land, although there are overgrown grass, but they are all dead …

Desolate, but this is not the case. After desolation, life is hidden. When the spring blooms, the barren will be full of life …

But here, even heaven and earth, are dead.

Lin Dong lowered his head and suddenly stretched out his hands to dig out of the ground. The dry dust was flying out. His power was exhausted at this moment, but he relied on the palm of his hand mechanically by virtue of an idea. .


It’s another yellowish dust, which was picked up by Lin Dongsheng from the ground. The dust spread out in front of the eyes, but Lin Dong’s eyes were shrinking to the size of the needlepoint at this moment. In the middle, he saw a floating black spot …

This black spot is exactly the same as the black spot on the monument, it is weird and evil, and it eats away the vitality of the world …

Lin Dong’s gaze fell with the black dot without blinking, and then disappeared. Then, he became like a sculpture and remained motionless.

The light spot began to radiate from the forest’s moving chalk. His half of his body was already dispersed, but when the body dispersed, the eyes that were originally covered by dust and slightly blank were At this moment, there is a sharp reproduction again.


He took a deep breath, then looked up, and looked at the endless expanse of land. Although there was no one here, a serious look appeared on his face. Immediately, youth Every word sounded.

“Give me your strength … the Great Desolation Monument … you are ill, you have to be cured ….


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