Wu Dong Qian Kun Chapter 698: Barren

The wave was extremely sudden and subtle, but after all, the wave came from the forest creature’s chalk, so he also noticed it at the first time, and then his pupils tightened a bit. sign.

Because the wave is from the mysterious stone rune.

And the fluctuation is a bit weird. To be precise, it is a very obvious target. This situation is the first time that Lin Dong encountered it after obtaining the mysterious stone rune.

“How could Shifu target this monument of barrenness?”

Lin Dong frowned and murmured, then he lifted his eyes, his eyes stayed on the magnificent monument in front of him, the surface of the monument was a little yellow because of the passing of time, and the top was not It’s smooth, but there are a lot of potholes, and some small cracks spread like reptiles, but it doesn’t seem to be a particularly big problem for the entire monument.

Lin Dong’s gaze swept across the surface of the stele very carefully, so after a few minutes, his gaze dazzled, and he looked at the place where the stele was, on the rough surface of the stele. , Faintly there are some small black spots existence hard to detect.

And just when Lin Dong’s eyes saw the little black spots, he suddenly noticed that the mysterious stone runes in the body chalk actually vibrated again, and the waves emanated.

Lin Dong’s eyes glanced past a touch of suspicion, and then his gaze shifted around, and then he found that there were not many black dots on the stone monument, but because the monument was too large, Coupled with the erosion of years, it is normal to leave six black spots on it! If it wasn’t for the mysterious stone runes in the chalk of the forest animals, I’m afraid that even the forest animals wouldn’t notice these normal black spots at all.

Lin Dong stared at the little black spots, hesitated for a moment, and finally stepped forward, then reached out a finger and touched a little black spot.

Lin Dong, Jiang Hao’s five people are very close to the stele. Before that, Jiang Hao also looked at the stele with great attention. They also reached out and touched it, so at this moment, the people around him were facing Lin. I didn’t feel too strange to do this.

And under such eyes, Lin’s fingers gently fell on the small black spot on the monument …

Jinna’s touch, Lin Dong’s complexion, changed instantly.

Where the finger fell, there was a wave of wave that passed into the forest’s moving body. The wave was cold and lifeless, and secretly, with a weird Evil Qi that wiped out the world …

Lin’s hand, Lin, just suddenly touched it, it was withdrawn suddenly, and then his face also appeared a pale color, staring in horror at those little black spots.

The kind of fluctuations, extreme cold and strangeness, no vitality, although Lin Dong knows that when cultivating to the dead realm, Death Qi with strong destructive power will be born in the human body, but the Death Qi There is an essential difference from this black spot.

And the main thing is that this kind of evil is not the first time Lin Dong saw it … In the ancient denominations in the Dahuang Ancient Monument in Dahuang County in the Dayan Dynasty, he also felt been.

The cold and evil atmosphere comes from the sky, and wherever you go, it seems that even the spirit of heaven and earth has been killed existence

Lin Dong pursed his lips. At that time, the ancient sect, who was also the master of the previous generation who devoured the ancestors, seemed to be destroyed by the unknown evil dark thing, but he did n’t know that he was on the big barren monument now. What is the meaning of this kind of fluctuation?

“What the **** is this?”

Lin Dong whispered to himself, as strong as the ancient sect, as strong as the black pupil old man who swallowed the ancestors, it is difficult to reach the unknown dark thing. What is this thing?

While Lin Dong was thinking in front of the stone monument, the four Jiang Hao were ready to continue. They sat down on Qingyan in front of the stone monument, looking solemn.

“Lin Dong.”

Wu Da shouted, this awakened Lin Dong from the state of absence, and then he took a deep look at the stone in front of him, returned to Qingyan, and sat down.

Due to seeing all five people attending the seat, Chen Zhen nodded slightly, and then swung his sleeve robe. He suddenly swept out of the chalk inside his body, and finally swept across the sky and fell. On the huge face of the Great Desolation Monument.


As the huge wild energy fell on the Great Desolation Monument, the body of the monument suddenly trembled, and then a dark yellow light shot from the body of the monument. Finally, the forest before the monument was moved by five people. Enveloping everything. The jade that shone from the light, Lin Dong’s body suddenly trembled, and then he felt an irresistible suction surge from above the monument, and the next time, the consciousness began to blur. The sight is also rapid darkness …

The sights of the mountains and the mountains are all gathered on the figure that is shrouded in five pillars of light. Looking at it like this, it seems that the enlightenment of the Great Desolation Classic has opened her.

“Sister, what will you encounter when you comprehend the Great Desolation?” Ying Huanhuan stared at the five figures that were motionless in the beam of light, and couldn’t help but ask Ying Xiao beside him. Dao, now here, it seems that Xiaoxiao should have experienced this kind of thing.

Wen Yan, Aoba and others also turned their heads, staring at Ying Xiao with their eyes, obviously all interested in this issue.

Ying Xiaoxiao Daimei’s eyebrows squinted slightly, her eyes looked at the huge stone monument with a loss of mind, and then she whispered: “This big barren monument itself has extremely powerful power …”

“Well, I know this. Many of us, Daozong, have shot at the same time. There is no way to transfer this big barren monument, and there is no way to control the time it is turned on. It can only be done at intervals. Dan River irrigation is used to assist the urging. “Ying Huanhuan nodded again and again.

“Seeing the Great Desolation Monument, it will be sucked into the space inside, where there will be an endless barren land, where there is no end, no life, only barren, let alone what is the Great Desolation …”

“Should be a test? Did Sister Xiaoxiao pass?” Aoba said thoughtfully.

Ying Xiao smiled a glance at him, then Aoba understood it, and smiled awkwardly. If Ying Xiao laughed through, maybe he would not fail to realize …

“I didn’t leave when I entered there, but I sat there for a long time.” Ying Xiaoxiao whispered softly.

“Keep changing without change.” Na Li of Hong Dian praised him. This is not a flattery. Instead of walking around in a place where he knows to be a test, it is better to calm down and think. How to break the game.

“Unfortunately, until the end, I still can’t break the game. The barbaric truth, maybe I can’t comprehend …” Ying Xiaoxiao sighed, his voice full of regret.

“If it is so easy, it will be a break, and the Great Desolation will not be so eye-catching.”

Muli smiled, and immediately looked at the five figures before the stone monument, saying: “I just don’t know if this time, the five of them will get anything …”

“I look forward to it too.

Ying Xiaoxiao nodded slightly, her eyes moved slightly, and she glanced more at the youngest figure on the left, which is where Lin moved …

“His head is such a **** place …”

The sky is filled with gray, and there are no gaps in it. It looks like the sky where the poison has not completely separated when the world was born.

Under the gray sky, there is a vast expanse of land. The ground is grayish yellow and occasionally withered grass, but there is no vitality existence. Some cracks spread from the ground and finally extend to The end of sight.

At this moment, on the endless vast ground, a figure looked helplessly at this scene and sighed.

And this figure is naturally Lin Dong who entered the Great Desolation Monument. He looked at the environment like ancient vastness, and there was a bitter smile on his face.

“It should be the test of the Great Desolation Monument …”

Lin Dong glanced up and glanced around him, and at one glance, he could see the end of the line of sight, and there was still the same barrenness.

The small figure stands in this vast world. The desolation is like turning humans into loess and burying them here forever. The feeling makes people feel breathless.


Lin Dong took a deep breath, and then his eyes gradually calmed down. Now that he is here, let’s take a look at this big barren monument, what do you want to do …


Lin Dong grinned. His choice was the opposite of Ying Xiaoxiao. He didn’t like to sit still and wait. Even if it was really exhausting, then he would try it for himself. !!

The vast earth, the young man strides forward, his eyes are as bright as tearing the barrenness between the heavens and the earth. However, even Lin can’t even think of himself. His journey is January …

(I’m thinking about this little plot, I wrote a bit slower, sorry.)


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