Wu Dong Qian Kun Chapter 643: Teaching

Chapter 639

On the platform, the woman in Xuanyi heard the crisp screams behind her, and her closed eyes slowly opened, and a very slight arc appeared on the corner of her lips, making her cheek frosty. Time has softened.

“Don’t you follow Master Wei to pick new disciples? How does this look?” Xuanyi woman’s jade hand gently held the blue long sword, and she stood up quite gracefully, her eyes with a smile Li Xiangying Huanhuan.

“Don’t mention it.” Ying Huanhuan frowned lightly, poked his lips, and said, “I wanted to see what the guy who won the championship of the Hundred Dynasties has, but it turned out to be a self-righteous fool.” /


Xuanyi woman’s eyes turned to the Dan River that was tumbling around the platform, her voice was light and there were not many waves.

“That guy gave up joining the Temple of Heaven and went to the Temple of Wastes.”

Should be happy.

The “Oh?” Xuanyi woman was slightly surprised, and was also slightly surprised. Obviously, this was the first time she had heard of such a thing.

“The guy said that he would practice the Great Desolation.”

“Ambition.” Xuanyi woman whispered softly.

“The ambition is quite big, but I’m not afraid to kill myself. If the Great Desolation Classic is so well cultivated, the Desolate Hall has already surpassed the Tian Temple far away. At the time, my sister also sat in front of the Desolate Monument Month, but no gain, how could that guy do it. “Ying Huanhuan hummed softly.

“The Great Desolation Suspension missed me, and it was replaced by others, so there was no chance.” Xuanyi Women’s Jade held a blue long sword, and the long sword slanted into the Dan River, a trace of sharp Sword Qi spread out.

“Cultivation of the Great Desolation Classic depends on more than just chance. Does my sister think that guy can still succeed?” Ying Huanhuan said.

The woman in Xuanyi slightly tilted her head and immediately whispered: “20%.”

“You said that guy can have a success rate of 20%? How could you have never seen him!” Ying Huanhuan’s eyes widened again, said.

“A person who can rely on the origin of a lower dynasty to surpass those geniuses of the super dynasty is not too simple. The champion of the 100 Dynasty war cannot be obtained by luck.” Xuanyi woman’s voice was gentle Road.

“Who knows, there’s nothing special about that kid …” Ying Huanhuan poked his lips and immediately said, “That guy dare to make a bet with me …

At this point, Ying Huanhuan’s eyes rolled wide, and the faint voice of the woman who just wanted to talk to Xuanyi came from the front: “Don’t come to me for these things. I ’m not alone, and I do n’t want to be distracted because of this, I have more important things. “

“Isn’t that the first defeat to Jiu Tianzhu of Jiutian too clear Palace …” Ying Huanhuan murmured, but her voice just dropped, and she suddenly noticed the Sword Qi diffused on the platform. Suddenly became sharp and shut up immediately.

“Little girl, if you feel free recently, I can let you confine for a few days.” The faint voice of Xuan Yi’s woman directly caused Yinghuan Huan to cover her mouth, and then hesitated without hesitation. .

You can hear a rabbit-like figure behind her. The lips of the woman in Xuanyi are also slightly stubborn. She has a blue sword in her hand and pierces straight. The Sword Qi is so dazzling that the Dan River tumbling in front is actually a chop. There was a huge deep trace of hundreds of feet. After a long while, the trace was smoothed again and again …

Vigorous nirvana is condensed in front of the woman in Xuanyi, and if it turns into an illusory shadow, it looks like a clear bamboo.

The woman’s eyes are like deep ponds, her slender jade fingers protrude, and she gently taps the forehead of the virtual shadow. Sword Qi surges, and instantly twists the virtual shadow into nothingness.

“绫 清 竹 … Oh, I will beat you …”

The next day, when Chenhui poured over Daozong, among the dozens of giant mountains in the barren hall, there were some quiet violent surges that did not usually occur.

The source of this violent fire was the spread of news. One of the newly joined disciples in the Wasteland has won the Hundred Dynasties, and he also gave up the Tiandian independently. Instead, he joined the waste hall. Of course, what most attracted the disciples in the waste hall was that the newly joined disciple was able to get the Dan River empowerment on the first day of joining!

Danhe empowerment. Generally speaking, only disciples who have performed extremely well in the barren hall are eligible to obtain it. For this year’s Danhe empowerment, obviously many disciples have been working secretly, but no one expected this year. The Dan River initiation was taken away by an airborne force.

This kind of thing is undoubtedly unpleasant for many disciples. Although they know that a champion of the Hundred Dynasties can add a lot of new disciples to Daozong, there is nothing wrong with this reward, but it is still unhappy, you A new kid, who has n’t stepped on the ground yet, just wants to be friends, so he might put them in the eyelids too!

On the north side of the deserted hall near Dan, there is an extraordinarily huge giant mountain peak. On the peak, there is a vast platform. At this time, the platform is already full of people and looks extraordinarily lively.

A group of people are surrounded by the platform near the front, and at their center, a man in a gray coat is looking at the Dan River with a gloomy look, and anyone can see it. The anger in his heart.

“Brother Tongchuan, don’t be angry about this. No one had thought of it …” Beside the man in gray clothes, several disciples in the wasteland kept talking, trying to eliminate their anger. .

While talking, those disciples in the deserted hall are also a bit helpless. The person in front of them is one of the most probable disciples in the deserted hall this year, and he himself is also in this situation. It must be, but I did not expect that this newly-disciplined disciple who was suddenly killed turned out to be one step ahead of everyone and snatched the Danhe empowerment quota. No wonder he was angry.

“Well, just a disciple who has just started. Even if he is a champion of the Hundred Dynasties War, I am afraid that he should know what qualifications are! To get this Danhe empowerment, he has to spend two years in the deserted hall!” Cold channel.

The disciples in the surrounding area can only respond with a bitter smile when they hear the words. It seems that Tong Chuan is not going to give up, and immediately they are a little sympathetic to the new disciple. Although he has contributed to the Taoism, but the hall also According to the rules of the deserted palace, some treatments also need the protection of strength. If Tong Chuan insists on shooting, even if the new disciple can still get Danhe empowerment in the end, it will obviously lose face.

As far as strength is concerned, they don’t have much to worry about. Tong Chuan has been in the Waste Hall for three years. Now his strength has reached the level of six yuan nirvana. Even among the personal disciples, it can be considered quite good. And that new disciple, it is said that the strength is only just four yuan Nirvana.

Obviously, there are a lot of disciples who rushed to Danhetai this time. In addition to Tongchuan, there are many other personal disciples, but they are not as angry as Tongchuan. Chest, full of interest waiting for the next thing to come, they are very clear, that new enlist disciple named Lin Dong, should not be too easy to get Danhe empowerment …


While many disciples were waiting on the Danhe platform, the sound of breaking wind suddenly came from afar, and then dozens of figures also came from a distance and finally fell on the platform. The leader, Correct Lin Dong and others.

With the appearance of Lin Dong and his party, the noisy platform suddenly became quite quiet, and all eyes gathered instantly. Many people’s eyes were mixed with a little fun.

Lin Dong, who fell to the platform, obviously also noticed this unusual atmosphere, but there was no slight accident on his face. He was also very clear that with his new disciple ’s name, even if he was a personal disciple, But obviously it is impossible to convince the public, and those who are older than him will certainly be hesitant to get the Danhe empowerment place …

Lin Dong also understands how to deal with this situation …

“It’s a very energetic group of young people. Looks like you don’t have to be too lonely in the future …” Xiao Min smiled and looked at the disciples in the surrounding area with a smile, smiling.

Lin Dong nodded slightly.

“You are the new biography disciple who joined the wasteland, Lin Dong?”

And shortly after Lin Dong appeared, the boy in a gray coat was the first to bear it.

“Here comes the show …”.

Seeing Tong Chuan stepping out, the disciples present all flashed this sentence.

“I’ve seen my brother.” Lin Dong smiled slightly and arched.

“Lin Dong, your victory in the Hundred Dynasties is indeed a contribution to Daozong, but it may not be wise to take advantage of this invitation. Danhe is initiating a place every year. Based on your current qualifications, I am afraid that I am not entitled to enjoy it, so I advise you to fight for this place in another two years, maybe it will be better for you. “Tong Chuan said lightly.

“Is there no strength or qualifications?” Lin Dong laughed lightly 0

Tong Chuan’s eyes narrowed, and he slowly said, “Since you want to ask like this, I can only say that you have both!”

“I see …”

Lin Dong nodded slightly, walked out directly under the watchful eyes of the many disciples in the deserted hall, and then clenched his fists in Tongchuan with a misguided look.

“Brother, please advise!”

The matter of Li Wei is not only what Tong Chuan thinks. As a newcomer, Lin Dong also knows the importance of this, but at the moment, it seems to be a good opportunity.

(To be continued)


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