Wu Dong Qian Kun Chapter 618: Ju Wu Ling

Chapter 618

Heavy blackness surging, like layers of dark clouds permeating the hood, the kind of astonishing fluctuations that spread from the dark clouds has attracted a lot of amazing eyes.

Lin Langtian hangs under the dark cloud, behind him, in the dark light, there is an extremely huge giant shadow looming, like a demon from the land of Shura.

“This martial arts …”.

At the light chair in the sky, those super denominations are watching this scene, and there is a touch of wonder on their faces.

“It’s a bit like the magical martial arts in ancient times. It seems that there are a lot of ancient traditions hidden in this ancient space. It seems that the little guy has met a tricky opponent …” The old man stared at the looming huge shadow behind Lin Langtian, and was also amazed and said to himself.

Lin Dong’s eyes stared at the imposing Lin Langtian. This strange and powerful martial art was not available in the previous Lin Langtian. Obviously, it was obtained later, or it was inside his body. He was passed on to him by that primitive god.

According to Lin Dong’s speculation, this martial art developed by Lin Langtian may be at least a superior spiritual martial art. Compared with the martial art of Tao Tie in Song Dynasty, it is only stronger than weak …

The dark light lingered on Lin Langtian, and the face that was right now became even more sullen. His gaze faintly looked at some strange black man staring at Lin, and then his mouth slowly lifted With a touch of cruel speed, stretch out your fingers and volley a bit.

“Fantasy Beam!”

Lin Langtian’s fingers lightly fell on the mid-air, the dark light surging behind him suddenly frantically, and finally turned into a dark beam to tear the sky, bursting out.


The speed of the dark beam is indescribably fast, and the fluctuations contained in it, even the strong ones who step into the five-element nirvana realm are somewhat moved.

The dark beam tears through the sky, and at the tip of that beam, the black light creeps, as if forming a weird grimace, which looks creepy.

Lin Dong looked at the sharply enlarged beam of light in the pupil of his eyes. His face was more dignified. Obviously, he noticed that Lin Langtian’s offensive was so severe. He immediately extended his palm, and the blue light on his palm quickly surged. Then quickly condensed and turned into a cyan scale shield.


The cyan scale shield has just taken shape, and the black beam is swept fiercely. At last, when it hits the blue scale shield suddenly, an amazing wave is swept away from the intersection.


Seeing Lin Dong actually blocked his highly destructive dark beam on the front, Lin Langtian’s face could not help even more, with ten fingers playing, the black light diffused behind him, turned into a beam of sky, madly sweeping Out.

This dark beam, alone, is enough to make a five-element Nirvana strongest dare not neglect. Nowadays, in such a battle, if you want to come to other Nirvana stronglists, you must avoid it. Sharp.

“How many times can you stop me!”

Lin Langtian laughed. He is now fused with the primitive **** in the body chalk. Although he paid the price for losing his independent personality, the power in his body chalk is also far more than that. To the ordinary Wuyuan Nirvana strong, this huge consumption is obviously not a problem for him.

He has to use a little bit to move Lin to death!

The dark sky is looming like black meteorites falling from the sky, and it is terrifying. Seeing this scene, Lin Dong also took a deep breath, and the blue light flashed frantically above his body.

The flickering blue light, Lin’s eyes suddenly froze, his fingers were restrained, and then popped out suddenly.


The turbulence of light is directly reduced to cyan scales that are not half the size of a palm. These scales are diamond-shaped, and the edge is permeated with an extremely amazing sharp coldness and incomparable sharpness.

Cyan scales emerged and suddenly rushed out. The room was like a cyan rainstorm that swept up from below to meet the dark beam of sky.

The whole sky seems to have become a showdown between blue and black at this moment!

Bang! boom! boom!

Cyan scales collided with black light. Above the sky, there was a continuous explosion of madness. Cyan and black light spread wildly. The violent fluctuations actually shook the surrounding mask. There were ripples.

On the top of the mountain, many eyes looked at this confrontation with some shocks. From the offensive of the two sides, they could clearly feel the killing intention contained in it, and neither side had any intention to show mercy. They are all killing tricks, and the people present are very clear. If they come forward, no matter whether the opponent is either of them, they will not be able to resist the stormy blue scales and the dark beams …

The violent energy waves swept through the mask, and two of them were also affected. They were immediately shaken upside down, and their toes barely stabilized in the mid-air for dozens of times.

“This **** …”

Lin Langtian has a stable figure, but his face is a bit ugly. He didn’t expect to see him in only half a year. Lin Dong’s strength has become so much stronger, and what shocked him most is that Lin The moving power seems to be extremely magnificent. According to the previous offensive, if the Wuyuan Nirvana is strong, it will inevitably have a lot of consumption, but now looking at Lin Dong’s calm and calm look, obviously the consumption It didn’t hurt it at all.


Spitting slowly from Lin Dong’s mouth, he raised his head, staring indifferently at Lin Langtian in the distance. Because of the existence that swallowed the ancestor, he could almost swallow the element from the heavens and the earth. It is obviously a very naive thing that Lin Langtian wants to compete with him for consumption.

However, Lin Dong obviously didn’t wait to continue to drag and play with him like this … Now that he has started, let’s go directly to the killer!

Lin Dong’s eyes are slightly drooping, but the sharp cold mang like a knife is surging from his eyes, his hands are slowly matched, and then the fingerprints change like lightning.


In the Chalk of the forest, the Yuanli, the fine Divine Strength, and the force of devouring all surged up, and finally poured into the Qiankun Ancient Formation above Dantian.


Majestic energy, like an eruption volcano, turns into a gray-black beam of light, suddenly bursting out from the forest’s moving chalk, and everywhere, the world moves.

“This energy … is so strange …”.

When these gray-black fusion power beams appeared, the super-denominational people on the light chair suddenly stared, and their eyes were a bit surprised when they stared at Lin Dong’s platform. They could feel In that kind of energy beam, there are fluctuations of elementary force and refined Divine Strength, and in addition to these two, there seems to be a very subtle and mysterious fluctuation.

“This little guy really has a chance …” The old man from Daozong stared at Lin Dong with interest. He knew that Lin Dong had inherited the Qinglong Temple, but he didn’t know that Lin Dong had returned. With this strange energy.


Huge beams of light burst into the sky, and then interweave in the sky. With the convergence of these beams of light, the void disappeared quickly and turned into darkness.

Darkness emerges, a faint shadow, slowly emerges.

The ghost image is not clear, but the blur can see him as if he was standing with a negative hand, and his eyes glanced at this world, an indescribable Aura, with an ancient taste, slowly diffused.

“The prisoner of the barren land, gather Wuling!”

Lin Dong’s complexion at this moment is extremely dignified. With the strength rising now, he is also more and more handy in controlling the fine spiritual martial arts of the Desolate Prisoner of Heaven, and he has some amazing powers that he could not exert in the past. Now he is gradually mastered.

The beams of light marrying a huge amount of energy, under Lin Dong’s whisper, swept into the nothingness, and then plunged into the vague illusion.


With the infusion of these beams of energy, the vain figure seemed to have become a bit more faint, and the dim figure could be seen in the slender figure, wearing a light gray robe, and the pair could not see clearly. His eyes seem to have a sense of overriding the world.

“It is possible to condense the spirit of martial arts to this step …”

On the top of the mountain, many people are looking at the ghost image of ancient Aura in the void, and their eyes are shocked. Most of the people here have spiritual martial arts, but few people can Bring the martial arts to this point.

The most powerful aspect of Lingwuology is not the power it brings, but the Aura of its creator, the top powerhouse of existence in ancient times. Aura, enough to shake the world

Lin Langtian looked up at the vague figure in the nothingness, and his sullen face gradually appeared an extremely dignified color. He could feel the power and dexterity of Lin Dong’s move. sail.

Lin Dong also took a deep breath under the staring eyes. Qi, the palm of the hand slowly protruded out, distantly pointed at Lin Langtian, the next moment, the eyes burst into coldness, and the palm suddenly gripped.


Just as Lin Langtian grasped it, the crowd saw it in horror. The blurry figure in the dark nothingness even stretched out his palm, and, most shockingly, The palm of his hand turned out to be really out of nothingness and appeared under the eyes of countless people!

It is a very slender and fair palm that looks extremely beautiful, but everyone knows that this palm that has been used in the ancient real existence must have great power to tear the world.

The palms seem to travel through time and space, from the ancient times, penetrate through nothingness, and then, under everyone’s attention, facing Lin Langtian distantly, taking a photo.


The sky photographed by the palm of the slender palm bursts instantly, and even the power of heaven and earth is under that palm, bursting!

This palm is so horrible! (To be continued)


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