Wu Dong Qian Kun Chapter 595: Sweep

Chapter 595

“Lin Dong!”

Xiao Shan’s body has fallen from the night sky, Aura is weak, but the face is almost filled with anxiety and corruption. The nirvana in his hand is a painstaking effort, using all kinds of methods. After absorbing nearly ten quaternary nirvana strongmen, this level of approaching the Nirvana gold list was reached, but now, it is completely taken away by Lin Dong, so that his long efforts have been exhausted!

In the night sky, many strong people around looked at each other. Obviously, Xiao Shan was unexpectedly defeated by Lin Dong, and even Nirvana printing was cleaned by the other party.

“Lin Dong, I don’t wear it with you!”

Xiao Shan’s body fell fiercely on the ground below. The huge impact force caused him to spit out blood, but he did not care about the injury, and growled angrily.

“Take the blame!”

Lin Dong sneered. If he loses to Xiao Shan today, I am afraid that not only Nirvana Seal will be taken away, but also the other party will use his blood to complete the complete Zhu Ganzong heritage for him.

Succeeding in defeating the king. In this year, Lin Dong has seen a lot in this ancient battlefield.

Xiaoshan is now seriously injured, it is not a concern, but Lin Dong at this time showed no sign of doing anything again, but instead turned his attention to Xiao Yan who was crossing the mountain on the mountain peak.

At this time, Xiao Yan, the violent force condensed around the body almost formed a substantial general, one madness permeated and spread, within a few dozen feet, the ground was directly dry and cracked, and all the trees became Withering eventually turned into powder and scattered away.

Mo Ling and others who originally sat in Xiaoyan ’s whole body Law Elder are now also because they can’t bear the violent force, and finally retreat constantly, running the power, resisting the erosion of the special hot power .

The fourth Nirvana robbery is not weak, but for Xiao Yan, it obviously does not have a fatal threat. He is extremely powerful, even some strong men with a quaternary Nirvana gold body. No one can compare with it. Therefore, as long as there is no special accident, he should have a 70% certainty to succeed in this nirvana. This success rate is relatively higher than that of most of the robbers. This kind of hope is out of reach.

“Is the power of the Da Luo Dynasty also blocked …”

Lin Dong’s eyes turned over the mountain peaks, only to see the purple and black chains flicker to form the Tianluo Di net, dragging the strong of the Da Luo dynasty to the scene, many people were shocked, after all, there was at least There are dozens of people, including three strong men who have stepped into the quaternary nirvana realm, but even so, they still cannot break through the obstacles created by Xiao Marten.

“What a terrifying power …”

Many people are looking at the strong forces of the Da Luo Dynasty who couldn’t get close to the mountain in the night sky, and then they looked at the handsome young man with a hand on the void, Some people with superb eyesight also startled a faint horror on their faces.

With one person’s strength, it is easy to resist three strong quaternary nirvana strongmen and dozens of others who are not weak. To this extent, I am afraid that only those who have stepped into wuyuan nirvana. Only the top powerful players in the market can do it, but at the moment, it is displayed in the hands of this exceptionally beautiful young man. Is this familyization also in the five yuan Nirvana?

At this point, many people are sweating all over, and looking at each other, their eyes are full of horror.

Five Yuan Nirvana Realm, this level must be reached in the core area of ​​today, but it can reach that level, but it is all the kind of existence, even in the super dynasty, Those people are almost able to enter the Nirvana Gold List steadily and eventually be seen by the super sect, but now … in this so-called low-level dynasty, there is even such a wicked one?

“This great dynasty dynasty.-How could it be so strong …”

Many people are speechless. They are a bit unimaginable. A low-level dynasty can appear so many evil-level characters at once.

At first they thought that Lin Dong was the best person in the Dayan Dynasty, but now they only realized that one of them was hidden from view

Yi Lin moved their lineup. Even if they want to fight against the existence that is considered to be the best in the super dynasty, it will not be too inferior.

When the sky’s eyes were dissatisfied with horror, Lin Dong was standing on a mountain peak, stepping on a black iron seal, holding a crocodile bone gun, and staring sharply and icily around him. He knew a battle, It must inevitably attract a lot of strong people to peek here, and now Xiao Yan is at the critical moment of crossing the robbery. If he is disturbed, the consequences are unthinkable. So even if he defeated Xiao Shan, he did not pursue the aggressive pursuit because he knew Both are heavy and light.

The sturdy Aura, which radiates from the forest’s moving chalk, is like a sharp sword that tears the night. With its sword-like glance, few people dare to look at it with it, before seeing the previous With the amazing fighting power of Lin Dong’s outbreak and the terrible power displayed by Xiao Marten, no matter how much they coveted the nirvana marks and Tianbao Lingbao in the hands of Lin Dong and others, they didn’t dare to take it easily.


While Lin Dong looked around and stunned the men, in the mid-air, the strong men of the Da Luo Dynasty were flying out of the sky and earth net formed by the purple and black chains, and they flew out. At all times, the nirvana printed in his hand was completely taken away by the little marten.

In just a few minutes, within Luodi.com, there were only three strong men in the quaternary nirvana realm, and the rest of them were all buried by the little marten.

At this moment, Xiao Shan is also swaying a bit uphill again, but his Aura is quite slump, obviously it was really hit by Lin Dong.

And when he saw the heavy loss of the Da Luo Dynasty, his pale complexion became abnormal iron, but he did not dare to shoot again. He knew that in his current state, he would not It may be Lin Dong’s opponent. Even if he is strong again, the consequences will only be so.


In mid-air, three extremely low voices came out suddenly, and then everyone saw them. Three purple and black chains were like poisonous snakes coming out of the hole. The lightning-like fan was in the three Da Luo dynasties. Above the strong body, a terrible energy flowed out, which directly drew the three of them and vomited blood, and at the same time, the Nirvana Seal in their hands was also taken away by the little Marten.

These three figures were eventually caught by the Da Luo Dynasty’s horses and horses. At this time, the purple and black chains in the little marten’s hands faded away. With a glance at the eyes, there was a faint heartbeat on the handsome face. Radon flashed.

No matter how calm and indifferent Xiao Wen usually is, he always has the heart of a Tian Yao Marten. According to his nature, if it is not for worrying that Lin Dong will be troubled after revealing his identity, I am afraid he would have taken these The guy swallowed it all, and where is the trouble?

“Who else wants to get our ideas?” With a shocking gesture sweeping away the Da Luo Dynasty, Xiao Marten looked slightly cold, slowly looking at the surrounding night sky, the cold voice, Swing away.

The voice spread, many people ’s faces changed slightly, but in the end, no one dared to interface. It was as strong as the Da Luo Dynasty. Tonight they were defeated in the hands of Lin Dong and others. They do n’t want to provoke this anymore. Ruthless role.

Mid-air silence and silence, Mo Ling and others on the mountain saw this, but they couldn’t help but stretched out their palms and rubbed their faces fiercely, and then they laughed bitterly. They were a bit unimaginable. The two with Xiao Mart turned out to be so scared that so many geniuses from various dynasties did not dare to let it go …

“These two perverts …”

Lin Dong stood quietly on the black iron seal. He looked at the quiet night sky, his expression was slowly, it seems that with the lessons of the Da Luo Dynasty, no one dares to make it easily. Bird …


The thoughts just flashed in my mind, Lin moved suddenly and suddenly looked up, looking away, there, on a mountain peak, a figure of Tsing Yi flashed out, a pair of extremely gloomy eyes, like ghosts, fasten them Lock it securely.

The moonlight poured down from the air and shone on the somewhat distorted face, which looked like a ghost and was quite appalling.

Lin Dong’s eyes and pupils narrowly looked at the figure, holding the palm of the crocodile bone gun, but it was slowly clenched, the cold voice, from his teeth, with an irresistible killing intention, escaped. And on.

“Linlang dog, you are not dead yet!

(Tomorrow, Monday, let ’s have a little activity with everyone. If the recommended ticket can reach 8,000, add another chapter ~

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