Wu Dong Qian Kun Chapter 560: Nirvana tablet test

Five hundred and sixty chapters

The golden monument stands quietly, the golden iris is weakly opened, and the powerful fluctuations spread faintly, which makes people dare not to have the slightest small, alas.

Lin Dong stared at the golden monument for a long time. Then he gradually retracted his eyes. The exclamation in his eyes was also a slight convergence. On the golden monument, he could see countless words. It should be those who passed here. After the test, the strong man who obtained the Nirvana Seal is up.

At this time, before the golden monument, there are many people crowding here. This is the most noticeable place in Vientiane City. When you come to the city, ten of them will come here to get it. Nirvana is also about wanting to meet some other powerful people in all directions to evaluate your own strength.

Lin Dong and his party walked on the towering top of the Eguang Square, and then looked for a good sight in front of the golden monument.

“No wonder it can be called a super heavy city. Indeed, it seems that many of the strong men in this ancient battlefield have converged here …” Xiao Min looked around, Suddenly laughed.

Lin Dong also nodded slightly, his gaze swept around the Nirvana monument, and he could experience the heavy obstacles on the road to the people here. Almost 70% of the people reached Nirvana. These people, speaking, can already be regarded as the backbone of this ancient battlefield.

Lin Dong’s glance gradually stopped at the place closest to the Nirvana Monument, and then his eyes were slightly frozen, where he felt some quite powerful Aura.

In their forefront, there are three waves of people attracting Lin Dong’s attention. The wave on the left is about ten people. Each Aura is not weak. Among them, there is a man in a silver fir … The man’s handsome appearance is just that his face is full of embarrassment and unscrupulous smile, but it makes people understand that this person’s character must be crazy.

Of course, from Lin Dong’s point of view, he does seem to have such a qualification … Judging from the volatility emanating from his body, this person’s strength is no more than two Dagan dynasties he had met before. The famous general is weak, and it is obviously also a weak character who is not weak.

In the middle of the center, it is the affection of Bai Xueshengxue, the woman’s face is very pretty, but it is a chill that is covered with a distance of thousands of miles. Looking at it, it looks like a thousand years of mysterious ice.

Nearly, she was also oblivious to the surroundings and sights … beauty eyes were just staring at the golden monument, the green silk poured down like a waterfall, and the vertical thin waist outlined the moving curve, so that So many eyes have a coveted taste.

On the far right, there is also a group of people … These people have different costumes, and in front of them, is a man in black. The man’s hands are behind him, and his face is calm, like a stun. Quan … no bottom.

“It’s interesting …” Lin Dong’s gaze swept across the three waves of horses, and he whispered to himself. The three waves of horses, on either side, didn’t look simple … And he was very clear, similar to this kind of horses, I am afraid that this is not the only thing in front of this Vientiane City.

“The guys on the left … are from the Silverwood dynasty, and they are also a senior dynasty … and the leading guy, called Yinsen, has already reached the ternary ‘peak of Nirvana’. The posthumous man is a bit famous in this Vientiane city. “Su Shi whispered.

“It’s a very annoying guy.” Su Rou, whispering.

Wen Yan, Lin Dong gave Su Rou a surprised look, the girl blushed a little, and her head bowed cutely.

“Oh, that guy has seen Xiaorou once and entangled her a few times, which is slightly annoying …” Su Ying explained with a smile.

“It seems that Xiaorou has a lot of charm.” Lin smiled, looking at the young girl’s red-faced face, and couldn’t help laughing.

Su Rouben said that Lin Dong’s face was red and fluttering. He even became hot, hung Liu Ya’s arm and hid.

“The woman in white, named Mu Hanyue, is not a small girl. Don’t look at her alone, but behind it, there is a super dynasty. Most of the people who make her ideas are not going to end well …” Su Shi turned the topic back again, pointing to the most noticeable scene in white, and said.

“Are they the super dynasty again …” Lin Dong glanced at the white-skinned winnowing in surprise, indeed it is Vientiane City, and even the super dynasty can meet at any time.

“The wave on the far right is stranger. They are not a dynasty, but are united by several dynasties. Although their dynasties are not very famous, they are all not weak, especially that The man in black, it is said that he once gained the heritage of an ancient sect, and his strength also reached the peak of Sanyuan Nirvana territory. A few days ago, a high-level dynasty that was hostile to him was directly destroyed by him … “


Lin Dong raised his eyebrows slightly, glanced at the man in black with both hands behind him, and learned a little more about the level of the Tibetan dragon and crouching tiger in Vientiane City.

“They came here and wanted to get nirvana marks, I really don’t know what level these guys can take … Su Kui has this curiosity.

Lin Dong nodded slightly, and also had some interests. He also wanted to know to what extent these strong men who didn’t look weak could be tested by this Nirvana tablet.

Before the Nirvana tablet at this time, as time passed, more and more people came together, and some people took the test midway, but most of them only got human-level nirvana marks. It doesn’t count.

After watching for a while, Lin Dong also found that most of those who have obtained human-level nirvana are in the state of dual nirvana.

“The strength of the dual nirvana territory can obtain the human-level nirvana seal. Generally speaking, if you step into the third tooth ‘Nirvana territory’, you can barely obtain the prefecture-level nirvana seal. I was in During the test, it was only a binary nirvana, so the nirvana marks obtained were only human-level. I will test again later, and I should be able to replace the nirvana marks at the ground level. Of course, even if I have this ability, Printed, the ranking will be quite low. “Su Kui aside.

Lin Dong smiled. He stared at the huge Nirvana tablet. It seems that whenever a person passes the test, their names will appear on the tablet, but most of these names are behind. , On this Nirvana tablet, it seems that the more forward the name, the stronger it is.

Thinking of this, Lin Dongmu could not help moving up. After a while, he saw two familiar names in the middle of the monument.

Zhu Tianhuo, Mu Huang.

The two generals of the great dynasty dynasty also seem to be at a slightly higher level.

While Lin Dong stared at the Nirvana Monument, there was a sudden commotion in Guangye. When he looked down, he could only see the Yinsen of the Silverwood Dynasty, and finally came out first, and then his face flew up and down. Stood in front of the wet plate monument.

As the existence that attracted more attention in the field, when Yin Sen appeared, he immediately shifted his eyes. Even the white women who had not paid much attention to it all moved slightly.

Yinsen stood in front of the huge Nirvana stele under the eyes, then stretched out his palm, and gently pressed it against the cold monument surface.

The figure stood still. The next moment, an extremely powerful wave of power surged from Yinsen’s body, causing a lot of surprise on the faces of many people around.

And when that powerful wave of elemental power surged out, a golden light burst out of the Nirvana Monument, the light spread rapidly from the palm of Yinsen, in a short time, then It broke through the restrictions of the human level, rushed directly into the prefecture-level area, and went all the way up, and finally stopped in the sound of that horror.

Lin Dong looked at the two golden fonts of Yinsen that emerged during the Jin Mang surge, and then looked up, in front of the name, there were only existence eight names.

That is to say, this Yinsen, even at the prefecture level, was able to rank ninth. This ranking is better than Zhu Tianhuo.

“Prefecture level …”

Near the Nirvana tablet, there are also sounds of surprise, apparently this ranking is already quite high.

“Then Han Hanyue is about to start …”

While everyone was screaming for the ranking of Yinsen, the white-clothed winnowing scene was finally moving slightly, and slowly came out.

“Hey, Mumei, are you capable of surpassing me?” The retreating Yin Sen looked at Mu Hanyue’s moving body, and couldn’t help licking his lips, chuckling.

The woman in white looked at him indifferently, but didn’t even bother, stopped in front of the Nirvana, and stretched out her long white hand.


Seeing that Mu Hanyue ignored her, that Yin Sen suddenly poked, a little annoyed, but he didn’t dare to make any further progress, but he knew who was behind Mu Hanyue.

In the attention of the audience, Mu Hanyueyu’s hand also had a golden light blooming, and then the light quickly moved up along the Nirvana Stele. It also rushed into the prefecture-level area like a bamboo, one by one surpassing the name above. The final stroke was Yin Sen’s ugly complexion, which put his name behind him.

Eighth level! It is one higher than that of Yinsen.

Mu Hanyue’s test has once again caused some surprises. This kind of performance is quite not weak. At least, looking at this ancient battlefield, she is already a leader.

“Neither simple sail …”

Lin Dong chuckled a little. His interest in the Nirvana monument was also growing. Immediately, his eyes began to turn to the man in black with his hands behind him. This man, from beginning to end. The complexion was quite calm, and there was no surprise at all because of their achievements.

“I don’t know how much this guy can rank at the prefecture level …” Lin Dong looked at him with interest and muttered to himself.

And when Lin Dong’s speech fell, the man in black finally stepped out slowly, and finally came to the Nirvana Monument under the attention of the audience.

(I ’m anxious for a recommendation ticket, I’m troublesome ~)


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