Wu Dong Qian Kun Chapter 518: Danchang

Chapter 518


The sky was bursting with wind, and a number of figures came quickly from the edge of the sky, and finally appeared around the huge island suspended in the sky.

This island is surprisingly large and magnificent. The forests and mountains are vertical and horizontal. It looks like an ancient land. The wild air brewed by the years emanates from the land and ripples in the sky. Majestic atmosphere.

At a glance, the island is almost invisible, and a group of people floating around it are as small as ants.

“It’s really strong …”

When Lin Dong and Xiao Yan appeared at this time, the office couldn’t help but amazed, and the eyes were full of stunning colors. Any building in this island seems to have not been damaged in the slightest. If you can see the vast and endless practice Martial Stage, if you want to come here in the past, it will be boiling and the sound will be loud.

“Let’s go in!”

Lin Dong stared fiercely at the four Xuanzong relics that could not see the end. Now the most important place is finally appearing, and they should set off to find their goal this time.

Lin Dong can even feel the excitement of Shi Funei’s trivial words at this time. As long as he can get this life and death runner Dan, he can regain the flesh again. At the same time, he also has a period of true peak opportunity!

Lin moved his fingers across his palm, smiled a little, and moved into a streamer that projected directly into the vast and endless island.

At this time, the surrounding area of ​​the island is also rushing in, and for a moment, the remains of this quiet island for a long time become noisy.


However, as more and more people rushed into this island, all of a sudden, the earth seemed to tremble, and then the earth broke down, and some Aura seemed to be awake at this moment. The roar rang out of the world, and all the energy filled with fishy gas whistled out, when even the unlucky guy was torn into a blood bubble

“No, be careful, there are still living monsters in this island?!”

Looking at this sudden change, an exclaiming sound suddenly appeared in the air, and they looked at the cold mansions that burst out from the ground, and their faces changed a little.

The two Lin Dongs were also surprised by this scene, but it was not too unexpected. After all, it is the remains of the four major Xuanzongs. It is not surprising that there are more special things than those who wake up. Beast, Aura is arrogant, but it may be difficult to stop everyone. Of course, it will naturally make some people trouble, but Lin Dongren is not in this rank.

“Little marten, can you sense the position of the life and death runner Dan?”

“Similar to this and the sectarian alliance, most of them have their own Danchang. Although I don’t feel the position of the life and death runner Dan, but I want to come to this thing should be stored in the Danchang, and the construction of the Danchang must be around It’s a pharmacy with medicinal herbs. “Xiao Min flashed out, his eyes flashing hot, and said quickly.

“And this island has the strongest medicinal taste, that direction!”

Lin Dong looked in the direction pointed by the little marten, and a smile appeared on his face. He kept talking nonsense, and flew out of the shadow with Xiao Yan.

The remains of these four Xuanzongs are extremely huge, and the forest is also full of towering giant trees. The awakened monsters are densely packed at an amazing speed, so when Lin Dong and the two tried to pass through, they also encountered. Many attacks, although not life-threatening, were slowed down.

“It’s really troublesome …”

Lin Dong looked at an ancient monster that was once again bombarded by Xiao Yan and shook his head. Now more and more people are breaking into the island, and since they can sense When it comes to the direction of the pharmacy, there must be other strong people who have the same feeling when thinking about it.

Everyone knows what Danchang symbolizes for this and ancient sects. Among them, Lingdan is enough to make people crazy, so there must be many strong men rushing to Danchang in all directions. If Lin Dong is late, and the runner Dan will be boarded by others, then I am afraid it will cost a lot of time.

“Well, once I was buried in the ground by the ancient monsters who used special methods, I dared to prestige in front of Diao Ye. It ’s almost the same for your ancestors!” Stop it from getting life and death runner Dan, I’m afraid it will be hacked directly by it.


Purple and black light swept away from the body of the small marten, and then turned into a ghost image of the sable demon behind him. Suddenly, one and a terrible coercion swept away!

When the ghost’s ghost appeared, Lin Dongqing felt that even Xiaoyan’s body was a little stiff, but it soon returned to normal.


Under these coercive sweeps, those ancient and beasts of psychic chaos suddenly trembled, and the last burst of humming and coquettling.

“Now you can only rely on this …” Lin Dong looked at the reappearing little marten again, and couldn’t help but smile.

After hearing the story, the little marten who just wanted to say something proud got a red marten’s face, and then immediately became embarrassed and said: “You know a fart, when the mink master recovers the flesh, then you will Know the talent of Mink! “

Lin Dong laughed a lot, and no longer teased him, with a braid on his toes, and his body suddenly rushed out.

With the little marten driving these delusional beasts, Lin’s movement speed has undoubtedly accelerated a lot, so after about ten minutes, the depressing forest finally dissipates, and the degree of presence appears in front of him. Yes, it is a sea of ​​medicinal herbs.

In this, the elixir and existence are in the form of tablets. The strong scent of medicine is like condensing into a substance, hovering in the air.

“What a big pen …”

Looking at this ocean-like elixir, Lin Dong’s eyes could not help but a shocking color appeared. If he wanted to cultivate a medicine of this size and scale, I am afraid that even some advanced dynasties could not handle it. It seems that the scale of the days of the Alliance was really a bit scary.

“In the medicine sea, Yaoyang is the Danchang …” The little marten points in the direction of Yaoyang in the Yaohai, and in the diffused medicine fragrance, a huge Danchang can be seen vaguely.


Lin Dong licked his lips. Some nostalgic gazes were withdrawn from the sea of ​​medicine. Most of the elixir here is not ordinary, but he is not proficient in this industry, so he does not get much effect. Come, grab the elixir, it’s better to grab the magic treasure directly!

For this reason, Lin Dong and Xiao Yan’s bodies are directly across the sea of ​​medicine and fall towards the Danchang in the middle of the center.

Danchang is a vast area. When Lin Dongren fell into it, the dust on the ground was also rippling. Obviously, it has been dusty for many years.

In this Dan field, there are a lot of huge Dan rooms. Lin Dong blasted a rune seal above the Dan gate, and then he saw that the tide-like Nirvana was spreading from the Dan room. Gushing among them, the red color was full of eyeballs, and the breath of amazing nirvana swept into the air.

Lin Dong looked at the millions of nirvanas and couldn’t help but swallowed a spit. This is just a relatively small Dan room in the Dan field. Among them is the one with this quantity. Nirvana, I really don’t know how huge the elixir resources are in this field.

Under this size of Nirvana, even if the forest is breathing, it is a bit heavy, and there is a redness in his eyes, and then there is no nonsense. Rushed in.

In just a few minutes, almost two million nirvanas have rolled into the bag of Lin Dong Qiankun. Such a bumper harvest is simply astounding.


When Lin Dong received Nirvana, the sound of breaking wind finally came from the distance, and some figures also fell into the Dan field, and then when they saw the red tide in the Dan room, their bodies instantly Stiff, the eyes were suddenly red next time … “.

“Oh my god, Nirvana, this is all Nirvana!”

A little crazy growl, one after another, there is an undisguised shock and ecstasy in that voice.


Lin Dong glanced at those guys who were almost going to be mad. He didn’t have too much greed. He knew that Nirvana was just as important to him in Nirvana, but right now, it is not here When …

Lin Dong’s shape flickered out like lightning, but his gaze was locked to the depths of Danchang. There, there was the largest Dan room, and Lin Dong felt the connection from it. He is always fluctuating …

Life and death runner Dan, it should be there!

(Begging for monthly tickets, recommended tickets!

Thanks to Tianji Children’s Shoes for being the martial arts fear league! )


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