Wu Dong Qian Kun Chapter 514: Bajiquanyi

Chapter 514

In the majestic thunderous fist that was swallowed by Lin Dong, his consciousness suddenly burst into a whistle, secretly, as if there was an ancient picture flashing past his mind. .

In that picture, it is still an ancient main hall. Vaguely, it can be distinguished that the main hall of the ruins where Correct forests move is located. In the center of the main hall, there is also a stone pier standing quietly. Before the stone pier, there was a thin and old figure. He was less than half the height of the stone pier, but the waves looming from its body were violent enough to shatter the world, as if his body moved slightly, It can make a big earthquake.

The old figure in the picture is only on the back, and then Lin Dong saw it. The palm of the old man was lifted up and a light palm was taken.


This palm seems to be bland, but when the palm is waving, the space in the hall is instantly distorted, and the indescribable and vigorous fist is like a rampant flood monster. The catapult was average and trembling. boom!

A palm fell on the stone pier, but the terrible fist that was enough to blast a space did not cause the stone pierce to be destroyed in the end. ‘It only left a half finger on it. Deep palm print.

This is not because the material of the stone pier is too strong, but that this mysterious old man has reached the level of transcendence that will send and receive power as heart. boom!

With a single palm, the old man punched out again with a single finger, and once again left a punch on the stone pier and the fingerprints faintly. Lin Dong seemed to have seen the signs of martial arts, and wanted to come to this palm , One punch and one finger should be quite powerful martial arts, but the forest movement feels that it seems not so simple.

“On the stone pier, Baji really means that someone with a fate can get it.”

While Lin Dong was pondering, the old figure gradually faded, and an indifferent voice sounded from Lin Dong ’s heart.

With the sound falling, I can only see that picture becomes strange and substantive, and the moving moon body appears directly in front of the pier in the picture.


With the emergence of Lin Dong, the fingerprints of the palm prints on the stone pier turned into three light bursts, and then turned into three light clusters, suspended in the middle of the stone pier.

“Is this the inheritance of the Eight Extremes?” Seeing this scene, Lin moved his heart to a sudden joy, his eyes swept away, and then he stretched out his hand toward the palm print group.


On the side of Lin Dong who stretched out his hand, his face changed suddenly, his eyes swept away, and he saw that there were three figures behind him, but it was the Song Duan three.

As soon as the three of them appeared, they looked greedily at the three light clusters above the stone pier. This evening, even if nobody said, they knew what they meant in their hearts, so they were just a godhead and then It is violent out.

Song Duan and Peng Fei are the fastest. They obviously have some fears about Lin Dong, so they didn’t dare to grab the palm printed light group that Lin Dong grabbed, their faces were punched by the fingerprints and fingerprints.

The two of them flickered very fast. The palm of the hand grasped the light group and immediately showed ecstasy. I wanted to realize how valuable the light contained in the light group was.

It was a bit furious to see these three guys coming out of the mess, and he was swallowed up by the pounding punches on the stone pier. Obviously, these three guys also took advantage of this opportunity to come. At this point, this scene is undoubtedly annoying Delin.

He was always the only one who picked up the cheap ones in the back. I didn’t expect to be a pioneer for these three guys this time, and looking at the meaning of these guys, I even wanted to steal his turn!

While Lin Dong’s anger was surging, then he saw another scene that made him unable to resist the anger and laughter. At that time, Musa, who had had an argument with him before, met him. After the fingerprints were all obtained by Song Duan, his eyes flashed, and he reached out directly to the palm-print light group in front of Lin Dong.

“Look for death!”

The cold light surged in Lin Dong’s eyes, however, just as he was about to make a shot, “Shang’s voice was suddenly heard:” … wait! “

The sound came so abruptly that Lin Dong was also a stun, but the speed of his men was also slowed down, and that Musa was passing by while grasping the palm print group with ecstasy, Xiang Lin’s eyes looked a little joking.

When the things are in hand, the three people in Song Duan have not planned to stay any more. This space seems to be emitting a repulsive force, pushing them out.


Lin Dong’s face was gloomy, and he was going to chase it out immediately, but the little marten came out slowly and lazily! “What’s the hurry?”

“What did you find?” “Lin Dong was bitten by Xiao Xiao’s appearance, but he calmed down immediately.” Although Shang Qian sometimes likes to make jokes, he obviously doesn’t make unreasonable things at this time Things, and since this is not the case, then it should be what the old and sly guy found.

“It’s really boring”

Wanting to see Lin Dong’s jumping sable, he froze. Obviously, he didn’t expect Lin Dong to react so quickly.

“If you really grab those three things, I’m afraid that you will miss the inheritance of the Eight Extremes,” said Xiao Xiao, looking at the stone pier. The hole has disappeared, but its eyes are more and more concentrated.

“Hands up …” ’

Listening to Xiao Qiang’s faint voice, Lin moved hesitantly, reached out his hand, and gently touched the stone pier.


On the spot where he touched, Lin Dong’s complexion changed suddenly, and a pale face appeared in secret. At this moment, he could feel an extremely stiff boxing fist, spreading over the stone pier. The inside swept out, and the fist meaning is exactly the same as the meaning of the old man in the previous picture!

The fist meaning is invisible and colorless, but it makes people feel that it is existence. It is as magnificent as the sea, and Lin Dong is one of the small boats. It will be captivating and clear at any time. Below, he seemed extremely small.

Under the majestic pressure of the majestic gangster, even Lin’s heels were a little weak.


On the stone pier, a gap suddenly cracked, and then the warp gap expanded. Eventually, the stone pier finally burst open.

With the blasting of the stone pier, a ball seems invisible, but in the eyes of Lin Dong, it is like the most vigorous explosion in the world, slowly floating out of the stone pier and floating in the air. Before Lin Dong.

“This is, fist intention?” Lin Dongtong eyes stared at the strange thing in front of him, he felt the terrible power contained in it.

“Bajiquanyi, this is the true jiji, the previous ones are just inferior things, if you take them, you will be directly rejected here, let alone want to get this “Baijiquan Love,” said Xiao Min lightly.

Lin Dongli took a breath of air. From the previous pictures, he knew that the eight-pole boxing intention should be left by the extremely horrible old man. The old man didn’t know what level he was able to gather the boxing intention. This and the intangible and ethereal things’ are simply not what Lin Dong can touch.

Thinking of the preciousness of the eight-pole boxing, Lin Dong couldn’t help but have the urge to get cold and cold. Fortunately, he didn’t get the light group before, otherwise, he would have lost watermelon and picked sesame seeds.

It’s no wonder that the old man said that he was deserved of fate. It seems that it is true. The previous three light groups were obviously just temptations.

Lin Dong grinned and calmed a little. Then he reached out and grabbed the octopus fist, and the latter did not have any resistance to him. He went straight into his body, and then Lin Dongbian It can be noticed that the eight-boxing fist flooded into his Dantian, suspended quietly, completely without the slightest fierce domineering, but Lin Dong could feel it, as long as he urged the eight-pole The fist will explode with extremely powerful lethality.

This thing is just like a booster. No matter what kind of offensive the forest moves, in the future, as long as it is slightly mixed with these eight poles, its power will suddenly skyrocket!

This is the true octopus tradition!

“— God, still have experience, wait for you to have the eyesight of mink, you can travel in this world.

’— Shang Shang Diao laughed, and there was a concealed pride in the laughter.

I heard that Lin Dong could n’t help but grin, but he also had to admit that Xiao Min ’s eyesight was very hot. If he had n’t spoken before, I ’m afraid he ’s pushed out of here now, and he wo n’t be able to get eight pole punch meaning.

“Let ’s go, it ’s time to go out. Some accounts have to be calculated. I ’m cheap, but it ’s not so easy to occupy.’

Lin Dong smiled, and his eyes gradually became more and more heavy. Although he might not get the eight pole punch without the interruption of those guys, the feeling of being robbed is really uncomfortable!

Since my heart is upset, it is naturally to solve the source of the upset!

Lin Dong’s eyes flickered with coldness. As soon as his body moved, he gradually faded away, and finally completely disappeared into this space.

(Begging for a recommendation ticket, monthly ticket, heroes are good, voting is a virtue ~ thank you!)


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